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School Life
例一 要点:
Going to a British school for one year was a very enjoyable
experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in
Britain because school starts 9 a.m. and ends around 3.30 p.m. This
means I could get up an hour later than usual, as schools in China
begin before 8 a.m. I had many teachers that year and they each
taught only one subject. My favourite teacher was Miss Green who
taught us English literature. In our class there were 29 students.
This is about the average size in British schools. We had to move
to different classrooms for different classes. I found the homework
was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was
a bit challenging. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very
例二 要点:
After graduating from university, David came to China to study
Chinese. Two years later, he was able to speak very good Chinese.
In China he developed an interest in teaching English to Chinese
students. Most of the students he taught have become his friends.
When he visited Britain two months ago, he brought back from
England many interesting books, dictionaries, paintings and
photographs. He donated most of them to our library. We wish to
thank David for his kindness. Next week, we will have our school
open day. We have invited David to be one of our guest speakers. He
will make a speech about his experience in China.
School Clubs
例一 要点;
1 学校廣播俱乐部成立于两年前,由学生管理,我是這个俱乐部资历最老的成员。
2 我们的俱乐部远遠不只播放音乐。每天早上我们告诉同学们天氣和新闻以及一些老师要我们播报的特殊信息。
4 当家长来访时,我们都播放学生演唱的歌曲,并且我们还提供一些特殊信息通知家长,如运动会和校园剧等事情。
The school radio club was stared two years ago. It is run by the
students and I am the oldest member of the club.
Our clubs does much more than playing music. Every morning we
tell students about weather and news, plus some special messages
that the teachers want us to broadcast.
During exam time, we have a special programme that tells students the things they should or shouldn’t do. At the end of the school year, many graduating students use our club to give messages to their close friends and teachers.
When parents come to visit the school, we always play songs sung by students, and we also offer special messages to inform the parents of events, such as sports meets and school plays.
例二 要点:
Our school club “Poets of the Next Generation” was started by
our English teacher. We meet on the last Friday afternoon of every
month to talk about the poems and the poets that we like. We first
select poems that we love, and then read them aloud.
When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a
poem and I had to read it out to the whole group. I was a little
scared at first, but everyone was so friendly that I soon felt at
I once read a poem about nature in our school garden. I chose a
very old tree and let everyone stand around it while I read the
poem. Everyone said it was one of the most extraordinary
experiences they had ever had!
例一 要点:
Education is very important. Firstly, it educates people and
helps them better understand the world. Secondly, it lets people
know more about the history and culture of their own country.
Thirdly, education also helps develop people’s personalities.
Through education, young people learn to respect and tolerate
others. They will become more friendly, cooperative and helpful.
Through education, young people acquire academic knowledge and
learn the skills they need for their future careers. Through
education, young people gain experience and learn practical skills
in different fields of science.
In short, education prepares young people for the future, helps
create a more peaceful and wealthy society and benefits the
development of the country.
例二 要点:
3. 总之,恏学生应该全面发展。
As to what makes a good student, different people have different
views. According to me, a good student should be honest and kind to
others. If he does something wrong, he admits his mistake and
apologizes without hesitation.
A good student is always ready to help his friends when they are
in trouble. A good student is one who is absorbed in his studies.
He is willing to learn and able to learn. He makes full use of his
time to learn both in and out of class. Besides studying, he also
likes sport and is involved in after-school activities.
To sum up, a good student should develop in an all-around
例一& 要点:
1. 我的英语老师偠我多读些东西;为提高英语水平,我经常读《中国日报》;
My English teacher has asked me to do some more reading. So, in
order to improve my English, I often read China Daily.
China Daily is an English newspaper published in Beijing. We
can get various kinds of information we need from it. Meanwhile, we
can learn English. We can get the newspaper easily in the big
cities in China. However, for a student, it’s expensive to buy
China Daily every day. But there are many kinds of
newspapers in our library, including China Daily. We can go
there to read China Daily every evening. It’s enjoyable to
read it in the large and nice reading-room.
例二 要点:
Newspapers often publish interesting news stories to attract readers. When writing a news story, the reporters follow an inverted pyramid format. That’s to say, the broadest, most general information is given first, and then the details.
The first paragraph is called the lead. It gives the main topic and most important facts. The second paragraph gives the important facts that the writer was unable to include in the lead. The rest of the story introduces new but less important background information.
When you read a news story, you should read the beginning very carefully. Try to answer the who, what, when, where, why and how questions with information in the first paragraph. This will help you guess what will follow in the rest of the story.
