
本文为您带来起力的英文翻译,包括起力用英语怎么说,起力用英语怎么说,起力的英语造句,起力的英文原声例... 本文为您带来起力的英文翻译,包括起力用英语怎么说,起力用英语怎么说,起力的英语造句,起力的英文原声例句,起力的相关英语短语等内容。起力的英文翻译,起力的英语怎么说?起力的英语网络释义起力的汉英大词典起力的英语短语竖起力矩电动机erection torque motor燃起力量light up the power最大崛起力maximum breakout force;max digging up force;Max. Break-out force最大掘起力kN;Maximum breakout force高吹起力BLOW FORCE最大撬起力[机]maximum prying force举升崛起力Digging and Lifting起步阻力breakaway force;breakaway y force起力的英文例句城市通过把大量不同的人聚集在一起交流想法,让我们的创造力得以增长。Cities allow our ingenuity to grow by pulling huge numbers of different people together, who then exchange ideas. 数据显示,如果把制造业和服务业归并在一起,那么自1987年以来,生产力平均每年增长1.2%。The data show that, if you lump manufacturing and services together, productivity has grown on average by 1.2% since 1987. 从幼年初期时起,我们就与我们的计数系统紧密联系在一起,以至于考虑未开发计数能力的早期人类所面临的那些问题,就已经成为了想象力上的一次壮举。From earliest childhood, we are so bound up with our system of numeration that it is a feat of imagination to consider the problems faced by early humans, who had not yet developed this facility. 这一新的世界将在很大程度上取决于人类的创造力,而创造力在人们面对面相聚在一起的地方蓬勃发展。The new world will largely depend on human creativity, and creativity flourishes where people come together face-to-face. 这一现象促使我思考火与它作为一种自然力所起的作用。This prompted me to consider fire and the role it plays as a force of nature. 这三幅画全部都很难画,但是和我一起工作的团队很给力。All three pieces were hard work but I worked with a team which really helped. 所有需要极大的想象力才能把这些症状联系在一起。It would take an act of imagination to link these symptoms. 从那时起,想象力和技术不停地为电影业开疆拓土。Since then imagination and technology have pushed the boundaries of film ever farther. 同样,我们更加欢迎您参与到我们的社区里,群策群力,一起讨论你希望看到的这一基金制定的规范。You are also invited to join the community and discuss ideas and specifications you would like to see developed within the foundation. 鼓励孩子发挥想象力,每天和孩子一起阅读。To encourage your youngster’s imagination, read to him every day. 而且我们仍然出去做一些调查,和人物一起,这是很有想象力的,对不对?And we still go out and do a little research and with personas, and it's very imaginative, right? 集中注意力后,我的前额蹿起一阵剧痛,但我忍住疼痛,听到他们在远处踏雪奔跑。Fierce pains of concentration shot across my forehead, but I bore down and heard them running through the snow in the distance. 她发现每例死刑行刑平均能阻止三起谋杀,快速行刑震慑力更强。She found that each execution deterred on average three murders, and that swift executions deterred even more. 我们相信通过将过程和工具集成到一起可以产生最大的生产力。We strongly believe that the greatest productivity gains are reached by integrating process with tools. 生产力上升时,其就业从1998年起下降了超过三分之一。As productivity has risen, employment has fallen, by over a third since 1998. 简单来说,边际生产力分配理论把高收入与高生产力、社会贡献大联系在一起。In a nutshell, this theory associated higher incomes with higher productivity and a greater contribution to society. 紫色与才智、尊严、独立性、创造力、神秘和魔力联系在一起。Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. 所有事情在他记忆里开始纠缠在一起,创造力也变得枯竭。And everything starts getting tangled up in his memories, in his creative frustrations. 她无能为力只好返回到圣贝纳迪诺和约瑟夫·奥尔特加一起生活。She felt she had no choice but to go back to San Bernardino and move in with Joseph. 我练习着和戴夫在一起,关注现实世界将注意力集中在令人惊讶的细节上。I practiced living Dave-ishly, engaged by the real world and paying close attention to its stunning details. 歌德说过,“创造一切非凡事物的那种精神总是同青年时代和创造力联系在一起的。”Goethe said, the spirit to make every extraordinary thing is always linked to youth and creativity. 与有创造力的人一起工作。 与有创造力精力充沛而又积极的人一起工作,是最好的一种保持灵感的方式。Work with inspired people –one of the best ways to stay inspired is to work with creative, energetic, positive people. 如果你能让不同技术领域的专业人员一起工作,你的风险就会降低,而生产力就会提高。Risks can be reduced and productivity increased if you have specialists in the different technologies working together. 如果没有起粘着作用的摩擦力,几乎只有很小的可能性让你只靠腰和一条腿倒挂在钢管上。Which, without that sticky friction, might be a (small) possibility when you're hanging to a strippers pole upside down attached only by your waist and one flailing leg. 他说:“感受大海的生命力,与大海一起呼吸。”"Feel the life force of the ocean" he said, "and breathe with the ocean." 缺乏竞争力给包括出口商在内的公司带来了麻烦,他们被迫利用起其服务来;软弱的竞争力更加普遍地降低了生产力。The lack of competition imposes costs on firms, including exporters, which are forced to use their services; and weak competition reduces productivity more generally. 缺乏竞争力给包括出口商在内的公司带来了麻烦,他们被迫利用起其服务来;软弱的竞争力更加普遍地降低了生产力。The lack of competition imposes costs on firms, including exporters, which are forced to use their services; and weak competition reduces productivity more generally. 起力的原声例句It plays a big role in gravitation, in the Coulomb interaction.它在引力和库仑力中都起着重要的作用起力的网络释义起力 起力是汉语词汇,读音是qǐ lì,指致力,出处《韩非子·心度》。 以上关于起力的英语翻译来自英汉大词典,希望对您学习起力的英语有帮助。


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