Mary not sleep in the dormitory building

用方框所给词的适当形式填空not see, honest,lift,sleep,noise1.It's too ___here.Be quit,please.The baby is sleeping.2.Marry pretended ___ me when I came in.3.Lynn is too ___ the heavy box.4.Mary is a___ girl,because she aways tells lies.5.A_百度作业帮
用方框所给词的适当形式填空not see, honest,lift,sleep,noise1.It's too ___here.Be quit,please.The baby is sleeping.2.Marry pretended ___ me when I came in.3.Lynn is too ___ the heavy box.4.Mary is a___ girl,because she aways tells lies.5.A
用方框所给词的适当形式填空not see, honest,lift,sleep,noise1.It's too ___here.Be quit,please.The baby is sleeping.2.Marry pretended ___ me when I came in.3.Lynn is too ___ the heavy box.4.Mary is a___ girl,because she aways tells lies.5.After watching the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony , we could hardly go to___.
noisynot to seelift(怀疑你这句话少抄了个单词,横线前应该有个形容词的,大概是young.意思是他太小,举不动这个重箱子)dishonest(不诚实的,后面说了,她总是说谎)sleep
1 noise2.looking小题1:B小题2:A小题3:C小题4:A小题5:A小题6:C小题7:C小题8:B小题9:D小题10:A小题11:D小题12:B小题13:C小题14:B小题15:D小题16:C小题17:D小题18:B小题19:B小题20:C试题分析:文章讲述了一件发生在圣诞节的感人故事。圣诞节那天,作者和其他同事在医院照常上班。正在作者以为不会有病人的时候,五个人走进了医院。作者发现,他们是一个无家可归的家庭,一个母亲带着四个孩子来医院取暖。作者及医院的其他值班人员热心的让他们一家度过了一个真正温暖的圣诞节。小题1:考查名词辨析。It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I didn’t think there would be any&&&&&,根据第一句可知,在12月25日,急诊室通常是安静的,作者认为不会有病人,A顾客;B病人;C工人;D医生。故选B。小题2:考查动词短语辨析。Just then five bodies&&&&&&at my desk,就在那时,五个人出现在了工作台前,A出现;B吸收,欺骗;C出版;D看待。故选A。小题3:考查形容词辨析。“Are you all&&&&&&?” I asked. “Yes,”...作者问他们是不是都不舒服,A疲劳的;B饥饿的;C生病的,不舒服的;D温暖的。故选C。小题4:考查名词辨析。根据They all claimed to have headaches,可知,他们对病情的描述很奇怪,A描述;B评论;C说明;D结果。故选A。小题5:考查动词辨析。but the headaches weren’t &&&&&&&by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still但是,头痛不会伴随昂头正式的肢体语言而发生,A陪伴,伴随;B调整;C承认;D影响。故选A。小题6:考查副词辨析。Something was wrong. Our hospital policy, &&&&&&, was not to turn away any patient.一定是有地方不对劲,但医院的政策是不允许拒绝接收病人,前后句表示转折关系,A因此;B否则;C然而;D而且。故选C。小题7:考查连接词辨析。I explained it might be a little while&&&&&&a doctor saw her.作者向她解释说,可能不久之后就会有医生来瞧病,A在......之后;B自从;C在......之前,未来得及;D当,既然。故选C。小题8:考查副词辨析。根据“She responded immediately, even a bit&&&&&&“Take your time,” and then added, “It’s warm in here.””可知,这个母亲甚至有点开心地说“不着急,这里很暖和”。A害羞地;B开心地;C冷静地;D有礼貌地。故选B。小题9:考查形容词辨析。根据“No address”可知,他们无家可归,A孤独的;B贪婪的;C聪明的;D无家可归的。故选D。小题10:考查名词辨析。we had a homeless&&&&&in the waiting room.根据上文可知,一个母亲带着四个孩子来医院取暖,他们是一个无家可归的家庭,A家庭,家人;B假期;C妇女;D圣诞节。故选A。小题11:考查动词辨析。complaining of&&&&&&on Christmas抱怨在圣诞节还要上班,A做手术,操作;B打断;C管理,做成;D工作,起作用。故选D。小题12:考查名词辨析。turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get&&&&&on Christmas那些有怨言的护士开始对这个需要温暖的家庭产生同情心,get warm取暖,A礼物;B暖和的;C缓解,宽慰;D批准。故选B。小题13:考查形容词辨析。The team went into action, much as we do when there’s a&&&&&&emergency.这个团队开始行动起来,比平时做手术处理紧急情况时还忙碌,A有益的;B友好的;C医学的;D不同的。故选C。小题14:考查动词辨析。We were all&&&&&&a free meal on Christmas Day医院给作者他们提供有免费工作餐,A奖励;B提供;C允许;D预定,命令。故选B。小题15:考查名词辨析。prepared a big dinner for our&&&&&为客人提供一顿大餐,作者和这个家庭是一种特殊的医患关系,他们并未生病,只是来医院取暖,这里用客人来形容他们。A邻居;B关系;C兄弟;D客人。故选D。小题16:考查动词辨析。We&&&&&&from different departments candies, fruits and other things作者和同事从其它部门收集了糖果、水果和其他东西,A借入;B收到;C收集;D购买。故选C。小题17:考查形容词辨析。and other things&&&&&&that could be presents作者他们收集了所有能找到的东西来当作礼物,A昂贵的;B有用的;C便利的;D可得到的。故选D。小题18:考查形容词辨析。As seriously as we met the&&&&&needs of the patients, our team worked to meet the needs of a family...像满足病人的生理需要一样,作者他们尽力满足这个家庭的需要。A健康的;B身体的;C悲惨的;D心理的,精神的。故选B。小题19:考查副词辨析。as the family walked to the door to leave,当一家人向门口走去时,根据句意可知,享用完大餐之后,这一家人准备离开,A很快;B后来;C接下来;D逐渐地。故选B。小题20:考查非谓语动词。the mother came&&&&&&back那个母亲跑着返回来,the mother和run是主谓关系,应该使用现在分词,表示伴随状况。故选C。
