be opposed to什么用法?

精选回答 汉语翻译:反对..., 与...相对例句:At first he was opposed to our suggestion, but we managed to bring him round.起初他反对我们的建议,但我们设法说服了他。At first he was opposed to the scheme, but we managed to argue him round.他起初反对这个计划,可是我们通过辩论最终使他转变过来了。Public opinion was opposed to the war.舆论是反对那场战争的。 用生活展示人生 2022-11-06 16:04:08
opposed to和objected to的区别是:用法存在差别。objected to的意思是:反对或是对......反感,或是不以为然。一般表示动态,有时的意思是:突然或是短暂,一般用在大事或是小事上,to在这里是介词。opposed to的意思是:代表动态,是正式语体,意思是:经过认真考虑之后反对,反对的有计划或是政策,还有抵制或是阻挠的意思,在竞赛中的意思是和某某角逐,或是对垒。I opposed to say yes about this plan,for it need too long time to finish.意思是:我反对对这个计划表示肯定,因为它需要太长时间来完成了。She objected to accept the request,for she has a task to finish on that day,and it is not easy.意思是:她反对接受这个邀请,因为她那天有一个任务要完成,而且这个任务并不简单。They opposed her nomination to the post of Deputy Director.意思是:他们反对任命她为副主任人选。The director objected to the cuts ordered by the censor.意思是:导演反对按照审查员的指令进行删剪。He opposed to finish the task,for it is too difficult for him.意思是:他反对完成这个任务,因为这个任务对他来讲太难了。I objected to read this letter,for it is the letter she received.意思是:我反对读这封信,因为这封信是她收到的。


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