Sports are very good for our health.There are manysys types.h of sports.We can p_____.

1.we have many sports co______here .we can play sports in them 2. There are four P_____in my family_百度知道
1.we have many sports co______here .we can play sports in them 2. There are four P_____in my family
1.courts(球场)2. people(ren) 1.we have many sports courts here .we can play sports in them.
峩们这里有许多球场,我们可以在里面做运动。2. There are four people in my family.
这是九年级Unit 9的一个单词,其它的我一时間也想不到了。。。
那我就这么写。 那The
出门在外也不愁求文档: Sports and games are good for our health 啥意思_百度知道
求文档: Sports and games are good for our health 啥意思
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If you want to understand what makes Elizabeth Warren so special in American politics, consider her nervy leadership of the campaign to block President Obama's foolish nomination of one Antonio Weiss to be the top Treasury official in charge of the domestic financial system, including enforcement of the Dodd-Frank Act. For most of his Wall Street career, Weiss has epitomized everything that reeks about financial abuses. As chief of international mergers and acquisitions for Lazard, Weiss orchestrated what are delicately known as "corporate inversions," in which a domestic corporation moves its nominal headquarters offshore, to avoid its U.S. taxes. And that's only the beginning. Many of the other deals orchestrated by Weiss resulted in operating companies being bought and sold by giant conglomerates, where the "savings" and "increased efficiency" came mainly from tax breaks and reduced worker compensation.
For decades now, the first four of these assertions have formed the foundation of U.S. policy in the Middle East. The events of 9/11 added the fifth, without in any way prompting a reconsideration of the first four.
While the Republicans are scrambling to figure out their next steps and keep their forces together, the President and Democrats are taking victory laps with cheering crowds of recent immigrants who are mobilizing to stand up and defend executive action.
Izabela Habur via Getty Images
The real problem is not that we're an addiction-addled culture of oversharers, though that may indeed be true. Instead, it's that we're a culture of complainers. We complain because it's in our nature, and we're more apt to complain than to do something about it.
Mark Wilson via Getty Images
Apparently if the seventh investigation finds wrongdoing on the part of the administration, that's the one that will really matter? Sorry Fox News, but six strikes and you're out.
The bottom line is that New Jersey charters do not serve the same population as the districts that house them. Specifically, they serve a smaller percentage of poor students and students with extra learning challenges.
Burke/Triolo Productions via Getty Images
Thanksgiving has been celebrated by Native Americans, Christians, Jews and whoever else wants to since 1621, and I firmly believe we should continue unapologetically to celebrate giving thanks to God Almighty for our many blessings.
The world of short blogs and 140 characters is symbolic of the all too prevalent overly simplified analyses, and sensational headlines that might generation "likes" and "retweets," but do not bring us to a better understanding of people, communities or our history.
The framers debated the meaning of corruption at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, and Americans have been arguing about it ever since. Today, gifts to politicians that were once called graft or bribes are called contributions.
David Douglas Duncan courtesy Pace Gallery
Whether they look imposing, highly sexualized or catlike,
Picasso's women are so specific and recognizable and so clearly part of the fabric of his inspiration and imagination.
Darko Vojinovic/AP
Putin's post-Soviet regime may be approaching a crucial tipping point in its level of domestic support. Let's hope that the United States doesn't take his bait, and inadvertently prop him back up by giving him a military enemy to fight against.
At the first Thanksgiving 383 years ago, Native Americans and Pilgrim immigrants gathered with mutual respect to share a bountiful harvest they'd produced together. This Thanksgiving, though, there's no respect or sharing in the homes of GOP nativists.
What we are really asking when we ask sexual assault victims why they stayed, why they drank, why they took the pills, is Why did you allow yourself to become prey?
by julie mcinnes via Getty Images
The authors of the article on recurrent violent injuries note that we have developed outpatient plans for people suffering from chronic disease. For some conditions, such programs usually involve self-monitoring by the patient and timely intervention by a medical professional. Shouldn't we have a comprehensive medical strategy for dealing with violence?
Jamie J McCarthy via Getty Images
Throughout America, disinvestment in infrastructure is far more typical. America's focus seems to be on individual spending, not investment in community resources. We refuse to tax ourselves and the signs of neglect are everywhere.
