
教室的英文表达形式是怎样的  很多学生都会用中文来说教室,但是有的还不知道教师的英文表达形式。为此百分网小编为大家带来教室的英文表达形式。  教室的英文表达形式:classroom  英 [klɑ:sru:m] 美 [klsru:m]  第三人称复数:classrooms  名词 教室,课堂; 教学活动,教学方法  情景对话  Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)  A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.  帕特上午怎么了?我见他考试一开始就离开了教室。  B:He was found cheating and was driven out.  他被发现作弊,被老师赶了出来。  A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.  如果校长发现他作弊的.话,会活剥了他他的皮。  教室的英文表达形式:school room  1. Like an usual day we went to school, Toshie thought she could let kitties hanging around so she opened bedroom's door let cats could take a walk(Adan was locked in my room alone). But after I came home, I saw Toshie hold Margaret and 2ndKen and little-Ken crying, I asked her what's wrong. And realize that 2nd-Ken and little-Ken super running in the house, and crashed the jossand joss stick.  有一天一如往常我们去上学,我妹想说可以让小猫们在家里走来走去,所以房门开了一点就如*常一样,结果我下课回来时,看见妹妹抱著马格丽特还有二健三健在房间里面哭,我询问之下才知道,二健三健在家里暴冲,结果把家里的菩萨的雕刻撞倒了。  2. He lives, n. t. is a school in his room can see the periphery of the school, sometimes came the sound of the students, but frolics won't feel what habit.  他住的地方隔邻是一座学校,在他的房间内可以看到学校的外围,有时还会传来阵阵学生的嬉闹声,但是习惯了就不会觉得怎样。  3. Head office is located in the south inner Dabei Choi Street, Room 3052 School senior.  总公司位于南内环街财大北校高层3052室。  4. In the evening of 1st March, the sixth general election of Microsoft presidium of Shandong University Club began in Room 205, Science Complex Building in Eastern new school.  3月1日晚,山东大学微软学生技术俱乐部第六届*团**选举在东区新校理综楼205室拉开帷幕。  5. Connect a telephone call: 1390219****(the schoolboy's phone) copied a lot of pieces, stick on the telegraph pole of the driveway, the water room of the school also gives stuck.  联系电话:1390219****复印了好多张,贴在马路的电线杆上,学校的水房也给贴了。  教室的英文表达形式:schoolroom  英 [sku:lru:m] 美 [skulrum, -rm]  第三人称复数:schoolrooms  名词 教室; (小村庄里只有一间教室的)学堂  1. The mother`s heart is the child`s schoolroom.  母亲的心灵是孩子最好的课堂。  2. The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom.  母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。  3. Her's heart is the child's schoolroom.  母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。  4. B The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom.  母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。  5. Co-operation should be the spirit of the schoolroom, the law of its life.  合作应作为课室里的精神及学校生活的规律。  6. Mother's? heart? is? the? child's? schoolroom.  母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。  7. Lirael found herself wearing armor for the first time since her Fighting Arts lessons many years before-but the coat the sendings brought her was much lighter than the mail hauberks the Clayr kept in their schoolroom armory.  丽芮尔发现她自己在多年前战斗课程之后第一次穿**盔甲——但是影像们拿给她的要比珂睐学校军械库里的锁子甲轻便得多。  近义词:study、laboratory  一、study 英['stdi] 美['stdi]  n.研究;学习;学科;书房;(绘画或文学)习作;练习曲;沉思;记忆力…的人;台词记得…的人  v.研究;学习;读书;仔细观察;努力  study的基本意思是“学习”,表示抽象的行为,用作不可数名词; 表示具体的“学业”时,通常用复数形式; 表示对某一课题的“研究”,一般在其前加冠词并跟介词of连用, of后接研究的内容或对象,用作可数名词; 作“书房”解时,用作可数名词。  二、laboratory 英[l'brtri]  美['lbrtri]  n.实验室  laboratory可以缩写为lab。教室的英文表达形式是怎样的扩展阅读教室的英文表达形式是怎样的(扩展1)——呼吁的英文表达形式是怎么样呼吁的英文表达形式是怎么样  呼吁是指倡导人们积极参与某事,而呼吁是怎么样英文形式来表达出来的呢?一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了表达呼吁的具体英文形式以及相关例句吧,欢迎大家阅读!  