
第一,与运营商合作,促成新的产品理念。苹果公司不仅能抓住与相关运营商合作的时机,也间接促成了新时代下时尚产业的发展。因为很多时尚品牌公司受到苹果公司先进理念的影响,不断融入其潮流,生产苹果手机的各种附加产品,如手机套等。苹果通过和数字音乐的结合,将其和音乐播放器等联系起来,从而和相关唱片公司创建起一种新的联盟和利益共享体,同时,消费者也在这当中成为受益者,因为其价值实现了增值。这种结合不仅是对苹果传统封闭操作模式的完善,也能够为苹果产品带来了新的体验,增强其客户量,为企业带来了极大的效益。同时,传统的软件开发或者终端制造一般是处于被动的状态,但是苹果的出现,根据不同地域选择不同的运营商,在我国其运营商是联通。这样扩大了两者的互利空间,在研发产品中,苹果占主导位置,其行为完全由自身决定,同时,手机开通或者其他增值业务的控制权也是由苹果公司自己来主导的。作为运营商,其跟公司的联系主要通过绑定来实现,这样有利于改变一直以来运营商之间相似的竞争模式,实现了发展模式的创新。  第二,注重抓住主要客户群,培养忠实客户。主要体现在:首先,苹果公司在销售产品时具有较高的人性化服务理念,其注重用户的体验,在很多零售店中,都为用户订做了具有特色的数字体验区域,且其商场的布置跟传统的数码产品不一样,并没有采用耀眼灯光或者嘈杂音乐作为营销背景,营销人员也不会强制给客户推销产品,而是将苹果产品直接摆放在消费者可以直接体验的区域中,当客户看中之后,专业服务人员会对其介绍产品的使用知识,充分体现了人性化理念。  第三,利用求新、求异的消费心理,不断推出新技术,扩大市场。在工业设计中,必须有目的有计划地对制度进行废止,对于电子产品来说,制度的废止也就是利用人为途径,来让产品在较短的时间内让这些电子产品失去原有的效能,变成旧东西,让其逐渐被消费群体淘汰,慢慢退出市场,从而让消费者的眼光转移到新产品上来。苹果公司在这方面做出了典范,将该方法发挥得淋漓尽致。苹果公司对其产品,实施两年进行一次小改动,三年或者四年则进行一次大的改动,以这样的原则来促进产品的更新换代。在当今科技不断发展和成熟的环境下,消费者一般会对过时的产品产生一种强烈的排斥感,而喜欢追逐时代的潮流,选择最先进最高端的产品。因此,苹果公司的这一策略实际上是抓住了消费者的心理需求,通过新技术的应用,来让心甘情愿浪费现有的资源,而追求更新奇的体验,这就为苹果产品赢得了很大的市场。  第四,利用网络平台,间接培养客户群。苹果公司开发了一个开放的平台,用户可以随时在其商店中下载软件,或者向企业提交开发程序申请书,由于这个平台只适用于苹果用户,因此,实际上是间接培养了客户群。  第五,采用饥饿营销,提高需求。也就是通过提高用户对苹果产品的需求,营造出一种饥饿感,以此来形成一种供给不能满足需求的效应,为产品售价以及利润的提高创造了一定空间。这种手段,主要是通过将产量下调等形成供给不足的氛围,或者保持产品的神秘感,以引起更多消费者的好奇心。例如,在第一批苹果产品面世的时候,该公司首先对其制定了长达三十个月时间的保密期,同时,在开展发布会的时候,也没有对其新功能或者注入的新技术等进行大肆宣扬,这样恰好保持了足够的神秘感,以让更多的人产生一种期待的心理。因此,当产品上市之后,苹果专卖店爆满的场面是可以想象的。  
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PHP is used as development language, he can join the relevant class and report his activities in the log book, a user can find the contact information of his classmates from the modules of user search or class search,同学之间不再只依靠电话, log book etc。The 21st cen......
PHP is used as developing language, Apcche is used as Web server, but also the function of leaving a message for the administrators is increased, and the dynamic state of daily record can be published in the class,
Mysql is used as the database platform, under the integrated environment, the convenient and efficient network gradually replaces telephone and letter communication way among classmates. You can upload and search photos can be uploaded and searched in photo album module, photo album......
21st century is an era of prosperity, people pick up the pace of life, lifestyle has changed, no longer relying only on telephone, mail to liaison between the students, gradually replaced by convenient and fast network. Alumni is the product of the times, has become the next generation of communication tools. Alumni focus on user involvement, is a platform user communication. The system uses Dreamweaver CS5 as a development tool, integrated environment
The 21st century is an era of prosperity, people's accelerated pace of life, lifestyles have changed, not only between the students rely on telephone, letter to the contact, and gradually replaced by a convenient network. Alumni is a product of the times, has become a new generation of communication tools.
Alumni focus is user involvement, is a user communication platform. The system uses as a development tool Dreamweaver CS5 in WampServer integrated environment, using PHP as a developm......
Twenty-first Century is a time of prosperity, people's pace of life, way of life has changed, no longer only rely on the telephone between the students, the letter to contact with each other, gradually replace sb. Is convenient and efficient network. Alumni is the product of the era, has become a new generation of communication tools.The alumni of attention is paid to the user participation, user is a platform for the exchange of. The system uses Dreamweaver CS5 as the development tool, in ......
这个校友录说的是 alumni network 吗
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