
故障代码Fault code描述Description可能的原因Possible reason缺陷元件Detection电梯状态Operation恢复Recovery试验Testing0001DTS 监测时间超时.软件定义的确定时间过后轿 厢的位置信息没有改变,门区 磁开关 30 没有变化.在确定的时间过后 30 和 B30 的开关没动作.时间过后电 梯回马上停 止.关电恢复这 个故障.慢车往下开过了 77U 以后 停车,在 LCECCB 板上拔下 61U/N,30,B30,然后转正 常,直到故障出现.04DTS 监测时间超时. (Resolve 20 电梯) 超速 连续三次同步运行失败For:V2 LCEDRV 连续 3 次同步运行均无法正 确接收 77:U/N,61U/N,30 信 号. The system has detected a non-commanded movement of the car with doors open within door zone away from the landings. 系统已 侦测到一个非指挥运动的轿 门内门区距登陆 3 次失败后停 在端站. Door open, at door zone, start permit on-state and not at dual door zone. 门打开了,在门区,开始允许状态 和没有双重门区。关电0005Unintended car movement detected 轿厢非正常动作Elevator stops immediately . 电梯立即停止。Manual Reset by Machine Room Inspection only. 关电或 打检修When doors are open at door zone and start permit is in on-state, remove 30/B30 along with 61:U and 61:N. 当门打开时,在门区,拔掉 30 /B 30、61:U 和 61:N .0007门区开关 30 或 B30 卡死.门区信号持续有效.启动一段时间后,没有检 测到 30/B30 信号的下降 缘运行至目的 楼层,不开 门,不走车关电或打检 修短接 LCECCB 上的 30(B30) 信号--XB21(XB24)的最低 插脚液压梯 液压梯1 00140015连续运行二次,监察门区电 路继电器 553 没有吸合.后 面会跟着出现 0076 故障代 码. 连续运行二次,门区监测回 路有不正确的动作, 后面 会跟着出现 0082 故障代 码. 液压梯553 继电器回路没接通.553 继电器没有接通 ADO/ACL 回路.运行至目的 楼层,退出服 务关电或转检 修.电梯在楼层位置时 443:1 或 443:2 或 486 没有动作以接 通 AADO/ACL 回路.连续运行二次中, 443:1, 运行至目的 443:2 ,486 中至少有一个 楼层,退出服 动作不准确. 务关电或转检 修.安全回路断开(另外有子故 障代码可供参考) 安全回路断开,故障 0021 的子代码描述. 子代码 2100 描述 安全回路断开.如果是 ADON, Rev.1 在使用的 话, 没有更多的诊断 信息, 如果使用 ADON2, 安全回路断开 小于 100ms, 软件将没 有足够的时间读到安 全回路输入信号. ADON2 在使用, ADON2 板上端子 XM5 / 1 和 XM1/1 之间的回路断开 ADON2 在使用, ADON2 板上端子 XM 1/3 和 XH1/1 之间的回路断开安全回路输入 1 无电压 电梯在检修状态在 ADO 板的 XC1/5 没有 电压电梯急停接通安全回 路断开安全回路当出现 0021 时再按 ACCEPT 键将会出现子代码.它以滚动形式显示. 可能的原因 ADON, Rev.1 1) 安全回路 1 输入点没有 电压, 其中的一个或多个开 关断开. 2) 在检修状态. ADON2 电源故障 1) ETS 线路没有电压 2) ADON 板的保险丝烧断 3) 机房停止开关动作. 地坑急停开关;限速器钢丝 绳张紧开关;缓冲器开关;补 偿绳(链)开关;终端开关动 作. 缺陷元件 ADON, Rev.1 在 ADO 板的 XC1/5 没有 电压 ADON2 安全回路上任一测试点 的电源丢失. 电梯状态 电梯急停 恢复 接通安全回 路 试验 ADON, Rev.1 接通安全回路 ADON2 需要特殊的装置试验这个 功能.2101在 XM1/1 没有电压.电梯急停接通安全回 路 接通安全回 路在 ADON2 板上拿走保险丝.2102在 XH1/1 没有电压.电梯急停使地坑急停开关动作.2 21032104ADON2 在使用, ADON2 板上端子 XH1 / 3 和 XC1/3 之间的回路断 开. ADON2 在使用, ADON2 板上端子 XC 1/ 3 和 XC1/5 之间的回路断 开. 描述 运行时井道门锁断开 运行中轿门开关打 开。 启动允许故障机房检修开关动作.在 XC1/3 没有电压.电梯急停接通安全回 路使机房检修开关动作.轿顶检修开关或急停开关动 作.在 XC1/5 没有电压.电梯急停接通安全回 路使轿顶急停开关动作.故障代码 可能的原因缺陷元件电梯状态 电梯急停 电梯急停。恢复 接通厅门回 路 轿门又被接 通时。 XD1/3 有 230VAC。试验 打开厅门或拔出 XH2 运行中拆去 XC1/7 的线。0025安全回路输入 3 无电压,输 XH2/3 没有电压. 入 1 和 2 必需有 230V 电压. 运行中安全回路输入点 2 没 ADO 板的 XC1/7 端子上没 有电压,输入点 1 必须有 有 230VAC。 230VAC。 启动允许回路里的触点没有 XD1/3 端子没有 230VAC 闭合,使电梯不能运行。 时,电梯不能启动运行。电梯不启动0026驱动不 OK。0027K7 继电器粘住驱动系统故障。驱动系统给 LCECPU 一个故障信号,更多 信息参考驱动故障代码。 故障由继电器本身的物理损 坏引起或有问题的晶体管使 K7 吸合。V3F OK 灯不亮。不启动0026 故障 排除。 换掉 LCEADON 板。手动 201:1,201:2,201:3 或 201:4 中任一个保持吸 合,然后试图使电梯运 行。 拔掉 V3F16es 热敏开关或 测速计。 当电梯运行时,跨接 XH2/3 到 XD1/5,保持到电梯停 止。主接触器不吸合,同时 厅门关着,LCEADON K7 是吸合的。电梯不起 动。开门按 钮能操作, 选本层将开 门。3 故障代码 0028描述 Swing door safety ray broken可能的原因 Swing door is closed and safety ray (photocell) beam is interrupted缺陷元件 Input &PHOTO_CELL& or &PHOTO_CELL_B& in wrong state.电梯状态 Elevator does not start if standing - Elevator run is terminated by emergency stop if running恢复 Safety ray beam is not interrupte d anymore and 1) swing door is opened or 2) new car call is given or 3) inspection drive or 4) automatic door opened at floor试验 Close swing door and cut safety ray beam4 0029During Advance Door Opening, a door became fully open before the car reached Floor Level.During Advance Door Opening, a Door Open Limit is present before the car reached Floor Level.Door Open Limit signal from door operator is active before both, 61U and 61N, vanes are present.Elevator will continue operating. The fault is information al.0030Swing door safety ray supervision device brokenSwing door safety ray device (as CEDES LI) broken.Safety device check at start fails.Elevator does not start.Door Open Limit is not present before floor level. Recovers automatica lly at next destinatio n. Safety ray device is working properly and new start happened. Power on/off or elevator switched to SED/RDF mode.Jump XB28/7 to 0v on CCBN board.Remove status wire (from CCB NUD output) 'from CEDES LI.5 0032Brake not released after stop. Resolve 10/20 only.Brake contact does not work properly after stop. Brake input polarity parameter (6.60) set wrongly. LCEDRV has detected a fault.Brake closed signal does not come in time after stopping.0036驱动时主接触器释放0037抱闸打开故障。运行中 V3F25 或 LCEMCU 或 LCEDRV 使主接触器不能吸 合。 LCEDRV 或 LCEMCU 或 V3F25 察觉到一个故障。 1. Brake does not open at start 2. Brake closes during lift run 3. Brake contact input connector loose. Note: Brake state is defined from LCEDRV input XBC. Polarity of XBC input is defined during setup run. To disable this supervision disonnect connector XBC and rerun setup.运行中来自 LCEDRV 或 LCEMCU 或 V3F25 的 V3FMCONTACTOR ENABLE 信号变成“不动作”。 During start brake does not open within 1 second or brake closes during drive. Not checked on KCM831 traction or Hydro.Elevator stops immediately . Further drive denied and doors stay closed. Also fault code F0026 displayed. 电梯急停。Automatic after lift stops and fault resets.LCEDRV: Pull encoder connector from G5 drive. V3F25: Pull tach signal (XG1) from drive.电梯停止和 故障消除 后。V3F25 的 TACHO 信号在运 行中拔出。Elevator stops immediatelyPower Off and On.Disconnect connector XBC ( LCEDRV)6 0038主抱闸模块反馈的故 障(ADON2)XEB1 on ADON is connected to XEB1 at the EBrake module (388:2), instead of being connected to XEB1at the Main brake module(388:1).Elevator is standing for two seconds and LCECPU detects apparent Main brake as picked status from ADON.Elevator will not start.缓冲器测试按钮卡死 Emergency Brake failed to pickCPU 板上的缓冲器测试按钮卡 死 Emergency Brake failed to pick Should always occur with some other ADON fault code(0177 through 0200). 轿厢照明没电 厅轿门关闭 10S 后门的极限 信号没收到。 尝试多次关门但门锁仍不通当电梯启动时按钮在按 下位置。 On starting, LCE checks &EM_BR_PIKD& signal from ADON.电梯不能启 动。 Car prevented from starting.-& Power off and on or -& Switch to Inspection (not HAC) or -& Ensure XEB1 on ADON is connected to XEB1 on Main brake module (388:1). 关电,送 电。 Power Off and On.Remove XEB1 from EBrake module (388:1) and connect it to Main brake module (388:2) instead.电梯启动时使按钮一直按 下。 Disconnect E.brake coil and give a call. (may need ADON test board in future SW)轿厢照明监察 关门极限信号丢失CCBN 板上没有 22VAC0044关门故障轿厢照明电恢 复 CDL 没有侦测到。 当门的极限 信号正常后 恢复 门已关闭但 XC1/7 或 XH2/3 5 次失败后,开 有新召唤或打 端子没电。 门不走 检修运行至目的楼 层,脱离服务 电梯不启动关掉 262 照明开关 当门打开时同时拆去 AMD 门上 X2/9 的线,选内选指 令让门关闭。 拔掉 LCE230 的 XH27 0046轿门、厅门开关或关 门极限开关之间不匹 配。 重开门时间超过 1 分 钟 液压梯 启动失败门关闭后“轿门开关”“厅 门开关”“关门极限”中有 一个开关是打开的。 光电或开门按钮持续动作时 间超过 1 分钟。0048当 XC1/7,XH2/3 或关门 极限中有一个开关闭合 时,其他的输入有 4S 以 上的延时才闭合。 A 或 B 门的光电或开门按 钮持续动作时间超过 1 分钟。 5 次启动失败。门重新打 开,尝试关 门四次失败 后出 0044。 电梯保持开 门直到障碍 物移开。 电梯启动失 败,开门后 再试。 电梯立即停 梯,禁止新 的运行,可以 RDF 运行。 电梯被脱离 群控,内呼 取消。超时设定障碍物移 开。电梯不能启动。0052顶部和底部的同步开 关同时动作。77U/N 同时动作。灯 77U/N 同时亮检修运行或 一个新的内 选。 使其中之一 不动作。拆去 XD1/5在 LCECCBN 板上拔去 77U/N。液压梯 非驱动时间溢出 150S 内电梯不能启动,可能 是门,群控,驱动等的问 题,也可能出 86 故障代 码。 电梯有驱动指令,但不 运行。电梯有未应答的 呼梯指令,但在 OFFNONDRIVE 参数规定的 时间内没有响应或出 86 故障(允许启动命令一 直 ON)。 一定的时间 后自动恢 复,单梯 10S,群控 梯 100S。 禁止开门,并拔去 XH2,输 入一个呼梯指令。