表达呼吁的英文:call on  英 [k:l n] 美 [kl ɑn]  1. Will the evildoers never learn- those who devour my people as men eat bread and who do not call on God?  作孽的没有知识么。他们吞吃我的百姓如同吃饭一样。并不求靠神。  2. The connect system call failed while attempting to connect to the daemon on all of the servers in use.  连接系统调用失败,企图连接到**程序,确保所有服务器在运行中。  3. Police discloses, cui true * before today, ever received the telephone call in the rumormonger on the net.  **透露,崔真实**前一天,曾接到在网上散布谣言者的电话。  4. Head Er police still discloses say: Cui true * before today, ever received the telephone call in the rumormonger on the net, hope she can cancel lawsuit.  首尔**还透露说:崔真实**前一天,曾接到在网上散布谣言者的'电话,希望她能撤销诉讼。  5. If you are making a call out on a restricted line, the PBX will ask you for an authorization code.  如果你要再一根限制线路中发出呼叫,PBX将向你询问授权代码。  6. After the phone call from his wife, he resolved to depart for Haiti on Sunday, the very next day.  之后,他的妻子的电话,他决心离开海地日,第二天。  7. And I call on you, spirits of the dead; and on you, wandering ministers of vengeance, to aid and conduct me in my work. Let the cursed and hellish monster drink deep of agony; let him feel the despair that now torments me.  我来拜访你——死者的亡灵,并且通过你——徘徊的复仇的亡灵,来帮助和引导我开始我的复仇,让这个被诅咒的**中的**饮下最苦涩的毒酒,让他也品尝现在折磨着我的无尽绝望。  8. You can put it into your pocket, roll it and make it smaller, or put on your wrist when you want to make a video call on the go.  你可以把它变成你的口袋,滚它,使之更小,或放在你的手腕时,你要作视频通话于一身。  表达呼吁的英文:appeal  英 [pi:l] 美 [pil]  第三人称单数:appeals第三人称复数:appeals现在分词:appealing过去分词:appealed过去式:appealed不及物动词  1. We will appeal to a great variety of sources of information.  我们将求助于多种资料来源。  2. He appealed to his friends for support.  他请求朋友**。  3. She appeals to me.  我对她感兴趣。  名词  1. The game has lost its appeal.  这种游戏已引不起人们的兴趣。  2. These subjects have lost their appeal for most students.  对多数学生来说,这些学科已经失去了吸引力。  表达呼吁的英文:appeal to  英 [pi:l tu:] 美 [pil tu]  1. The parties` exclusion of the right to appeal on a point of law under section 69 was  因此任何一方被剥夺根据第69章节的法律规定进行**的**都是无效的,同样针对根据第58章节的法律  2. You may appeal to the website for more information about teaching.  你们可以在网上查找更多的教学信息。  3. Black boxes appeal to beginners who derive a false sense of security from them.  黑箱能吸引新手,新手从黑箱得到了虚假的安全。  4. One MP, Diane Abbott, is running surgeries to show her constituents how to appeal.  艾伯特现正安排接待时间向她的选民们展示该如何上诉。  5. When the other three Beatles dropped their appeal of this action in 1971, the most fabulously successful band of all time came to an end.  甲壳虫乐队的其他三位队员也对此失去热心,这支无与伦比的乐队最终划**句号。  6. I can not say smoking appeal to me very much.  我不能说吸烟对我有多大吸引力。  7. If you don`t obey me, I shall appeal to force.  如果你不服从我,我将诉诸于武力。  8. What i find in you makes me to know that love has a universal appeal.  什么我觉得你让我知道爱一个普遍的吸引力。教室的英文表达形式是怎样的(扩展2)——教授的英文表达形式有哪几种教授的英文表达形式有哪几种  相信大家都会用中文来表达教授,但是不一定会用英文的形式来表达教授。下面就让百分网小编给大家分享一下关于教授的英文表达形式吧,希望能对你有帮助!  教授的英文表达形式:professor  英 [prfes(r)] 美 [prfs]  第三人称复数:professors  名词 教授; (大学的)讲师,教员; 自称者,**者  申请签证  A:Why do you want to go to U.K.?  你为什么要去英国?  B:I want to study for a doctorate.  我要去攻读博士学位。  A:How long do you intend to stay in U.K.?  你打算在英国呆多久?  B:About two years.  大约两年。  A:Does your scholarship cover the whole two years?  整个两年你都有奖学金吗?  B:Yes, it does.  是的,都有。  A:Where will you live?  你将住在哪儿?  