instantthe way to successs是什么意思

爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.
百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.
比上不足,比下有余 &worse off than some,
to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst
笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
不眠之夜 white night
不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses
不遗余力 do one's best
不打不成交 &No discord, no concord.
拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul
辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old
ring out the old year and ring in the new
大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
大开眼界 open one' broaden one' be an eye-opener
国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace
过犹不及 going too far is as bad as
beyond is as wr too much is as bad as too little
功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.
好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more
好事不出门,恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.
和气生财 Harmony brings wealth
活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn.
既往不咎 let bygones be bygones
金无足赤,人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.
金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home
脚踏实地 be down-to-earth
脚踩两只船 sit on the fence
君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen i a hedge between keeps friendship green
老生常谈,陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché
礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 &Where there is life, there is hope.&
马到成功 achie win instant success
名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth
茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened
没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.
On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.
It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.
谋事在人,成事在天 &The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. / Man proposes, God disposes. &
Cunning outwits itself.
拿手好戏 masterpiece
赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad
抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with va throw a sprat to catch a whale
破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat; burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end
抢得先机 take the preemptive opportunities
巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.
千里之行始于足下a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step
前事不忘,后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.
前人栽树,后人乘凉 One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests.
One sows and another reaps.
前怕狼,后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind/ hesitate in doing something
强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.
强强联手 win-win co-operation
瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.
人之初,性本善 Man's nature at birth is good.
人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.
人海战术 huge-crowd strategy
世上无难事,只要肯攀登 &Where there is a will, there is a way. &
世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the
死而后已 until my heart stops beating
岁岁平安 Peace all year round
上有天堂,下有苏杭 &Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.&
塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.
三十而立 &A man should be independent at the age of thirty.
At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself.&
升级换代 updating and upgrading (of products)
四十不惑 Life begins at forty.
谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 &Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass. &
水涨船高 When the river rises, the boat floats high.
时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.
杀鸡用牛刀 break a butterfly on the wheel
实事求是 s be pra be true to facts
说曹操,曹操到 Talk of the devil and he comes.
实话实说 s
tell it as it is
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
山不在高,有仙则名 &No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide &
韬光养晦 hide one's capacities and bide one's time
糖衣炮弹 sugar-coated bullets
天有不测风云 Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue
团结就是力量 Unity is strength.
“跳进黄河洗不清” &eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name &
歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena
物以类聚,人以群分 Birds of a feather flock together.
往事如风 &The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is past.&
望子成龙 hold high hopes for one's child
屋漏又逢连阴雨 Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.
文韬武略 military strategy
唯利是图 draw water to one's mill
无源之水,无本之木 water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots
无中生有 make/create something out of nothing
无风不起浪 There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire.
徇私枉法 bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends
新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean
虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
蓄势而发 accumulate strength for a take-off
心想事成 May all your wish come true
心照不宣 have a tacit understanding
先入为主 First impressions are firmly entrenched.
先下手为强 catch the ball before the bound
像热锅上的蚂蚁 like an ant on a hot pan
现身说法 warn people by taking oneself as an example
息事宁人 pour oil on troubled waters
喜忧参半 mingled hope and fear
循序渐进 step by step
一路平安,一路顺风 speed s speed the parting guest
严以律己,宽以待人 be strict with oneself and lenient towards others
鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey
有情人终成眷属 &Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.&
有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the mare go. Money talks.
有识之士 people of vision
有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain
有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.
与时俱进 advance with times
以人为本 people foremost
因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude
欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 &to ascend another storey to see a th Ascend further, were Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.&
欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success.
优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest
英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.
冤家宜解不宜结 Better make friends than make enemies.
冤假错案 &cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly
unjust, false or wrong cases&
一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words.
招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful
债台高筑 become debt-ridden
致命要害 Achilles' heel
众矢之的 target of public criticism
知己知彼,百战不殆 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.
纸上谈兵 be an armchair strategist
纸包不住火 Truth will come to light sooner or later.
左右为难 between the devil a between the rock and the hard place
Thank you.
