安卓 camera360相册里的my library和camera roll什么区别?

与众不同Windows Phone 7(16) - Media(媒体)之编辑图片, 保存图片到相册, 与图片的上下文菜单
介绍 与众不同 windows phone 7.5 (sdk 7.1) 之媒体 通过 WriteableBitmap 编辑图片,以及保存图片到相册 与图片的上下文菜单应用程序...关联 与图片的上下文菜单共享...关联 与 Windows Phone 的图片中心集成 示例 1、演示如何通过 WriteableBitmap 编辑图片,以及保存图片到相册 WriteableBitmapDemo.xaml phone:PhoneAp
  与众不同 windows phone 7.5 (sdk 7.1) 之媒体
  通过 WriteableBitmap 编辑图片,以及保存图片到相册
  与 Windows Phone 的图片中心集成
  1、演示如何通过 WriteableBitmap 编辑图片,以及保存图片到相册
FontFamily=&{StaticResource PhoneFontFamilyNormal}&
FontSize=&{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeNormal}&
Foreground=&{StaticResource PhoneForegroundBrush}&
SupportedOrientations=&Portrait& Orientation=&Portrait&
mc:Ignorable=&d& d:DesignHeight=&768& d:DesignWidth=&480&
&Grid x:Name=&LayoutRoot& Background=&Transparent&&
&StackPanel Orientation=&Vertical&&
&Image x:Name=&img& /&
&Button x:Name=&btnSaveToCameraRollAlbum& Content=&保存到图片 hub 的&本机拍照&& Click=&btnSaveToCameraRollAlbum_Click& /&
&Button x:Name=&btnSaveToPictureAlbum& Content=&保存到图片 hub 的&相册&& Click=&btnSaveToPictureAlbum_Click& /&
* 本例演示编解码 jpeg 格式图片,通过 WriteableBitmap 修改图片,以及如何保存图片到图片中心的&本机拍照&和&相册&
* Picture - 媒体库中的图片对象
* MediaLibrary - 媒体库,用于访问设备中的图片、音乐、播放列表等
SavePicture(String, Byte[]), SavePicture(String, Stream) - 保存图片到图片中心的&相册&,第一个参数是保存到媒体库的图片名称,第二个参数是需要被保存的图片数据
SavePictureToCameraRoll(String, Byte[]), SavePictureToCameraRoll(String, Stream) - 保存图片到图片中心的&本机拍照&,第一个参数是保存到媒体库的图片名称,第二个参数是需要被保存的图片数据
* 注:关于 MediaLibrary 和 Picture 以及其他与媒体库(图片、音乐、播放列表等)相关的介绍详见 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media 命名空间下的类:/en-us/library/dd254868(v=xnagamestudio.40)
* PictureDecoder.DecodeJpeg(Stream source) - 解码 jpeg 格式文件到 WriteableBitmap 对象(经测试 png 格式也可以)
* WriteableBitmap - 位图 API,详见:/webabcd/archive//1554804.html 中的关于 WriteableBitmap 的介绍
SaveJpeg() - 新增的扩展方法,用于将 WriteableBitmap 对象保存为 jpeg 格式文件
LoadJpeg() - 新增的扩展方法,用于将 jpeg 格式图片加载到 WriteableBitmap 对象
using System.Collections.G
using System.L
using System.N
using System.W
using System.Windows.C
using System.Windows.D
using System.Windows.I
using System.Windows.M
using System.Windows.Media.A
using System.Windows.S
using Microsoft.Phone.C
using System.Windows.R
using System.Windows.Media.I
using Microsoft.P
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.M
using System.IO.IsolatedS
using System.IO;
namespace Demo.Media
public partial class WriteableBitmapDemo : PhoneApplicationPage
private WriteableBitmap _
public WriteableBitmapDemo()
private void ShowImage()
Uri imageUri = new Uri(&Assets/TileBackgroundBlue.png&, UriKind.Relative);
StreamResourceInfo sri = Application.GetResourceStream(imageUri);
// 将图片流解码为 WriteableBitmap 对象,经测试不只是 jpeg 格式可以,png 格式也可以
_wb = PictureDecoder.DecodeJpeg(sri.Stream);
// 将图片的第 10 行的像素点都改为红色
for (int i = _wb.PixelWidth * <span style="color: #; i & _wb.PixelWidth * <span style="color: #; i++)
// 每个像素的颜色的描述规范为 ARGB
_wb.Pixels[i] = (int)<span style="color: #xFFFF0000;
// 重新绘制整个 WriteableBitmap 对象
// 显示修改后的图片
img.Source = _
// 将图片保存到图片 hub 的&本机拍照&
private void btnSaveToCameraRollAlbum_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 在独立存储中创建一个临时文件
string fileName = &myImage.jpg&;
var myStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
if (myStore.FileExists(fileName))
IsolatedStorageFileStream myFileStream = myStore.CreateFile(fileName);
// 将图片保存到独立存储的临时文件
_wb.SaveJpeg(myFileStream, _wb.PixelWidth, _wb.PixelHeight, <span style="color: #, <span style="color: #);
// 打开独立存储中的图片
myFileStream = myStore.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
// 将图片保存到&本机拍照&
MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary();
Picture pic = library.SavePictureToCameraRoll(&SavedPicture.jpg&, myFileStream);
// 将图片保存到图片 hub 的&相册&
private void btnSaveToPictureAlbum_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 在独立存储中创建一个临时文件
string fileName = &myImage.jpg&;
var myStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
if (myStore.FileExists(fileName))
IsolatedStorageFileStream myFileStream = myStore.CreateFile(fileName);
// 将图片保存到独立存储的临时文件
_wb.SaveJpeg(myFileStream, _wb.PixelWidth, _wb.PixelHeight, <span style="color: #, <span style="color: #);
// 打开独立存储中的图片
myFileStream = myStore.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
// 将图片保存到&相册&
MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary();
Picture pic = library.SavePicture(&SavedPicture.jpg&, myFileStream);
