
秋季主题课程助力孩子成长Supporting Children’s Development through Autumn-themed Activities每当谈到秋天,首先浮现在你脑海中的是什么?秋天会下雨,天气逐渐转凉,树叶也慢慢变黄,苹果和南瓜也迎来了丰收的季节。以上这些秋季的变化,在我们的秋季主题课程中均有涉及。孩子们喜欢研究色彩缤纷的落叶、收获时令的苹果和南瓜、认识即将进入冬眠状态的小动物,以及去发现秋天发生的所有变化。When you think of autumn, what comes to mind? Rain, cool weather, leaves changing colours, apples, and pumpkins. This theme touches upon all these wonderful autumn pleasures.Children love learning about the colourful falling leaves, harvest time, foods like pumpkins and apples, changes that happen in the weather, and animals that hibernate.如何通过主题课程的学习让孩子们在感受秋天魅力的同时提升他们的语言与沟通能力、精细动作能力以及创造力呢?接下来就和我一起,来看看常州威雅幼儿园彩虹鱼班的孩子们究竟进行了哪些以秋天为主题的活动吧。How to encourage children to experience the splendour of autumn while enhancing their language and communication abilities, fine motor skills, and their creativity? We want to share some activities that the Rainbowfish class used to study the theme of autumn.1户外“撒野”!The Great Outdoors!秋季是孩子们进行户外探索的好时机。这可以促进他们的身体发育,同时也是培养他们沟通和语言技能的好机会。Autumn is the absolute ideal season for children to explore the great outdoors. This can support children’s physical development, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to support communication and language skills too. 彩虹鱼班的孩子们漫步于校园中,收集了许多自然资源,像松果、树枝、橡树子和色彩缤纷的树叶。孩子们将这些“宝藏”带回了教室,接下来便着手制作“秋天宝藏篮”。大家共享着之前收集到的自然资源,合作完成这一制作任务。孩子们运用自己的感官探索着大自然中的一切,这正是我们秉持“寓教于乐”教学方式的最好见证。The Rainbowfish class took a nature walk and collected natural resources, such as pinecones, twigs, acorns and different coloured leaves. We are using these natural resources in the classroom so our class children can have access to lots of lovely resources. The children of our class collected natural resources to make a Autumn Treasure Basket. This was a great way to support our class with the ‘playing and exploring’ element as the children explore different materials and tools using their senses.2艺术&手工活动Art & Craft Activities在秋天安排一些艺术相关的活动来辅助孩子们的学习再适合不过了。我们鼓励孩子参与一些手工制作的活动,这样有助于培养他们的精细动作能力和手眼协调能力。恰逢秋高气爽的天气,大家来到户外捡拾落叶和橡树子,并从这些自然资源中汲取灵感用来制作艺术作品。Autumn is a perfect time to support children’s learning with some art-related activities. We encouraged our children to take part in the making of craft-related items, supporting them with their fine motor development and their hand-eye coordination. The weather was perfect for going outside to collect natural items like leaves and acorns and we used them to make many things. For their craft, the children drew inspiration from objects they had collected, such as fallen leaves, twigs, pinecones, and other natural materials.3制作秋天感知瓶Autumn Weather Sensory Bottles围绕秋天这一主题,我们也可以安排许多科学活动。我们用秋天感知瓶将秋天的天气带回了教室。这个瓶子的好处是它能与感官游戏建立直接联系。孩子们利用感知瓶探索了不同类型的秋季天气,以及它们的呈现形式和声音。为了让这一活动更富趣味性,我们特意在瓶子顶部张贴了对应天气的真实图片。Weather is always a fun Science topic to explore!