0059液压梯8 0060Pick-up missing0061关门力动作太长Old LCE controllers where LCE SW is rev. 3.x or 4.x based and drive is V3F16es or V3F25 where so called parallel interface between LCE and drive is used. Pick up signal from the drive is missing. 门有障碍物,人为操纵。Elevator is driving but pick up signal doesn't come from the drive unitElevator drives terminal floor.toAutomatica lly at terminal floorRemarks: this fault from EDMS document 713490关门力开始计时 15S 内 厅轿门和关门终端信号 都不动作。0062检修运行上下方向按 钮卡住。轿厢或机房的检修开关按钮 卡死。检修模式或检修运行停 止后,按钮卡住。 LCECPU 的 XM11/3 输入是 0VDC.LCECCBN 的 XB12/2 或 XB12/1 的输入是 0VDC.门重开并尝 试再关门, 尝试失败后 出故障,相 关故障 0044 阻止电梯检 修运行,如 果上下两个 按钮同时动 作,电梯将 立即停止运 行。一个内呼, 关门按钮, 电梯模式的 改变都可以 恢复。 开关复位。在转为检修运行前使方向 按钮的一个为 ON。9 0064K637 relay feedback failureFailure of K637 relay on the LCECCBN.Elevator is in any mode other than fire recall and noramlly closed contact of relay K637 fails to feed input on LCECCBN.Fault detected while standing: Post fault immediately . Fault detected while moving: Lift drives to destination floor and posts fault once standing.Power Off and On.While lift is moving, set UI menu 5-11 (K637 test) to 1. Lift should post fault when standing at destination floor.10 0065Normal relay (K442) on LCEADON failed to pick.Failure of K442 relay on LCEADON.K442 relay on LCEADON is deenergized in any mode other than inspection.Elevator crash stops. Goes to inspection mode, but will not drive on inspection.0066HAS relay (K442:1) on LCEADON board failed to drop while NOT in inspection mode.CCBN(2) XT6/1 not at 0 VDC while car on normal. Possible hoistway access enable switch malfunction.K442:1 is energized in any mode other than HAS. CCBN(2) XT6/1 terminal not at 0VDC while car on automatic.Elevator crash stops and is prevented from starting.0067Fault not Active. HAS relay (442:1) on LCEADON board failed to pick while in HAS.Defective 442:1 relay. Break in the XC5/3-XT6/3 circuit. Failure of 442:1 relay contacts.442:1 is deenergized when on HAS.Stops the elevator immediately . Normal drive not allowed.If the HW fault condition is corrected, then a power cycle will reset. An LCEADON board change may be required. Power Off and On, or machine room inspection drive is required to reset this fault. When inspection and HAS and NORM inputs are in agreement.Car top inspection and machine room inspection and access enable all on automatic. Jumper LCEADON XM23/3 to +24VDC.With elevator on normal, remove wire from XC5/3 on LCEADON and ground XC5/3 on LCEADON. Also jump XM23/4 to +24vdc.Put elevator on HAS and remove wire from XC5/3 on LCEADON.11 0071门区信号 30、B30 丢 失 61U 开关粘住故障30、B30 信号没有发现当通过 61U/N 时没有发 现 30、B30。 30 信号改变后 61U 没有 变化。007261U 的状态不改变007361N 信号丢失61N 输入无信号30 信号改变后 61N 没有 变化。007461N 开关粘住故障61N 的状态不改变30 信号改变后 61N 没有 变化。007561NU 信号丢失61U 输入无信号30 信号改变后 61U 没有 变化。不开门运行 到目的层 楼。 电梯运行到 目的层楼, 再运行到最 低层楼验证 一次,还有 故障就退出 服务。 电梯运行到 目的层楼, 再运行到最 低层楼验证 一次,还有 故障就退出 服务。 电梯运行到 目的层楼, 再运行到最 低层楼验证 一次,还有 故障就退出 服务。 电梯运行到 目的层楼, 再运行到最 低层楼验证 一次,还有 故障就退出 服务。关电或转检 修 关电或转检 修。在 LCECCBN 板上拔出 XB21 和 XB24,运行电梯过一个 层楼。 把 LCECCBN 板上 XB22 的底 下二个针脚连在一起。关电或转检 修。拔出 LCECCBN 板上 XB23。关电或转检 修。把 LCECCBN 板上 XB23 的底 下二个针脚连在一起。关电或转检 修。拔出 LCECCBN 板上 XB22。12 00760077门区监测回路的 553 继电器工作不正常, 如果二次连续发生此 故障将出 0014 的故 障。 开门终端信号持续无 效ADO/ACL 回路没有被接通。ADO/ACL 线路里的 553 继 电器没有吸合。正常地运行 到目的层 楼。10S 后自动 恢复。门没有开到位或极限开关坏0078内呼卡住至少一个内呼卡住门正在打开,但过了在 OPENINGLIMIT 参数设定 的时间后“OPEN END” 信号还没有改变。 内呼在 60S 内不能被取 消。 外呼在 60S 内不能被取 消。 ROW: Supervision is made when the doors start to close to ensure that there is no wire jumpers in the door circuit. NA: Shaft door lock contact, input 3 on the LCEADON, stays high after lock check command released by LCECPU.0079外呼卡住至少一个外呼卡住0080Lock check (553) circuit failedFaulty ADON Board or door circuit overconnected电梯开门 15S 后关门,允 许继续运 行。 按钮正常前 该内呼将被 服务。 按钮正常前 该外呼将被 服务。 ROW: Door remains opened and new starts are prohibited. NA: Door will remain open until input 3 on LCEADON returns to correct state.当门关闭时 自动恢复。拆去开门终端信号。按钮正常后 恢复。 按钮正常后 恢复。 When input 3 returns to correct state.持续按住一个内呼 60S。持续按住一个外呼 60S。Jumper XH2-3 to XC1-50081再平层故障隔磁板、驱动系统、钢丝绳 有问题。平层多次不好。一次正常运 行后恢复。阻止电梯正常平层13 0082门区监察第一次不能 吸合 位置丢失 开门终端信号一直有 效 Door opening prevention switch turned ON 启动允许信号一直有 效 轿门触点无法打开 DOM 监测失败 BAR ChA, ChB, ChC (30) or B30 failure85486,443:1,443:2 任一个运 行时没有吸合或释放 (ADO/ACL) 1)SETUP 没有做 2)LCECPU 不知道轿厢位置 开门终端开关卡住 Not used486,443:1,443:2 其中至 少有一个接触器工作不 正常。 位置与井道信号不符 开门终端和关门终端信 号同时有效。如常运行至 目的楼层 运行至端站 故障代码被 显示。10 秒后自 动回底层 在端站同步 位置 自动运行时让 443:2 保持吸合89 0091有跨接线或输入点有问题 同一时间有二或更多的厅门 被打开。 1. Car outside door zone and lift is not moving (speed & 1.0 cm/sec), or 2. Bar reader channels A or B not working correctly 3. Bar channel C (30) or B30 is stuck to ON state 4. Bar channel C (30) or B30 is stuck to OFF state 5. Door flag or magnet is missing at some floor门打开一定时间后输入 信号被检查。 被 DOM 板监测到。 Lift movement is not detected when car outside door zone and lift should be accelerating or running at full speed (not decelerating) or Failure in signals 30 or B30门关,退出 服务。 Elevator travels to the terminal floor in the current direction of travel, then opens and closes the doors. Elevator is not permitted to drive.当信号回到 正常状态。 关电 Correct Channels A or B or C or B30 and ROW: power Off and On required. NA: Manual Reset by Machine Room Inspection only.跨接输入。1. Disconnect positioning system sensor signals (channel A and B) or 2. Disconnect 30 or B30 input or 3. Set 30 or B30 permanently to ON state14 0092BAR ChA, ChB cross wired or 77 wrong polarityPositioning system sensor wires crossed. 77:U becomes active during a down run. 77:N becomes active during an up run.Sync switch 77U becomes active during down run or sync switch 77N becomes active during up run0093Normal relay (K442) on LCEADON failed to drop.Failure of K442 relay on LCEADON. Accidental ground fault at ADON terminal XM23/5 at LCEADON boardWhen the elevator is in Inspection mode and relay K442 has not dropped.Lift stops immediately . Normal drive is not possible. Inspection drive is possible The elevator is not permitted to drive.Correct the 77:U/N input status and power cycle.Cross positioning system sensor wires (BAR channels A & B)Recycle power.0095Hall door contact does not open. 厅门触点粘连。Door doesn't open. Hall door contact jumpered or input brokenInput Hall door contact0096Car door limit does not openDoor doesn't open. Car door contact jumpered or input brokenInput on ADON .Door will remain open until the input resumes to correct state. Door will remain open as long as the input resumes to correct state.When the input is back in correct state.While elevator is on any type of Inspection mode: 1) Force K442 Relay to be picked, or 2) Ground terminal XM23/5. Jumper XH2 1-3.When the input is back in correct state.Jumper XC1/ 5-7.15 0097K616 relay failed to dropFailure of the K616 relay on the LCEADON.When the elevator is moving and exceeds an ETS speed reference plus 20 cm/s for more than 2 seconds and relay K616 is still energized.The elevator will proceed to the destination floor, open doors for a short period, and remove itself from normal service. The elevator takes itself out of normal service.Reset is by inspection mode only. Power cycle does not reset the fault.0098K616 relay failed to pickFailure of the K616 relay on the LCEADON.When the elevator is stopped and K616 relay is not energized.The fault resets if the elevator is stopped and the relay is energized.Select elevator whose contract speed is 1.5 m/s or greater and does not have ETSL boards. Set UI:5:20=100. Physically keep K616 Relays energized. (For ADON Rev.1.x, add jumper across Q90 pins 2 & 3, see drawing 773361, page 8. For ADON2, jump TP1201 to CTR0V). Run car for a high-speed run of more than two seconds. Run car on high speed. Once K616 Relays drop, keep them physically de-energized. Check that fault 98 is reported when car has arrived and is stopped at destination floor.16 驱动系统故障 101-139 A = supervision can be adjusted with parameters Data 2 mode information: 1=normal, 2=inspection, 3=correction, 4=relevelling, 5=reduced speed 0101 驱动停止 驱动发现故障并停梯。 