
An electrical appliance company in Jiangsu Province took on about 200 employees from 16 ethnic groups from Xinjiang. The workers often gather together to enjoy themselves,
singing, dancing, having parties, shopping, traveling, and cooking pilaf and kebabs like a family.
An Anhui native suffering from a mental condition who has been missing from his hometown for the past five years was finally reunited with his family on July 2.
An exhibitor sits in a booth and demonstrates a Virtual Reality device in the SAP SE pavilion at the CeBIT 2017 tech fair in Hannover in March. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
An export-oriented economic zone is also planned to attract logistics enterprises and those from real-economy sectors, it added.
An additional 33 heavyweight projects will begin in Shanghai, including the establishment of an IBM AI innovation center, SAP's global technical empowerment center, as well as
CloudWalk Technology's global operations center.


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