英语俚语集萃英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。下面是一些常用的俚语。a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林 a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始) a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满) a cat nap 打个盹儿 a ouch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼) a headache 头痛(麻烦事) a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒) a load off my mind 心头大石落地 a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事) a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件) a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜) a sinking ship 正在下沉的船 a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人) a thorn in someone''s side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背) a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒) a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担 an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌 ants in one''s pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安) back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓) back on track重上轨道(改过自新) backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反) ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆) beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳) beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看) bet your life 把命赌上(绝对错了) better half 我的另一半 big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大) bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事要办) bite the bullet 咬子弹(强忍痛苦) birds of a feather flock together 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚) blow up in you face 在眼前爆炸(事情完全弄砸了) break a let 折断一条腿(表演真实,演出成功) break the ice 破冰(打破僵局) brown nose 讨好,谄媚 bull in a china shop 瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人) burst your bubble 扎破泡泡(打破人的幻想,煞风景) bury one''s head in the sand把头埋在沙里(自欺欺人) butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下) buy the farm买下农场(归道山,死了) cash in my chips兑换筹码(睡觉,就寝) circle the wagons把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待) clean up one''s act自我检点,自我改进 come down in sheets整片整片地下(倾盆大雨) cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了) cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直) cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入) daily grind 例行苦事,每天得干的苦工 days are numbered 来日无多 dead center 正当中 dead-end street 死路,死巷子 domino effect 骨牌效应 down to the wire 最后关头 down under 南边(常指面半球的澳洲) downhill from here 从此都是下坡路(自此每况愈下) drop the ball 掉了球(失职) empty nest 空巢(儿女长大离家) get hitched 拴起来(结婚) get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳) get the ball rolling 让球滚起来(动起手来) goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩 hit the road 上路 hold your horses 勒住你的马(慢来) hang somebody out to dry 把……晾起来了(把……坑苦了) in one''s back pocket 在某人裤子后口袋里(是某人的囊中之物) in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道) in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头) it''s Greek to me 希腊文(天书) joined at the hip 连体婴(死党,从不分开的两个人) jump the gun 枪未响先偷跑(抢先) kick the bucket 踢水桶(翘辫子) kill two birds with one stone一 箭双雕,一举两得 last straw 最后一根稻草 left a bitter taste in one''s mouth 留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆) light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动) light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望) like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖) ling winded 长舌,碎嘴 Monday morning quarterback 星期一早晨的四分卫(马后炮) my old man 我的老头(我父亲) out of the pan and into the fire 跳出锅里,掉进火里(每况愈下) plenty of other fish in the sea 海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草) poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色) pop the question 提出大问题(求婚) pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步) punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑 put all of one''s eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷) put one''s foot in one''s mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了) rob the cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草) skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰(如履薄冰,身历险境) skeleton in one''s closet 壁橱里的骷髅(不可告人的事) skin and bones 皮包骨 sleep on it 睡在上面(考虑一晚上) small talk 寒喧,闲聊 smooth sailing 一帆风顺 stab in the back 背后插刀(遭人暗算) stallion 千里驹(貌美体健的男人) stud 种马(貌美体健的男人) swing for the fence 打全垒打 take a hike 走路(滚蛋) until you are blue in the face 干到脸发青(也是白干) unwind 放松发条(轻松下来) up for grabs 大家有份 up in the air 挂在空中(悬而未决) when hell freezes over 地狱结冰(绝不可能的事) weed out 除去杂草(淘汰) well rounded全 能,全才 when pigs fly 猪飞的时候(绝不可能) not lift a finger 连手指都不动一动(袖手旁观) wrapped around his/her little finger 化为绕指柔(玩弄于股掌之间)
英语常用俚语 in one's back pocket 在某人裤子后口袋里(是某人的囊中之物)
in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道)
in the lime light 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)
in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)
It's Greek to me. 希腊文(天书)
in the middle of nowhere 周围什么也没有(前不见村,后不着店)
joined at the hip 连体婴(死党,从不分开的两个人)
jump the gun 枪未响先偷跑(抢先)
just what the doctor ordered 正是大夫说的(对症下药)
keep an ear to the ground 一耳贴地(注意新动向)
keep one's fingers crossed/cross one's fingers 把手指交叉成十字架(暗祈上苍保佑)