(2013·山东卷)Sparrow is a fast-food chain with 200 restaurants.Some years ago,the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company.Although Sparrow showed no sign of declining,the chain was generally in an unhealthy state.With more and more fast-food concepts reaching the market,the Sparrow menu had to struggle for attention.And to make matters worse,its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required.Sparrow failed to grow for another two years until a new CEO,Carl Pearson,decided to build up its market share.He did a survey,which showed that consumers who already used Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about the chain,while customers of other fast-food chains were unwilling to turn away from them.Sparrow had to develop a new promotional campaign.Pearson faced a battle over the future of the Sparrow brand.The chain's owner now favored rebranding Sparrow as Marcy's restaurants.Pearson resisted,arguing for an advertising campaign designed to convince customers that visits to Sparrow restaurants were fun.Such an attempt to establish a positive relationship between a company and the general public was unusual for that time.Pearson strongly believed that numbers were the key to success,rather than customers' spending power.Finally,the owner accepted his idea.The campaign itself changed the traditional advertising style of the fast-food industry.The TV ads of Sparrow focused on entertainment and featured original songs performed by a variety of stars.Instead of showing the superiority of a specific product,the intention was to put Sparrow in the hearts of potential customers.Pearson also made other decisions which he believed would contribute to the new Sparrow image.For example,he offered to lower the rent of any restaurants which achieved a certain increase in their turnover(营业额).These efforts paid off,and Sparrow soon became one of the most successful fast-food chains in the regions where it operated.小题1:Which was one of the problems Sparrow faced before Pearson became CEO?A.The number of its customers was declining.B.Its customers found the food unhealthy.C.It was in need of financial support.D.Most of its restaurants were closed.小题2:What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Customers of Sparrow restaurants.B.Sparrow restaurants.C.Customers of other fast-food chains.D.Other fast-food chains.小题3:For what purpose did Pearson start the advertising campaign?A.To build a good relationship with the public.B.To stress the unusual tradition of Sparrow.C.To learn about customers' spending power.D.To meet the challenge from Marcy's restaurants.小题4:What was Pearson's achievement as a CEO?A.He managed to pay off Sparrow's debts.B.He made Sparrow much more competitive.C.He helped Sparrow take over a company.D.He improved the welfare of Sparrow employees.
One year our family decided to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day, as a token of appreciations for all the sacrifices that Mother had made for us. After breakfast we had arranged, as a surprise, to hire a car and take her for a beautiful drive in the country. Mother was rarely able to have a treat like that, because she was busy in the house nearly all the time. But on the very morning of the day, we changed the plan a little, because it occurred to Father that it would be even better to take Mother fishing. As the car was hired and paid for, we might as well use it to drive up into the hills where the streams are. As Father said, if you just go driving without object, you have a sense of aimlessness, but if you are going to fish there is a definite purpose that heightens the enjoyment.So we all felt it would be nicer for Mother to have a definite purpose . Father had just got a fishing rod the day before, which he said mother could use if she wanted to. Only Mother said she would much rather watch him fish than try to fish herself. So we got her to make up a sandwich lunch in case we got hungry, though we were to come home again to a big festive dinner.