B:I hope to live on the university campus. I have a letter here from my professor about accommodation.  我希望住在学校内。我的老师就住宿问题给我写了一封信。  A:May I have a look? Thanks. Is your family going with you?  可以让我看看吗?谢谢。你的家属是不是跟你一起去?  B:Oh, no, I am going alone.  哦,不,只有我一个人去。  教授的英文表达形式:teach  英 [ti:t] 美 [tit]  第三人称单数:teaches现在分词:teaching过去分词:taught过去式:taught  及物动词 教; 教授; 教导,训练  不及物动词 教书  及物动词  1. She taught us how to pronounce those difficult words.  她教我们如何发这些困难字的音。  2. I'll teach you to swim.  我教你游泳。  3. Mr.Smith teaches us English.  史密斯先生教我们英文。  4. That accident taught them a lesson.  那次事故给了他们一个教训。  不及物动词  1. He teaches in Berlin.  他在柏林教书。  教授的英文表达形式:pedagog  英 ['pedgg] 美 ['pedgg]  教授,教育者;  1. 教授:pecuniary 金钱的'
pedagog 教授
pedagogic 教育学的  2. 装博学者:ped 小土粒
pedagog 装博学者
pedagogic 教授法的  3. 教师/教育者/装博学者:ped /小土粒/土壤自然结构体/
pedagog /教师/教育者/装博学者/
pedagogic /教育学的/教授法的/教师的/  1. Combinee with ample music examples, this author discusses how to handle with metric accent in piano pedagog  论文结合大量的钢琴作品实例,对于钢琴教学中如何让学生认识和把握节拍重音的实际表现形态,提出了各种建议。  2. The reasons for such dilemma not only lie in pedagogic theories, but also rest in pedagog...  教育学研究要走出困境,需要聚焦教育实践,即关注实践、参与实践、批判实践、改进实践。  教授的英文翻译  university professor  professor  inculcation  pedagog  facultyman  lesson  Prof.  prefessor  teach  schoolman  point(s)  taught  inculcate  professorate  pedagogy  教授的用法和样例:  例句  老教授主持了一次理论物理学家的研讨会。  The old professor had presided over a seminar for theoretical physicists.  这位教授目前正在写一本书。  The professor is presently writing a book.  我们的教授要求他就这个课题写篇论文。  Our professor asked him to write a treatise on the subject.  教授将要做关于地理特征的讲座。  The professor will give a lecture of geographical features.  该教授正进行高深的学术研究。  The professor is engaged in advanced studies.  我们的教授是一个学识渊博的人。  Our professor is a man of profound learning.  格林教授不久前在普林斯顿任教,现在是加州大学的系**。  Professor Green, lately of Princeton, is now head of the department at California.教室的英文表达形式是怎样的(扩展3)——教师节快乐的英文表达形式教师节快乐的英文表达形式  想要用英文祝福老师教师节快乐,那就要先了解教师节快乐的英文表达形式有几种。下面就让百分网小编给大家分享一下关于教师节快乐的常见的英文表达形式吧,希望能对你有帮助!  教师节快乐的英文表达  Happy Teachers Day!  Teachers 英 [tts] 美 [tts]  原级:teacher  师资;教师( teacher的名词复数 );  1. 老师:这名演员的**作包括《老师》(Teachers)以及《爱无可忍》(Enduring Love). 罗伯特-科克曼(Robert Kirkman)是《行尸走肉》漫画原作的编剧,他表示自己从来没有想过他笔下的瑞克-格兰姆斯会有一个真人形象,他对AMC的选择表示很满意,  2. 教师(总称):teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)
teachers 教师(总称)
primary school teacher 小学老师  3. 师者:3.CHILDREN DAWN BLESSING——孩子们清晨的问候
5.La vie en Rose 玫瑰人生  教师节快乐的英文例句  1. 祝大家中秋节快乐,教师节快乐。  Happy Moon Festival and Happy Teacher`s Day.  2. 在这教师节的日子祝福你们全家永远幸福健康**aby快乐成长我们永远爱你今年年初收到你们全家福的照片看到可爱的**aby 无比幸福真是太好了  Teachers Day in this day forever bless your whole family happy healthy growth of our happy little baby forever love you Quan Jiafu the beginning of this year received the photos you see the cute little baby is really very great happiness  3. 在这里,我再一次祝愿我网友中的教师们教师节快乐,天天开心。  Here, I once more wish those who are teachers among my net  4. **诏书:祝全天下的老师教师节快乐!  Imperial edict: I wish all teachers in the world Happy Teachers Day!  5. 快乐的教师节……  Happy teachers day...  6. 你是最棒的老师,祝教师节快乐!  You are the best. Happy Teachers Day!  7. 在此,我衷心祝愿:老师,教师节快乐!  At this point, I sincerely wish: teacher, Happy Teachers Day  8. 你想对老师说教师节快乐,你说  A、Nice to meet you!  9. 名师出高徒。