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就在刚刚结束的 Mix10 第一天主旨演讲上,Scott Guthrie 和 Joe Belfiore 宣布并演示...> VIDEO & PHOTO into CAMERA ROLL - AddPhoto
应用大小:1.7 MB
语言:日语, 英语
运行环境:需要 iOS 5.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
简介:AddPhoto allows you to easily add movies (MP...
VIDEO & PHOTO into CAMERA ROLL - AddPhoto应用说明
AddPhoto allows you to easily add movies (MP4, M4V, MOV) and photos (JPEG, PNG) to the Camera Roll.Supports the Exif informations(shooting date and time, location). The high appraisal has been received from the user in each country. Please trust the quality of the application program. A detailed usage is in the following. Please read
this usage carefully
when the trouble occurs.You can return without any problem movies shot by iPhone. The files that have been recorded with other equipment, you will need to be converted for iPhone. There are several settings that need to be adjusted, such as bitrate, resolution, fps and framerate also other than the file extension. Video files that have been converted correctly can be added to the camera roll without a problem, if you did not, check the settings of the conversion software you have used.[ Features ](1) Save movies and photos to your Camera Roll.(2) Even if you are not familiar with MAC/PC, no worries! Anyone can easily add movies and photos.(3) Supports the Exif informations(shooting date and time, location).(4) The app is designed to work with the first generation iPad, so the app won't shut down.[ How to use AddPhoto ](1) Your photos will be added to AddPhoto through iTunes file sharing.(2) After using AddPhoto, the photos will be added to the Camera Roll. You can view or delete through the built-in app.※ There is a video of how to use AddPhoto in the official support site. Please check it.[ First-time users of file sharing ] (1) Connect your iPhone/iPad to Mac/PC and launch iTunes.(2) Select your iOS device and click the "Apps" tab. (Depending on the screen, you may need to scroll down to the bottom of the page.) (3) Select AddPhoto under "File Sharing" at the bottom left of the screen.(4) You can add your photos to the blank space at the bottom right of the screen.(5) As you use AddPhoto, your photos will be saved to the Camera Roll.[ Important - Please read carefully - ]The first time you launch the app, you'll see the message "AddPhoto would like to access to your photos". Tap "OK".If you select "Don't allow", the app won't be able to access to your Camera Roll and will fail to work properly.iOS 6 requires photo album access permissions for any app.Only the first time you can't include video, because above message
doesn't show for video.Please use photo only at first time.If AddPhoto doesn't work, you will need to grant the app permission to access your device's photos.Settings -- Privacy -- Photos -- AddPhoto (ON)[ Reviews ]From USA - Super!by DmitryDen - Version 4.0 - Oct 29, 2013Thanks man! Your programm is the ONLY, which can save the original date and time of the photo and GPS position where it was made. After you transfered all photos, you can see all of them by time correctly on your Iphone!From UK - Awesome job. All of u guys need this by 2012-Ali-2012 - Version 2.1 - Mar 22, 2013Soo easy job n quick job too this saves all the pic into camera roll without makin new folder. U have to save all the pic n go through them on iTunes to transfer the iPhone camera roll. 69p its worth it. You all guys need this n it's does the job.From Singapore - Works perfectlyby Elliepochi - Version 2.0 - Mar 7, 2013Allows you to transfer photos from your PC directly to camera roll using itunes' drag and drop. It works really fast and its easy to use. Recommended.From Hong Kong - Solve my problem - photos back to camera tools by SL-HK - Version 3.0 - Jun 20, 2013Successfully moved back my 3806 photos back to camera roll ...using iPhone 4S ..sorry for video ..not supported ..still waiting for solutions ..I got 146 video clips ...[ Others ]YouTube - How to put video and photo in the camera roll of iPhone/iPadhttp://youtu.be/VFVZaJpNGDEOfficial Support Site
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00:50:19.070---- 00:50:19.085----15.6智能手机教程子分类iOS 8.1 更新!Camera Roll 歸來、iCloud 相片圖庫 Beta 速試! - UNWIRE.HK
十月 21, 2014 &
上次 iOS 更新出現嚴重的失誤事件,Apple 修補完後,亦很快手推出 iOS 8.1 更新,除了加回眾望所歸的 Camera Roll 之外,亦新增 iCloud Photo Library Beta 供用戶試玩。接下來就讓 unwire 編輯部帶大家試玩試玩:
1. Camera Roll 相機膠卷歸來
▲更新 iOS 8.1 後 Camera Roll 終於歸來了!相信是 iOS8 用戶最迫切需要的更新吧!