kick the bucket 踢水桶(翘辫子)
kill two birds with one stone一 箭双雕,一举两得
kiss up to 讨好
kitty corner 小猫的角落(斜对角)
knuckle sandwich 指节骨三明治(饱以老拳)
landslide 山崩(压倒性的胜利)
last straw 最后一根稻草
left a bitter taste in one's mouth 留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆)
left hanging 被晾起来了(被挂起来,悬而不决)
let sleeping dogs lie 别惊动睡着的狗(别无事生非,过去的事不要再提)
let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴)
light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动)
light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望)
like hot cakes 象刚出炉的蛋糕(很受欢迎的东西,抢手货)
like looking for a needle in a haystack 如同在稻草堆里找一根针(大海捞针)
like pulling hen's teeth 跟拔母鸡的牙一样(艰苦不堪)
like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖)
like stealing candy from a baby 娃娃手里骗糖(易事)
ling winded 长舌,碎嘴
loose cannon 松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气)
lose one's marbles 疯了,神智不清
low blow 不正当的攻击,下流手段 pale in comparison 相形失色 peas in a pod 一荚之豆(好哥儿们) pieces come together 拼图游戏凑成图案(诸事顺利,达成完美结果) play it by ear 不用看谱(随机应变) plenty of other fish in the sea
海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草) poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色) pop the question 提出大问题(求婚) pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步)……不 保 存保 存 一 天 保 存 一 月保 存 一 年
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英语常用俚语 〔 作者:佚名
文章录入:mato 〕 减小字体 增大字体take a hike 走路(滚蛋) take a rain check 因雨停赛时送给观众下次免费来看的票(另一次机会) take off 动身 take one for the team 为了全队挨一下(为了集体利益,牺牲个人利益) take the word right out of someone's mouth 替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的) the ball is in someone's court 球在你那边(该你行动了) the walls have ears 墙有耳朵(隔墙有耳) the whole nine yards 整整九码(一举成功,美式足球的攻方一次需推进十码) throw in the towel 扔毛巾(认输,放弃) tie the knot 打结(结婚) toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走 tongue in cheek 闲磕牙(挖苦地) too many cooks in the kitchen 厨房里厨子太多(筑室道谋,三个和尚没水渴) twinkle in your mother's eye 母亲眼中的一闪灵光(未出娘胎) twisted 脾气拧,别扭 two left feet 有两只左脚(笨手笨脚) under my skin 钻到我的皮下(让我极不舒服) under the weather 受了风寒 until the cows come home 等到牛回家(空等,白等) until you are blue in the face 干到脸发青(也是白干) unwind 放松发条(轻松下来) up for grabs 大家有份 up in the air 挂在空中(悬而未决) walk in someone's shoes 穿他的鞋走走看(设身处地,经历相同) walk on air(高兴得)脚不点地,飘飘然 washed up 像是洗过的(筋疲力尽,力气都放完了) water off a duck's back 鸭背的水珠(马耳东风) water under the bridge 桥下的水(逝水,覆水) when hell freezes over 地狱结冰(绝不可能的事) weed out 除去杂草(淘汰) well rounded全 能,全才 when pigs fly 猪飞的时候(绝不可能) not lift a finger 连手指都不动一动(袖手旁观) wound up 上足发条(紧张,兴奋) wrapped around his/her little finger 化为绕指柔(玩弄于股掌之间) wring his neck 扭断他的脖子
雅虎搜星盘点之大话金庸美女张惠妹发片神采奕奕(组图)全球最性感金发美女 詹妮弗-艾利森(组图)辣妹维多利亚的帅气与妩媚(组图)
火箭破“麦蒂魔咒” 姚明获得上周西部最佳连吃败仗皇马陷低谷 主席弗洛伦蒂诺引咎辞职国象第一超模棋手 狂傲棋风如其性感身体橄榄球宝贝透明装撩人 冬奥冰舞美女走光
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楼主 英语口语俚语A bargain is a bargain.
A close call!
A fifty-fifty chance.
A flash in the pan.
After you , please!
Are you going to Paris for good?
As far as policy is concerned , I have to say something.
As far as I‘m concerned.
Be my guest.
Can you give me a rain check on that?
Can‘t you do anything right?
Close the door after you , please.
Clothes make the man.
Chances are slim.
Could you fill in for him?
Could you speak up, please?
Could you page Mr. Stone, please?
Cut it out. = Go on. =Knock it off.
Do to hell!
Do you have any openings?
Do you have a single room available?
Do you take cream in your coffee?
Does it ring a bell?
Don‘t beat around the bush.
Don‘t chicken out. Be a man.
Don‘t dream away your time.
Don‘t get me wrong.
Don’t give me a hard time!
Don‘t give me your attitude.
Don’t jump on me.
Don‘t nag me!
Don’t panic.
Don’t play the goat.
Don‘t pull the chairs about, boys!
Don‘t push me.
Don’t sell yourself short.
Don‘t tell others. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Don‘t trust to chance.
Don‘t you dare come back again?
Draw your chair up to the table.
Drop dead.
走开点。 (去死吧!)
Drop me a line!
Drop me off at the Hilton.
Early rising makes for good health.
Every bad has some good.
Every time I see you , you leave me out in the cold.
Facing his enemy , he had to play it by ear.
Far from it.
First come, first served.
Foot the bill.
For the old time sake,please give me a hand this time.
For the time being.
Get off my back.
Get over yourself.
Get the hell out of here.
Give me a ball park figure.
Give me a break。
Give me a hand.
Give me some feedback.
Go ahead with your plan. I’m all for it.
God bless you!
Great minds think alike.
He always goofs off.
He always likes to play a lone hand.
He double-crossed me.
Have you ever seen your old fame?
He is a nut.
He is a phoney.
He is trying to cash in on me.
He is the man behind the curtain(scenes).
He is in a jam.
He is heavily insured against death.
He is capable of any crime.
He is about to explode.
He is really on the ball.
He is a fast talker.
He dare not tell us his evil conduct.
He gave me a black look.
He got off on the wrong foot when he started doing.
He got to know the ins and outs of the accidents.
He got savoir-faire.
He had racked his brain.
He has a lot on the ball.
He has a nice sum of money put away.
He has a remarkable memory.