谢谢你的.精彩的课,教师节快乐!  Happy Teacher`s Day.  10. 到那天他至少会打电话或者发e-mail祝你教师节快乐。  To the day he will be at least made a phone call or e-mail I wish you a Happy Teachers Day.  11. 让我借短信送上教师节祝福:健康快乐!  Let me borrow a short message to serve teachers day the blessing: Health is happy!  12. 衷心祝您教师节快乐!  Sincerely wish you a happy Teachers Day!  13. 教师节到来之际,祝您快乐,一切都好。  The arrival of the teachers day, wish you happy, all right.  教师节快乐的英文祝福语  the primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.  教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何谋生,而是使每个人生活得更香甜。  send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day.  在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。  a teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.  一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。  it is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.  现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。  this small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. we all want to thank you.  这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。我们大家都很感谢您。  i am truly grateful to you for what you have done.  我深深地感激您所做的一切。教室的英文表达形式是怎样的(扩展4)——各就各位的英文表达是怎么样的各就各位的英文表达是怎么样的  英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的**地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。下面是小编整理的各就各位的'英文表达是怎么样的,一起来看看吧。  各就各位的英文表达  Ready all!  action stations  On your mark  "on your mark"  take one's place  各就各位的英文例句  哨兵们都已各就各位。  The sentries are all at their posts.  管弦乐队队员都已各就各位,等待著指挥。  The orchestra were all in position, waiting for the conductor.  双方运动员开始各就各位。  The players on the contrary side now took their places.  各就各位!预备!跑!  On your marks! Get set! Go!  Ready,steady,go! ie said at the start of a race.  各就各位,预备,跑!`  This system of everything in its place sounds pretty good.  一切都各就各位的系统,这听起来非常好。  After the hasty meal, the men had moved forward to take up their positions.  匆匆忙忙吃过饭后,大家走出来,各就各位。  The orchestra were all in position, waiting for the conductor.  管弦乐队队员都已各就各位,等待着指挥.  We should have the dredge, barges and draglines in place about the same time  差不多要在同时使挖泥机,驳船和索斗铲各就各位。  英文短文欣赏  That is interesting, exactly. On Friday, our school held a sports meeting be full of wit and humour. Skip rope, tug of war, kangaroo jump, 50 meter relay race, is also a game project. Hearing the news, the students you happy I jumped three feet high, we regardless of the consequence, just down the stairs. "The games now." The headmaster sonorous and forceful voice has already let us unable to hold oneself back. The students cheered and bird, lively and extraordinary. Make the welkin ring applause, principals will read out the rules, immediately in perfect silence. The students On your marks!, shining, all in high spirit, be in the best of spirits, in a threatening manner. "Refueling" "cheerleaders" bang the drum for sb., shake the universe. up, leap and leap, fly into a rage. Then, the top, back, face, brutal. We do not hesitate to inspiring, after refueling was deafening, efforts, perseverance, hop toward the finish line. Tug of war is in full swing. "Start." The students work together, with nine yards, teeth, lest fall short, sweaty, panting. "Come on!" We can't help banner. Is the students tried with all his awkward, rope in the motionless. And others to fight to the bitter end, also to the exciting, although won the second place, but we are not discouraged, the next refueling. This game is not only fun, memorable, also let us know the pull force.  