▲可以一次過瀏覽所有相片,30 天以上的亦不會再顯示不到。同時亦與 iOS 8 的「選集」功能共存。
2. iCloud Photo Library 相片圖庫 Beta
▲要使用 iCloud 相片功能 Beta 自然要先開啟 iCloud 帳號,之後按「照片」。
▲如是者就可勾選「iCloud 照片圖庫 Beta」,它會自動把所有相片上傳至 iCloud,無法選擇。測試時可能太多人試用,速度頗慢。
▲之後就可以在瀏覽器登入 iCloud 存取到雲端上的相片。注意必需使用 iCloud Beta,網址是「」。
▲進入後可看到和 iOS8 差不多的分類「時該」及「相簿」,前者以選集形式展示相片,後者亦可像 Camera Roll 那樣顯示全部相片。
iCloud Photo Library 相片質素需二擇:
必需要注意在 iCloud 照片圖庫有一個關於質素的選擇 (見上面的設定圖片),它會影響 iPhone 本機內以及 iCloud Photo 上的相片質素,而且沒法兩者採用同一畫質。
「最佳化 iPhone 儲存空間」:iPhone 內的相片將會最佳化壓縮,並上傳原始檔到 iCloud。
「下載並保留原始檔」:iPhone 將保留原始檔,並上傳最佳化壓縮相片至 iCloud。
3. 自選 LTE 開關
iOS 8.1 於行動網絡設定亦加入 LTE 選項,可選擇關閉 LTE 回到 3G,又或者選擇只限數據使用 LTE。
4. Apple Pay 港版未見影
可能比較多人有興趣的 Apple Pay,因為暫時只在美國推出的關係,筆者更新後並沒有看到任何的選項或 App 出現。
5. Wi-Fi 回復正常 ,iPhone5 開 Multi Task 速度奇慢
今次 iOS8.1 更新看來沒有上次 iOS 8.0.2 那樣問題多多,Wi-Fi 連線也回復正常,暫時未見到不穩定。不過筆者使用的 iPhone5 更新後,按兩下 Home 鍵時反應就出奇的慢,不是打開慢而是要等數秒後拖曳畫面才有反應,未知是否 Apple Set 錯了什麼。
▲iPhone5 更新 iOS8.1 後雙 Home 變得奇慢,不是彈出那一刻而是初期拖曳沒反應。其他使用 iPhone6 的同事就說很順沒有問題。
21/10/ am更新:
筆者找到變慢原因,是因為筆者的 Junk Call App 有太多電話號碼,於 Multi Task 視窗讀取時拖慢了系統數秒。只要清除其通話記錄就可解決問題。
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About the Author
喵~大家好~ 我是專門研究各種實用技巧~玩遊戲機~與睡午覺的艾露喵~
二月 4, 2015 &
二月 4, 2015 &
二月 4, 2015 &
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& 2015 UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活 | 有趣科技產品新聞、評測iPhoneographers Pine For Their Beloved Camera Roll
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It’s curious what people get attached to.
Despite the huge number of
in Apple’s iOS 8, a controversy has erupted over a single, universally loved feature — the Camera Roll, and Apple’s decision to remove it from the Photos app where it has resided these many years.
The Camera Roll was not only a way for the app to organize photos, it became a part of the lexicon, with its own identity. I believe people related to the Camera Roll because it had a clear and unambiguous meaning: The Camera Roll means all your pictures. And now it’s gone.
The camera roll let you see all your photos in one place and people liked that — a lot.
The , which covered a broad spectrum of improvements to iOS 8 photo features, inspired comments like this:
Im so upset they took the camera roll out. I had pictures of when my son was first bor. till now! I hate that it’s just in my collections I want it back the other way. This is really turning me Apple and making me think of switching to a android and I have been a apple user for five years. Fix this please!