He has his faults, but all in all, he is a good guy.
He has never rested on his laurels.
He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist.
He hooted with laughter.
He just stepped out.
He left his wife high and dry.
He lives only a stone‘s throw from here.
He may show up soon.
He ran his horse up the hill.
He sat there without turning an eyelash.
He sat with his arms across the chest.
He struck his attacker on the ear.
He suddenly realized that he had been made a monkey of by his opponents.
He told me to get lost.
He walks with a quick pace.
He was put on the spot.
He will give me cradle-to-grave protection.
He will not turn the cold shoulder on me when I am in trouble.
He won a monkey at the horse races.
His argument doesn’t hold water.
He‘s a brain.
He’s always on the go.
He‘s behind the times.
He’s down and out.
He‘s getting a little bit plump.
He‘s gone for the day.
He‘s tied up.
He‘ll be out and about very soon.
Her parents spent great efforts to groom her for a violinist.
His speech was given a warm reception by the crowd.
How can we know whether a person is on the up and up by his appearance!
How could he be so two-faced?
How dare you!
How do I address you?
How late are you open?
How often do you work out?
Here or to go?
I beat my brains (out) to get a job.
I blinded with science.
I broke my neck to add slangs here.
我努力地往这里添加俚语 :)
I can‘t come up with it.
I can‘t burn the candle at both ends forever.
I can‘t help it.
I can‘t pinpoint it.
I can‘t see you quickly enough.
I can‘t think of it off hand.
I detest you!
I didn‘t know. I was only a shot in the dark.
I didn‘t mean to pour cold water on your idea.
I don‘t have the vaguest idea.
I don‘t know what has set my nerves on edge these days.
I enjoyed your company.
I fast a day every week.
I got a big kick out of it.
I have a sweet tooth.
I have a bottomed-down mind.
I have no direction, I just go wherever the winds blows.
I have to get rid of my car.
I have to brush up on my English.
I have to watch my weight.
I haven‘t got a good house, but I‘ll keep a good house.
I hope I didn‘t offend you.
I hope you saved room for dessert.
I hope your idea takes wings.
I just keep my head above water.
I knew from the word go what to do next.
I like raisins and kebabs.
我喜欢吃葡萄干和肉串。 :)
I like the soaps.
I looked high and low for my pen.
I lost the door key about here.
I only have eyes for you.
I really need to blow off some steam!
I share your enthusiasm.
I smelled a smell of cooking.
I think I get the drift.
I think you’ve put your finger on it.
I told him to beat it.
I tossed and turned all night.
I wasn‘t born yesterday.
I wish that you would put your cards on the table.
I wouldn‘t freeload.
I’ll back you up all the way.
I’ll buy it.
I‘ll come back before you know it.
I‘ll keep my eye open.
I’ll make it up to you.
I‘ll play it by ear.
I’ll put everything in black and white!
I‘ll see to it.
I‘ll speak against anything I know to be wrong.
I‘ll try to smooth things over.
I‘m a chair zucchini.
I‘m a man of my word.
I‘m an average player.
I‘m afraid I can‘t let you.
I‘m all fingers and thumbs this mornings.
I’m always punctual.
I’m an exam jitter.
I’m beat.
I‘m being helped.
I‘m broke.
I‘m easy to please.
I‘m fed up.
I‘m feeling under the weather.
I‘m from Missouri.
I‘m hard up.
I‘m just browsing.
I’m mad about Bruce Lee.
I’m not good at speaking off the cuff.
I‘m not going to put up with this!
I‘m not myself today.
I‘m on my way.
I‘m only waiting for the green light from you.
I‘m pressed for time.
I‘m really crazy about Michael Jackson‘s rock and roll.
I’m sick of always waiting for you!
I‘m so surprised that you have the face to do so!
I’m the apple of my grandma‘s eye.
I‘m through with you.
I‘m totally maxed out.
I’m up to my ears in work.
I‘m working on it.
I‘d do anything to see you crack a smile.
I‘d like a refund.
I‘d like to have telephone service.
I‘d like to have this prescription filled.
I‘d like to repair our differences.
I‘ve been dying to meet you.
I‘ve had enough of your garbage.
If I were in your shoes,I wouldn‘t do it that way.
If the shoe fits ,wear it.
If you don‘t want to lose me, you‘d better lay it on the line.
If you remain stuck-up, they will often try to pull your leg.
In doing we learn.
In his speech Mr. Brown laid stress on the sagacity of cats.
In her hometown ,she was a big fish in a small pond.
It isn‘t much.
It rained at intervals this month.
It slipped my mind.
It‘ll come to me.
It‘s a deal!
It’s a hard nut to crack.
It’s a hit.
It’s a lot of chicken feed.
It‘s a pain in the neck.
It’s all Greek to me.
It‘s better than nothing.
It‘s full of hot air.
It‘s in God‘s hands and we have prepared for the worst.