We brought the autumn weather inside with weather sensory bottles. The most obvious benefit of sensory bottles was their direct connection to sensory play. The Rainbowfish class explored the different types of autumn weather and how they look and sound using the sensory bottles. To make them even more amazing, we taped a real photo of the weather to the top of the bottle.4阅读秋天的故事Autumn Stories Reading提升孩子的沟通与语言技能最简单有效的方式便是通过问答以及讨论插画的形式与孩子们一起阅读。彩虹鱼班的孩子们非常热爱阅读,我也很享受给孩子们讲故事的过程。有时我还会让他们来到讲台前和我一起,这样他们会有很强的参与感,同时也加深了对故事的理解。关于树叶颜色变化、南瓜和秋季丰收的书籍可以激发孩子的想象力,并吸引他们走到户外,在落叶中尽情玩耍。A simple and effective tool that we can use to support children with their communication and language skills is to frequently read stories with them and ask questions or discuss the illustrations together. Our class love reading, and I enjoy telling stories to the children and sometimes putting them “on stage” so they can participate and have a better understanding of the concepts. One way I love to get the children excited about autumn is through books. Wonderful autumn books about the changing colour of the leaves, pumpkins, and harvest spark your little one’s imagination and entice them to get outside and jump in a pile of leaves.5园艺 Gardening众所周知,让孩子体验园艺会对他们产生持续的积极影响。研究结果表明,在改进孩子行为规范、学习态度以及调动积极性方面,参加园艺活动可以让孩子们受益匪浅。许多秋天的园艺活动有助于培养孩子的耐心。秋季是观察的季节,彩虹鱼班的孩子们在播种的同时可以对季节的变化有更深刻的理解。It is no secret that getting children involved in gardening can have lasting positive effects. From improved behaviour and work ethic, to increased motivation, studies have shown that children who participate in garden related tasks can benefit greatly. Many autumn garden activities for children involve the development of patience. Autumn is a time for observation, and the Rainbowfish class, who are growing a few items throughout this season, can have a better understanding of how the seasons change.6秋季颂歌 Singing Autumn Related Songs有许多有关秋天的趣味活动可以和孩子一起进行。当然,所有的孩子都喜欢音乐和舞蹈,所以在教学中加入歌曲和韵律可以在帮助孩子语言和沟通能力发展方面起到作用。孩子们喜欢以一首朗朗上口的歌曲和一些有趣的舞蹈开启一天的学习。There are so many fun activities to do with the children about autumn. Of course, all children like music and movement, so including songs and rhymes into the teaching would be a wonderful way to help children' language and communication development. Our children like beginning the school day with a catchy song and some funny dances.7交流与语言活动Communication and Language Activities 无论是讨论与季节相关的知识,还是介绍与秋季丰富的自然资源相关的词汇,秋季主题活动都是发展孩子语言沟通能力的有效方式。彩虹鱼班的孩子们完成了一系列与秋天主题相关的活动,包括树叶颜色匹配活动、秋天的图案、户外游戏、季节匹配活动等。这些活动有助于孩子们学习主题课程、学习新词汇,并加深了孩子们对秋天这一可爱季节的理解。Autumn-themed activities are an effective way to support the children’s growing communication and language skills. Whether it’s discussing seasonal-related concepts or introducing key vocabulary related to the abundance of natural resources autumn offers. We have completed a wide range of activities in the Rainbowfish class that are related to the theme of autumn, including a leaf colour matching activity, an autumn pattern, an outdoor game, and a matching activity for the seasons. These activities aid in the study of the topic, the learning of new vocabulary, and the development of our children's understanding of the lovely season of autumn.用秋天为主题的教学活动来迎接秋天的到来,真是一件令人愉快的事情。孩子们可以在秋天的故事和音乐中培养读写能力。与树叶相关的活动、游戏和手工为孩子们提供了许多练习的机会,他们可以复述故事,重温音乐韵律,学习新的视觉词汇,练习字母和颜色识别,将计数与基数联系起来,并发挥想象力利用落叶创造“树叶人”和动物。是时候说一声 “你好,秋天”了!It is enjoyable to welcome autumn into the classroom and celebrate the changing foliage with autumn-themed teaching ideas and lessons. The children can build literacy skills as they travel with autumn stories and rhymes. Leaf-related activities, games, and crafts provide a bounty of opportunities for children to retell stories and rhymes, acquire new sight words, practice letter and colour identification, connect counting to cardinality, and use their imaginations to create leaf people and animals using real fall leaves. It’s time to say, “Hello autumn”!


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