
不会!绝对不会有!这是主观题阅卷的技术保证,无论哪种类型的考试,主观题阅卷都有一项:自评。就是为了防止你乱打分,有时候同一份试卷会让你批改两遍,根据你打分的差距来决定你的自评系数,这个系数会影响最终收入哦。所以,即使是前后脚遇到一模一样的试卷,也不会有人觉得这是雷同卷,而是会觉得这是自评卷,他们反而比你更紧张。无论高考,还是考研,无论语文作文,还是英语作文,从来没有雷同卷这个概念!所以,一定不要那么在意雷同的问题,因为考研英语作文的题干要求那么细,谁在意它累不雷同?只在意你有没有踩到得分点上。没错,考研英语作文就是妥妥的踩点式作文!我们应该怎么写呢?1. 小作文怎么写?小作文是整个考研过程中最容易得分的一道题目,小作文作为应用文,以实用为最高追求,它的得分点不在于语言,而在于格式和内容!这是最需要看成问答题的一道题目,请极端重视题干中的要求!你哪怕用初中英语的知识,只要解决了题干的问题,就完全没问题!但是!!! 小作文有两个最普遍的错误导向:1. 不看题干;2. 背模版,乱写长难句。1. 不看题干要求最典型的就是各种信,很多人就从网上买了各种模版,什么推荐信,介绍信,拒绝心,这信、那信......整得跟真的一样,有模有样的,但就是不看题干,比如这位同学, 题干用了整整一行说“state reasons......”,但是人家根本看不见!!!往年精修案例2. 乱写不熟悉的长难句英语作文模版风非常流行,再加上市场上“语言第一,内容其次”论的忽悠,很多人竟然把考研英语作文看成了文学创作,以我历年修改作文的经验,反而是那些小作文胡乱准备模版,乱写长难句的人失分最严重!写出了类似如下的文章,句式十分复杂,全文就没有什么对的句子:3. 小作文应该怎么写?把握住“格式+内容”就好了,不要瞎想,你只要看得懂题干,初中语法完全可以拿满分!小作文只考过两种:信件和Notice,1. 格式:信件格式的易错点在于标点,“逗号”!!!,Notice格式易错点在于抬头!!!目前考研英语中对于小作文的考察只有两种:信件和通知。信件的格式分有两个:抬头和落款。抬头就是:Dear sb, (逗号!!!英语中是逗号!50%以上的同学都会错)落款就是:Yours sincerely,Li Ming通知的格式有三个: Notice, 抬头和落款这儿争议最大,因为很多同学觉得不用写抬头,我专门写了一篇文章,大家自己看吧!2. 内容先以最容易考的信件为例,信件应该怎么写呢?我们以2021年英语一小作文为例:从题干要求看,写一封如何找工作的信,得分点就集中在 email 和 suggestions 这两个词之中,也就是信件格式和至少两个建议。Dear Jack,As your friend, I am writing this letter to give you some advice to help you find a job in China. (第一段提出写作目的)I'd like to give you three suggestions.(直接点题,三个suggestions) First, you should prepare a formal suit, because it would be rude if you take part in a job interview dressing casually. Second, you need to watch videos about finding a job in China, which can offer you useful tips. Third, you are supposed to keep an optimistic attitude before you get a good job offer, and I would always be here to assist you.(小作文中,first,second, third 作为连接词是最建议使用的,因为明了又清晰)I would be glad if you find my advice helpful and I am looking forward to your favorable reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming这位同学没有用太复杂的句式,但是格式没有问题,内容完美切合,这就是小作文的要求我们再以考过的另外一种小作文形式notice为例:简单来说,内容就是:学生会要通知国际留学生参加唱歌比赛。让你自己去写通知,你会怎么写?格式分前面说过了,这儿不表。内容呢?最重要的当然是这个比赛什么时候在哪儿举行,比赛是什么样子的,这才是通知。所以,对于小作文,只要有活动的,你就想像成是自己举办了活动通知别人来参加,这个时候你就清醒了。2020年为例:也是三段式,第一段写清楚你要干什么,第二段主体部分仔细介绍,第三段欢迎参加NoticeTo international students,In order to make students’ campus life more colorful, Student Union is organizing a singing contest.The detailed information will be listed as follows. First of all, the contest will be held at the Education Centre from 9:00 a.m. to11:00 a.m. on December 28th. Second, our team will invite a famous music professor to attend and give a brief speech. Third, our awards are attractive, and we can assure you an unforgettable evening.If you have an interest in taking part in, please notify us before next Sunday. It is the genuine wish of the whole organization team that you are able to come.The Students’ Union.3. 英语一大作文怎么写?写作误区之一:不重视内容,尤其不重视第一段的描述。一定不要以高考语文作文的思路去写考研英语作文,这种想法是错的!!!否则,被“语言第一,内容其次”的想法祸害之后,你的第一段有可能乱用模版长难句,忽略描述部分,然后写出这样的作文(2005年,“养老足球赛”):(往年精修案例)还有很多乱写和图片不相干的废话的,最典型的就是各种as deep as ocean,还有写着写着就控制不住自己,胡乱感叹。 