I want the Camera Roll back! I don’t like these new folders! I loved the simplicity of the Camera Roll and the Videos folder! We don’t need anything else!
Bring back the camera roll!!!!!!! I want to differentiate between photstream pics, and pics Ive taken on my phone. This is stupid, and Apple has messed this one up!!
I want the camera roll back, this is just making things more difficult.
And this was just for my story. Check the
for even more Camera Roll angst, not to mention the Apple support forums.
Why the outcry? After all, Apple changes software interfaces all the time — that’s the nature of progress in the tech industry.
Many longtime users of Apple’s Photos app no doubt were upset for conceptual reasons. Camera Roll just has that ring to it — it’s a picture you see in your mind’s eye that perfectly expresses its concept, as well as being easy to remember. I had to consult my phone more than once to double-check that new top folder is now called Recently Added.
Here’s what happened
New default photo folders in iOS 8
In iOS 8, both Camera Roll and Photo Stream albums are now gone, and other new default albums have replaced them.
In addition to Recently Added, you’ll see the new Favorites, Time-lapse, Recently Deleted and Hidden (which appears only if you hide a photo). The Panoramas and Videos folders from iOS 7 are still with us, as are albums that you or your photo or video apps independently created.
The Camera Roll has not been replaced, per se. With iOS 8, Apple has altered the way it shows you your pictures, and is marking that difference with a new — albeit tin-eared — name.
All your photos are in the Moments and Collections views and should be easier to find.
The oldest photo in my Recently Added folder, for example, is dated August 19, about 1 month ago, whereas my Photos folder contains pictures dating back to January.
Whereas the Camera Roll showed you all your photos in one continuous album, to see that entire collection now, you’ll go to the Collections or Moments panes, where images are conveniently organized by date and location.
Everything you’d see in the old camera roll is still there, and specific shots are likely easier to find, at least in the app.
However, third party-apps iPhone apps like Facebook and Twitter will access the Recently Added folder by default, not Collections, giving you only newer images to post.
The new iCloud Photo Library replaces the familiar Photo Stream, and it is designed to let you access all your photos, organized consistently, across all devices — not just the last 1000 of them.
Setting up the iCloud Photo Library on the iPhone.
This update acknowledges that you may not want to save your entire photo collection to a hard drive via iPhoto or Aperture, but rather access your photo collection on the go while it’s safely stored in the cloud. (I will dispense with the redundant backup lecture here, but even people who dislike cloud storage in general, and iCloud in particular, will admit that hard drives do fail.)
If enabled, the iCloud Photo Library automatically stores all photos and videos in iCloud at full resolution in their original formats, including Raw. When the Photos app arrives on Mac OS X in 2015, you will also be able to upload and view photos from your Mac.
Today, the iCloud Photo Library is technically still in beta. But you can switch it on in the Settings under iCloud > Photos. A pop-up alert warns you to back up your library before proceeding.
Still in beta
Unlike with iOS 7, where the Photo Stream did not count against your free 5GB limit, with iOS 8, it does count and is easy to exceed.
If you have more than 5GB of photos, you will have to set up an iCloud account for 20GB, 200GB, 500GB or 1TB for 99 cents, $3.99, $9.99, or $19.99 per month respectively (which you can cancel at any time).
You don’t have to store your photos in iCloud, of course. There are many other alternatives, but iCloud has the ecosystem advantage of storing and syncing across your Apple devices and platforms.
Because this is a beta, there were some glitches, such as a consistent recording of 4.88GB of photos and videos despite that I had removed hundreds of photos and all videos from my phone.
But for the sake of experimentation, and spending a dollar for a good cause, I decided to purchase the 20GB of storage and opt to keep the high resolution images in iCloud.
You might want to pass on iCloud Drive for the time being.
If you are intent on doing some heavy duty photo editing on your iPad, for example, you might opt to keep those high resolution images locally on the tablet. However, you can also work on the optimized images and count on those changes being applied to the original later in iCloud. Either way, it’s all good.
If you’re one that likes to sync your iPhoto library via iTunes, think again if you plan to use the iCloud Photo Library, because it does not support iTunes syncing.
Another component of the new iCloud configuration is iCloud Drive. However, since not all of my devices are running iOS 8, and I am still using the Mavericks operating system on my Mac, I decided to wait on the iCloud Drive, and I suggest that if you are in that situation, you do the same.
Whereas iCloud Drive is forward looking, user success in configuring and using it depends on running the newest software in all venues, some of which is not available yet.
The improvements in iOS 8 are vast and far-reaching and will likely take some getting used to. Personally, I think Apple could have salvaged the Camera Roll moniker, even if it wanted to change the definition of it slightly. Moreover, despite the name change, I suspect people will continue to refer to the top level Recently Added album as the Camera Roll, at least for awhile.
Shared by 1 Pro member
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