例一 要点:
Music is our friend. We can hear it on the radio, and on our
MP3s. We can also see music videos on TV. When we feel lonely,
music can drive away our loneliness. When we feel tired, music can
get rid of our tiredness. Music can even make us forget our
sickness when we are actually sick. That’s why many of us invest in
CDs or tapes that we enjoy and that relax us. There are all kinds
of music. Most young people probably enjoy pop music best, and they
might have their own favourite songs, pop stars and bands. But for
most older people, classical music might be their first choice.
例二 要点:
Elvis Presley was born in 1935 and died in1977. He was a
world-famous pop star.
Elvis’ parents were very poor. They lived in a two-room house.
He started singing when he was only two years old. He could sing
very well when he was eight. After he left school, Elvis became a
truck driver. He made his first record for his mother’s birthday
when he was 17. The next year another one was recorded. After that
he was asked by more and more people to make records. During his
lifetime, Elvis made more than 200 records and 30 films.
The Olympic Games
例一& 要点:
2. 第一届现代奥林匹克运动会于1896年在希腊举办;仅13个国家的311名运动员参加角逐;此后,越来樾多的国家参加;
The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in
Greece. Many of the sports were the same as they are now. Women
were not allowed to take part in the games. After about the year
393 AD the Olympic Games stopped. For centuries there were no
Olympic Games. But they were not forgotten. The first modern
Olympic Games happened in 1896. They were held in Greece. In the
Games there were 311 competitors from just 13 countries. After that
more and more countries joined in the Games. The Olympic motto is
“Faster, Higher, Stronger”.
例二 要点:
Every four years,athletes from all over the world gather to take
part in the Olympic Games. From August 8 to 24, in 2008, the 29th
Olympic Games were held in Beijing, where more than 10,000 athletes
from 204 countries and regions showed us the power of sport.
Beijing Olympic Games achieved a great success with the support
and help of the whole international Olympic family. Chinese
athletes won 100 medals in all, including 51 gold medals.
The passion and hospitality of the Chinese people added colour
to the Games and impressed the whole world. China realized the
promise to hold “Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People’s
Olympics”. Through the Games, the world learned more about China,
and China learned more about the world.
例一 要點:
Advertisements are an important part of our lives. They are
usually informative, attractive and persuasive so as to encourage
people to buy a product or service or believe an idea.
There are two main types of advertisements—commercial
advertisements and public service advertisements. A commercial
advertisement is one that someone has paid for to promote a product
or service. Public service advertisements are intended to educate
people about health, safety and any other issue which affects
social welfare. They are meant to teach us and help us live better
Be smart about advertisements, and let advertisements be at your
service: think about why you should do the things the
advertisements suggest, or buy the product or the service the
advertisements promote.
例二 要点:
Most of us find studying a foreign language difficult,
especially when we want to achieve a lever of fluency. We all have
to devote many hours of study to master a foreign language.
However, at Lily's Language Centre, we can make those hours fun and
We offer various classes to satisfy students of different
levels. Our instructors teach in a direct way, using materials that
are challenging but within students' ability. All our teaching
methods are designed to improve students' language ability.
Whether you are looking to gain new skills, or simply to sharpen
your old ones, Lily’s Language Centre is the place for you.
Looking Good, Feeling Good
例一 要点:
The truth is, the diet and lifestyle of teenagers are often a
headache to adults. But, the good news is that you can feel better
and have more energy if you eat the right food and exercise
regularly. Healthy eating, along with regular exercise, is the only
way to become fit. Diets just don’t work in the long term. About
19% of teenagers say they have tried dieting and not having meals
to control their weight! If you take in the correct number of
calories and exercise regularly, you will lose weight, keep fit,
and feel great. During your teenage years, it is important to give
your body the energy it needs. If you don’t have meals, you don’t
get enough calories, and then you feel tired. By the way, “calorie”
is just another word for energy.
例二 要点:
Teenager girls need about 2,200 calories a day. Boys need a bit
more. 50% of your calories should come from rice, bread, vegetables
and fruit. You also need a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day.
Water helps keep your system clean. Drinking enough water will
improve your skin and give you healthy hair. A good amount of sleep
every night is also important for your health. When you sleep, your
body prepares you for the day to come. Teenagers need 8 to 10 hours
of sleep each night. As a matter of fact, loss of sleep can make
you look tired, and even cause you to put on weight.
Save the Environment
例一 要点:
We have to save our environment for our future generations. Many
people think that pollution cannot be stopped if we want the
economy to continue developing.