比如:Simple as the pictures are, the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean. What a meaningful and thought-provoking picture!拜托,第一段要求那么明确:describe ! 你何必写这些无关紧要的句子?一副简简单单的漫画哪儿as deep as ocean 了?这些不相干的句子写得越多,就越容易挤压真正值钱的描述部分空间,造成描述不够充分和细致。2. 写作误区之二:乱写长难句,一个句子写多个逗号这个误区也是“语言第一,内容其次”论带来的,我每年都要精修几百篇考研英语作文,说实在的,如果我看到一个句子出现了两个以上的逗号(非各种并列句),那么这个句子有99%以上的可能是错的!!!其实最厉害的,我见过写四个逗号的,这种看都不用看,肯定是错的。而且这种错都是大错,句子混乱,谓语乱用,扣分很严重的。所以,写作的第一追求是:保证不错,尽量写好:往年精修案例那么,考研英语作文应该怎么写呢?2.英语一大作文如何构思?既然考研作文有题干,有很明确的三个要求(1.describe; 2. interpret; 3. comment)。你就要想清楚了:作为考生,你首先要做的就是听话,按照题干要求写作文。否则,让你上东你上西,让你打狗你撵鸡,我只能说,你还是嫌分太多!所以,这三个很明确的题干要求其实就是暗示你大作文要写三段,每一段直接对应这三个要求,同时,你也要明白的是:第一段描述是最重要的!为什么呢?最重要的原因是:第一段描述图画是没有办法用模版的!在这个模版盛行的时代,你以为只有你知道模版这回事?出卷老师比你更知道,他们早就预判了你的预判!其次,作为非英语专业本科生,你写出的英语作文,真的水平不会太高,这些大学英语教授看你写的文章和你看小学生三年级写的看图说话的感觉不会差太多,就算有,也不大。如果看完第一段还不知道知道你的水平几何,这才叫难为情呢~~~所以,第一段就直接决定了你的得分基调!之前有人在网上发了一个这样的模版,第一段如下:这几句话也只有第二句是踩在了得分点上,其它像是什么,Simple as the picture is, the symbolic meaning is thought-provoking / as deep as ocean. There is a growing national consciousness of the importance of......这些都是废话,不仅不在得分点上,还挤压了真正值钱的描述部分,还涉嫌人为设置阅读障碍。而且,一幅漫画只用了一句话来描述,你确定说得清楚?其实最迷惑的行为,就是Below the drawing, the caption reads:...... 题目有翻译的必要?就算是小学三年级看图写字,你难道会在最后写上:你看,题目写到:“”。呃。。。。。。你难道是在嘲笑阅卷老师没长眼?关于caption的翻译问题,我专门有过讨论,这里不再赘述:4.第一段应该怎么写呢?你就老老实实地把漫画描述清楚就好了,别老是想着长难句,炫技,描述部分越详细越好。然后最后一句话,把主题句写上,就Okay了!以2020年英语一为例:比如:The caricature highlights a comparison of two students' attitudes towards learning. In the left picture, absorbed in the homework, a girl holds that finishing homework as soon as possible best suits her. Conversely, the boy in the right picture never starts until the deadline. The contrast pictures above point up the significance of a good habit.要点:1. 对于这两幅图的对比,以及那么明显的男孩女孩的身份,还有两个人说的这些话,你不能装作看不见。记住:你可以骗别人,但是如果连自己都骗,那只能说你嫌自己分多。2. 对于文中的对话,其实总体建议大家不要直译,因为翻译本身就比较难一些,你必须要考虑到和原文的匹配度,文中的意译方式是比较推荐的。而且直译还有一个标点的问题在里面,英语中对于直接转述通常用逗号,但是中国学生喜欢用冒号,而且还时常不加双引号。所以,直译会增加犯错的几率。3. 对于大家第一段常用的,烂大街的,像是狗皮膏药一样的几个著名短句就别用了:What a meaningful and thought-provoking picture! The meaning of the picture is as deep as ocean !这就是个小漫画,哪里as deep as ocean了?还有What looks beyond dispute; It keeps universally acknowledged; It proves widely acknowledged....... 这些都是错的,英语中没有这种用法,keep, prove, look只是在某些情况下可以代替is, 但并不是所有情况下随意互换。天呐,也不知从哪儿学的,这儿有个查英语搭配的网站大家可以去用一下,写英语不要想当然!5. 第二段应该怎么写呢?第二段就直接对应题干的第二个要求:interpret。 联系实际生活,深入讨论,因为漫画本身就是反映社会的,且往往起到了嘲讽作用。其实,从第二段开始我们就开始使用自己的小技巧了。我最喜欢教给学生的论证方式就是:正反对比论证。什么是正反对比论证呢?以这道题为例:There are two kinds of people in this society: those who have acquired good habits and never delay anything, and those who fail to form such good habits and always pretend everything is fine. The quality of cultivating a good habit is surely to provide you with confidence, strength and courage. Without such a crucial personality, people are likely to lose themselves at the crossroads of life and suffer failures when competing with their peers, let alone fulfill your ambitions. Consequently, a good habit is the foundation of success. (黑体字部分可以作为素材积累)记住一点:无论什么样的题目都可以归结到人,人是万物的尺度,无论什么样的题目都可以这样正反对比论证。