U Pitts的English proficiency 意思test难度怎样?有没有可以参考的复习资料?

【求助】ASU的申请材料还缺English Proficiency,很急~
是这样的,ASU是我一月底递的申请,MAcc,昨天收到邮件说我还缺Tofel,实际我考的是IELTS。邮件里这么说的“This is email is to notify you that before we can review your application, you must submit the following to the Graduate College at ASU: TOEFL”我就回了邮件说我已经送过IELTS的分了,而且我查了EMS,应该是2月1日就已经收到了,然后School of Accountancy的Program Manager回我邮件:“As of today there are no IELTS scores linked to your electronic file. Please contact the Graduate College for verification of receipt. You may contact them at 480.965.6113.”大家觉得我应该打电话还是还是发邮件给Graduate College?另外,关于雅思送分我有一个小插曲,就是一开始我可能填错了地址,但是后来我有打电话和发邮件去改正,并且之后问领事馆工作人员说已经改了。所以,我在想,ASU没有收到会不会是成绩单寄到了错误的地址?P.S.大家当时填的是寄到Graduate College 还是 School of Accountancy?
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如果你口语没问题的话,建议打电话能把问题说的清楚,他们家回邮件那个效率啊。。。真不说什么了。。。你可以呼唤一下那个jyy同志,他貌似也碰到过这个问题,我是给掉了transcript,然后重寄的。。。当然是寄给GC啦。。。-- by 会员 gmatgong ( 10:48:57)
让教主来解释下也可以 她也是用雅思申请的
让教主来解释下也可以 她也是用雅思申请的-- by 会员 peterdairui ( 10:57:59)
他们家着实让我们等的发狂。。。你要是知道了什么时候出结果?麻烦发个短消息告诉一声哈。。。谢谢啦!我已经等了n久了。。。-- by 会员 gmatgong ( 11:12:48)
他们家着实让我们等的发狂。。。你要是知道了什么时候出结果?麻烦发个短消息告诉一声哈。。。谢谢啦!我已经等了n久了。。。-- by 会员 gmatgong ( 11:12:48)
教主刚起床。。。。xiaoV,雅思应该是要寄到研究院的。。雅思的寄送方式官方有一种是电子寄送,ASU接受的,我当时就用了这种,跟平邮价格一样,而且最快,因为一发就收到了。。。不过我那会也是雅思成绩他们找不到就是在那个我告诉你提问的地方,后来沟通了两次后他们找到了申的速度就马上快了。。现在你最好让他们去会计院拿那份雅思,另外你最好马上再去补寄一份,就用那个电子寄送方式,也才60元,以免成绩真的丢了,作二手准备保险-- by 会员 jyy529 ( 15:23:29)
如果你口语没问题的话,建议打电话能把问题说的清楚,他们家回邮件那个效率啊。。。真不说什么了。。。你可以呼唤一下那个jyy同志,他貌似也碰到过这个问题,我是给掉了transcript,然后重寄的。。。当然是寄给GC啦。。。-- by 会员 gmatgong ( 10:48:57)
如果你口语没问题的话,建议打电话能把问题说的清楚,他们家回邮件那个效率啊。。。真不说什么了。。。你可以呼唤一下那个jyy同志,他貌似也碰到过这个问题,我是给掉了transcript,然后重寄的。。。当然是寄给GC啦。。。-- by 会员 gmatgong ( 10:48:57)
看来Graduat College周末不上班~哎
如果你口语没问题的话,建议打电话能把问题说的清楚,他们家回邮件那个效率啊。。。真不说什么了。。。你可以呼唤一下那个jyy同志,他貌似也碰到过这个问题,我是给掉了transcript,然后重寄的。。。当然是寄给GC啦。。。-- by 会员 gmatgong ( 10:48:57)
可能等到时间 才会开吧~~~
没有预订一说。。。注册好了晚上时间快到了再进去就好了。。。chat room现在还没开当然显示no room available了~~~
没有预订一说。。。注册好了晚上时间快到了再进去就好了。。。chat room现在还没开当然显示no room available了~~~-- by 会员 lotus_wy ( 18:20:55)
是因为时间没到的关系啦。。。表急。。快开始的时候能进的。。我也去听听呵呵-- by 会员 jyy529 ( 19:09:44)
谢谢,70%那不和iit查不到哪里去。。。大家是不是已经确定去了?群是不是qq群?-- by 会员 ssddfxh ( 23:08:47)
俄!我是msf的。。。-- by 会员 ssddfxh ( 23:01:13)
谢谢啊!现在还有喜的?今年招了这么多,国际生的比例有人知道吗?-- by 会员 ssddfxh ( 22:57:22)
谢谢啊!现在还有喜的?今年招了这么多,国际生的比例有人知道吗?-- by 会员 ssddfxh ( 22:57:22)
