
前言那么首先恭喜大家通过了22考研的初试,我们的考研复试一般会定在三月中下旬。虽然距离复试还有一定的时间,我们可以趁着这段时间完善自己复试的英文自我介绍,毕竟英文自我介绍算是我们第一个考察项目,给老师第一印象非常重要!!!那么我们的研究生复试一般分为这样几个环节:英语复试(英语自我介绍+英语问答),中文自我介绍,专业课问答以及综合交流等等。我们非常有可能要参加英文面试和专业课面试两场面试,当然对于学长这类英语专业的考生来说,一般英语面试和专业课面试是同一场面试,不存在多场面试的。无论是多场面试还是单场面试,英语自我介绍这一环节其实是非常重要的,因为是第一项考察的内容,所以给老师的第一印象一定要好。因此,这篇回答学长将会应对不同的考生给出不同的英文回答模板,相信看完这篇回答之后今年复试的英文自我介绍一定没有问题了。本文字数1w+,阅读需要10分钟左右。文末有福利哦,大家一定要读下去!!!正文在正式介绍经验之前,学长建议大家不要直接照抄别人给的模板,一方面我们也不知道这份模板到底适合哪一类考生使用,应届生,往届生和在职考生所用的英语自我介绍是完全不一样的(毕竟个人经历不一样);另一方面,我们也不知道这份模板的表达是否正确(就算不正确那至少读起来要顺吧!!!)自我介绍,自我介绍,最主要要让老师听懂就行,不要过于花里胡哨。用的词汇或者句式过于复杂反而会起到反效果,让老师觉得我们有点不够踏实的感觉,我们自我介绍要用最简单的句式,词汇和表达把自己「推销」出去。要是我们英语基础不好的小伙伴,自我介绍中有过多的生词和复杂句反而让我们觉得这个自我介绍做得真别扭,平常我们自我介绍都觉得别扭,更不要说在线上复试的时候面对下面5-6个老师,我们一紧张,那我们的自我介绍就会「洋相百出」组合并拆解一篇完整的英文自我回答那么,我先上一篇我当时复试时候的自我介绍,我当时测试过如果背诵很熟练的话,一般可以在2分40秒左右的时间说完,当然我的语速是偏快的,如果不是非英语专业的小伙伴,不用那么长的英文自我介绍。(开头语+自我背景简单介绍)Good morning, dear professors.It's my pleasure to be given a chance for this interview.My name is XXX,and you can also call me TOM. I'm from Shanghai,so I'm a native person/Shanghainese. I will graduate from XXX university,and I am major in engineering management.(套话) I'm striving for obtaining a key to you prestigious university. It's my dream to be a postgraduate,and I have a dream to be a student of MTI(Master of Translation and Interpreting),that's the reason why I am in this stage. (为考研的专业所做出的努力)From my prespective,I am a introvert guy, patient and with great perseverance. So,my personality is quite different from other boys. Although l am major in engineering management for my Bachelor degree,I really love English study. In my four-year university career, I have read 50,0000(5 hundred thousand) words of English literature masterpiece,including The Great Gatsby and The Moon and Sixpence etc. Meanwhile, I spare every effort to study English in the university ,and I passed CET-4 and CET-6 in my first year ,and passed BEC in the second year of my university,and got 6.5 in my IELTS Tests and got the first CATTI certificate(LEVEL 3) in the third year of the university. Also, I had a short study trip for visiting University of Canterbury located in Chirstchurch, New Zealand in the winter vacation of 2019. From that study trip,I learned a lot of things,especially enhancing my oral English.After I finished postgraduate entrance examination, I have got an internship in Shanghai E-ging Translation Services Co,.Ltd for three months already,and took a responsibility for the translation work in the company.(业余爱好)In addition, in my spare time,I also do some sports with my friends,such as basketball and table tennis.Of course, I am given a chance to be a MTIer in Shanghai University, I will concentrate my study and make great efforts to further improve my translation and intrepretation level.(结束语)That's all Thank you for your listening.我考的本来就是翻译专业,所以主体段要突出我们对于语言学习所做出的的努力,其它一些非重要的奖项和经历就可以不讲。比如:我们考的是英语专业,那么计算机水平证书,做做一般的志愿者的经历就可以淡化不说(当然如果我们实在是没什么奖项可说,可以拿上去凑个数),毕竟和报考专业无关,我们做个自我介绍不可能面面俱到,毕竟一个自我介绍最多给3分钟的时间。那么我们来拆解一下这篇自我介绍,看看一篇好的自我介绍的构成(针对文科专业):我在个人背景里面加了一个来自哪里的介绍,可以说某些地区的院校老师还是挺喜欢看这方面的,虽然老师们不太会明着说,就比如:上海地区的老师更加倾向江浙沪的学生,所以我们的自我介绍里面可以加一句「来自哪里」的介绍当然,上面这篇自我介绍比较适合文科类专业的考生,对于理工类的考生来说,我们还需要加上一些细节上的内容。比如:这样一篇英文自我介绍(开头语+自我背景简单介绍)Good morning, dear professors.It's my pleasure to be given a chance for this interview.My name is XXX,and you can also call me TOM. I'm from Shanghai,so I'm a native person/Shanghainese. I will graduate from XXX university,and I am major in engineering management.(套话) I'm striving for obtaining a key to you prestigious university. It's my dream to be a postgraduate,and I have a dream to be a student of XXX(填写自己报考的专业)that's the reason why I am in this stage. 