比如:2021年坚持自我:坚持自我如何;不坚持自我又如何,结果或原因是什么。2019年爬山:坚持会如何;不坚持又如何,结果或原因是什么。就算是2011年旅程之余:保护了环境如何;不保护环境又如何,结果或原因是什么。要点:第二段也不是随便乱写的,漫画中反映了几种态度你就要探讨几种态度,尤其像是2020年两幅图两种习惯这种。所以,正反对比论证是一个非常全面又非常概括的写法,不会怕漏掉某一点,而且还不会没话说。关于举例子,如果不是实在没办法的情况下,尽量不要举例子,因为你能想到的例子就那几个:马云,郎平,袁隆平,朱婷,钟南山.......阅卷老师可能对于相似的句型不感冒,但是一样的例子一记一个准。所以尽量别举例子,如果实在没办法了,要记得一定写在第二段最后。第二段千万别上来就“Several reasons account for this phenomenon. First, ...... Second, ...... Third, ......” 你注意看一下题干的要求,interpret的意思是阐释,不是写原因!这种一定得不了高分!6. 第三段怎么写呢?按照题干的要求,第三段应该直接对应comments。因为comments本身就是一个比较宽泛的词汇,所以,第三段是可以提前准备的。这儿建议写解决方案,这样就不会和第二段重复了。整体思路是:个人要怎么办;学校要怎么办;社会要怎么办。我们继续:In my opinion(一定要写这句话,提示老师我的comments在这儿),a good habit plays a vital role in facing hardships. Schools shoulder the responsibility to correctly guide teenagers' value system and world view. Furthermore, newspapers, satellite TVs and social networking are also required to lead us to form good habits. Only in this way can we realize our dreams in the future.或者:In my opinion, just as water is basic necessity of life, so is cultivation of a good habit the cornerstone for success. As a result, to make greater strides, no efforts should be spared to foster this ability. The paramount step is to adopt a serious orientation towards good habits and make specific plans before it's too late. (黑体字部分可作为素材积累)要点:第三段开头一定要写上 In my opinion / From my point of view / As far as I am concerned, ......这就是直接提示老师,我的comments在这儿。第三段可以提前准备,因为comments本身就是个很宽泛的概念。7.总结以上就是考研英语一大作文的写法,三段直接对应题干三个要求,一目了然,跃然纸上,得分点直接呈现给阅卷老师,皆大欢喜!4. 英语二大作文如何写?英语二作文还是比较简单的,因为这些乱七八糟的图实际上就两种:1. 静态的(占比);2.动态的(上升或下降)。所以表格的信息都非常明确,句型和套路也都非常固定,下面我就手把手教你如何组成自己的模版:从2010年至今,静态图一共考过三种五次。3次是饼状图,1次是柱状图,一次是表格,但都是占比类。我们以2020年饼状图为例:第一段直接对应题干的第一个要求:describe。包括两个得分点:1. 标题所提示的这是一副什么样的图。2.对于这幅图的细致描述。占比类表格第一段的固定模式如下:The pie chart (柱状图:bar graph;表格:table) illustrates various purposes of student's reading on mobile phones in a certain university.(题目经常有某校、某市,这个某就用certain好了) In the chart, learning knowledge has the largest proportion, accounting for 59.5%. Next come killing time and acquiring information with 21.3% and 17% respectively. By contrast, 2.2 percent of students read on the mobile phones for other reasons. (黑体字可以当作固定模版)(只要是占比类,你就按照这个格式套就没问题,占比最多的,用一个陈述句式,接着来个倒装把第二第三的说了,最后再来个陈述句式,把排在最后的说了。如果像2018年那样有五个怎么办?很简单,加个and就好了,2.2 percent of students read on the mobile phones for other reasons, and 1.7 percent of......)英语二大作文的第二个要求是comments,这个概念其实本身就比较宽泛了,而且像静态题都是比较大小的,所以第二段直接写原因就可以。这儿可以说一下最大的一个或两个占比的原因是什么,既然是原因,其实可以提前准备的。