说是趣味,一点也没错。周五,我们学校举行了一个妙趣横生的运动会。跳绳、拔河、袋鼠跳、50米接力跑,也就是比赛项目。 得知消息,同学么高兴得一蹦三尺高,我们不管三七二十一,只管下了楼。 “运动会现在开始。”校长铿锵有力的声音早已让我们迫不及待。同学们欢呼与雀,热闹非凡。响彻云霄的掌声后,校长便宣读规则,顿时鸦雀无声。 同学们各就各位,闪亮登场,个个神采飞扬、兴致勃勃,气势汹汹。“加油加油”“拉拉队”摇旗呐喊,震天动地。腾空而起,一跃,又一跃,暴跳如雷。这时,头重脚轻,四脚朝天,鼻青脸肿,惨绝人寰。我们毫不犹豫鼓舞人心,加油声震耳欲聋,之后,竭尽全力,坚持不懈,跳向终点线。 拔河更是热火朝天。“开始。”同学们齐心协力看,使出了九牛二虎之力,咬紧牙关,生怕功亏一篑,个个汗流浃背,气喘吁吁。“加油!”我们情不自禁摇旗呐喊。就是同学使出了吃奶得劲,绳子依纹丝不动。 …… 与别人血战到底,也到了激动人心的时候,虽然得了第2名,但我们并不垂头丧气,下次加油。 这场比赛不仅趣味横生,回味无穷,还让我们懂得戮力同心的力量。教室的英文表达形式是怎样的(扩展5)——各个星期的英文表达形式各个星期的英文表达形式  在一个星期有七天,这七天都有各自的英文形式来表达。以下是百分网小编为大家整理了表达各个星期的英文形式,一起来看看吧!  表达星期一的英文形式:Mon.=Monday  情景对话  找工作  B:When can you come in for an interview?  你什么时候可以来面试?  A:Is (Friday afternoon/ Monday morning/ Tuesday) ok with you?  (星期五下午/星期一上午/星期二 )来你方便吗?  请求帮助  A:Excuse me; could you lend me some of your records?  打扰一下,请问您能借给我一些你的磁带吗?  B:Until when?  到什么时候?  A:Until Monday or Tuesday of next week.  到下周一或周二。  B:No problem.  没问题。  得标  B:Congratulations ! your bid has won .  恭喜!你得标了。  A:When can you come around to discuss some details with us ?  什么时候可以过来和我们讨论细节呢?  B:I‘ll be there next Monday at noon .  下个星期一中午吧。  A:I‘m glad to hear that .  真是好消息。  表达星期二的英文形式:Tuesday  1. 修改后的数据将在星期二发布。  The revised forecast could come as soon as Tuesday.  2. A-Rod的一垒安打是从Accardo手中敲出的,这个右投救援在星期二完全软掉不敌洋基。  Rodriguez`s single was off Jeremy Accardo, the right-handed reliever who melted Tuesday.  3. 确实当A-Rod九局首先上场并对蓝鸟的Accardo(星期二投手犯规拱手将三垒的跑者送回让洋基致胜)敲出右外野方向的安打时,为比赛带来期许。  Indeed, there were expectations right to the end when Alex Rodriguez led off the ninth by punching a base hit into right field off Blue Jays fill-in closer Jeremy Accardo, who on Tuesday helped to hand the Yankees a win by balking home the tying run in the ninth.  4. 星期二出去了一次,玩了一天,结果腰酸背痛地回来。  On Tuesday, I went outingfrom morning toevening, an'returned home with sour waist and back.  5. 他说,部分被带到从新奥尔良,到星期二晚上,在所有4个水泵站将工作。  Up until then, only two of the pumps were operating, which made for slow drainage.  6. 征战世界杯的乌克兰队**于波茨坦一家湖畔酒店。星期二球队抱怨说那里的青蛙吵得让他们难以入睡。  Ukraine's World Cup players complained Tuesday that frogs were disturbing the sleep of the squad at their lakeside hotel in Potsdam.  表达星期三的英文形式:Wednesday  1. TOKYO - Gree Inc said on Wednesday it will form a business alliance with China's Tencent Holdings.  2. Spokeswoman Jennifer Erickson didn't return a call seeking comment after business hours on Wednesday.  3. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday encouraged business communities of both China and the United States to work more closely to push forward bilateral relations.  4. A court in East China's Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.  5. The men will be sentenced on Wednesday with Butt and Asif facing up to seven years in jail or large fines.  6. The company announced on Wednesday it had stopped cooperation with and canceled a deal to buy into Bear Stearns.  7. It will be the first time fans can buy tickets over the counter and queues began forming late on Wednesday.  