没啥重要的。。。我进去半个小时就退出来了。。。还是回答的比较笼统的,报喜不报忧。。。问他们国际生就业情况,回答我说他们career service不把国际生和本地生的就业情况分开统计。。。汗滴滴
赞!一直以来特别希望有过来人能来到CD帮大家说说学校的情况,但似乎不是很多。谢谢楼主!-- by 会员 李宇春 ( 10:14:50)
唉,还没有消息的人飘过,不过仍然要谢谢在读LZ的慷慨解答-- by 会员 xiangmin225 ( 10:24:09)
赞!一直以来特别希望有过来人能来到CD帮大家说说学校的情况,但似乎不是很多。谢谢楼主!-- by 会员 李宇春 ( 10:14:50)
请问学长在pitts这种两年的项目中一般什么时候可以开始准备AICPA啊?有毕业之前都过得吗 或是一般来说毕业多久可以过?还有就是pitts的气候 生活各方面都怎么样啊 便利吗 两年是一共4个学期?那四年总的花费就是差不多6W了吧?琐碎的问了好多 谢谢学长~
请问学长在pitts这种两年的项目中一般什么时候可以开始准备AICPA啊?有毕业之前都过得吗 或是一般来说毕业多久可以过?还有就是pitts的气候 生活各方面都怎么样啊 便利吗 两年是一共4个学期?那四年总的花费就是差不多6W了吧?琐碎的问了好多 谢谢学长~-- by 会员 xixiyeye ( 13:12:31)
我刚刚被录取了 想咨询你一下房子好找吗?我昨天上网站上说学校own的房子已经不再接受申请了。。还有就是 一年下来花费大概要多少阿?超过5万刀吗 这个学校还是蛮贵的 最后就是 校园招聘的时候 来的公司多不多?你觉得career service做的怎么样??有人找到工作或者实习了吗?多谢你啦~~!!-- by 会员 greenbubbletea ( 8:49:03)
我刚刚被录取了 想咨询你一下房子好找吗?我昨天上网站上说学校own的房子已经不再接受申请了。。还有就是 一年下来花费大概要多少阿?超过5万刀吗 这个学校还是蛮贵的 最后就是 校园招聘的时候 来的公司多不多?你觉得career service做的怎么样??有人找到工作或者实习了吗?多谢你啦~~!!-- by 会员 greenbubbletea ( 8:49:03)
我刚刚被录取了 想咨询你一下房子好找吗?我昨天上网站上说学校own的房子已经不再接受申请了。。还有就是 一年下来花费大概要多少阿?超过5万刀吗 这个学校还是蛮贵的 最后就是 校园招聘的时候 来的公司多不多?你觉得career service做的怎么样??有人找到工作或者实习了吗?多谢你啦~~!!-- by 会员 greenbubbletea ( 8:49:03)
我刚刚被录取了 想咨询你一下房子好找吗?我昨天上网站上说学校own的房子已经不再接受申请了。。还有就是 一年下来花费大概要多少阿?超过5万刀吗 这个学校还是蛮贵的 最后就是 校园招聘的时候 来的公司多不多?你觉得career service做的怎么样??有人找到工作或者实习了吗?多谢你啦~~!!
谢谢学长 给你站内信了~
可是觉得芝加哥工作机会会多些吧 波士顿人才集中。。虽然对于提高自身有好处
不知道 waltham生活方便不
感觉bentley好点 不过今年bentley招收国内学生挺多的Loyola是教会学校 申请要求WES 本身招中国学生不多
正好前两天刚刚看到这个项目,正犯糊涂呢。这个项目是一年的嘛??还有啊,为什么会把industrial engineering, operational research和financial engineerign 放在一起啊,个人觉得,financial engineerign 和industrial engineering好像区别还是挺大的哩。-- by 会员 toamy ( 11:52:41)
正好前两天刚刚看到这个项目,正犯糊涂呢。这个项目是一年的嘛??还有啊,为什么会把industrial engineering, operational research和financial engineerign 放在一起啊,个人觉得,financial engineerign 和industrial engineering好像区别还是挺大的哩。
关于就业:上1届学生的就业不用说,肯定惨。估计最后留在美国的国际学生在20%-60%之间。(我知道这个区间太大了,但是我听到过很多版本,难辨真伪。)这一届的形式好一些,大家都在很努力地找full time和summer intern。总的来说,columbia给我们提供了一个很好的平台,在纽约很多employer就看这块牌子。就业的方向,多数还是去了finance,finance里面什么都有,pricing,structuring,st,research,甚至ib都有人去。也有少数去了咨询和业界。
之前cd上有传言说ieor的硕士可以用gmat申请。let me put it in this way: 不论adcom看不看gmat成绩,gre成绩是必须的。也就是说,如果你有一个非常exceptional的gmat成绩,i.e. 770,put it on your CV, I don't think it's completely useless. 但是gre成绩是必须要有。
我想问如果用GMAT 能不能跟他说说呢 或者我六月再考GRE 能不能给个conditional offer 呢?