第二段基本构成:这幅图怎么了+背后原因Undoubtedly, the chart indicates a common campus phenomenon that most students make optimum use of mobile reading to study and entertain themselves. Several reasons may account for this situation. For one thing, in consideration of the weight of paper books , students need particular electronic instruments to study with efficiency and convenience. For another, in order to reduce excessive stress , mobile reading also provides a new entertaining way to alleviate student’s pressure that comes with examinations. (黑体字可以当作素材积累)(当然,也有一些万能的原因,比如:The rapid development of China's economy has already brought a great fortune to its citizens, which enables them to purchase smartphones. Based on the fact that economic foundation determines superstructure, people are inclined to study and entertain themselves by cellphones. 当然这种切题度不够,只适合完全对写作没有自信的同学。)第三段其实完全可以提前准备,因为这是最后一段,有就行,这儿建议写写预测就行了。From my point of view, students’ growing demand for mobile learning, together with the expansion of the whole industry, has contributed to the phenomenon shown in the chart and the above analysis has unsurprisingly indicated a further rise in the figure of phone learners.(黑体字可以当作素材积累)2010年至今,动态图一共考过两种六次。五次柱状图,一次折线图。动态图其实就两种情况:要么上升,要么下降。我们以2014年人口变化为例,因为这幅图即有上升也有下降,而且是最常考的柱状图第一段仍然是:标题提示这是什么图+仔细描述The column chart (折线图:line chart) illustrates the changes of urban and rural population from 1990 to 2010 in China. What can be seen is that the population of urban areas rocketed sharply from 300 million to 666 million between 1990 and 2000. At the same time, the number of rural residents shrank dramatically from 834 million to 674 million.第二段的构成还是:这幅图反映了什么+背后原因Apparently, this stark contrast between rural and urban population reveals the fact that people in the countryside are prone to migrate into the cities, which may result from the following reasons. First and foremost is the huge divide of economic growth in urban and rural areas, which is bound to be the main reason because it's much easier to find a job in the city. Furthermore, based on the fact that the tradition to value education has rooted in China, it's not a surprise for parents living in the countryside to seek better education opportunities in some big cities.(万能模版也可以试一试,比如:The rapid development of China's economy has already brought a great fortune to its citizens, which enables them to purchase apartments in the cities. Based on the fact that economic foundation determines superstructure, people are also inclined to study and entertain themselves in some big cities. )第三段还是预测,模版直接拿来套:From my point of view, people’ growing demand for a better living condition, together with the expansion of the economy, has contributed to the phenomenon shown in the chart and the above analysis has unsurprisingly indicated a further rise in the figure of urban population. / a further decrease in the figure of rural population.简单吧?

