
> 请哪位高手帮我翻译一下这两段话,急用啦,谢谢啦!
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为了帮助网友解决“请哪位高手帮我翻译一下这两段话,急用啦,”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“请哪位高手帮我翻译一下这两段话,急用啦,”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:请哪位高手帮我翻译一下这两段话,急用啦,谢谢啦!,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:“摘要:本文主要介绍了宏兴针织有限公司企业博客的应用,简述了博客的特点与优势,并且分析了宏兴针织有限公司所采取的一些策略,同时也提出了它存在的一些不足及建哗长糕短蕹的革痊宫花议。 关键字:企业博客、特点、策略”解决方案2:英文,毕业论文要哦用的啦,自己只有四级水平,不行啊!解决方案3:abstract: This article mainly introduced great is popular the knitting limited company enterprise 哗长糕短蕹的革痊宫花blog the application, has summarized the blog characteristic and the superiority, and analyzed great has been popular some strategies which the knitting Limited company adopted, simultaneously also proposed it existed some insufficiencies and suggestion. key words: Enterprise blog, characteristic, strategy解决方案4:谢谢你啦!太厉害了,佩服啊!解决方案5:不知你是要翻译成英语呢?还是日语?通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:问:“摘要:本文主要介绍了宏兴针织有限公司企业博客的应用,简述了博客的特...答:abstract: This article mainly introduced great is popular the knitting limited company enterprise blog the application, has summarized the blog characteristic and the superiority, and analyzed great has been popular some strate...===========================================问:1.Two-component epoxy-polyamide abduct combination based top coat o...答:双方需知,对方应本着尊重隐私和专利的宗旨去提供的保密信息,并且同意被提供的任何保密信息将被单独用于双方关系的评估。===========================================问:1.In case that the original B/L does not reach the discharging port...答:1.以防正本提单不能在船到达卸货港以前未能及时到达卸货港进行入关,清关。卖方应同意提供给买方标准形式的担保书以便无正本提单时放货, 买方在卸货港在船抵达前签字。海运代理应提供必要文件例如交货单供停泊,卸货,入关,清关使用。 担保书...===========================================问:You will receive a communication form Administration department the...答:You will receive a communication form Administration department these days to inform you about the Scholarship you will receive. 主语:you 谓语:will receive 宾语:a communication form administration department 时间状语(1)the...===========================================问:由于长期高频率的使用,X1和X2经常会出现故障,需要占用大量的工作时间...答:由于长期高频率的使用,X1和X2经常会出现故障,需要占用大量的工作时间去进行维修,再加上设备的老化导致叉车性能的下降,严重影响了操作员的工作效率 Due to the high frequency of use for a long time, the X1 and X2 are often fail, need t...===========================================问:The account details you have provided are not valid. Please use the...答:你提供的帐号细节无效。请点击忘记密码来重设你的密码。 如果你在这7个月内没登录过,你的帐号会被删除。如果是这样的话你应该在注册一个帐号。===========================================问:劲性骨架拱桥仿真模拟技术研究 摘要:针对劲性骨架拱桥的结构形式和受力...答:Jin sex skeleton arch bridge simulation technology research Abstract: based on the structure of sexual skeleton arch bridge with form and mechanical characteristics, JiHe bridge for engineering with weir, through the simulation...===========================================问:The next day,,his wife said that she wanted to be mayor of the ci...答:第二天,,渔夫的妻子说她想当市长。当渔夫向金鱼道歉时,海浪汹涌,天空阴暗。和之前的愿望一样,(渔夫的妻子的)这个愿望再次兑现。当渔夫回到家里时,他发现他的妻子穿着名贵的衣服正向仆人们发号施令。