这个项目里面中国人在美国找工作怎么样呢百分之多少选择回国啊老问题了,呵呵-- by 会员 zxyaa ( 14:55:46)
这个项目毕业后主要都做什么职位和内容的工作咧。。不太了解这个专业的说-- by 会员 ttss ( 12:20:50)
不好意思呀,请问这个项目是Emanuel Derman作为负责人那个吗?记得哥大有好几个金工硕士……
其实ie/ems/or的课程和FE还是比较相关的。or里面的核心课:stochastic models对应fe的Stochastic Models for Financial Engineering,deterministic models对应fe的Optimization Models and Methods for Financial Engineering,simulation对应fe的Monte Carlo Simulation。当然FE的课程更专于finance,难度也更大。相应的,FE对申请人的数学背景更看重。FE要求有一定的编程基础,or/ems/ie基本不需要。当然有编程基础肯定是好事。总的来讲,ieor学术上的优势领域在optimization和simulation两部分,所以相关的课程设置比较充足。
不好意思呀,请问这个项目是Emanuel Derman作为负责人那个吗?记得哥大有好几个金工硕士……-- by 会员 LittleMike ( 0:01:14)
麻烦请教楼主,3个问题,谢谢1、在哥大网页上MSIE和MSOR是二选一的是么?我是经济系毕业,申请哪个比较有把握一点呢?2、我GRE比较早2006考,2010就过期会不会有影响啊,而且作文很水,1360+4够不够呢?3、因为现在已经1月份,现在申请来得及么,会不会名额已经满了多谢楼主解答-- by 会员 论坛大虾 ( 0:16:43)
楼主,据说申请FE如果不录取的话,有可能被调剂到OR,是这样吗。这种情况多吗,OR是不是第3个学期才可以修FE的课,一年OR大概召多少人? 谢谢
我不是楼主,但可以回答一下楼主,据说申请FE如果不录取的话,有可能被调剂到OR,是这样吗。这种情况多吗,有一些这种情况,具体比例不太清楚OR是不是第3个学期才可以修FE的课,一年OR大概召多少人? 谢谢一般FE的课会注明FE student only,但你可以申请注册,去找系秘填表,看运气吧,应该还是有很多能上的。OR+EMS+IE大概100人多?OR 有20+中国人 07年的情况-- by 会员 jessica727 ( 11:24:45)
lz新年好。请问一下MSEMS这两年的placement如何呢?enrolled的学生profile如何?-- by 会员 up2c ( 13:32:36)
lz新年好。请问一下MSEMS这两年的placement如何呢?enrolled的学生profile如何?-- by 会员 up2c ( 13:32:36)
我刚刚被MSFE reject了,但是他说:However, we do wish to draw your attention to our Master of Science in Operations Research program, for which we believe you may be a good fit.还要写一段outlining your interest in the MSOR program。请问我这样被MSOR录取的机会有多少? 顺便报一下背景: 香港中文大学 系统工程与工程管理, 3.56, 660+800+3.5, toefl 103. 无paper,无实习。顺便问一下,那个interest outline只是简单的rank一下interest还是要想ps一样写? 谢谢
请问楼主Gmat 申请可以么?另外我有听说过,OR这个专业因为人很多,就业情况并不理想,基本全都回国了。还有就是费用如何?听说哥大特别贵,一年得100万?-- by 会员 花若飞 ( 15:07:10)
顶起,希望LZ继续介绍一些信息,还有一般什么时候出消息呢?-- by 会员 itistristan ( 0:20:35)
请问楼主Gmat 申请可以么?另外我有听说过,OR这个专业因为人很多,就业情况并不理想,基本全都回国了。还有就是费用如何?听说哥大特别贵,一年得100万?-- by 会员 花若飞 ( 15:07:10)
请问楼主Gmat 申请可以么?另外我有听说过,OR这个专业因为人很多,就业情况并不理想,基本全都回国了。还有就是费用如何?听说哥大特别贵,一年得100万?