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当然可以了,而且请你明白一点,你扣分的原因绝对不是因为这是模版,而是因为你写的东西没有很好地回答题干的问题。阅卷老师才不在意你用不用模版,雷不雷同,因为考研英语作文有很明确的题干要求啊!你只要能在这些题干要求下很完整地把内容写好,就没有任何问题。再说,无论英语一还是英语二大作文,第一个要求都是describe,请问,怎么用模版?而且,我告诉你,大作文的第一段绝对是最重要的一段,因为这是老师最先看到的,也是最不能用模版的,是你真实水平的直接体现。你真的以为老师看完第一段还不知道你的真实水平?给你举三个英语一的例子:很多同学喜欢在第一段一上来就干个长难句震慑一下阅卷老师,可是长难句却非常容易出错。仔细看看,第一段写成这个样子,你觉得还有必要继续看吗?他们得分会超过十分吗?比如:还有这种,第一个句子套了三个从句,然后自己就晕了,主句没有动词了:还有这种,一个句子能给你干四个逗号,呃......我们应该怎么写考研英语作文呢?八个字:内容至上,确保写对!!!1. 小作文怎么写?小作文是整个考研过程中最容易得分的一道题目,小作文作为应用文,以实用为最高追求,它的得分点不在于语言,而在于格式和内容!你哪怕用初中英语的语法知识,只要解决了题干的问题,那就完全没问题!但是!!! 小作文有两个最普遍的错误导向:1. 不看题干;2. 背模版,乱写长难句。1. 不看题干要求最典型的就是信,很多人就从网上买了各种模版,什么推荐信,介绍信,拒绝心,这信、那信......整得跟真的一样,有模有样的,但就是不看题干,比如这位同学, 题干用了整整一行说“state reasons......”,但是人家根本看不见!!!往年精修案例2. 乱写不熟悉的长难句英语作文模版风非常流行,再加上市场上“语言第一,内容其次”论的忽悠,很多人竟然把考研英语作文看成了文学创作,以我历年修改作文的经验,反而是那些小作文胡乱准备模版,乱写长难句的人失分最严重!写出了类似如下的文章,句式十分复杂,全文就没有什么对的句子:3. 小作文应该怎么写?把握住“格式+内容”就好了,不要瞎想,你只要看得懂题干,初中语法完全可以拿满分!小作文只考过两种:信件和Notice,1. 格式:信件格式的易错点在于标点,“逗号”!!!,Notice格式易错点在于抬头!!!目前考研英语中对于小作文的考察只有两种:信件和通知。信件的格式分有两个:抬头和落款。抬头就是:Dear sb, (逗号!!!英语中是逗号!50%以上的同学都会错)落款就是:Yours sincerely,Li Ming通知的格式有三个: Notice, 抬头和落款这儿争议最大,因为很多同学觉得不用写抬头,我专门写了一篇文章,大家自己看吧:2. 内容先以2020年notice为 例:简单来说,内容就是:学生会要通知国际留学生参加唱歌比赛。让你自己去写通知,你会怎么写?格式分前面说过了,这儿不表。内容呢?最重要的当然是这个比赛什么时候在哪儿举行,比赛是什么样子的,这才是通知。所以,对于小作文,只要有活动的,你就想像成是自己举办了活动通知别人来参加,这个时候你就清醒了。2020年为例:也是三段式,第一段写清楚你要干什么,第二段主体部分仔细介绍,第三段欢迎参加NoticeTo international students,In order to make students’ campus life more colorful, Student Union is organizing a singing contest.The detailed information will be listed as follows. First of all, the contest will be held at the Education Centre from 9:00 a.m. to11:00 a.m. on December 28th. Second, our team will invite a famous music professor to attend and give a brief speech. Third, our awards are attractive, and we can assure you an unforgettable evening.If you have an interest in taking part in, please notify us before next Sunday. It is the genuine wish of the whole organization team that you are able to attend.The Students’ Union信件应该怎么写呢?我们以介绍书为例:Dear club members,As the host of our club reading session, I am writing this email to recommend the autobiography written by Jack Ma, one of the most renowned entrepreneurs nationwide. The reasons why I recommend it are as follows.First, I believe that reading this book can help us arouse the inside motivation that encourages us to tackle daunting challenges because the book contains some obstacles Jack Ma faced when he started his business. Additionally, we can know more about how a successful business works by reading the book, which might motivate our potential, leading to new achievements.Hope you will like the book I mentioned. And if you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.Yours sincerely,Li Ming2.英语一大作文怎么写?大作文把握好“2+2+1”原则就够了。作为非英语专业学生,这不是对你英语文采的考察,不要追求长难句,长难句一错就是语法大错,扣分十分严重,你几斤几两这些大学英语老师心里都清楚。所以,不要在“关公面前耍大刀”,也不要在“鲁班门前玩斧子”!如果你非要这么做,后果往往是这样的:(精修私信)“2+2+1”,请记得内容至上!完成题干要求是你首要任务!英语一大作文的要求是万年不变的三个(非常遗憾,其实很多人被“语言第一”论忽悠了之后根本不看题干要求):1.describe;2. interpret;3. comment这三个要求是对你写作内容的提示,总结一下就是“2+2+1”原则。1. 第一段的"2"点: “描述+点题”第一段描述图片无论如何都不要用模版,你就细致地把漫画内容描述清楚,不要遗漏,这才是第一段的得分点!!!