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& iOS/Android的安全性能相互没有固有优势
Marble Security 日前发布报告表示,苹果对移动应用的严格控制让 iOS 的安全性比 Android 的更高,但是攻击者还有是有多种方式可以从 iOS 设备窃取数据。
  威锋网 6 月 18 日消息,Marble Security 日前发布报告表示,苹果对移动应用的严格控制让 iOS 的安全性比 Android 的更高,但是攻击者还有是有多种方式可以从 iOS 设备盗取数据。报告分析了平台用户所面临的危险因素,表示企业用户仍然面临数据安全问题。  Marble Security 表示,在安全性能上不管是 iOS 还是 Android,它们并没有与生俱来地优势。企业允许员工使用自己的设备,从这一点上来说不管是 iOS 还是 Android 其风险都是相同的。  对于没有的 iOS 用户来说,他们的唯一应用来源就是 App Store,在这个平台上苹果严格监控任何可能存在的恶意应用。至于 Android 用户,他们可以选择应用商店种类就太多,因此风险相对较大。  不过 iOS 还是有安全风险的,比如在非设备上,用户使用 TestFlight(向特定用户群组发布测试应用的平台)来安装应用,对于企业用户来说这可能会引起不少麻烦。  Marble Security 认为 iOS 面临的风险还有移动设备管理配置,它可以通过网络来实现。这种攻击通常需要使用社交工程诱导用户访问一个网站,并让用户安装网站的恶意配置。如果用户安装了恶意配置文件,那么企业可能就会面临流量截取、虚假应用安装、网络钓鱼以及 APT 等。
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Apache/2.4.7 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_fcgid/2.3.6 Server atgillyflower - definition of gillyflower by The Free Dictionary /gillyflower
gillyflower Also found in: , .
(jĭl′ē-flou′ər)n. Any of several plants having fragrant flowers, especially the carnation, stock, or wallflower.[Alteration
(influenced by ) of Middle English gilofre, from Old French gilofre, girofle, clove, from Late Latin gariofilum, from Greek karuophullon : karuon, nut; see
+ phullon, leaf; see
in .]gillyflower (ˈdʒɪlɪˌflaʊə) or gilliflowern1.
(Plants) any of several plants having fragrant flowers, such as the stock and wallflower2.
(Plants) an archaic name for [C14: changed (through influence of flower) from gilofre, from Old French girofle, from Medieval Latin, from Greek karuophullon clove tree, from karuon nut + phullon leaf]gil•ly•flow•er or gil•li•flow•er
(ˈdʒɪl iˌflaʊ ər)
any of several pinks of the genus
any of various other usu. fragrant flowers, esp. a stock,
Matthiola incana.
[;50; alter. (by association with ) of Middle English gilofre, geraflour & Old French gilofre, girofle & Latin caryophyllum & Greek karyóphyllon clove (káryo(n) nut + ph?llon leaf)]
Noun1.gillyflower - any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers - a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms,
- genus of Old World plants grown as ornamentals,
- European plant with racemes of sweet- widely cultivated as an ornamental2.gillyflower - Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented us widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors, , ,
- any of various flowers of plants of the genus Dianthus cultivated for their fragrant flowers
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Well, a booky as big
I have put up two bottles of the gillyflower water for Mrs. by
An' to think as he might ha' Mary Burge, an' be took partners, an' be a big man wi' workmen under him, like Mester Burge--Dolly's told me so o'er and o'er again--if it warna as he's set's heart on that bit of a wench, as is o' no more use nor the gillyflower on the wall. by
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