Well, when the car came to the door, it turned out that there was not as much space in it as we had supposed. It was plain that we couldn’t all get in. Father said that he could just stay home and put in the time working in the garden. He said that there was a lot of rough dirty work that he could do, like digging a trench for the garbage, which would save hiring a man, and so he said that he’ he said that we were not to let the fact that he had not had a real holiday for three years stand in our way. He wanted us to go right ahead and not to mind him.
But of course we all felt that it would never do to let Father stay home, especially as we knew he would make trouble if he did. The two girls, Anne and Mary, would have stayed and helped the maid get dinner, only it seemed such a pity,for the two girls were eager to show their new hats on a lovely day like this. But they said that Mother had only to say the word and they’d gladly stay home and work. Will and I would have dropped out, but unfortunately we wouldn’t have been any use in preparing the dinner.小题1:The author’s family decided to celebrate Mother’s Day specially to love for their gratitude to their mother respect for their make up for a previous appointment小题2:According to Paragraph 2, we know that the plan was changed because________.A.Father proposed to go fishing outB.we thought that driving out is boringC.we failed to hire a car to go outD.the car was not big enough小题3:What problem did we find when the car arrived?A.The car was too old to drive on mountain roads.B.The car was larger than we expected.C.The car was too small to accommodate us all. D.The car was too plain looking.小题4:Why didn’t the author drop out of the activity?A.Because his sisters didn’t join in.B.Because he needed to have dinner.C.Because he couldn’t cook the dinner.D.Because he hadn’t had a real holiday for three years.小题5:Which of the following proverbs describes the text best?A.Everything comes to him who waits.B.Changes always go beyond plans.C.Better late than never.D.Once on shore, one prays no more.
Annie, a neighbor's daughter, was away for her first semester at college this school year. She is a very sweet girl but just a bit shy. When her birthday came around, I found out she was feeling a bit ___.Her family is quite poor and ____ are tight, so there wouldn't be any birthday visitors. I wanted to ____ her a card and maybe a small gift to ____ her day a bit. I got her school ____ from her mom and planned to pick something up. Then I got a(n) ____!I ____ perhaps a bit more birthday cheer was needed here. I bought some balloons, birthday hats, and ____ novelties(新颖小巧而价廉的物品) at a store. I took a small ____ and asked three other people in my area at work to ____ “Happy Birthday” and send some birthday wishes to her. It was such fun making the recording! Other people ____ what we were doing and ___ their voices, so it really sounded like we had a party going on!Then I bought her a small present and a card as ____ planned. The real fun was packing them to be sent. I ____ everything so it was like opening a mini birthday party! At the last minute I added a pack of cupcakes and a box of birthday candles ___ sending them off. I got a call a few days later. Annie said her roommates and one of their neighbors in the ____ got together with her and held a party for her the moment they arrived. She sounded so ____ and I was so glad that she had some friends to ____ her special day with.It was such an easy and ____ thing to do. The people who helped me make the tape still laugh and talk about it. And Annie ____ me it was the most fun birthday she would remember!小题1:A.lonelyB.nervousC.aloneD.worried小题2:A.thoughtsB.financesC.measuresD.times小题3:A.provideB.sellC.sendD.draw小题4:A.attractB.rememberC.describeD.brighten小题5:A.numberB.campusC.addressD.report小题6:A.ideaB.surpriseC.chanceD.message小题7:A.decidedB.thoughtC.wishedD.concluded小题8:A.anotherB.othersC.otherD.one小题9:A.radioB.cameraC.recorderD.phone小题10:A.sayB.singC.repeatD.make小题11:A.took outB.set outC.gave outD.found out小题12:A.addedB.devotedC.clearedD.lifted小题13:A.suddenlyB.originallyC.finallyD.carefully小题14:A.collectedB.paidC.arrangedD.expected小题15:A.untilB.afterC.unlessD.before小题16:A.dormitoryB.homeC.classroomD.office小题17:A.familiarB.happyC.wonderfulD.upset小题18:A.helpB.compareC.shareD.witness小题19:A.funnyB.challengingC.funD.time&consuming小题20:A.warnedB.convincedC.advisedD.told