而且你永远要记得第一段是整个作文中最重要的一段,首先,这是阅卷老师最先看到的;其次,这一段是最不能使用模版的,是你真实水平的直接展现!可以说,第一段就直接决定了你的得分基调。而且像是:The picture is thought-provoking. Simple as the pictures are, the meaning behind the picture is as deep as ocean. 这些完全八杆子打不着的句子你!!!不!!!要!!!写!!!千万不要把别人当傻子,不要人为设置阅读障碍!!!以2021年为例:1.第一段应该怎么写呢?你就老老实实地把漫画描述清楚就好了,别老是想着长难句,炫技,描述部分越详细越好。然后最后一句话,把主题句写上,就Okay了!以2021年英语一为例:比如:In the caricature, a young man, dressing up as the Monkey King, is complaining to his father that his classmates find it boring to learn Chinese opera. However, his father comforts him by replying, "Don't you like it? That's what counts! " The conversation underlines the significance of following your heart / being yourself when dilemmas occur.要点:1. 对于这段父子之间的对话以及小孩子那么稀奇古怪的打扮,你不能装看不见,记住:你可以骗别人,但是如果连自己都骗,那只能说你嫌自己分多。2. 对于文中的对话,其实总体建议大家不要直译,因为翻译本身就比较难一些,你必须要考虑到和原文的匹配度,像文中对于小孩子所说话意译方式是比较推荐的。而且直译还有一个标点的问题在里面,英语中对于直接转述通常用逗号,但是中国学生喜欢用冒号,而且还时常不加双引号。所以,直译会增加犯错的几率。3. 对于大家第一段常用的,烂大街的,像是狗皮膏药一样的几个著名短句就别用了:What a meaningful and thought-provoking picture! Simple as the picture is, the meaning of the picture is as deep as ocean !这就是个小漫画,哪里as deep as ocean了?还有What looks beyond dispute; It keeps universally acknowledged; It proves widely acknowledged....... 这些都是错的,英语中没有这种用法,keep, prove, look只是在某些情况下可以代替is, 但并不是所有情况下随意互换。天呐,也不知从哪儿学的,这儿有个查英语搭配的网站大家可以去用一下,写英语不要想当然!4. 去年这道题很多人把主题看成了传统文化,通篇探讨保护传统文化多么重要。除去考试紧张因素,你再看看这漫画,是在说传统文化吗?5. 一定不要翻译caption,原因如下:2. 第二段的"2"点:“正反对比论证”第二段就直接对应题干的第二个要求:interpret。 联系实际生活,深入讨论,因为漫画本身就是反映社会的,且往往起到了嘲讽作用。其实,从第二段开始我们就开始使用自己的小技巧了。我最喜欢教给学生的论证方式就是:正反对比论证。什么是正反对比论证呢?以这道题为例:There are two kinds of people in this society: those who stubbornly follow their hearts and never abandon their interests, and those who fail to persist in their dreams in the face of skeptical voice. The quality of being yourself is surely to provide you with confidence, strength and courage. Without such a crucial personality, people are likely to lose themselves at the crossroads of life and suffer failures when competing with their peers, let alone fulfill your ambitions. Consequently, sticking to your interest is the foundation of success. (黑体字部分可以作为素材积累)记住一点:无论什么样的题目都可以归结到人,人是万物的尺度,无论什么样的题目都可以这样正反对比论证。比如:2020年习惯:好习惯如何;不好的习惯又如何,结果或原因是什么。2019年爬山:坚持会如何;不坚持又如何,结果或原因是什么。就算是2011年旅程之余:保护了环境如何;不保护环境又如何,结果或原因是什么。要点:第二段也不是随便乱写的,漫画中反映了几种态度你就要探讨几种态度,尤其像是2020年两幅图两种习惯这种。所以,正反对比论证是一个非常全面又非常概括的写法,不会怕漏掉某一点,而且还不会没话说。关于举例子,如果不是实在没办法的情况下,尽量不要举例子,因为你能想到的例子就那几个:马云,郎平,袁隆平,朱婷,钟南山.......阅卷老师可能对于相似的句型不感冒,但是一样的例子一记一个准。所以尽量别举例子,如果实在没办法了,要记得一定写在第二段最后。第二段千万别上来就“Several reasons account for this phenomenon. First, ...... Second, ...... Third, ......” 你注意看一下题干的要求,interpret的意思是阐释,不是写原因!这种一定得不了高分!3. 第三段的“1”点:解决方案按照题干的要求,第三段应该直接对应comments。因为comments本身就是一个比较宽泛的词汇,所以,第三段是可以提前准备的。这儿建议写解决方案,这样就不会和第二段重复了。整体思路是:个人要怎么办;学校要怎么办;社会要怎么办。