如果没有其他故障代 码,那他是驱动内部的 故障。 电梯急停。 检查其他驱 动故障。 当运行时打断安全回路。0102电流过流马达过流子代码1024子代码名称 Motor current switch off fault2001短路监控描述 Motor current detected although motor bridge IGBTs are switched off. 马达电流传感器 显示短路 马达电流传感器 显示马达电流过 高 MCDK fault logic tripped, but fault数据 1数据 2原因 Broken motor bridge IGBTs. Broken current sensors.当电梯连续 两次发生, 电梯将停 5 分钟,并显 示 0104 侦查 Motor current is measured by current sensors.5 分钟后恢 复。动作 Drive is faulted.恢复 By user: switch to inspection/RDF mode or cycle power.测试0020022049马达过流 / LCEDRV 缓冲器测 试按钮卡死。 Motorbridge internal error0000马达电流过高,检查驱 动参数、电流比例和制 动器 马达电流过高,检查驱 动参数、电流比例和制 动器 Very short pulses in fault signals or broken circuitry.硬件硬件DCBL tries to read fault from MCDK立刻停车,在 故障修正前阻 止新的起动 立刻停车,在 故障修正前阻 止新的起动 Stops immediately当电流低于限 度,5 分钟后自 动恢复 当电流低于限 度,5 分钟后自 动恢复 Automatically-17 could not be identified.2074马达整流 IGBT马达整流检测到 故障 MCDM 抱闸电阻检 测错误 MCDM 控制电压错 误00缩短线圈。IGBT 损坏after its fault signal is set high and control pulses are removed but no fault can be read. MCDM 马达桥驱 动电路监控 IGBT 操作正确急停自动恢复-IGBT 制动 功率级控制电压0 错误电压 15=15V 17=17V0 0IGBT 损坏 MCDM 电压规律故障 MCDM 监控 15V 和 17V 电压 立刻停车 自动恢复-0103子代码制动电阻 描述 抱闸电阻或晶体 管问题制动电阻损坏。 数据 1 0 数据 2 01002子代码名称 抱闸电阻2077Braking transistor overloadToo high peak or RMS current through braking transistor00在 DC 回路有太高的电 压。 原因 型号错误,无法连接或 损坏。晶体管太长或损 坏 Wrong resistor box size (too small Ohm) or too small drive module for application (too much power coming from motor when driving to light电梯急停。 侦查 MCDM 监控晶体 管 RMS current is calculated from motor power and dc link voltage. Peak current is calculated故障消除 后。 动作 驱动故障拆去制动电阻。 恢复 自动恢复 测试 断开抱闸电阻Stops immediatelyAutomatically18 direction3069ECB-1 failedECB-1 failed state is detected00ECB-1 Internal errorfrom rms current by dividing it with control duty. Drive samples ECB-1 status signal and shows the warning message when the status signal blinks with 20% PWM of 5Hz.Warning displayed.Disconnect ECB-1Unplug DC-link cable from ECB-10104子代码马达过热 描述 马达超载保护动 作频繁马达热敏电阻起作用;热敏 电阻线松脱。 数据 1 0 数据 2 0 原因 参数错误和电气问题阻 止电梯运行,超载 侦查 较多连续性 104_2005 故障 动作 驱动故障 恢复 传感器温度正 常,5 分钟后自 动恢复 测试 断开热调节器 /NTC 线和/或以 分压计更换。调 整电阻使监控触 发 Disconnect thermistor cable and/or replace thermistor with1035A子代码名称 超载2003Motor over temperature fault (thermistor)motor thermistor indicates overtemperature00Motor overheated. Thermistor broken or thermistor cable disconnectedHCB board is measuring voltage over thermistor and with too low orPrevents new start.Automatically after thermistor indicates normal temperature.19 high value supervision is tripped 2004A 马达温度 马达热调节器或 NTC 感应器过热 0 0 马达过热,热调节器 /NTC 损坏或热调节器 /NTC 线断开 驱动故障 传感器温度正 常,5 分钟后自 动恢复potentiometer.2005A马达超载测量的马达载重 过高 测量的马达载重 过高 马达热调节器或 NTC 传感器显示 过热00参数错误和电气问题阻 止电梯运行,超载 参数错误和电气问题阻 止电梯运行,超载 超载,热调节器/NTC 损 坏或热调节器/NTC 线断 开驱动故障自动恢复3044A马达超载警告00驱动故障自动恢复3057A马达过热警告00驱动故障传感器温度正 常,5 分钟后自 动恢复断开热调节器 /NTC 线和/或以 分压计更换。调 整电阻使监控触 发 测量当前载重, 设置载重小于测 量值 测量当前载重, 设置载重小于测 量值 断开热调节器 /NTC 线和/或以 分压计更换。调 整电阻使监控触 发20 0105交流电源问题/ V3F10 故障 描述 直流电压超限中间回路电压太低,298 保 险丝或充电电阻损坏。 数据 1 1=电压 不足 2=超电 压 0 数据 2 0 原因 电阻失效电梯急停, 不会再启 动。 侦查 电阻或晶体管 不工作,系统 参数错误 By hw 动作 急停 恢复 直流电正常后自 动恢复 测试 较高的电阻值更 换,运行电梯子代码2006子代码名称 直流电压200724V supply is not OKDCBG/DCBM-CPU 24V out of operational limits0AC supply, too much load in supply or cabling. Too high or low 24V supply voltage (&16V or &35V) or broken DCBG-CPU.Stops immediatelyAutomatically0106变频器不好制动电阻监察;马达温度监 察;启动故障次数超出限 制。 数据 1 0 数据 2 0 原因 力矩极限太低,马达编 码器损坏,编码器连线 或系统参数错误电梯急停, 不会再启 动。 侦查 驱动监控马达 感应器的不同 速度。若检测 到错误则测速 机计数故障增 加.成功运行后 计数重置 动作 驱动故障给个错误的 6-6 参数。子代码1001A子代码名称 TFC (测速机故障计 数)描述 测速机计数故障 超出设定的限额恢复 检修/RDF模式或 关机重启测试 断开马达布线, 多次运行电梯1022BFC fault (Brake Fault制动器控制电流 或反馈信号不能太多的制动/制动反馈错 误电梯锁死通过 RDF/ 检修 模式拿走反馈信号21 Counter) 1039 Brake feedback fault (moving) Brake feedback fault (standing) Speed controller torque supervision counter fault 软件版本正确工作 制动器反馈监控 器 制动器反馈信号 动作 制动器反馈监控 器 制动器反馈信号 动作 速度调节力矩监 控停止运行太多当控制的制动器打开时 监控器探测到错误的反 馈信号 当不控制制动器时监控 器探测到错误的反馈信 号 超出速度调节力矩的极 限使电梯停止太多。电梯锁死通过 RDF/ 检修 模式拿走反馈信号电梯锁死通过 RDF/ 检修 模式拿走反馈信号电梯锁死通过 RDF/ 检修 模式 由用户:从SD 卡升级新软件使用错误的系统 参数 升级MCB 各软件 版本,使之高于 CPU 的软件版 本。 Using modified version of BCR or by causing movement during start sequence.1055软件升级失败00两个处理器内的软件版 本不兼容如果版本不匹 配,监测动作驱动故障1056Movement risk during start or stop sequenceSequence control has detected failure which could cause unintended movement00Brake close time is too short. Problem in BCR relay control. Wiring mistake.Motor movent is monitored from encoder. Brake current is monitored during start/stop sequenceDrive if faulted.By user. Switch to inspection/RDF mode or cycle power22 0107子代码称重故障 描述 不能调节或丢失 LWD setup missing.电梯启动时称重设备给出错 误的值。(电压少于 0.6V) 数据 1 数据 2 原因 侦查 禁止再起动 0 0 LWD setup is not made HCB is checking that LWD setup is done. 驱动测量感应 电流,数值太 高或太低,监 控失效。未设 置LWD禁止进行 纠正 基于现有的设 置,计算载 重。若数值太 高或太低,出 现警示界面 电梯急停, 不会再启 动。 侦查 驱动比较参考 速度及马达速 度。若差值较 大,监控失效调整称重装 置。 动作 当 LWD 工作正 常时 Inspection and shaft setup is possible 驱动无法动作 恢复 断开 LWD Perform LWD setup. load initial settings 测试子代码名称 LWD 输入变化太 小 LWD setup not done2008称重称重传感器信号 超出范围或未设置 LWD00传感器损坏,布线错误 或未设置 LWD当信号处于适当 的范围或 LWD 已 设定,自动恢复断开 LWD3020称重警告LWD 设置错误或 超载00LWD 设置错误或未设置 或传感器位置错误正常运行但运 行后出现警告 显示当计算的载重处 于适当的范围或 LWD 已设定,自 动恢复设置错误的 LWD 值0108Tacho 故障Tacho 极性接反;轿厢与对 重平衡不良;称重不准;制 动器没打开;驱动参数不正 确;超速。 数据 1 位置 (cm) 数据 2 速度+模态 (cm/s)+ 最后数的模 式测速电压不跟随速度参 考值。当故障排 除。拆去测速线。子代码2009子代码名称 速度差异描述 参考速度与测量 的速度不同原因 前馈力矩不协调,极限 太低,速度控制不协 调,马达速度回应或系 统参数有问题动作 急停恢复 自动恢复测试 力矩极限参数设 为最低值23 2010Velocity reference fault.Velocity reference is over its supervision limit.00Wrong system parametrization.2012Velocity feedback saturatedToo high voltage in tachometer input00Wrong parametrization. Error in tachometer wiring. TACHO adjustment wrong 编程器损坏,编程器连 线或系统参数错误2013DTC (Dual Tacho Control)超出测速计的范 围位置 (cm)速度+模态 (cm/s)+ 最后数的模 式HCB supervising that calculated speed reference has to be below parameter value limit. HCB check that tachometer input voltage is not over the max. limit 驱动比较马达 编程器速度。 若差值较大, 监控失效。