听说Columbia金融工程的质量不如以前好了,class size太大,然后不给找intern? 学费真是不少啊.....请指教!
说出您感谢的话:  遭了诶,一好奇跑去看人家官网,一看就喜欢上了!一些关于招生的信息:
Graduate School Admission Requirements
Academic program admission requirements (see below) may be in
addition to, or more rigorous, than the Graduate School
A minimum undergraduate
grade-point average (GPA) of 3.00 on the equivalent of the
last 60 semester hours (approximately two years of work)
or a master's degree with a minimum cumulative GPA
of 3.00. Applicants from an international institution must have a
strong academic performance comparable to a 3.00 for an
undergraduate or master's degree. All GPA's are based on a 4.00
scale. We use your institution' do not convert your
grades to a 4.00 scale.
A bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited U.S.
institution, or a comparable degree from an international
International applicants must have a degree comparable to a
regionally accredited U.S. bachelor's degree.
For specific information on your country refer to this list:
Your school should provide an official translation of your
otherwise have a translation done by your school or an
official translator. In some countries these people are also
notaries. Do not submit an evaluation from a credential evaluation
service in lieu of a translation
Every applicant whose native language is not English, or whose
undergraduate instruction was not in English, must provide an
English proficiency test score. Your score is considered too old,
and will not be accepted, if it is more than 2 years old from the
start of your admission term. Country of citizenship does not
exempt applicants from this requirement. Language of instruction at
the college or university level, and how recent it has been, are
the determining factors in meeting this requirement.
Applicants are exempt if:
English is the exclusive language of instruction at the
they have earned a degree from a regionally accredited U.S.
college or university not more than 5 years prior to the
anticipated se or
they have completed at least two full-time semesters of graded
course work, exclusive of ESL courses, in a U.S. college or
university, or at an institution outside the U.S. where English is
the exclusive language of instruction, not more than 5 years prior
to the anticipated semester of enrollment.
For specific information on your country refer to this list:
The required minimum scores are:
paper test, 213 for computer, and 80 for internet (iBT)
An applicant whose TOEFL (paper-based) test score is below 580;
TOEFL computer based test (CBT) score below 237; (TOEFL internet
based iBT) test score below 92; IELTS score below 7; or MELAB below
82 must take an English assessment test upon arrival. Depending on
your score you may need to register for any recommended English as
a Second Language (ESL) courses in the first semester you are
Any international applicant who will hold a teaching
Assistantship (TA), and whose native language is not English
take the (TSE) prior to admission, or
arriving on campus
International Financial Information
International applicants are required to have
to cover their expenses for the duration of their studies at
UW-Madison. Do not send any financial statements until
Academic Program Admission Requirements
Academic program admission requirements may be in addition to,
or more rigorous, than the Graduate School requirements.
of interest to check on its
specific requirements.
All supplemental materials, i.e. academic records, reasons for
graduate study, resumes, should be sent to the .
How to Apply
1. University of Wisconsin-Madison Online
Application for AdmissionGo to .
Complete and submit your application electronically. The Graduate
School accepts online applications ONLY.
After submitting your application, you will receive
an email with information about your personalized Online Admission
Status Information System (OASIS) account. Please save this email,
as you should continue to monitor your application status. For more
information about the electronic application process, click
Also, make sure you are applying for the right
program (item #18 on application)
M.A. applicants, use major code:
590: Journalism and Mass Communication
Ph.D. applicants, use major code:
630L: Mass Communication
(To apply for the Ph.D. program, you must already or will have
earned a Master’s degree by the start of the semester for which you
are applying.)
2. $56.00 non-refundable application
fee The School of Journalism and Mass Communication
cannot access your application or test scores until you pay the $56
The UW-Madison Graduate School offers a limited
number of fee grants to minority and economically disadvantaged
students. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible
to apply. For more information go to .
Select “Instructions” select
“Application Fee Grants” under General Instructions.
**If not submitted with the
online application, the following documents should be sent to the
address below. We do not require that you submit all of the
following materials at once, although it will expedite the
application process if you submit as much as possible in sealed
envelopes in the same packet as your personal statement and resume.
