
It's a gag from probably 60-80 years ago. Back then, there was no bottled seltzer water coming from a screw top bottle. Instead, the seltzer was dispensed from a bottle which had a nozzle pointed down so the seltzer would flow directly into the glass when a handle was pressed. Because of the design of this contraption, it was very easy to slip the nozzle inside a person's waistband and squeeze the handle, thereby depositing seltzer down a person's pants. You mostly saw this in slapstick comedies or clown routines. The Three Stooges did this quite frequently as well.On an episode of Mary Tyler Moore (a '70's sitcom), Chuckles the Clown was stomped to death by an elephant while dressed as Peter the Peanut. In memory of him, one of the characters quoted Chuckles' motto: "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants."
貌似 那个前 的 游戏。可以翻译成:唱小曲跳艳舞喝汽水好脱裤


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