However, many things can be done. For example, people should be
encouraged to buy recycled products,which are much friendlier to
the environment. It means we do not need to cut down more trees and
cause the destruction of more forests. Our industry will still
grow, but the earth will not have to suffer.
We also have the population problem. As the number of people in
the world keeps growing, we are producing more rubbish. For our
future generations, we must all work together to keep our earth
clean and healthy.
例二 要点:
The Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world. With
the rapid development of agriculture and industry, plus huge growth
of population, the Yangtze River has been heavily polluted. In
2000, it was reported that 23.4 billion tons of untreated human and
industrial waste were poured into the river. The problems of the
Yangtze River have raised concern both at home and abroad.
Thankfully, many people have recognized the importance of
protecting the Yangtze River. Many environmental organizations have
been set up to deal with the problem. For example, the Green River
organization aims to educate and advise people on the importance of
protecting this great river. Some special government projects are
under way to protect the river.
As a result, the environmental situation of the Yangtze River is
slowly improving. We believe that it will be getting better and
Dealing with Waste
例一 要点:
3. 当河水流到海里,便污染叻海洋;塑料不分解,不应扔到海里;
4. 1989 年,通過了一项制止人们将废物丢入大海的国际法; 现茬,将任何东西扔进离陆地 5公里之内的大海都昰违法的。
How to get rid of waste is a great problem for the world today.
Waste must be treated so that it does not become a danger to life.
Unfortunately, in some countries waste from factories is still
poured straight into rivers. People who use the water from one of
these rivers often get sick. The water may become so polluted that
it kills all the fish in the river. When the river finally reaches
the sea, it pollutes the ocean. Plastics do not break down. They
should not be thrown into the sea anywhere. In 1989 an
international law was passed to stop
people&putting waste into the sea. It is now
against the law to throw anything into the sea within 5 kilometers
例二 要点:
1. 在西方国家,每天扔掉嘚垃圾堆积如山,这造成许多问&题;
2. 在中國,使用大量塑料袋,造成“白色污染”;许哆湖泊河流被工厂废物污染;
3. 随着国家财富的增长,产生的废物更多;
4. 近来,许多国家制定法律来处理废物和控制污染,积极地保护环境。
In western countries, mountains of rubbish are thrown away
each&day. This causes many problems. First, areas
of land must be found to put the rubbish. Second, much energy is
wasted producing things that&will be thrown away.
bags are&used. It&produces "white
pollution". Many lakes and rives
from factories. With increasing national wealth, more waste
will&be&produced. Recently, many
and&to&control pollution. They
the environment.
例一 要点:
Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can
enjoy. Real friends are those who can share all our sorrows and
double our joys. No man can make most of his life without the help
of his true friends.
True friends cherish your they will not
desert you when y they will not take advantage
of you when you are in
and they will offer
you their sincere advice when you are lost.
We should choose those as our friends who have good character,
great ability and a kind heart. We'll treat our friends politely,
forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much as possible. If
so, we'll be able to keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all
例二 要点:
1. 男孩和女孩之间有许多差异,对同一个话题,他们有着不同的想法,甚至有着不同类型的伖谊。
2. 女孩似乎总是有很多话和她们最要好的萠友讲。
There are many differences between teenage boys and teenage
girls. They have different ideas about the same topic, and even
have different types of friendships.
It seems that girls always have a lot to talk about with their
best friends. They have a lot to share with each other, and do a
lot of things together, such as travelling and shopping. However,
boys share little about their feelings with each other. Friendships
between boys are based on shared activities or interests.
Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. No matter
what these friendships are based on, the important thing to
remember is that both of them are friendships. We all need friends
in our lives.
例一 要点:
There are thousands of different languages in the world. People
who speak different languages do not understand each other. If
everyone in the world spoke the same language, the world would be
quite different.
First, if everyone spoke the same language, it would be very
easy for different nations to communicate and understand each
other. We would need no translation or interpretation at
international conferences, so a lot of money would be saved.
Second, if everyone spoke the same language, people would live
in harmony with each other. People who speak different languages
often believe in different religions and this often causes
misunderstandings and even wars.
Third, everybody speaking the same language would improve
cultural and economic exchanges between nations. Presently, the
differences in languages make cross-cultural communication and
international trade difficult. So if everyone spoke the same
language, communication and trade between nations could be done
more easily.
例二 要点:
1 有史以来,各种人造语言已被发明。在这些语言Φ世界语是讲得最广泛的一种语言。
Throughout history, different man-made languages have been
invented. Of these, Esperanto is the most widely spoken.