测 速机故障计算 增加(除非处 于检查驱动模 式)Emergency stop.AutomaticallyEmergency stop.Automatically急停或失楼层自动恢复断开马达编程器 或设置错误的脉 冲值20693003Speed controller torque supervision fault DTC warning超出速度调节力 矩范围位置 (cm)速度+模态 (cm/s)+ 最后数的模 式前溃参数或 LWD 不能调 节或马达需要额外的力 矩立即停止,故 障次数增加, 3 次后锁死 DCBH compares Warning Automatically使用错误的系统 参数DifferenceCar/motor encoder24 (Dual Tacho Control)limit between speed feedbacks exceeded.broken, problem with encoder cables or wrong system parametrization.3004A扭力限制警示输出的速度调节 器受限 速度调节力矩接 近极限(90%)00力矩极限值低或系统参 数错误 前溃参数或 LWD 不能调 节或马达需要额外的力 矩 网络电压供应低或系统 参数错误speed feedback signals from motor and car encoders and if difference is too big between warning is given. 驱动监控控制 输出,若饱 和,监控失效displayed.when speed difference is small enough.警示自动恢复力矩极限参数设 为最低值30563062电压输出警示输出电压受限00驱动监控控制 输出,若饱 和,监控失效 同步运行。警示自动恢复降低网络电压供 给0109位置丢失驱动丢失位置。Drive count differs more than 300 mm at 30 or B30 vane edge 原因 Broken/malfunctioning 77 switch or problem with switch cabling.检查 77U/N 和 61U/N 磁 铁。 动作 Drive is faulted.关电后移动电梯。子代码1012子代码名称 77:U/N switch fault描述 77:U/N active at the same time.数据 1 0数据 2 0侦查 77 switch information is monitored and if both 77:U and 77:N are active at the恢复 Automatically when switch information is correct or by user: switch to RDF/inspection测试 Set both 77 switches on at the same time.25 same time.mode204977 switch too close to terminal floor205077 switch too far from terminal floor2051Ramp slow down 61 or 77 falling edge2052Ramp slowdown from wrong 77 rising edgeSupervisions are active only when 6_98 parameter has value 2 (NA 0.75m/sec) Supervisions are active only when 6_98 parameter has value 2 (NA 0.75m/sec) Supervisions are active only when 6_98 parameter has value 2 (NA 0.75m/sec) Supervisions are active only when 6_98 parameter has value 2 (NA 0.75m/sec)00Warning that 77 switch position should be adjusted77 switch edge is compared to the internal positioning 77 switch edge is compared to the internal positioning switch edge is compared to the stored position and position counter signal edge is compared to the setup table and internal position countingWarning only.AutomaticallyGive 77 switch at wrong place00Warning that 77 switch position should be adjustedWarning only.AutomaticallyGive 77 switch at wrong place00Switch has caused too large position position error which caused slowdownWarning only.AutomaticallyGive switch at wrong place0077 signal is working at wrong place/timeWarning only.AutomaticallyGive 77 switch at wrong place26 2060Quick stop by from 61 edge2061Quick stop by NTS 773005轿厢位置Supervisions are active only when 6_98 parameter has value 2 (NA 0.75m/sec) Supervisions are active only when 6_98 parameter has value 2 (NA 0.75m/sec) 位置丢失,需同 步运行00Switch is missing or large position error00Switch is missing or large position error楼层061/77 信号有误,马达 编程器损坏,编程器连 线损坏,系统参数错误switch edge is compared to the stored position and position counter switch edge is compared to the stored position and position counter 不同的角度计 算位置信息, 如差距较大, 失楼层 Shaft signals are compared to setup data..Stops immediatelyAutomaticallyGive switch at wrong placeStops immediatelyAutomaticallyGive switch at wrong place停止后警示位置信息一致和 证实当前位置后 自动恢复将 77U/N 开关设 置在井道中央3053ramp slowdown due shaft signal supervision3065轿厢位置 77 错 误Position and speed are stored at the moment when ramp slowdown is started 驱动丢失了准确 位置,需要同步 运行。position cmspeed cm/sSignal disturbance, drift or slip.Ramp stop and warning only.AutomaticallyGive switch at wrong place楼层077 信号问题,电动机编 码器损坏,编码器电缆 有问题或 系统参数化错误。 61 信号问题,电动机编 码器损坏,编码器电缆 有问题或3066轿厢位置 61 错 误驱动丢失了准确 位置,需要同步 运行。楼层0驱动计算多个 源的位置,如 果位置差太 大,则位置丢 失 驱动计算多个 源的位置,如 果位置差太停止后显示警 告当位置信息一致 且当前位置正确 后自动恢复。将 77U/N 设置 在井道的中间。停止后显示警 告。当位置信息一致 且当前位置正确 后自动恢复。将 61U/N 设置 在井道的中间。27 系统参数化错误。 3068 ramp slowdown due communication supervision Position and speed are stored at the moment when ramp slowdown is started position cm speed cm/s Communication link is disturbed between drive and control system大,则位置丢 失 Periodic communication is monitored by driveRamp stop and warning only.Automatically0110子代码散热器过热 描述 散热片温度高 (75 度), KDM 90 度 超出驱动柜温度 极限 散热片太热 (约 75C) DCBMCPU 温度超 出警示线(约 65 度)驱动模块的散热器过热。 数据 1 0 数据 2 0测量自变频器模块热敏 电阻。 原因 超重,驱动风扇不运 转,周围温度高 周围环境温度太高或太 低 驱动过载,驱动风扇不 运作,环境温度太高。 周围温度高 侦查 驱动测量散热 片温度 动作 驱动故障 恢复 温度降低后自动 恢复 测试 散热片2014子代码名称 散热片温度 散热片温度报警阻止起动 驱动测量散热 片温度。 驱动测量 DCBMCPU 板温 度,超出极 限,出现警告 只可能检修运 行。 警告 当散热片温度足 够低时自动 恢复 温度降低后自动 恢复 加热散热片。003011控制板温度警告 (DCBH)温度0DCBMCPU 板SETUP 过程中的驱动故障 0111 飞器片 61:N 在 61:U 之 61:U/N 调换。 下 检查 61U/N 的 顺序。28 011261:U/N 重叠太少检查 61U/N 的 位置。0113同步开关错误77:S 故障。SETUP 总能完成楼层距离太短 比例错误两层楼间距太短。 TachoD 的比例是错的或 Tacho 是坏的。 Setup 时发现多余的 61U/N。 电梯 SETUP 不成功。检查楼层磁铁。顶楼计数错误 井道未 SETUP0118井道设定井道设定时,初始位置错 误。 井道设定停止时,77:U/N 同 时被激活。61:N 灯不能亮。 77:U/N 顺序错误。61:U/N 重叠太少。 61:U/N 重叠太多。子代码SETUP 不被接 检查 77:S 受,只能检修 运行。 SETUP 运行停止 SETUP 不被接 受,只能检修 运行。 不能 SETUP,只 能检修运行。 只能做紧急电 进行井道学习 动及检修运 例如在增加或 行。 更换 NTS。 重做一次 SETUP。 检修模式检 查井道开关, 重做一次 SETUP。 不需要做。 不需要做。 侦查 动作 阻止起动 设定数据,若 数据无效,则 监控器失效 驱动故障,仅 有设置和 RDF/检修驱动 恢复 井道设定 调至检修/RDF 模式 通过更换曳引轮 直径删除现有的 设置。开关调至 测试子代码名称 未进行井道设置描述 在正常模式中, 无效的井道设定 井道设置无效数据 1数据 200原因 正常模式起动时,没有 有效的井道设定 井道未设置和现有设置 被取消29 2021井道设置位置错 误太接近 61:N 风 扇或 61:U 缺件00起动时,轿厢没有低于 61:N 或 61 信号错误202277:S77S 位置错误。 77S 位置应在 77:U/N 的内部 77:U/N 位置错 误。N 处于底 部。U 在顶端。U 和 N 不能同时动 作,且 77S 位置 应在 77:U/N 的 内部 Same floor code received from different floors.0077U/N/S 信号错误202377U/N0077U/N/S 信号错误驱动监控 61 信 号,若 61:N 动作或缺 61: U,监控失效 驱动监控 77: U/N/S,若顺序 无效,监控失 效 驱动监控 77: U/N/S,若顺序 无效,监控失 效是被肯定 急停调至检修/RDF 模式自动运行 在越靠近 61:N 的边缘开始设置急停调至检修/RDF 模式设置期间导致错 误的 77:S 信号急停调至检修/RDF 模式设置期间导致错 误的 77:U/N 信 号2024Shaft setup floor code faultSame code in different floors or problem with HIPO-M unit. Recheck 61 signals and floor codes in inspection mode.202561:N 次序61:N 位置错 误。61U 打开 时,61:N 出 现,61U 关闭 时,61:N 消失0061U/N 信号有误DCBH monitors floor codes at setup and if same code is received from different floors supervision is tripped. 驱动监控 61: U/N,若顺序无 效,监控失效Stops immediatelyBy user: switch to inspection/RDF mode.急停调至检修/RDF 模式设置期间打乱 61 信号30 202661:U 次序2027最高楼层数61:U 位置错 误。61N 打开 时,61:U 出 现,61N 关闭 时,61:U 消失 最大楼层限制 (128)0061U/N 信号有误驱动监控 61: U/N,若顺序无 效,监控失效急停调至检修/RDF 模式设置期间打乱 61 信号00系统结构错误2029位置计数楼层非正常增加00编码器或连线损坏NTS 设置NTS 开关次序错 误00NTS 开关问题 77U, 77U:1, 77U:2, 77U:3, 77U:4 77N, 77N:1, 77N:2, 77N:3, 77N:4 61 信号问题会导致较小 的重叠6010最小重叠信息报告 61:U/N 最 小重叠值层重复6011最大重叠信息报告 61:U/N 最 大重叠值层重复61 信号问题会导致较大 的重叠驱动记录楼层 信息,。若超 过最高楼层 数,监控失效 驱动计算楼层 位置,若位置 是非正常增 加,驱动失效 设置数据期 间,驱动监控 NTS 开关。若 这些开关的检 测顺序错误, 则监控器失效 驱动准确的测 量 61 信号的每 个边缘信息, 且计算最小重 叠值 驱动准确的测 量 61 信号的每 个边缘信息, 且计算最大重 叠值急停调至检修/RDF 模式对较多楼层进行 井道设置(模 拟)急停调至检修/RDF 模式急停--设置后显示数 值计算最短和最长 重叠值设置后显示数 值计算最短和最长 重叠值0120启动次序31 子代码1025子代码名称 Wrong Motor Current1037马达桥描述 No Motor current or one phase current missing 驱动桥无法启动数据 1数据 2原因 Problem in motor wiring侦查 By motor controller动作 驱动故障00MCDM 损坏1038主接触器控制主接触器显示接 触器未关闭 主接触器显示在 运行时接触器未 打开 Line bridge does not start00主接触器或辅接触器损 坏,配线故障 主接触器或辅接触器损 坏,配线故障 Drive is broken.2016主接触器被卡002017Line bridge2020安全继电器启动时安全继电 器未激活或运行 后被卡死 电动机无电流或 一相电流丢失00继电器线圈断开或损 坏,继电器的辅接触器 损坏或线圈短路 电动机接线错误 Tacho has very high noise level or lift moves too early at驱动试图多次 启动,但马达 驱动桥不启 动,监控失效 驱动监控主接 触器的输入状 况 驱动监控主接 触器的输入状 况 Drive tries several times to start and if line bridge does not start supervision is tripped. 驱动继电器的 输入状况 通过电动机控 制器 Speed over 2cm/s while brake control驱动故障恢复 Start is prevented until problem is fixed 检修/RDF 模式 或关机重启测试 By disconnecting one motor phase驱动故障检修/RDF 模式 或关机重启 当主接触器输入 工作,自动恢复 By user: switch to inspection/RDF mode or cycle power.