我们前两段不用变,主要改中间的主体段(为考研的专业所做出的努力)From my prespective,I am a introvert guy, patient and with great perseverance. Therefore,I am quite suitable for this major. During my three-year university career, I participated in Internet+program,ranking the second award in this program(具体项目可以根据自己参加的具体说,总体以项目+结果来表述).Meanwhile,when I was a junior student in the university,I followed my mentor to take part in XXX(同时我们可以再说说和自己本科的老师参加过什么会议,或者进行过什么科创项目). I have passed CET-4 and CET-6 during my first and second year of university.(强调自己通过四六级考试,理科考生通过四六级优势还是很大的,要着重说)(业余爱好+本专业展望)In addition, in my spare time,I also do some sports with my friends,such as basketball and table tennis.Of course, I am given a chance to be a student of XXX(专业) in XXX University, I will concentrate my study and make great efforts to further improve my XXX(专业) level.(结束语)That's all Thank you for your listening.对于报考理工科的同学来说,我们要在自我介绍阶段着重介绍一下自己在本科期间所做的项目或者说没有项目在本专业所做的努力也是可以说的,在主体部分还需要加上自己的英语成绩等等内容。那么我们来拆解一下这篇英语自我介绍,看看我们的理科同学一篇自我介绍的构成:可以说,理科的小伙伴自我介绍的内容可能还比文科的小伙伴多一些。英语自我介绍常用模板2套这里学长给大家摘取了两套还算可以的考研复试英文自我介绍的模板,大家可以根据自己的情况,自己修改一下:(在职考生模板)Respected Professors,Good afternoon! I'm great honored to meet you here.My name is XXX,I'm 26 years old ,born in XXX city ,XXX http://Province.In the year of XXX,I entered XXX University, majoring in Machanic Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities. I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.However,with time going on ,the more I experienced,the clearer I realized that I'm really interested in the Enterprise Management .I find many enterprises which have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing speed during my career . I'm eager to learn more about management and I hope I can study further in this University. I resigned in August,2021 and started the way to pursuing my studies. After about half year's hard work,I'm finally standing before your honorable professors now. I'm really excited. Though I've sacrificed much on my way to pursuing studies,I believe it's worthwhile. I believe working hard will finally be prepared. Thank you !(应届考生或者往届二战考生)Good morning/afternoon, dear teachers (my dear professors)。I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is ___.I am ___ years old. I come from _______, a very beautiful city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in _______university in July,2009. And now,I am trying my best for obtaining a key to ________ University.Generally speaking,I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore,I found web design very interesting,so I have learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself,I stayed with my personal computer for half a month,and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore,I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first examination,I insist on running every day,no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Well,in my spare time, I like basketball,tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying. Ok, that‘s all,thank you for your attention.其它一些英语复试常问的问题Q&A这边总结的一些英语复试常见的问题是针对大家普遍被问到的问题,对于学长这类英语专业面试都可以使用的模板,我相信其它专业的英语复试要求肯定没有那么高,大家可以参考参考:1. 谈一谈自己的兴趣(Do you have hobbies/Introduce your hobby)A:In my spare time ,I always doing some reading like literature masterpieces, such as The Great Gatsby, The moon and sixpence and The Da vinci's code,that's the method I improve my English reading ability and I have read 500,000 words during my four years'university. Besides, I also love to play basketball and table tennis with my dorm mates. For the translation aspects, I am reading and learning the prose copies proposed by Mr. Zhang peiji.谈到兴趣这个问题,我们可以把自己平时的兴趣讲一讲,再结合自己的专业来谈一谈。2.谈一谈自己的学校(Tell me sth about your school)A:I am a student from XXX .It was founded in XXX(年份) and It develops into a comprehensive and excellent university with the efforts of generation.There are XXX colleges(有几个二级学院) in our university,and the most popular major in our school is Electric engineering and Automation.