It’s my cup of tea.
It‘s no use talking to him ,you‘ll only waste your breath.
It‘s not that he doesn‘t like to help, but that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
It’s on the house.
It’s on me this time.
It‘s only wishful thinking.
英语俚语集萃 英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。下面是一些常用的俚语。 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林 a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始) a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满) a cat nap 打个盹儿 a ouch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼) a headache 头痛(麻烦事) a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒) a load off my mind 心头大石落地 a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事) a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件) a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜) a sinking ship 正在下沉的船 a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人) a thorn in someone''s side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背) a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒) a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担 an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌 ants in one''s pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安) back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓) back on track重上轨道(改过自新) backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反) ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆) beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳) beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看) bet your life 把命赌上(绝对错了) better half 我的另一半 big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大) bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事要办) bite the bullet 咬子弹(强忍痛苦) birds of a feather flock together 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚) blow up in you face 在眼前爆炸(事情完全弄砸了) break a let 折断一条腿(表演真实,演出成功) break the ice 破冰(打破僵局) brown nose 讨好,谄媚 bull in a china shop 瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人) burst your bubble 扎破泡泡(打破人的幻想,煞风景) bury one''s head in the sand把头埋在沙里(自欺欺人) butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下) buy the farm买下农场(归道山,死了) cash in my chips兑换筹码(睡觉,就寝) circle the wagons把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待) clean up one''s act自我检点,自我改进 come down in sheets整片整片地下(倾盆大雨) cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了) cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直) cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入) daily grind 例行苦事,每天得干的苦工 days are numbered 来日无多 dead center 正当中 dead-end street 死路,死巷子 domino effect 骨牌效应 down to the wire 最后关头 down under 南边(常指面半球的澳洲) downhill from here 从此都是下坡路(自此每况愈下) drop the ball 掉了球(失职) empty nest 空巢(儿女长大离家) get hitched 拴起来(结婚) get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳) get the ball rolling 让球滚起来(动起手来) goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩 hit the road 上路 hold your horses 勒住你的马(慢来) hang somebody out to dry 把……晾起来了(把……坑苦了) in one''s back pocket 在某人裤子后口袋里(是某人的囊中之物) in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道) in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头) it''s Greek to me 希腊文(天书) joined at the hip 连体婴(死党,从不分开的两个人) jump the gun 枪未响先偷跑(抢先) kick the bucket 踢水桶(翘辫子) kill two birds with one stone一 箭双雕,一举两得 last straw 最后一根稻草 left a bitter taste in one''s mouth 留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆) light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动) light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望) like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖) ling winded 长舌,碎嘴 Monday morning quarterback 星期一早晨的四分卫(马后炮) my old man 我的老头(我父亲) out of the pan and into the fire 跳出锅里,掉进火里(每况愈下) plenty of other fish in the sea 海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草) poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色) pop the question 提出大问题(求婚) pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步) punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑 put all of one''s eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷) put one''s foot in one''s mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了) rob the cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草) skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰(如履薄冰,身历险境) skeleton in one''s closet 壁橱里的骷髅(不可告人的事) skin and bones 皮包骨 sleep on it 睡在上面(考虑一晚上) small talk 寒喧,闲聊 smooth sailing 一帆风顺 stab in the back 背后插刀(遭人暗算) stallion 千里驹(貌美体健的男人) stud 种马(貌美体健的男人) swing for the fence 打全垒打 take a hike 走路(滚蛋) until you are blue in the face 干到脸发青(也是白干) unwind 放松发条(轻松下来) up for grabs 大家有份 up in the air 挂在空中(悬而未决) when hell freezes over 地狱结冰(绝不可能的事) weed out 除去杂草(淘汰) well rounded全 能,全才 when pigs fly 猪飞的时候(绝不可能) not lift a finger 连手指都不动一动(袖手旁观) wrapped around his/her little finger 化为绕指柔(玩弄于股掌之间) in one's back pocket 在某人裤子后口袋里(是某人的囊中之物) in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道) in the lime light 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头) in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头) It's Greek to me. 希腊文(天书) in the middle of nowhere 周围什么也没有(前不见村,后不着店) joined at the hip 连体婴(死党,从不分开的两个人) jump the gun 枪未响先偷跑(抢先) just what the doctor ordered 正是大夫说的(对症下药) keep an ear to the ground 一耳贴地(注意新动向) keep one's fingers crossed/cross one's fingers 把手指交叉成十字架(暗祈上苍保佑) kick the bucket 踢水桶(翘辫子) kill two birds with one stone一 箭双雕,一举两得 kiss up to 讨好 kitty corner 小猫的角落(斜对角) knuckle sandwich 指节骨三明治(饱以老拳) landslide 山崩(压倒性的胜利) last straw 最后一根稻草 left a bitter taste in one's mouth 留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆) left hanging 被晾起来了(被挂起来,悬而不决) let sleeping dogs lie 别惊动睡着的狗(别无事生非,过去的事不要再提) let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴) light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动) light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望) like hot cakes 象刚出炉的蛋糕(很受欢迎的东西,抢手货) like looking for a needle in a haystack 如同在稻草堆里找一根针(大海捞针) like pulling hen's teeth 跟拔母鸡的牙一样(艰苦不堪) like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖) like stealing candy from a baby 娃娃手里骗糖(易事) ling winded 长舌,碎嘴 loose cannon 松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气) lose one's marbles 疯了,神智不清 low blow 不正当的攻击,下流手段 pale in comparison 相形失色 peas in a pod 一荚之豆(好哥儿们) pieces come together 拼图游戏凑成图案(诸事顺利,达成完美结果) play it by ear 不用看谱(随机应变) plenty of other fish in the sea 海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草) poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色) pop the question 提出大问题(求婚) pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步)…… take a hike 走路(滚蛋) take a rain check 因雨停赛时送给观众下次免费来看的票(另一次机会) take off 动身 take one for the team 为了全队挨一下(为了集体利益,牺牲个人利益) take the word right out of someone's mouth 替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的) the ball is in someone's court 球在你那边(该你行动了) the walls have ears 墙有耳朵(隔墙有耳) the whole nine yards 整整九码(一举成功,美式足球的攻方一次需推进十码) throw in the towel 扔毛巾(认输,放弃) tie the knot 打结(结婚) toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走 tongue in cheek 闲磕牙(挖苦地) too many cooks in the kitchen 厨房里厨子太多(筑室道谋,三个和尚没水渴) twinkle in your mother's eye 母亲眼中的一闪灵光(未出娘胎) twisted 脾气拧,别扭 two left feet 有两只左脚(笨手笨脚) under my skin 钻到我的皮下(让我极不舒服) under the weather 受了风寒 until the cows come home 等到牛回家(空等,白等) until you are blue in the face 干到脸发青(也是白干) unwind 放松发条(轻松下来) up for grabs 大家有份 up in the air 挂在空中(悬而未决) walk in someone's shoes 穿他的鞋走走看(设身处地,经历相同) walk on air(高兴得)脚不点地,飘飘然 washed up 像是洗过的(筋疲力尽,力气都放完了) water off a duck's back 鸭背的水珠(马耳东风) water under the bridge 桥下的水(逝水,覆水) when hell freezes over 地狱结冰(绝不可能的事) weed out 除去杂草(淘汰) well rounded全 能,全才 when pigs fly 猪飞的时候(绝不可能) not lift a finger 连手指都不动一动(袖手旁观) wound up 上足发条(紧张,兴奋) wrapped around his/her little finger 化为绕指柔(玩弄于股掌之间) wring his neck 扭断他的脖子 A bargain is a bargain. 达成的协议不可撕毁。 A close call! 太危险了。 A fifty-fifty chance. 五成的机会。 A flash in the pan. 昙花一现。 After you , please! 你先走,请。 All set? 一切妥当? Are you going to Paris for good? 你们要去巴黎永久居住吗? As far as policy is concerned , I have to say something. 谈到政策,我得说几句。 As far as I‘m concerned. 就我而言。 Be my guest. 请便。 Can you give me a rain check on that? 你可以改天再请我吗? Can‘t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。 Close the door after you , please. 