断开主接触器信 号 运行时缩小主接 触器状态信号驱动故障Drive is faulted.驱动故障当继电器输入工 作,自动恢复 禁止启动,查到 查明问题 Automatically断开或减少继电 器输入 通过断开电动机 的一相。电动机电流错误 Tacho signal active at wrong time (stopping)0 00 0驱动故障。 Stop immediately32 start 2027 Tacho signal active at wrong time (stopping) Main contactor feedback fault Main contactor relay malfunction. 0 0 Tacho has very high noise level or lift moves after it has been stopped Main contactor feedback input detect that contact is on wrong position releated its control Wrong brake adjustment. Too weak brakes.203900is still inactivate Speed is over 5cm/s during minimum standing time Maincontactor relay contact is monitored during run.. Drive monitors encoder movement during angle detectionStop immediatelyAutomaticallyStops immediately. New start is prevented. Warning displayed.Automatically, after contact is in right state. Automatically Manually weaken brakes.3070Movement during angle detectionRotor movement detected during angle detection. Results might be wrong and start may fail. 看 0001子代码DTS 运行时间监控 马达设置 描述 马达未自学习1006子代码名称 马达设置故障数据 1 0数据 2 0原因 力矩差角(6_62)参数 为0侦查 驱动软件监控 参数动作 驱动故障恢复 6_62 中输入有 效数值测试 设置参数 6_62 为 0,电梯恢复 正常的运行模式 设置马达参数为 0,电梯恢复正1007马达设置故障马达参数冲突00马达参数(6_80 至 6_84)错误驱动软件监控 参数驱动故障输入有效的马达 参数33 常的运行模式 0124子代码驱动反馈错误 描述 数据 1 数据 2 原因 侦查 动作 恢复 测试10 1012子代码名称 初级反馈速度未 连接 次级反馈速度未 连接 轿顶编码器未连 接 77 开关故障77:U/N 同时激 活或在错误的位 置激活0077 开关损坏/不正常工 作或连线有问题101377S 开关故障77S 卡死0077 开关损坏/不正常工 作或连线有问题驱动监控 77 开 关信息,若 77:U 和 77:N 同时运转,或 77:U/N 激活 的位置错误, 监控失效 驱动监控 77S,除了处于 终端楼层否则 监控失效驱动故障当开关信息正确 或处于 RDF/检 修模式时自动恢 复同时设置两个 77 开关楼层驱动故障当开关信息正确 或处于 RDF/检 修模式时自动恢 复设置 77S 连续10141015Drive feedback 61:U stuck fault Drive feedback 61:N stuck fault Drive feedback A30 stuck fault Drive feedback B30 stuck fault61:U did not go off during run. 61:N did not go off during run. A30 off B30 off did not go during run. did not go during run.34 10181019102010211032Drive feedback 61:U missing fault Drive feedback 61:N missing fault Drive feedback A30 missing fault Drive feedback B30 missing fault 77S 开关故障61:U did not come on at floor 61:N did not come on at floor A30 did not come on at floor B30 did not come on at floor 77S 缺件0077 开关损坏/不正常工 作或连线有问题分解器 散热片温度检测 器 SD 卡错误未检测到分解器 温度检测器故障0 00 0分解器未连接或连接线 损坏 散热片感应器未连接, 损坏或线圈有问题 SD 卡只能用于软件升 级,升级准备完成后必 须拔出 编码器未连接,损坏或 线圈问题驱动监控 77S,若不在终 端楼层,监控 失效 驱动监控分解 器的信号 驱动监控散热 片温度感应信 号 驱动监测 SD 卡 插槽。 驱动监控编码 器的脉冲,计 算速度楼层驱动故障急停,驱动故 障 驱动故障当开关信息正确 或处于 RDF/检 修模式时自动恢 复 自动恢复 自动恢复断开分解器 断开散热感应器10542057马达编码器如果 SD 卡在读卡 器里,则不允许 正常模式。 马达编码器故障00只可能检修运 行。 急停,驱动故 障00从读卡器中拔出 SD卡后自 动执行。 自动恢复插入 SD 卡,将 电梯设置为正常 模式。 断开编码器0877:U 额外脉冲 77:N 额外脉冲 Drive feedback 61:U warningInconsistent 61:U35 3009Drive feedback 61:N warning LWD 未连接 Drive feedback primary position counter warninginformation. Inconsistent 61:N information. Position counted from car encoder differs too much from other position sources. Position counted from motor encoder differs too much from other position sources. No floor code was received from floor. Wrong floor code received from floor. Problem with car encoder or wrong system parametrization.3014Drive feedback secondary position counter warningProblem with motor encoder or wrong system parametrization.30153016Drive feedback missing floor code warning Drive feedback wrong floor code warningProblem with HIPO-M system. Problem with HIPO-M system.电梯停在某一个 61 的隔磁片处, 77:S 和 77:U/N 是“ON”但楼层位 置不在顶楼/底楼 位置丢失,进行同 同步运行之后 步运行 Drive feedback NTS stop warning Drive has performed NTS stop.Problem with car/motor encoder, bad NTS setup or wrong system36 3060NTS 开关位置检测到的 NTS 开 关与设置不匹配位置 (cm)速度 (cm/s)parametrization. 编程器故障,NTS 设置 错误,NTS 开关或系统 参数错误3061NTS 开关顺序NTS 开关顺序错 误位置 (cm)速度 (cm/s)NTS 开关故障 77U 77U:1, 77U:2, 77U:3, 77U:4 77N 77N:1, 77N:2, 77N:3, 77N:4 SD 卡损坏,清空或文件 不正确。NTS 功能将检 测到的开关位 置与保存的位 置相比较,若 差距较大,监 控失效。 NTS 功能监控 开关以正常的 次序显示,万 一顺序有误, 监控失效 当 SD 卡插入读 卡器后驱动识 别 SD 卡。停在下一楼层自动恢复移动 NTS 开关停在下一楼层自动恢复交换 NTS 开关3064SD 卡错误驱动无法读出 SD 卡。3068Ramp slowdown due communication supervisionCommunication link to the LCECPU has failed for moment Drive learning needed for Master unit.2=文件丢 失 3=检查和 4=SD 卡类型 position [cm]0SD 卡不能用 于软件升级。自动插入空 SD 卡。speed+mode [cm/s] + last number is modeDisturbance, grounding error, broken wire, control system failureCommunication link is checked continuously, timeout is 500msRamp stop to next floor if main contactor stays on.AutomaticCause disturbance to the communication link3071Drive feedback motor learning warning from master.3072Drive feedback motor learningDrive learning needed forDifference between motor source voltage parameter and measured value is too high or ABB ID Run Done status is FALSE. Difference between motor source voltage37 warning from follower.Follower unit.parameter and measured value is too high or ABB ID Run Done status is FALSE. 负载过大;平衡不对;轿厢 尺寸、马达型号可能会错。 电梯急停, 不会再启 动。 检查参数和 马达电源。0125力矩超极限0126安全继电器开路检查 XSR1 的连接和控制 板。 数据 1 0 数据 2 0 原因 抱闸或抱闸控制模块问 题电梯急停, 不会再启 动。 侦查 当有较多连续 的 126_3059 故 障警示时,产 生此问题 当有较多连续 的 126_2071 或 126_2072 故障 警示时,产生 此问题 当有较多连续 的 126_2104 故 障警示,产生 此问题 自动抱闸检测 时,驱动控制 速度。此监控 只有在抱闸自 动作 驱动故障 恢复 检修/RDF 模式 测试 -子代码1045A子代码名称 抱闸电流的折算 电压描述 检测到的折算电 压电流多次失效1046抱闸自动检测抱闸自动检测多 次失败00抱闸问题驱动故障检修/RDF 模式-1047抱闸电流无抱闸电流00抱闸或抱闸控制模块问 题驱动故障检修/RDF 模式断开抱闸连线, 试图运行2071A抱闸测试失败: 速度检测马达速度00抱闸问题驱动故障自动恢复抱闸测试时旋转 马达或马达速度 感应器38 2072A抱闸测试失败: 位置检测轿厢的运行00抱闸问题2104抱闸电流抱闸打开时未检 测到抱闸电流00抱闸或抱闸控制模块问 题3059A折算电压抱闸电 流降低电压时检测 到的抱闸电流太 高00抱闸或抱闸控制模块问 题抱闸 1 测试成功 抱闸 2 测试成功抱闸 1 测试成功 报告 抱闸 2 测试成功 报告0 00 0使用者执行制动器 1 人 工测试 使用者执行制动器 2 人 工测试动检测时财有 效 自动抱闸检测 时,驱动控制 速度。此监控 只有在抱闸自 动检测时财有 效 驱动监控抱闸 电流,若未检 测到电流,监 控失效 驱动监控折算 电压抱闸电 流,若电流大 于全电压时的 电流,则监控 失效。监控只 有在选择折算 电压时才有 效。 驱动决定测试 的成功与否 驱动决定测试 的成功与否 电梯急停;电 梯不能启动检 查主接触器的 动作及厅门触 点。驱动故障自动恢复在抱闸测试时运 行轿厢驱动故障自动恢复断开抱闸连线, 试图运行驱动故障自动恢复-成功测试后显 示代码 成功测试后显 示代码-抱闸测试 抱闸测试0127主接触器故障在一定时间内主接触器不吸 合。。39 0128LMD 称重故障LWD 的设置未存进内存。电梯不能正常 启动,检修可 以。做 LWD 设 置。40 0130第三方驱动内部故障KDM、安川、AB、ABB 公司变 频器。 数据 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 数据 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0检查相应的驱动系统。电梯急停, 不会再启 动。 动作 禁止运行 禁止运行 禁止运行 禁止运行 运行继续, 阻止下次启动 运行继续, 阻止下次启动 运行继续, 阻止下次启动 运行继续, 阻止下次启动 警告 警告 当几分钟环境温度低于 极限值时 当故障消失 当故障消失 当故障消失 当故障消失 当故障消失 当故障消失 恢复子代码38 66 10 3054子代码名称 NTS 界面检测 马达逆变控制 主接触器控制 散热片温度 NTS输入激活 制动监测 LCL 滤波器风机 抱闸电源 散热片温度 马达风扇描述 检测失败 尝试 5 次逆变启 动失败 主接触器控制继 电器监测 温度过高或太低 监控的NTS的输 入阻止启 监测制动的有效 性 风机故障 抱闸电源故障 温度接近设置温 度 风扇线路问题原因 检测失败 NTS 界面检测 检测失败 0 尝试 5 次逆变启动失败 控制继电器没释放或粘 死 气流阻塞 NTS 输入激活 制动监测故障 滤波器过热或无法冷却 抱闸没有供电 气流阻塞 风扇电源有问题侦查 由驱动系统监测 由驱动系统监测 由驱动系统监测 由变频器监测(ISU 和 INU) 由驱动系统监测 由驱动系统监测 温度传感器和风机由 驱动系统监测 抱闸没有供电 由变频器监测(ISU 和 INU) F16 的状态是驱动系 统监控的信号 监测信号来自 Y11(ISU)/Y12(INU 风 扇的状态和保险丝 F1013055驱动单元风扇 或 LCL驱动系统的通风 或 LCL 滤波电源 问题00驱动系统的通风或 LCL 滤波 电源问题警告当故障消失41 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Motor bridge over current描述 Measured motor current is too high1数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Brakes do not open, mechanical problem hindering movement, wrong motor parameters in group 6_806_85, broken motor encoder, short-circuit or earth fault in motor cables or broken motor current sensor. Braking chopper is used but braking resistors are not connected, high overvoltage spikes detected in the supply network, line bridge does not function properly, supply network has disappeared when elevator has moved to light侦查 Motor current is supervised by a hardware sensors. Supervision trips if over current limit is exceeded.