我们继续:In my opinion(一定要写这句话,提示老师我的comments在这儿),being yourself / following your heart plays a vital role in facing hardships. Schools shoulder the responsibility to correctly guide teenagers' value system and world view. Furthermore, newspapers, satellite TVs and social networking are also required to lead us to be a true self. Only in this way can we realize our dreams in the future.要点:第三段开头一定要写上 In my opinion / From my point of view / As far as I am concerned, ......这就是直接提示老师,我的comments在这儿。第三段可以提前准备,因为comments本身就是个很宽泛的概念。4.总结以上就是考研英语一大作文的写法,三段直接对应题干三个要求,一目了然,跃然纸上,得分点直接呈现给阅卷老师,皆大欢喜!3. 英语二大作文怎么写?相对于英语一,英语二就要简单一些了,它的要求也简单,只有两个:“describe+comment”,而且这些乱七八糟的图实际上就两种:1. 静态的(占比);2.动态的(上升或下降)。所以表格的信息都非常明确,句型和套路也都非常固定,下面我就手把手教你如何组成自己的模版:静态图如何写?从2010年至今,静态图一共考过三种五次。3次是饼状图,1次是柱状图,一次是表格,但都是占比类。我们以2020年饼状图为例:第一段直接对应题干的第一个要求:describe。包括“2”个得分点:1. 标题所提示的这是一副什么样的图。2.对于这幅图的细致描述。占比类表格第一段的固定模式如下:The pie chart (柱状图:bar graph;表格:table) illustrates various purposes of student's reading on mobile phones in a certain university.(题目经常有某校、某市,这个某就用certain好了) In the chart, learning knowledge has the largest proportion, accounting for 59.5%. Next come killing time and acquiring information with 21.3% and 17% respectively. By contrast, 2.2 percent of students read on the mobile phones for other reasons. (黑体字可以当作固定模版)(只要是占比类,你就按照这个格式套就没问题,占比最多的,用一个陈述句式,接着来个倒装把第二第三的说了,最后再来个陈述句式,把排在最后的说了。如果像2018年那样有五个怎么办?很简单,加个and就好了,2.2 percent of students read on the mobile phones for other reasons, and 1.7 percent of......)英语二大作文的第二个要求是comments,这个概念其实本身就比较宽泛了,而且像静态题都是比较大小的,所以第二段直接写原因就可以。这儿可以说一下最大的一个或两个占比的原因是什么,既然是原因,其实可以提前准备的。第二段的“2”:这幅图怎么了+背后原因Undoubtedly, the chart indicates a common campus phenomenon that most students make optimum use of mobile reading to study and entertain themselves. Several reasons may account for this situation. For one thing, in consideration of the weight of paper books , students need particular electronic instruments to study with efficiency and convenience. For another, in order to reduce excessive stress , mobile reading also provides a new entertaining way to alleviate student’s pressure that comes with examinations. (黑体字可以当作素材积累)(当然,也有一些万能的原因,比如:The rapid development of China's economy has already brought a great fortune to its citizens, which enables them to purchase smartphones. Based on the fact that economic foundation determines superstructure, people are inclined to study and entertain themselves by cellphones. 当然这种切题度不够,只适合完全对写作没有自信的同学。)第三段的“1”:完全可以提前准备,因为这是最后一段,有就行,这儿建议写写预测就行了。From my point of view, students’ growing demand for mobile learning, together with the expansion of the whole industry, has contributed to the phenomenon shown in the chart and the above analysis has unsurprisingly indicated a further rise in the figure of phone learners.(黑体字可以当作素材积累)2010年至今,动态图一共考过两种六次。五次柱状图,一次折线图。动态图其实就两种情况:要么上升,要么下降。我们以2014年人口变化为例,因为这幅图即有上升也有下降,而且是最常考的柱状图第一段的“2”:标题提示这是什么图+仔细描述The column chart (折线图:line chart) illustrates the changes of urban and rural population from 1990 to 2010 in China. What can be seen is that the population of urban areas rocketed sharply from 300 million to 666 million between 1990 and 2000. At the same time, the number of rural residents shrank dramatically from 834 million to 674 million.