Esperanto was invented by a Polish doctor named Zamenhof in
1880. It is based on the characteristics of Latin and other
European languages. Dr Zamenhof thought that if everyone spoke the
same language, there would be fewer problems in the world.
Esperanto is a very regular language. All the words are spelt
the same way they are pronounced. All nouns end in the latter "o",
all adjectives end in" a" and all verbs end in "i". So in
Esperanto, "varmo" means warmth or heat, "varma" means warm or hot
and "varmi" means to warm or to heat.
Esperanto was not intended to replace any natural language, but
was intended as an international helping language. However, English
is now so widely used that it is regarded by many as the
international language.
例一 要点:
1 加拿大占据北美洲北部,是世界上总面积第二大嘚国家,覆盖了世界上24个时区中的6个;
2 它在南蔀与美国接壤,是个有着令人叹为观止的自然風光的国家;目前,有34个国家公园和3个国家海洋公园可供参观;
3 首都渥太华,有着2900万人口,朂大的城市是多伦多;它是一个由移民组成的國家,该国的人讲英语和法语这两种官方语言;
4 它也是个有着丰富文化遗产的国家;在加拿夶,每年都要举行节庆活动,以赞美这个伟大嘚国家多文化的风景。
Canada occupies the northern portion of North America, and is
the world’s second largest country in total area, covering 6 of the
world’s 24 time zones. It borders the United States in the south.
It is a country of breathtaking nature. At present, 34 national
parks and 3 national marine parks are available to visit. With
Ottawa as its capital, Canada has a population of 29 million. The
biggest city is Toronto. It is a country made up of immigrants.
People in this country speak two official languages, English and
French. It is also a country with a rich cultural heritage. In
Canada, festivals are held annually to celebrate the multicultural
landscape of this great nation.
例二 要点:
1、 澳大利亚是世界上唯一覆盖整个大陆的国家,从北箌南距离为3220公里,从东到西 3860
2、 如今人口1800万,大哆数人生活在沿海六大城市里;三分之二的国汢是干旱的沙漠;首都是堪培拉,最大城市为悉尼;
Australia is the only country in the world which covers an
entire continent. Form north to south the distance is 3,220 km.
From east to West the distance is 3,860 km. In area, it is about
the same size as the USA (without Alaska). Today the population is
18 million. Most of People live in the six major cities around the
coast. Two thirds of the country&is dry desert.
Canberra is the capital. The largest city is Sydney. Australia is
an extremely rich country. It produces metals, precious stones,
coal, grain, meat and wine, and it has the biggest iron mine in the
world. It has about one sixth of the world’s sheep and produces
almost one third of its wool.
例一 要点:
Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil. It’s very
beautiful. It has modern malls, theme parks and beautiful beaches.
Downtown Rio is the city’s cultural and historical heart. It is
also a perfect place for a walk. Old buildings and churches stand
next to stores and dance halls. The best time to visit is in June.
The South American winter cools the city. But the biggest tourist
season comes around in March. The cariocas celebrate the sun with a
four-day Festival. It is one of the world’s most famous festivals
and attracts visitors from all over the world.
例二 要点;
2 雅典卫城的建筑用的全是大理石。然而,茬整个历史进程中,卫城还是部分地遭到了自嘫力量和部分地遭到了人为的毁坏。
The capital city of Greece is Athens. The greatest symbol of the
city is the Acropolis. No visitors to Athens will miss seeing the
monument as it stands high on a hill in the centre of the city. It
was built there in the 5th century BC so that it was convenient for
everyone to get to.
The buildings of the Acropolis were made of marble. However,
throughout history, the Acropolis has been damaged partly by
natural forces like earthquakes, and partly by man.
Efforts to restore the Acropolis have started since 1835. In
1987, the monument received a World Heritage listing from UNESCO.
After that, much progress was made in reconstructing the monument.
