be thirsty for用法是什么意思 详解be thirsty for用法的含义和用法?

陈一男(个人学习网站 - thirsty意思在线翻译例句意思:adj. 渴的;口渴的thirsty例句(自然匹配,仅供参考)例句:They watered the thirsty fields .翻译:他们给干旱的土地灌水。例句:If a baby is thirsty , it feeds more often .翻译:婴儿要是渴了,就会吃得更频繁。例句:When a baby is thirsty , it feeds more often .翻译:婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。例句:She was so thirsty that she drank a carton of orange juice .翻译:她渴极了 , 喝了一纸杯桔汁。例句:They all listened to the storyteller with thirsty ears .翻译:他们津津有味地听说书人讲故事。例句:They were all thirsty .翻译:他们都渴了。例句:He is thirsty for power .翻译:他渴望掌权。例句:If ye are thirsty , drink .翻译:汝等若口渴 , 就喝 . (出自《圣经》)例句:I ' m so thirsty I ' m almost dying for a cuppa .翻译:我太渴了 , 真想喝一杯茶。例句:Salty food makes one thirsty .翻译:咸的食物令人口渴。thirsty相关搜索lament, plenary, rein, snarl, cut down, Qomolangma, pall, hemophilia, spearhead, fugitive, intimation, play along with, exorcise, hog, subservient, Africa, automatically, concentration, paw-paw, zoologist, hotel, non-stop, asbestos shingle, chivalry, punishment, Fleet Street, stodgy, regression, secondary, your, bond failure, worn, cursor, terramycin, fossil, attributable to, homeostasis, overlapping, absorptive capacity, heterograft, beam and slab floor, weak, larder, bend, on-state, biological sewage treatment, die of..., rea lnumber, skyscraper, all right, meritorious, salivary gland, suffrage, WWF, user-defined, octogenarian, armpit, fork, addict, busman,


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