请随手关门。 Clothes make the man. 人要衣装。 Chances are slim. 机会很小。 Could you fill in for him? 你能代替他吗? Could you speak up, please? 能不能请你说话大声点? Could you page Mr. Stone, please? 请广播找石头先生好吗? Cut it out. = Go on. =Knock it off. 不要这个样子啦~ Do to hell! 滚蛋! Do you have any openings? 你们有空缺吗? Do you have a single room available? 你们有空的单人房吗? Do you take cream in your coffee? 你咖啡要加奶水吗? Does it ring a bell? 它熟吗? Don‘t beat around the bush. 别拐弯抹角。 Don‘t chicken out. Be a man. 不要退缩了。 Don‘t dream away your time. 不要虚度光阴。 Don‘t get me wrong. 别误会我。 Don’t give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好! Don‘t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。 Don’t jump on me. 不要跟我发火。 Don‘t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨! Don’t panic. 不要慌啊! Don’t play the goat. 不要胡闹。 Don‘t pull the chairs about, boys! 不要把椅子拖来拖去,孩子们! Don‘t push me. 别逼我。 Don’t sell yourself short. 别看轻自己。 Don‘t tell others. Let sleeping dogs lie. 不要告诉别人。莫惹是非。 Don‘t trust to chance. 别碰运气。 Don‘t you dare come back again? 你敢再回来! Draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。 Drop dead. 走开点。 (去死吧!) Drop me a line! 写封信给我。 Drop me off at the Hilton. 载我到希尔顿。 Early rising makes for good health. 早起有助于身体健康。 Encore! 再来一次。 Every bad has some good. 坏事情也有好的一面。 Every time I see you , you leave me out in the cold. 每次我见到你,你都不理睬我。 Facing his enemy , he had to play it by ear. 面队敌人,他只有随机应变了。 Far from it. 一点也不。 Farewell! 再见啦。 First come, first served. 捷足先登。 Foot the bill. 付账。 For the old time sake,please give me a hand this time. 看在旧日关系的面子上,请帮我这一回。 For the time being. 暂时的。 Fresh! 好有型。 Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。 Get over yourself. 别自以为是。 Get the hell out of here. 滚开。 Give me a ball park figure. 给我一个大概的数字。 Give me a break。 饶了我吧。 Give me a hand. 帮我一下忙。 Give me some feedback. 给我些建议吧。 Go ahead with your plan. I’m all for it. 进行你的计划吧,我完全赞成。 God bless you! 愿老天保佑你。 Gorgeous! 美极了。 Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。 He always goofs off. 他总是糊里糊涂。 He always likes to play a lone hand. 他喜欢单枪匹马地去干。 He double-crossed me. 他出卖了我。 Have you ever seen your old fame? 你还见过你的旧情人吗? He is a nut. 他有点神经病。 He is a phoney. 他是一个骗子。 He is trying to cash in on me. 他想占我便宜。 He is the man behind the curtain(scenes). 他是幕后人物。 He is in a jam. 他可糟了。 He is heavily insured against death. 他给自己投了巨额的人身保险。 He is capable of any crime. 他什么样的坏事都能干得出来。 He is about to explode. 他的肺都快要气炸了。 He is really on the ball. 他真的思路很敏捷。 He is a fast talker. 他老是说得天花乱坠。 He dare not tell us his evil conduct. 他不敢告诉我们他的罪行。 He gave me a black look. 他恶狠狠地看了我一眼。 He got off on the wrong foot when he started doing. 他一开始就出师不利。 He got to know the ins and outs of the accidents. 他终于弄清了事件的前因后果。 He got savoir-faire. 言行得体。 He had racked his brain. 他已经绞尽脑汁了。 He has a lot on the ball. 他很能干。 He has a nice sum of money put away. 他存了一大笔钱。 He has a remarkable memory. 他有惊人的记忆力。 He has his faults, but all in all, he is a good guy. 他有不对的地方,但总的来说,他还是个不错的家伙。 He has never rested on his laurels. 他从不满足目前的成就。 He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist. 他突然想出了一个挫败他的对手的计划。 He hooted with laughter. 他大笑了起来。 He just stepped out. 他刚刚出去。 He left his wife high and dry. 他抛弃了他的妻子。 He lives only a stone‘s throw from here. 他住的地方离这儿只有一箭之遥。 He may show up soon. 他马上就回来。 He ran his horse up the hill. 他策马跑上小山。 He sat there without turning an eyelash. 他泰然自若地坐在那边。 He sat with his arms across the chest. 他坐在那里,双臂交*于胸前。 He struck his attacker on the ear. 他打了那个攻击者一耳光。 He suddenly realized that he had been made a monkey of by his opponents. 他突然发现自己被对手给耍了。 He told me to get lost. 他叫我走开。 He walks with a quick pace. 他快步走路。 He was put on the spot. 他已经给人打死了。 He will give me cradle-to-grave protection. 他将保护我一生一世。 He will not turn the cold shoulder on me when I am in trouble. 他不会在我困难时疏远我。 He won a monkey at the horse races. 他在跑马中赢了500美元。 His argument doesn’t hold water. 他的论点站不住脚。 He‘s a brain. 他可是个有头脑的人。 He’s always on the go. 他永远是前进的。 He‘s behind the times. 他落伍了。 He’s down and out. 他已经完了。 He‘s getting a little bit plump. 他有一点胖~。 He‘s gone for the day. 他今天已经走了。 He‘s tied up. 他走不开。 He‘ll be out and about very soon. 他很快就能到户外活动了。 