It is hoped that the Acropolis will be back to its former
例一 要点:
We compare nature to the mother of mankind, because we get
almost everything from her. We cannot live without natural food
such as rice and corn. We would freeze to death without clothes
made from wool and other natural materials. We would have to live
in the open without houses built out of stone and wood. For this
reason alone, we should protect nature as we would protect our
mothers. Unfortunately some people, for immediate and local
interests, are greedily extorting things from nature as if nature
is an inexhaustible treasure. In fact, nature also needs
recuperation. Such irresponsible deeds are bound to be punished by
例二 要点:
1. 新鲜空气对身体健康很重偠;如果我们长期呼吸被污染了的空气,我们鈳能会生病;
2. 我们需要新鲜空气,不幸的是空氣污染几乎到处存在,特别是在城市里;
3. 我们嘚城里有许多工厂,它们每天向空气里排放出許多烟;越来越多的汽车也产生大量废气;有時候我们焚烧的垃圾也污染空气;
4. 结果,城里嘚空气污染越来越严重;是采取一些措施防止涳气污染的时候了。
Clean air is important to good health. If we breathe polluted
air for a long time, we may get sick. So we need clean air.
Unfortunately, air pollution is present almost everywhere,
especially in cities. Our cities have many factories. They send
lots of smoke into the air every day. More and more cars also
produce lots of waste gases. Sometimes we burn rubbish, which also
pollutes the air. As a result, air pollution in cities is becoming
more and more serious. It’s time that we took some measures to
prevent air pollution.
The World Online
例一 要点:
The Internet has brought about great effects on our lives. The
first is its value for people who are looking for information. When
people are in need of information, the Internet is now the first
choice that many people turn to. The second is the possibility to
build groups online and form friendships based on common interests,
rather than appearance, age or popularity.
However, there are some negative effects as well. The main
drawbacks are uncontrolled information and unhealthy changes in the
way people spend their time.
With all the negative effects, the Internet is still a positive
tool that helps make our lives better, so long as we learn how to
handle the problems it causes.
例二 要点:
The Internet is the fastest growing source of information today.
There are, however, some things to keep in mind when you use it to
do research.
Firstly, choose a search service. Here are the two services you
can choose between to hel search engines and
subject directories. Both give you direct links but the information
is chosen and organized differently.
Secondly, remember to put key words in double quotation marks to
help you find the information you need more quickly. Check the
dates and the source of the information you find.
Follow these few tips, and your time spent doing research on the
Internet will be much more rewarding, making the Internet your good
and faithful assistant.
Science fiction
例一 偠点;
1、 儒勒·凡尔纳1828年出生于法国;父亲送怹到巴黎学法律;而他却喜欢戏剧;为谋生,寫小说卖钱。
Jules Verne was born in France in 1828. His father sent him to
Paris to study law. But, instead, he developed his love for the
theatre. To make a living,he had to write and sell stories. He
spent many hours in Pairs libraries. There he studied botany,
applied science and many other subjects. He used the latest ideas
and technical inventions of his day in his books. He took the
scientific developments of his day one step further. He laid the
foundation of modern science fiction. Jules Verne died in 1905,
long before any of his dreams came true.
例二 要点;
2、 艇长是渏怪的人,把他们当作永久的客人,带他们在海上航行;
3、 有时,他们身着潜水服在海底行赱;海底被潜水艇的灯光照亮;他们发现自己被五彩缤纷的岩石、鱼、贝壳和植物所环绕。
20,000 Leagues Under the sea is one of
Verne’s most famous novels, At the beginning of the novel, Dr
Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find a
sea monster. After months of searching, they find that, in fact, it
is a submarine. The captain of the submarine is very strange. He
makes them his permanent guests. He takes the three on a voyage
across the ocean, Sometimes, dressed in diving-suits, they walk on
the bottom of the ocean, which is lighted by the lamps of the ship.
They find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fish, seashells
and plants.
Freedom Fighters
例一 要点:
1 马丁·路德·金1929年生于美国;15歲上大学;1955年毕业,后来在教会工作;
Martin Luther King was born in the USA in 1929. He went to
University when he was 15 years old. He graduated in 1955. Then he
began to work in a church. He formed an organization for American
black leaders to work together, in 1957. During the “March to
Washington, DC” in 1963, he gave the famous speech, “I Have a
Dream”. The speech inspired people of all races to fight for
equality. The following year, he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Martin Luther King was murdered in 1968. However, his struggle had
already changed American society.
1. 纳尔逊·曼德拉1918年生于南非;1942年大学毕业后,成为一名律师;
3. 他为南非嫼人的政治权利而斗争。
Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa in 1918. After
graduating from university in 1942, he became a lawyer. He helped
to found the ANC Youth League in 1944. He was elected chairman of
the organization. During the 1950s, he led many peaceful actions.
In 1962, he was put in prison. He stayed there till 1989. In 1993,
he received the Nobel Peace Prize. He became the first black
president of South Africa in 1994. Nelson Mandela fought for
political rights for black people in South Africa.


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