动作 Stops immediately.恢复 Automatically when fault disappears.测试 Short-circuit two output phases together, and try to run the elevator.50002DC-link overvoltageMeasured DClink voltage is too high.00Voltage over DC-link capacitors is measured. Supervision trips if the voltage is higher than 910 VStops immediately.Automatically when fault disappears.Disable line bridge control, and try to run the elevator to light direction.42 7Motor bridge saturation50009DC-link undervoltageVoltage generated by the motor bridge does not follow the reference. Measured DClink voltage is too low.00direction. Motor bridge is broken.Drive internal supervision.Stops immediately.Replace drive.00500011Output phase missingCurrent measurement has detected that there is no current in one motor phase. Heatsink temperature is too low.00Main fuse is blown, one input phase is missing, supply network voltage is too low, problem in the charging circuit or the drive is broken One or more motor wires are not connected to the drive, or there is a wiring problem in the motor itself. Drive temperature is below operational limits, ambient temperature is too cold13Motor bridge undertemp00Voltage over DC-link capacitors is measured. Supervision trips if the voltage is lower than 300 V. Motor currents are measured. Supervision trips if the sum does not equal zero within the limits. Heatsink temperature is measured. Supervision trips if the temperature is below -10 C.Stops immediately and drive is faulted.Automatically when fault disappears.Disconnect one of the supply phases.Stops immediatelyAutomatically when fault disappearsDisconnect one of the motor phases and try to run the elevatorStops immediately.Automatically when heatsink temperature is high enough.Cool heatsink.43 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Motor bridge overtemp描述 Heatsink temperature is too high.14数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Drive temperature is above operational limits, excessive load on drive, drive fan is not operating, ambient temperature is too high, switching frequency of motor bridge's transistors is too high. Rotor is moving during angle identification, motor brakes do not give enough friction, wrong motor parameters in group 6_806_85, or start angle identification ratio, parameter 6_58, is too high for the motor.侦查 Heatsink temperature is measured. Supervision trips if the temperature is above 100 C.动作 Stops immediately.恢复 Automatically when heatsink temperature is low enough.测试 Heat heatsink.25Motor control faultPMSM: Rotor start angle identification has failed.00Rotor movement is measured during start angle identification. Fault is created if the rotor moves more than two mechanical degrees during identification process.Stops immediately.Automatically when correct angle is found.Increase the value of the parameter 6_58 until the rotor starts to slip during angle identification, or reduce brake force.44 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Motor control fault描述 Motor bridge has stopped modulation during run. Drive I/O board changed with a board that was previously installed to a drive of same type. Drive I/O board connected to a drive with unknown power board26数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Motor bridge might be broken or drive software is corrupted Drive I/O board changed from one KDM40 to another KDM40 or from KDM90 to KDM90.侦查 Drive internal supervision.动作 Stops immediately.恢复 Automatically.测试37Device changed (same type)0040Device unknown0041Motor bridge IGBT tempMotor bridge temperature is too high.00Drive power board does not have configuration data for line and motor bridges, or drive software is corrupted. Motor brakes do not open, excessive load on drive, drive fan is not operating, ambient temperature is too high, switcing frequency of motor bridge'sDrive supervises software versions and IDs between the installed boards. Drive supervises software versions and IDs between the installed boards. Temperature of motor bridge's power transistors is estimated. Supervision trips if the temperature is higher than 135CStops immediately.Drive is faulted.Automatically but drive software should be updated to latest version. Replace drive.Replace drive I/O board from another unit of same type.Stops immediately.Automatically when fault disappears.Disconnect drive fan, and run the elevator.45 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Motor encoder fault描述 Encoder channel A is missing43数 据1 0数 据2 0transistors is too high or encoder is broken. 原因 Encoder wire A+ and/or A- is disconnected or grounded by some reason, for example, wrong wiring in the encoder cable, short-circut between encoder wires and/or ground, encoder is broken or drive's I/O board is broken Encoder wire B+ and/or B- is disconnected or grounded by some reason, for example, wrong wiring in the encoder cable, short-circut between encoder侦查 Drive supervises encoder channel's polarity. Supervision trips if both lines are imultaneously at the same state动作 Stops immediately and drive is faulted.恢复 Automatically when fault disappears.测试 Disconnect one of the two wires used for the encoder channel A.44Motor encoder faultEncoder channel B is missing.00Drive supervises encoder channel's polarity. Supervision trips if both lines are simultaneously at the sameStops immediately and drive is faulted.Automatically when fault disappears.Disconnect one of the two wires used for the encoder channel B.46 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Motor encoder fault描述 Both encoder channels are missing.45数 据1 0数 据2 0wires and/or ground, encoder is broken or drive's I/O board is broken 原因 Encoder cable is disconnected, both encoder channels are disconnected, encoder power or ground wire is disconnected, there is a shortcircuit or earth fault in the encoder cable, encoder is broken, or drive's I/O board is broken Wrong motor parameters in group 6_80-6_85, elevator does not follow the speed reference, speed controllerstate侦查 Drive supervises encoder channels' and power wires' polarity.动作 Stops immediately and drive is faulted.恢复 Automatically when fault disappears.测试 Disconnect encoder's power or ground wire, or both channels.48Estimated motor speedDifference limit between measured motor speed and estimated motor speed exceeded00Drive calculates the difference between the measured motor speed (encoder) and the estimatedStops immediately.Automatically when fault disappears.Stop motor encoder from rotating by removing it from the motor, or use external encoder, and47 gain 6_1 is too low, brakes do not open properly, there is something wrong in the motor encoder.