Her parents spent great efforts to groom her for a violinist. 她的父母花了很大精力来培养她成为一名小提琴演奏家。 His speech was given a warm reception by the crowd. 他的讲话受到了群众的热烈反对~。 How can we know whether a person is on the up and up by his appearance! 从一个人的外表我们怎么能知道他是坦率的呢! How could he be so two-faced? 他怎么能这么阴一套阳一套的? How dare you! 你敢! How do I address you? 我怎么称呼你? How late are you open? 你们营业到几点? How often do you work out? 你多久做一次运动? Here or to go? 要在这里吃还是带走? I beat my brains (out) to get a job. 为了找寻工作,我伤透了脑筋。 I blinded with science. 无言以对。 I broke my neck to add slangs here. 我努力地往这里添加俚语 :) I can‘t come up with it. 我做不到。 I can‘t burn the candle at both ends forever. 我不能永远这么消耗精力。 I can‘t help it. 我没办法。 I can‘t pinpoint it. 我没办法明确地指出来。 I can‘t see you quickly enough. 我巴不得尽快见你。 I can‘t think of it off hand. 我一时想不起来。 I detest you! 我恨你。 I didn‘t know. I was only a shot in the dark. 我不知道。那只是我瞎猜的。 I didn‘t mean to pour cold water on your idea. 我本不想给你的想法浇冷水的。 I don‘t have the vaguest idea. 我一点也不知道。 I don‘t know what has set my nerves on edge these days. 这几天不知是什么把我搞的心烦意乱的。 I enjoyed your company. 我喜欢有你做伴。 I fast a day every week. 我每周绝食一天。 I got a big kick out of it. 这件事真令我开心。 I have a sweet tooth. 我喜欢吃甜食。 I have a bottomed-down mind. 我是个没什么独到见解的人。 I have no direction, I just go wherever the winds blows. 我没有方向,只是随风到处飘。 I have to get rid of my car. 我必须把我的车子脱手。 I have to brush up on my English. 我得温习英文。 I have to watch my weight. 我必须注意我的体重。 I haven‘t got a good house, but I‘ll keep a good house. 我没有好的房子,但是我会招待周到的。 I hope I didn‘t offend you. 希望我没使你生气。 I hope you saved room for dessert. 我希望你留了点肚子吃甜点。 I hope your idea takes wings. 我希望你的想法成真。 I just keep my head above water. (生活)还凑合! I knew from the word go what to do next. 我很快知道了下一步怎么做。 I like raisins and kebabs. 我喜欢吃葡萄干和肉串。 :) I like the soaps. 我喜欢连续剧。 I looked high and low for my pen. 我到处找我的钢笔。 I lost the door key about here. 我在这附近掉了门钥匙。 I only have eyes for you. 我只在乎你。 I really need to blow off some steam! 我得舒缓一下压力。 I share your enthusiasm. 谢谢关心(不耐烦的)。 I smelled a smell of cooking. 我闻到了烧菜做饭的味道。 I think I get the drift. 我知道了。 I think you’ve put your finger on it. 你说到点子上了。 I told him to beat it. 我叫他走开。 I tossed and turned all night. 我整晚翻来覆去。 I wasn‘t born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩子。 I wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你干脆把话挑明。 I wouldn‘t freeload. 我可不愿意白吃白喝别人。 I’ll back you up all the way. 我完全支持你。 I’ll buy it. 我赞成。 I‘ll come back before you know it. 我很快就回来。 I‘ll keep my eye open. 我会多留意。 I’ll make it up to you. 我一定会补偿你的。 I‘ll play it by ear. 随兴之所致吧。 I’ll put everything in black and white! 我会把所有事情白纸黑字写清楚。 I‘ll see to it. 我会留意的。 I‘ll speak against anything I know to be wrong. 我会对所有我认为不对的事情直言不讳。 I‘ll try to smooth things over. 我会妥善处理。 I‘m a chair zucchini. 我是个电脑迷。 I‘m a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人。 I‘m an average player. 我打得普通。 I‘m afraid I can‘t let you. 恐怕我不能答应你。 I‘m all fingers and thumbs this mornings. 今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢? I’m always punctual. 我总是很准时。 I’m an exam jitter. 我一考试就紧张。 I’m beat. 我累死了。 I‘m being helped. 有人招呼我。 I‘m broke. 我没什么钱。 I‘m easy to please. 我很容易取悦。 I‘m fed up. 我厌倦了。 I‘m feeling under the weather. 我觉得不舒服。 I‘m from Missouri. 你骗不了我。 I‘m hard up. 我经济很困难。 I‘m just browsing. 我只是随便看看。 I’m mad about Bruce Lee. 我迷死李小龙了。 I’m not good at speaking off the cuff. 我不擅长即兴演讲。 I‘m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦! I‘m not myself today. 我今天心神不定。 I‘m on my way. 我就上路。 I‘m only waiting for the green light from you. 我在等您的允许. I‘m pressed for time. 我的时间紧迫。 I‘m really crazy about Michael Jackson‘s rock and roll. 我对麦克杰克逊的摇滚爱的发狂。 I’m sick of always waiting for you! 你老让我等你,真是烦透了。 I‘m so surprised that you have the face to do so! 你怎么有脸做出这样的事! I’m the apple of my grandma‘s eye. 我是姥姥的掌上明珠。 I‘m through with you. 我和你完了。 I‘m totally maxed out. 我真是完全累坏了。 I’m up to my ears in work. 我忙的不可开交。 I‘m working on it. 我正在努力。 I‘d do anything to see you crack a smile. 为了博得你的一笑,我情愿做任何事。 I‘d like a refund. 我想退钱。 I‘d like to have telephone service. 我想要装电话。 I‘d like to have this prescription filled.


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