(这里可以介绍一下学校最厉害的地方或者抓住学校的校训来讲)Two years ago, we moved to the new campus in Lingang,accompanying with other five universities in Lingang. Although the new campus is still under some further construction, It is a quite gorgeous campus with beautiful scenery.3.谈一谈自己研究生阶段的规划(What's your plan for your postgraduate study?)Thank you for your question, First,I am not a student major in English,so for the next two years,I will spare no effort to improve my basic English study,you know I only get 68 points for the basic English Test, I am not satisfied,and the basic English is also the foundation for the translation study. Second, I want to learn something about computer-aided translation .Computer-aided translation is quiet important in some translation work, It can really improve our translation efficiency and become less time-consuming. Thirdly,I want to read more translation articles, as we all know ,a excellent translator should be both good at practice and translation theory. During three years'translation study by myself, I was quite focused on practice and ignore the vital translation theory study.Besides, I also wanna publish some articles for the translation and ready for my study for doctorate degree if possible.谈一谈研究生阶段的规划最好能够扣住本专业的知识和内容,日常生活的规划不用提太多。文科的小伙伴可以展望一下经过2-3年的研究生阶段的学习,我想达到什么样的程度;理科的小伙伴可以提一提我在研究生阶段想要研究的方向,想要发多少篇论文这样子。4.谈一谈通过研究生的学习想要达到什么样的水平(What do you expect to achieve during the study if you are enrolled into this institute?)其实这一道题目和第三题是差不多的,只不过我们要把重心更加放在我们的学业上,例如学长是翻硕专业的,那么我们可以这么回答:There must be many things to learn if I enrolled in Shanghai Normal University and being a student of MTI.
I hope I can build a systematic view of translation and interpretation.On the other hand, I am dreaming of the participation of some relevant translation and interpretation experiences,and doing some projects and writing some articles about translationWhat’s more,I expected to continue my study for doctorate degree if it is possible.掌握通过研究生复试的密码就是:我要读博!!!哈哈哈!5.(对于跨专业的考生)你为什么想要换专业报考?(Why do you change your major?)当然,我们跨专业考研总会有各种各样的理由,有的小伙伴对于本科专业比较讨厌和厌恶的,我们也不能在考研复试中表达出来。我们在复试过程中一定要向老师表明:我通过了努力的学习以及2-3年的专业课的学习,确定本科的专业不是自己未来发展方向,我们把重点要放在研究生专业的学习上,通过学习产生了对这个专业的兴趣,进而想报考这个专业因此,当时我是这么回答的:Thank you for your question. Well, I was major in engineering management for the Bchelor Degree.However,compared with engineering manangement, I am much more interested in translation and interpretation.I almost spent four years studying and improving my English and translation standard when I was in the university.During my study,I passed the CATTI certificate level three and level two,but failed twice at level one,so I think that my translation has some defects and shortcomings,that's the reason why I choose this major,and I desperately to enroll in Shanghai University to your great professors to help me improve my translation standard. Secondly I considered the future plan of combination for the translation and my major in engineering management.Although I didn't figure out the detailed plan of it,I will strive to make my plan come true during the next two years’study in Shanghai University.福利看到这里的小伙伴,还不动动自己的小手给学长三连嘛,那么在这个回答的开头也提到:文末会有福利!!!福利就是:因为22考研初试已经结束了,大家都要开始准备起研究生能复试了嘛,那么英语自我介绍就是需要我们准备,学长这边可以给大家提供自我介绍的修改/润色服务,当然如果大家想要偷懒,不想写英文自我介绍,又觉得外面的模板太low,这边可以给大家每个人订制属于自己的英文版自我介绍(当然个人信息什么的需要提供的哈!!!)修改/润色以及订制版自我介绍都是可以的哈!至于价格嘛,当然不会为难大家,肯定在各位小伙伴接受范围之内。所以,有需要的小伙伴可以知乎后台私聊我!自我介绍:我是@一袋米我要扛两楼,95后翻硕在读,欢迎各位小伙伴关注我,如果你同意我的回答,用0.1秒钟点个赞,你的赞是我创作干货的动力如果有考研上的问题,对于是翻译硕士考研,英语考试,CATTI考试等问题,可以下方入口向我咨询,学长一定做到知无不言言无不尽!!!其它考研干货回答如下:考研考学科英语好还是翻译硕士好?已经二月了,22 考研的完全进入不了状态考研之前要做哪些准备?非英语专业可以跨考翻译硕士吗?考研MTI推荐哪些学校,不推荐哪些学校,为什么?考研的难度在哪里?考研要努力到什么程度,才能考上理想的学校?大学英语四级应该刷什么书?做什么题?为什么有人说 22 考研难度会高一些?专硕是不是没有学硕好?22考研目前这个阶段每天只学三四个小时真的够吗?2022考研全年时间如何安排?考研英语该怎么复习?


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