子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Device changed (different type)描述 Drive I/O board changed with a board that was previously installed to a drive of different type. Measured DClink voltage is too high.50数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Drive I/O board changed from KDM40 to KDM90 or from KDM90 to KDM40.motor speed (mathematical motor model). Supervision trips if the absolute value of the difference exceeds 0.30 m/s. 侦查 Drive supervises software versions and IDs between the installed boards Voltage over DC-link capacitors is measured. Supervision trips if the voltage is higher than 910 V.try to run the elevator.动作 Stops immediately.恢复 By user: update drive software.测试 Replace drive I/O board from another unit of different type.52DC-link overvoltage00Braking chopper is used but braking resistors are not connected, high overvoltage spikes detected in the supply network, line bridge does not function properly,Stops immediately.Automatically when fault disappears.Disable line bridge control, and try to run the elevator to light direction48 supply network has disappeared when elevator has moved to light direction.子代码 1 子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Motor bridge overtemp描述 Motor bridge temperature is too high.61数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Excessive load on drive, drive fan is not operating, ambient temperature is too high, switching frequency of motor bridge's transistors is too high. Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken.侦查 Power unit's board temperature is measured. Supervision trips if the temperature is above 100 C.动作 Stops immediately.恢复 Automatically when heatsink temperature is low enough测试 Heat heatsink.72Drive system73Drive systemCommunication between I/O board and motor bridge control (INU) has failed Communication between I/O board and motor bridge control (INU) has interference00Drive internal supervisionStops immediatelyBy user: update drive software or replace drive.00Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken.Drive internal supervisionStops immediately.By user: update drive software or replace drive.49 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Drive systembut is still working. 描述 Watchdog has reset CPU.74数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Drive software might be corrupted or drive is broken Earth fault in drive's auxilary 24 V power supply, there might have been a black out in the supply network, drive software is corrupted or drive is broken. Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken.侦查 Drive internal supervision.动作 Stops immediately.恢复 By user: update drive software or replace drive. Automatically when fault disappears.测试75Drive systemVoltage of auxilary power in motor bridge control (INU) unit is too low00Drive internal supervisionStops immediately.Connect small resistor between 24 V power supply and ground76Drive system77Drive systemMotor bridge phase fault (INU): voltage of a output phase does not follow the reference. Motor bridge (INU) CPLD has gone in fault but there is no detailed information00Drive internal supervision.Stops immediately.By user: update drive software or replace drive.00Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken.Drive internal supervisionStops immediately.By user: update drive software or replace drive.50 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Drive systemabout the fault. 描述 I/O board's and motor bridge control's (INU) softwares are incompatible Software version cannot be read (motor bridge control processor (INU) has no software at all). I/O board control CPU overload Memory access has failed.78数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken侦查 Drive internal supervision.动作 Stops immediately and drive is faulted. Stops immediately and drive is faulted.恢复 By user: update drive software or replace drive By user: update drive software or replace drive.测试79Drive system00Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken.Drive internal supervision.80Drive system00Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken. Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken Drive software isDrive internal supervisionStops immediately81Drive system00Drive internal supervisionStops immediately.82Drive system90Drive systemNecessary power unit's device properties cannot be read. Communication00Drive internal supervision.Stops immediately00Drive internalStopsBy user: update drive software or replace drive. By user: update drive software or replace drive By user: update drive software or replace drive. By user:51 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Drive systembetween line and motor bridge's control processors, AFE and INU, has failed. 描述 Communication between line and motor bridge's control processors, AFE and INU, has interference but it is still working Voltage of auxiliary power in line bridge control (AFE) unit is too low.corrupted or brive is brokensupervisionimmediately.update drive software or replace drive.91数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken.侦查 Drive internal supervision动作 Stops immediately恢复 By user: update drive software or replace drive.测试92Drive system0093Drive systemLine bridge phase fault00Earth fault in drive's auxilary 24 V power supply, there might have been a black out in the supply network, drive software is corrupted or brive is broken. There might have been a black outDrive internal supervisionStops immediately.Automatically when fault disappearsConnect small resistor between 24 V power supply and groundDrive internal supervision.Stops immediately.By user: update drive52 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Drive system(AFE): voltage of a output phase does not follow the reference. 描述 Line bridge (AFE) CPLD has gone in fault but there is no detailed information about the fault. Control's and AFE's softwares are incompatible Software version cannot be read (line bridge control (AFE) unit has no software at all). Cannot start some part of drive software.94数 据1 0数 据2 0in the supply network, drive software is corrupted or brive is broken 原因 Drive software is corrupted or brive is brokensoftware or replace drive.侦查 Drive internal supervision动作 Stops immediately恢复 By user: update drive software or replace drive测试95Drive syste00Drive software is corrupted or brive is broke Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken.Drive internal supervisio96Drive system00Drive internal supervisionStops immediately and drive is faulte Stops immediately and drive is faulteBy user: update drive software or replace drive By user: update drive software or replace drive97Drive system00Drive software is corrupted or brive is brokenDrive internal supervisionStops immediately and drive is faulteBy user: update drive software or replace drive53 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Drive system描述 Invalid function block used in drive's application software. Measured line current is too high98数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Drive software is corrupted or brive is broken侦查 Drive internal supervision.