第二段的“2”:这幅图反映了什么+背后原因Apparently, this stark contrast between rural and urban population reveals the fact that people in the countryside are prone to migrate into the cities, which may result from the following reasons. First and foremost is the huge divide of economic growth in urban and rural areas, which is bound to be the main reason because it's much easier to find a job in the city. Furthermore, based on the fact that the tradition to value education has rooted in China, it's not a surprise for parents living in the countryside to seek better education opportunities in some big cities.(万能模版也可以试一试,比如:The rapid development of China's economy has already brought a great fortune to its citizens, which enables them to purchase apartments in the cities. Based on the fact that economic foundation determines superstructure, people are also inclined to study and entertain themselves in some big cities. )第三段的“1”预测,模版直接拿来套:From my point of view, people’ growing demand for a better living condition, together with the expansion of the economy, has contributed to the phenomenon shown in the chart and the above analysis has unsurprisingly indicated a further rise in the figure of urban population. / a further decrease in the figure of rural population.2. 考研英语作文最容易犯的错是什么?考研英语作文容易犯什么错呢?一、最常见、最拉分的就是乱用长难句考研英语作文有个非常错误的导向:句子越长越好,逗号越多越好!很多同学觉得一个句子不整几个逗号那就不是英语,可是,长难句非常容易出错,而且一错都是大错,扣分十分严重。请记得这句话:在考研英语作文中,只要一个句子超过了三个逗号,那么95%以上的可能这个句子是错的。比如:或者:二、第二常见的就是不重视内容,不重视描述部分考研英语作文界素有“模版”之风,本人并不反对使用模版,但是,无论你用不用模版,你第一件要完成的事情是:解决题干的问题!胡诌是永远行不通的,阅卷老师不是傻子!对于英语一来说,无论是第一段,第二段,还是第三段,都要切题!很多同学极其不重视第一段的描述,喜欢一笔带过,这是失分十分严重的一种情况。具体参见:三、英语一喜欢翻译caption标题有什么好翻译的呢?它只是提示你漫画的主题是什么,有什么翻译的必要?而且标题一般十分精炼,你真的能翻译对吗?我们应该如何处理标题?参见:四、小作文不看题干、乱背模版小作文一定不要背模版,记住一句话:小作文不在于语言,而在于格式和内容!比如,2020年的通知这道题,题干说的很明确,inform the international students,你说要不要加抬头?记住:小作文得分点全在题干里,不需要背模版!!!五、其他易易扣分小细节1,我发现大家十分喜欢故意把 and 换成 as well as,觉得这样显得有文采~~~但是!这是不合适的!as well as 虽然有“和”的意思,但是它并不是简单的并列,它是有倾向性的并列,它是强调前者的并列!比如:William, as well as Lilly, is going to play basketball.这句话实际上是强调了William要去,Lilly也就是顺便提一下!和and的并列不一样!!!切记!!!2,above这个词绝大多数同学都知道它是副词,但是却忘了它也有形容词的词性,而且意思一样。所以当你用above修饰一个名词的时候就不要把它放在后面了,这样读起来有一种违和感。比如:What the picture above indicates.....就不如写成:What the above picture indicates...3,keep, prove的滥用这个雷区是最普遍,也是最令人感到绝望的,因为你告诉他们,这么写不对,他们还是振振有词,这是从XXX那儿学的模版句啊,绝对不会错的!这儿给大家介绍一个网站,这是一个查英语搭配的网站(https://netspeak.org),如果查不到......恭喜你,你是英语世界中第一个这么用的!是不是很开心?It keeps my beliefWhat looks beyond disputeWhat keeps universally acknowledgedWhat proves common knowledgeIt proves widely acknowledged。。。。。。。字要练成什么样子?对于考研英语作文来说,字写得好是得高分的前提,字写不好,根本不可能得高分,切记!要练成什么样呢?衡水体,或者是印刷体,就是越清楚越好,就像这样的:千万不要练什么意大利斜体,连笔还花里胡哨的,不清楚,比如:


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