8. China Wednesday activated an emergency plan to evacuate its citizens from Libya by air, road and sea.  9. Rescuers in Katmandu said that searches by air and on foot on Tuesday and Wednesday gave no results.  10. Officials insisted Wednesday night it was still too early to tell whether the incident was an attempted act of terrorism or a giant misunderstanding.  星期四的.英文形式:Thursday  英 [θ:zde] 美 [θ:rzde]  1. Head of Canada's largest trade and industry organization on Thursday urged the country's business community to lose no time in entering the lucrative Chinese market.  2. Israel TV reported Thursday that Sharon said it was possible that Israel would act against Arafat in the future.  3. Kupchak and Lakers executive Jim Buss slept on the trades before making them on Thursday.  4. Before Thursday night's exhibition game against Golden State in Honolulu, some members of the Lakers said they weren't aware of Buss'comments.  5. " I would certainly listen, " the newspaper quoted Buss as saying on Thursday.  6. Lakers owner Jerry Buss has been hospitalized with cancer, the Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday.  7. Since it was placed over the busted well on Thursday, the cap has been siphoning an increasing amount of oil.教室的英文表达形式是怎样的(扩展6)——儿童节的英文形式是怎么样的儿童节的英文形式是怎么样的  很多孩子都喜欢过儿童节,因此很多人就会好奇怎么样用英文形式来表示儿童节了。下文是百分网小编为大家准备了表示儿童节的具体英文形式,希望能对大家有所帮助!  儿童节的英文:Children's Day  儿童节(它是为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,抚养权,为了改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童而设立的节日。目前世界上许多国家都将6月1日定为儿童的节日);  1. This is my last Children's Day.  这是我的最后一个儿童节了。  2. The first day of June is Children's Day in China.  6月的第一天在*是孩子的日子。  3. This is my of the most memorable of the 61 Children's Day!  这是我过的最难忘的六一儿童节了!  4. I want to say, the children's day is not all strange regarding each schoolmates.  我想要说的是,儿童节对于每个同学都不陌生。  5. Listen she said, today is Children's Day in Chinese.  听她说,今天是*的儿童节。  6. No, I want to make mysele happy Children's Day.  不可以,我要让自己有个快乐的'儿童节。  儿童节的英文例句  1. 你喜欢儿童节吗?  Do you like Children`s Day?  2. 儿童节是个充满欢笑,兴奋和期待的一天。  Children's Day is a joyful day full of laughter, excitement and expectation.  3. 朱宣咸版画作品今天是儿童节?!  Today is Children`s Day? !  4. 当我六个月大的时候,我度过了我的第一个儿童节。  When my six months are big, I passed my first children's day.  5. 去年儿童节你唱歌跳舞了吗?  Did you sing and dance last Children`sDay?  6. 的一个好处这样做是大多数教会主办的学龄前儿童节目更多。。。  One of the benefits to doing so is that most churches sponsored preschool programs are more...  7. 目前,我是儿童节目的编制人。  Currently, I`m a writer of children`s programs.  8. 并且,他收到了圣诞节、生日及六月一号的儿童节礼物。  Also, he received gifts for Christmas, his birthday, the 1th of June-The Children Day.  儿童节的单语例句  1. Want to spoil your children with lots of fun to mark International Children's Day?  2. The case is more significant in the Children's Hospital under Fudan University as about 550 young patients arrive every day to receive intravenous infusions.  3. Families from rural areas will also receive 3 yuan a day from the government to pay for the children's daily expenses.  4. As a gift for the upcoming Children's Day, the ocean world offered to help him accomplish his dream.  