When my parents were alive,they were not very rich.Yet they helped their two older &&&&time after time.When Daddy passed away,his notebook showed debts &&&&&from several of his children.I was not among them.I&&&&&borrowed money and when I did,I set a repayment plan and &&&&to it.It was a matter of&&&&&&with me.I couldn’t stand owing my parents-or anyone else-mmoney because I watched them &&&&to help out my older sisters when they were in financial difficulties themselves.These days,after the death of my parents,I am one of those people who can be&&&&&to for help when they need it.Just as I can’t stand&&&&other people money,I can’t stand saying no to whoever needs help.I don’t &&&&helping others,but I would be more than glad if they would make a(n) &&&&to handle things themselves,perhaps by doing some &&&&planning-like planning not to speend money they don’t have! Being ready to help others is a &&&&,but sometimes the result will be&&&&to what you expect.I &&&&remember as a child what my father always said, “If at first you don’t succeed,try,try again!” Helping my children too often has &&&&them from learning to keep trying.Use your &&&:who among my children will &&&&to walk if I supply the money to buy a car? Helped often,my children lost gradually the ability to &&&&problems themselves.In most &&&&&&,when people find you can&&&&&help,they will ask you more and more.That's human,you know.小题1:A.sonsB.daughtersC.brothersD.sisters小题2:A.absentB.apartC.dueD.different小题3:A.alwaysB.seldomC.oftenD.never小题4:A.stuckB.attachedC.agreedD.belonged小题5:A.pleasureB.courageC.prideD.sorrow小题6:A.struggleB.happenC.intendD.move小题7:A.referredB.turnedC.seenD.attended小题8:A.cheatingB.donatingC.1endingD.owing小题9:A.enjoyB.mindC.1ikeD.miss小题10:A.commentB.messC.excuseD.effort小题11:A.financialB.flexibleC.typicalD.particular小题12:A.deedB.dealC.virtueD.task小题13:A.contraryB.essentialC.potentialD.necessary小题14:A.canB.mayC.shallD.must小题15:A.bannedB.protectedC.preventedD.freed小题16:A.aHnB.legC.bodyD.head小题17:A.waitB.urgeC.threatD.choose小题18:A.solve B.assessC.seekD.analyse小题19:A.affairsB.choicesC.casesD.events小题20:A.obtainB.attainC.provideD.prefer
Dear son, The day that you see me old, have patience and try to understand me. If I get  when eating, if I can not dress, have patience. Remember the hours I spent  it to you. If,   I speak to you, I repeat the same things thousand and one times, do not  me. Listen to me  . When you were small, I had to read thousand and one times the  story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me  scold me. Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I  , in order that you wanted to bathe. When you see my  on new technologies, give me the necessary time and not  me by mocking smiles. I taught you how to do so many things: to eat good, to dress well, to  life. . . When at some moment I lose the  in conversation with you, do not become annoyed, as the most important thing is not my  but surely to be with you and to  you listening to me. When my  legs do not allow me to walk, give me your hand, the same way I  when you gave your first steps. And when someday I say I do not want to live any more and that I want to die, do not get angry. Try to understand that my age is not lived but  . Some day you will discover that,   my mistakes, I always wanted the  thing for you and tried to prepare the way for you. Help me to walk, help me to end my way with love and  . I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you, son!Your father小题1:A.angryB.satisfiedC.tidy D.dirty小题2:A.teachingB.mentioningC.warningD.talking小题3:A.beforeB.when C.unlessD.until小题4:A.disturb B.interruptC.upsetD.break小题5:A.finally B.soon C.insteadD.too小题6:A.goodB.interestingC.difficultD.same小题7:A.orB.norC.andD.but小题8:A.inventedB.realizedC.spottedD.imagined小题9:A.viewB.prejudiceC.favorD.ignorance小题10:A.look down onB.look intoC.look upD.look through小题11:A.overcomeB.confrontC.defeatD.challenge小题12:A.sightB.themeC.memoryD.touch小题13:A.narrationB.conversationC.statementD.thought小题14:A.haveB.make C.getD.force小题15:A.exhaustedB.brokenC.foldedD.injured小题16:A.madeB.workedC.didD.tried小题17:A.wasted B.spentC.countedD.survived小题 spite ofB.regardless ofC.rather thanD.other than小题19:A.worstB.leastC.most D.best小题20:A.mercyB.supportC.enthusiasmD.patience
Anthony is 80 years old. He lives by himself in his own home. He spends most of his time in front of the TV&&&&&&his favorite programs like, football, baseball, and car racing. I’ve &&&&&&&him for about six years and his&&&&&breaks my heart. Anthony reminds me of my own grandfather. Anthonhy is from the isalnd of Malta, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea. He came to the United States, like&&&&&&&of us, to look for a better future for his family. He&&&&&&&eight kids and they live in the United states but&&&&&of them live near him in Florida and nor do they visit him. I&&&&&him once a day to check on him and spend some&&&&&time with him. I even watch TV with him that I don’t even&&&&&&, but the&&&&&&&is that he feels someone is there &&&&&&him company. When he gets sick, or does not feel&&&&&enough to cook, I will cross my fence and start&&&&&&for him. &&&&&&&&I will run some errands (跑腿) for him. When he has an appointment with his &&&&_&&&, I will drive him too. I’ll fix his remote control when it is not&&&&&&&, etc…If something breaks or stops working, he calls me because he knows he can&&&&&&&me anytime. It is important to care about someone, &&&&&&it isn’t your own family. You would be &&&&&of yourself when you do help someone. I am pretty sure there are many Anthonys out there facing the same loneliness. Please &&&&&&a difference in someone’s life.小题1:A.forming B.playingC.watchingD.attending小题2:A.knownB.noticedC.realizedD.admitted小题3:A.matterB.painC.factD.situation小题4:A.fewB.muchC.mostD.number小题5:A.taughtB.helpedC.raisedD.brought小题6:A.noneB.allC.someD.any小题7:A.findB.visitC.callD.miss小题8:A.workB.wasteC.qualityD.sleep小题9:A.agreeB.shareC.hateD.like小题10:A.pointB.themeC.problemD.answer小题11:A.keepingB.talkingC.makingD.using小题12:A.goodB.happyC.busyD.well小题13:A.cleaningB.cookingC.readingD.playing小题14:A.All the whileB.Once in a whileC.After a while D.In a while小题15:A.teacherB.doctorC.repairmanD.child小题16:A.operatingB.soundingC.usingD.working小题17:A.agree withC.count onD.learn about小题 ifB.sinceC.whenD.even if小题19:A.proudB.fondC.aheadD.short小题20:A.makeB.feelC.forceD.explain
“Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy – they’re given after all. Choices can be hard.” –– Jeff Bezos. I got the idea to start Amazon 16 years ago. I came across the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2,300 percent per year. I’d never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast, and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me. I had just turned 30 years old, and I’d been married for a year. I told my wife MacKenzie that I wanted to quit my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldn’t work since most start-ups don’t, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. MacKenzie told me I should go for it. As a young boy, I’d been a garage inventor. I’d always wanted to be an inventor, and she wanted me to follow my passion. I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a bunch of very smart people, and I had a brilliant boss that I much admired. I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet. He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened carefully to me, and finally said, “That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn’t already have a good job.” That logic made some sense to me, and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours before making a final decision. Seen in that light, it really was a difficult choice, but ultimately (最后), I decided I had to give it a shot. I didn’t think I’d regret trying and failing. And I suspected I would always be haunted by a decision to not try at all. After much consideration, I took the less safe path to follow my passion, and I’m proud of that choice. For all of us, in the end, we are our choices.小题1:What inspired the author with the idea of building an online bookstore?A.His dream of being an inventor.B.The support of his wife.C.The greatly increasing usage of the Internet.D.Millions of exciting titles.小题2:Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence?A.The idea of not trying would keep coming to his mind and disturb him.B.He would be very excited if he tried it out. C.He would be always having a doubt if he didn’t try.D.The decision to not try the online bookstore would terrify him.小题3:We can know from the passage that _______.A.the boss thought the idea was suitable for the authorB.the author wanted someone else to try the ideaC.the author might not regret if he failed the ideaD.the author might go back to his boss if he failed小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Cleverness and KindnessB.The Starting of AmazonC.Following My PassionD.We Are What We Choose
When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, “Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesn’t work out, you’ll have something to rely on.” Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, “the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course,” she recalls.The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her mom. “I don’t know how to use a computer,” she admits.Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. “I felt there was a need for a book like this,” she says. “I didn’t want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we’re self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease.”But she hasn’t always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow up-again-and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet.Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. “Everybody on earth can ask, ‘why me?’ about something or other,” she insists. “It doesn’t do any good. No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I’ve come to realize the importance of that as I’ve grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be.”小题1:Why did Mary feel regretful?A.She didn’t achieve her ambition.B.She didn’t take care of her mother.C.She didn’t complete her high school.D.She didn’t follow her mother’s advice.小题2:We can know that before 1995 Mary&&&&& .A.had two books publishedB.received many career awardsC.knew how to use a computerD.supported the JDRF by writing小题3:Mary’s second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her&&&&& . with diabetesB.successful show businessC.service for an organizationD.remembrance of her mother小题4:When Mary received the life-changing news, she&&&&& .A.lost control of herselfB.began a balanced diet C.tried to get a treatment D.behaved in an adult way小题5:What can we know from the last paragraph?A.Mary feels pity for herself.B.Mary has recovered from her disease.C.Mary wants to help others as much as possible.D.Mary determines to go back to the dance floor.


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