However, individual letters of recommendation and transcripts can
be mailed directly to the address below if the issuing institution
prefers that method.
Emailed documents will NOT be accepted.
Graduate Program
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
5115 Vilas Hall
821 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706
3. Statement of Purpose outlining your goals for
graduate education.
Provide a brief, focused statement of your educational and career
goals and your reasons for selecting this graduate program. Discuss
those factors&personal, professional, academic&that have prepared
you to pursue a graduate degree. All professional-track journalism
students should indicate in some detail what kind of specialty they
will seek, and why. The statement should be approximately two
pages, single-spaced, in length. (Your statement may be submitted
electronically as part your application or mailed separately to the
School of Journalism and Mass Communication.)
Students are admitted to the Journalism and Mass
Communication graduate program based on demonstrated academic
achievement and the ability to define an appropriate area of study.
Careful attention is paid to an applicant's ability to outline
clear and appropriate goals for graduate study. Examples:
What body of knowledge do you want to study?
If you are a master's student, will part of your
studies have a professional focus and how does that focus fit into
the larger conceptual body of knowledge you seek to learn? How
would our program in particular appeal to you? Please detail how
your chosen topical area intersects with the way in which you would
like to build journalistic credentials in that specialty.
If you are a doctoral student, what will be your
research focus?
Are your goals for graduate education a good fit
with the school's course offerings and faculty specializations and
research interests?
4. Resume or curriculum vita.
Be certain to include information about awards,
honors, and publications. (You will not find a place to upload or
attach your resume in the online application. Resumes must be sent
by postal mail.)
5. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores
Applicants should take the General GRE exam, which
tests verbal, quantitative and analytical writing skills. No
subject exam is required. GMAT, LSAT, and MAT scores may not be
substituted for the GRE.
GRE scores are reported electronically by the
Educational Testing Service. To have your scores reported to
UW-Madison, use institution code 1846. Since GRE scores are
downloaded directly into The Graduate School’s central data base,
you do not need to list a department code. For information on the
GRE, go to
6. Official Transcripts
Send two copies of official transcripts from all
undergraduate and graduate institutions attended, whether or not
you earned a degree. Transcripts should bear the official
university seal and be signed in ink by the registrar.
7. Three letters of
recommendation for recent graduates should come primarily
from faculty members who can evaluate your previous academic
performance and provide an assessment of your likelihood of success
in graduate school. One of the letters may come from an employer or
internship supervisor.
Applicants who have been out of school for a number
of years may submit letters from people who know them in a
professional capacity, such as a current supervisor or employer.
Letters should come from individuals who have worked directly with
you and who are in a position to objectively evaluate your
abilities and work product.
We are interested in an assessment of those
attributes that predict successful study (analytical abilities,
ability to synthesize complex bodies of information, ability to
formulate original research questions), rather than a general
impression of your personality or character.
Letters of recommendation are now completed online.
An email with a link to an online evaluation form will be sent to
your recommenders when you submit your application. They will also
have the ability to upload a letter, or cut and paste the text.
When you list your 3 recommenders, please be sure the email address
is accurate and valid.
Because the emails are sent to your recommenders
when you submit the application, do not wait until the January 1
dealine to complete the online application, even if you have not
completed your personal statement. You will be able to select that
you will send your personal statement separately. In order to give
your recommenders ample time to write a thoughtful recommendation,
submit your online application as soon as possible. Most of the
online application is demographic questions and shoudn't require
much preparation.
Letters of recommendation not completed online
should be written on letterhead stationery and may be sent directly
to the school by the recommender or filed by the applicant with
other admission materials.
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication
does not require students to submit a “Nonconfidential
Recommendation Form” with letters of recommendation. However, if
references ask you to provide a written statement waiving your
right of access to letters, you may
8. TOEFL Scores (International Applicants Only)
The School of Journalism will accept the following English
proficiency tests:
-TOEFL (paper based test)
-TOEFL (internet based test)
All scores must be from tests taken AFTER
September 1, 2007. We are no longer able to accept computer-based
TOEFL scores.
TOEFL scores are reported electronically by the Educational
Testing Service. To have your scores reported to UW-Madison, use
institution code 1846. Since GRE scores are downloaded directly
into The Graduate School’s central data base, you do not need to
list a department code.
IELTS and MELAB scores are reported by mail. Please
arrange to have a score report sent to the School of Journalism at
the address above.
International students should also see the Graduate


更多关于 proficiency 意思 的文章