5. After treatment he began to breathe again and was transferred to the Children's Hospital of Fudan University the next day.  6. On Children's Day the Southern Metropolis Weekly carried a series of reports that revealed some striking facts about Chinese children's consumption demands.  7. She makes a living and pays for her two children's education by selling the seasonal flowering shrubs every day.  8. Chaoyang Park will hold a garden party presenting a child carnival for kids in the coming Children's Day.  9. SANAA - As many kids around the world celebrated International Children's Day, children in Yemen were experiencing hard times due to the instability in the country.教室的英文表达形式是怎样的(扩展7)——发生的英文表达形式有几种发生的英文表达形式有几种  发生是一个很简单的动作词,但很多人都不知道怎么用英文形式来表达发生。下文是百分网小编为大家准备了发生的几种英文表达形式,希望能对大家有所帮助!  发生的英文形式:occur  英 [k:(r)] 美 [k]  第三人称单数:occurs现在分词:occurring过去分词:occurred过去式:occurred  不及物动词 发生; 出现; 闪现  相关例句  不及物动词  1. Earthquakes occur frequently in this area.  这一地区经常发生地震。  2. The accident occurred at five o'clock.  事故发生在五点钟。  3. Do giraffes occur in Africa only?  长颈鹿是不是只在非洲才有?  4. An idea occurred to me.  我想到一个主意。  5. It never occurred to me that he might be in trouble.  我怎么也没有想到他会遇上麻烦。  发生的英文形式:occurrence  英 [krns] 美 [k:rns]  第三人称复数:occurrences  名词 发生,出现; 遭遇,事件  1. If one party breaches the same obligation more than once, upon the occurrence of the third breach, the non-breaching party, at its option, may terminate the agreement, without providing the breaching party an opportunity to cure such breach.  如果一方不止一次违反相同的责任,一旦出现第三次违约,非违约方可以选择不向违约方提供纠正违约情况的.机会而终止该协议。  2. This is the first report of the occurrence of gregarines as intestinal parasites in T. corallinus in ******.  本研究为在**砖红厚甲马陆肠道寄生簇虫的第一篇报告。  3. Research on the origin and occurrence of gems and jades is one of the hottest topic in geology, gemmology and archaeology.  宝玉石产地来源的研究是近几年地质学、宝石学和考古学界的热门话题之一。  4. The results of rupture landform investigation indicate that this fault is one of weak active faults in Holocene, its average vertical slip rate is 0.5~0.6mm/a. On Jun. 15, 1975, Liuba M6.2 earthquake in Kangding occurred on the fault. The macro-epicenter located at Shuobu-Moda, Liuba county. The direction of long axis of meizoseismal area is same as that of Yunongxi fault trend. The occurrence of the earthquake is resulted from the newest activity of the fault.  断错地貌研究结果表明,该断裂为一条全新世弱活动断裂,*均垂直滑动速率为0.5~0.6mm/a左右。1975年1月15日康定六巴6.2级地震发生於该断裂上,宏观震中位置位於六巴乡溯布-莫达村附近,极震区长轴方向与玉农希断裂走向一致,是该断裂最新活动的表现。  5. For the companies with sufficient solvency I, the commission may require the companies to submit and implement the plans to prevent the occurrence of insufficient solvency.  对于充足I类公司,保监会可以要求公司提交和实施预防偿付能力不足的计划。  发生的英文形式:happen  英 [hpn] 美 [hpn]  不及物动词 发生; 出现; 碰巧; 偶然遇到  情景对话  道歉  A:I do beg your pardon for the mistake I’ve made.  请您一定原谅我所犯的错误。  B:It’s OK. That can happen to the rest of us.  没关系,谁都会发生这种事情。  换现金、零钱  A:Excuse me. Could you please break this five into some coins for me? I want to make a call.  对不起,打扰一下。您能帮我把这张五元钱换成零钱吗?我想要打个电话。  B:Sure. What would you like?  可以。您想要怎么换?  A:How about two dollars in quarters and the rest in dimes and nickels?  二十五美分的换两元,其余的换成十美分和五美分的。  B:Let me see. Good, I happen to have enough. There you go.  让我看看,也许…还行,我正巧有这些硬币。给你。  A:It's so kind of you.  非常感谢。英文,教室,教育


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