Now, this may seem a bit extreme in support of a dead poet but maybe you are not familiar with Constantine P. Cavafy.
The translations of his words are timeless.
Jennifer Segal
Pumpkin pie is always expected at Thanksgiving, but why not shake things up and make one of these five-star recipes instead? Double chocolate pavlova could be the ultimate sweet ending to your Thanksgiving feast -- and no one will miss that tired ol' pumpkin pie.
Vanden Heuvel and Lowry debate 'Bamnesty' and 'Obamacare'. Perhaps the best Left-Right framing of big reforms is FDR in 1936 comparing governments imperfectly reforming to status quo-ers kvetching from the sidelines. Or as Gypsies say, "Dogs bark but the caravan moves on."
I'm happy that President Obama finally has moved forward with immigration reform. But the six-year-long White House Bad Messaging Plague (WHBMP) continues unabated. We're in danger of losing the public on this issue even before the first work permit is issued.
Although every day provides an opportunity for reflection and change, Thanksgiving stands out as the perfect day to kick off a few new habits that will effect the longevity of our planet. If each of us revamped our consumption and waste habits by slightly adjusting what's already in place, the overall impact could be huge.
David Norbut
Lately, I have been overwhelmed by the stubborn impenitence of serious disease. How it seems to strike friends and family powerfully and at random. Lives are forever changed. That could have happened to our family today. For some reason, we were spared. For that, I was thankful.
John Moore via Getty Images
The president has provided a temporary solution to a permanent problem. That permanent problem is our broken immigration system. It is imperative to get immigration right, if for no other reason than this: The future of the U.S. economy is at stake.
Sam Lanevi
I want people to think about what makes their family a family. Is it shared physical features, or because of the love you share for one another? My family is a family because of the latter.
SERGEI SUPINSKY via Getty Images
The problem with history is twofold: it tends to repeat itself, yet we never learn from it.
On Sunday, we commemorated the greatest tragedy suffered by the Ukrainian people -- Holodomor of , a term that can be translated as "extermination by hunger."
Thank you for being there for me when I call you and need someone to just listen. It doesn't matter where we are in this world or in our lives, I know you will always pick up.
To some degree, being happy was something I worked at, but I would have to call it a labor of love.
In reality, I learned. I learned how to be happy. I learned how not to be unhappy, and I want to share that with you.
Approaching the venue in south London, I berated myself. Why on earth had I volunteered to strip off my clothes in front of people I'd never met before? In broad, pitiless daylight? With faltering steps, I persuaded myself to continue, although doubts continued to raise their ugly heads.
As the number of people who identify as "mixed" increases, discussions around topics concerning people of mixed ancestry are also expanding and challenging our perceptions of race and racism. Critical mixed-race studies and films like Dear White People accomplish the goal of furthering dialogues around race that we can engage in with friends, family, and those in our communities.
If Dempsey, a soldier with a long and distinguished career, cannot in good conscience preside over a military campaign he feels will be ultimately doomed, should he quietly (or noisily) resign?
You don't have to feel like an outsider this holiday season. Join the party and live full out. Just make sure you devote more time to your health than you do to your indulgences and then you can start your New Year without any guilt for how you ended this year.
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Treating a Child With Swine FluWhat should you do if your child gets
swine ? It’s a question many parents are facing this flu season. While the majority of cases for children and
have been mild, requiring only home treatment, a growing number of
children -- some with no underlying medical conditions -- have needed hospitalization or have died from the disease.
Smart Blog
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On Monday, 02 June 2014
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On Thursday, 15 May 2014
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On Thursday, 15 May 2014
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On Thursday, 15 May 2014
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On Thursday, 15 May 2014
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On Thursday, 15 May 2014
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On Thursday, 15 May 2014
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On Wednesday, 14 May 2014
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On Wednesday, 14 May 2014
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On Tuesday, 13 May 2014
In challenging monetary times, most people are looking for ways to reduce their paying and spend less, and you may be no exception. A way of reducing your bills is to apply vouchers. Should you need help learning how to find the best coupon codes, the subsequent report is capable of showing you h...
On Tuesday, 13 May 2014
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