动作 Stops immediately and drive is faulte恢复 By user: update drive software or replace drive测试101Line bridge overcurrent00107Line bridge saturation113Line bridge undertempVoltage/current generated by the line bridge does not follow the reference. Heatsink temperature is too low.00Short-circuit or earth fault in motor cables or inside the drive, braking resistors are connected directly to the DClink terminals, software might be corrupted or drive is broken. Line bridge is brokenLine current is supervised by a hardware sensors. Supervision trips if overcurrent limit is exceeded.Stops immediately.Automatically when fault disappearsShort-circuit DC-link output to ground, bypass circuit breaker in the charging circuit, and power-up system.Drive internal supervision.Stops immediatelyReplace drive00Drive temperature is below operational limitsHeatsink temperature is measured. SupervisionStops immediately.Automatically when heatsink temperature is high enoughCool heatsink.54 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Line bridge overtemp描述 Heatsink temperature is too high114数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Drive temperature is above operational limits, excessive load on drive, drive fan is not operating, ambient temperature is too high, switching frequency of motor bridge’s transistors is too high, the short-circuit impedance of the supply network is out of limits Drive temperature is above operational limits, excessive load on drive, drive fan is not operating,trips if the temperature is below -10 C. 侦查 Heatsink temperature is measured. Supervision trips if the temperature is above 100 C.动作 Stops immediately.恢复 Automatically when fault disappears.测试 Heat heatsink141Line bridge IGBT tempLine bridge temperature is too high.00Temperature of line bridge’s power transistors is estimated. Supervision trips if theStops immediately.Automatically when fault disappears.55 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Drive system: fieldbus communication fault描述 The data connection between the fieldbus master and fieldbus board is broken Safety circuit is not closing in 10s after start command203数 据1 0数 据2 0ambient temperature is too high, switching frequency of motor bridge’s transistors is too high, the short-circuit impedance of the supply network is out of limits. 原因 Drive is broken.temperature is higher than 135 C.侦查 Drive internal supervision动作 Stops immediately.恢复 Drive is faulted测试207PWMEnMissingAtStart00Problem (loose contact) in wiring between I/O board X4connector and uxiliary contactors, or one of the uxiliary contactors is stuck open.Drive supervises the state of PWM ENABLE signal connected to the connector X4 in I/O board.Stops immediatelyBy user: make correction to the wiring.Stuck one of the uxiliary contactors to open state.56 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 PWMEnMissingAtStop描述 Safety circuit not opening after 10s.208数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Problem (shortcircuit in wiring between I/O board X4- connector and uxiliary contactors, or both auxiliary contactors are stuck closed. Problem (loose contact) in wiring between I/O board X4connector and main contactor, or main contactor is stuck open. Problem (shortcircuit) in wiring between I/O board X4connector and main contactor, or main contactor is stuck open. Drive software might be corrupted or the drive is broken侦查 Drive supervises the state of PWM ENABLE signal connected to the connector X4 in I/O board动作 Stops immediately恢复 Automatically when fault disappears测试 Stuck both uxiliary contactors to closed state.209MainContactorClosingMain contactor is not closing in 10s after run commanded on00210MainContactor not OpeningMain contactor is not opening after run commanded off in 10s.00211PWM signal faultHardware and software signals are different00Drive supervises the state of MAIN CONTACTOR signal connected to the connector X4 in I/O board Drive supervises the state of MAIN CONTACTOR signal connected to the connector X4 in I/O board Drive internal supervision.Stops immediately.Automatically when fault disappears.Stuck main contactor to open state.Stops immediatelyAutomatically when fault disappears.Stuck main contactor to close state.Stops immediately.Drive is faultedCut the wire for PWM ENABLE signal inside the drive57 for the PWM ENABLE chain子代码 1 子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Phase missing描述 One input phase is missing from the drive.212数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Main fuse is blown, one input phase is missing, problem in the charging circuit, or the drive is broken Drive software might be corrupted or the line bridge is broken Drive software might be corrupted or the line bridge is broken Nominal frequency of the supply network is out of limits, drive software might be corrupted or the line bridge is broken侦查 Drive internal supervision.动作 Stops immediately恢复 Automatically when fault disappears.between the I/O board and power board 测试213Supply missing214Line bridge not startingLine bridge cannot synchronize to the supply network. Line bridge is not starting after run command. Nominal frequency of the supply network is out of limits.00Drive internal supervisionStops immediatelyAutomatically when fault disappears00Drive internal supervisionStops immediatelyAutomatically when fault disappears215Invalid supply frequency00Drive internal supervisionStops immediately.Automatically when fault disappears58 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 PWM/Contactor signal missing描述 Signals dropping during run.218数 据1 0数 据2 0原因 Main contactor or uxiliary contactor drops during run before DCBG has indicated this situation to the drive unit. Broken motor bridge. Broken current sensors侦查 Drive internal supervision动作 Stops immediately恢复 Automatically when fault disappears测试 Disconnect X4 connetor from I/O board during run.219ZeroCurrent faultMotor current detected although motor bridge power transistors are switched off00Motor current is measured by current sensors.Drive is faulted.By user: switch to inspection/RDF mode or cycle powerUse external current loop and power supply to feed current through motor bridge’s current sensors during run.42Encoder acceleration warningMeasured encoder signal indicates accelerations higher than it is physically possible to achieve.00Contact surface between motor encoder wheel and motor brake wheel has bumps or dirt on it, encoder is not fixed properly, encoder is broken internally: e.g. pulses are missing, orDrive calculates elevator acceleration from the speed measured by the motor encoder. Supervision trips if the absolute value of the calculatedWarning is displayed.AutomaticallyAdd adhesive tape to one part of the motor brake wheel, use encoder wheel with nonuniform diameter, or use encoder with a specified59 子代码 1子代 码2子代码 2 名称 Encoder wear warning描述 Motor encoder produces different amount of pulses per one motor revolution tha


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