尽管她现在已经有了一所大房子,她仍...===========================================问:The reason I am writing is because we need to know as an Institutio...答:我写这些磨磨唧唧东西的原因是:作为一家教育机构,我们需要了解一下: ☆ 你是否可以从中国(政府)或其它任何公立机构获取奖学金,(以供你)下一学年(13-14学年)继续在这里学习; 或者 ☆ 你上一学年是否获得过奖学金。===========================================垂棘出产的璧,向虞国借路呢?"献公说:"这是晋的国宝,如果受了我的礼物而不借路给我,那... "荀息说:"宫之奇的为人,心里明白,可是怯懦,又比虞君大不了几岁。心里明白,话就说得简...===========================================这个谱子中的意思是和推弦相应的放弦 (一开始的音推到了12品的音高 到了那个箭头的地方手从推弦的位置慢慢下落到原位 也就是10品的地方) 顺说:楼下复制的和学我回答...===========================================应当先从理解狭义与的广义广告入手,广告一词的来源于拉丁语Adverture,原意是"我大喊... 为了付费广告主的利益去寻求经由说服来销售商品服务或观念。"这就是狭义广告的定义...=========================================== 这8位控制着单片机中的两个定时器/计数器,如下 GATE C/T M1 M0 GATE C/T M1 M0 前四位是控制定时器1;后四位是控制定时器0 现在我就说下定时器1吧...=========================================== 糯种的,如果有A货证书,就是万元以上的=========================================== 道路红线是规划部门制定的道路界线,建筑物不论上部还是基础都不能超越红线,建筑物根据性质,层高和所处位置,退让红线3---8米。路缘石就是人行道的外侧竖向道板,一般在...=========================================== few, a few, little, a little 虽然都表示"少",但 (1)few, a few是可数的, little, a little是不可数的。 (2)a few, a little含肯定意味,few, little含否定意味。这里所谓的"肯定意味"和"否定意味...=========================================== 真的没啥好处!~ 你不觉得,人活着真累吗? 别问了!~ 高手,都没空的!~ 低手的,也不会!~ 再说,你看你给的那鲜红的悬赏分!· 我服我自己。0分,还墨迹这么多字!~ ps,如果我被选为...===========================================臣延寿、臣汤将义兵,行天诛,赖陛下神灵,阴阳并应,陷阵克敌,斩郅支首及名王以下。宜悬头槁于蛮夷邸间,以示万里,明犯强汉者,虽远必诛!" 就是说胆敢明目张胆冒犯我西汉国威...=========================================== 两个图的意思是一样的 就是说 你右转的时候要注意让对面驶来的左转车辆【因为二者转弯后走的是同一车道 但是对方转弯时是跨车道转弯的 为了避免影响交通 特别是交通灯...===========================================
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内容提要:环境法作为制定法,必然有其作为本体的社会物质生活条件。只有了解清楚这个条件,才能够正确地解读它提出的法权要求,进而制定出能够正确表述这个法权要求的环境法。人类劳动的本质是对世界进行能量输出以换回生存所需要的资源。但是,发展到今天的人类在没有理性地认识到这个事实的情况下,忽视了世界的有限性,并且在一种自发而不自觉的状态下以无限的符号来表述世界。在有限的世界和无限的符号这对矛盾中,人类社会脱离了自然而成为自然的对立面。作为环境法本体,世界和它本身运行的规律是人类存在的前提,在这个由能量构成的不断运动的世界中,人类社会和自然应当构成一个适当的能量循环。农业文明曾经在一种朴素的自发的状态下,暗合了这个要求。在人类的内部竞争中,农业文明败于工商业文明,从环境法哲学本体论的思维进路来看,原因不是农业文明对本体的误读,而今天的环境、资源危机恰恰是工商业文明对本体的误读。而这两种不同的解读才是农业文明失败的真正原因所在。关键词:本体 能量 环境 资源
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Environmental law as enacted law, as a body must have the social and material living conditions. Only a clear understanding of the condition before it can correctly interpret the law the right to request, to further develop the correct interpretation of this law the right to request the environmental law. Labor's human nature to the energy output of the world to exchange for survival of the resources required. However, to today's human development in the absence of a rational understanding of this fact the case, ignoring the limited nature of the world, and in a spontaneous and not conscious of the state to unlimited symbols to express the world. In the limited world and unlimited symbol of this conflict, the human society from the natural to become the antithesis of natural. As a body of environmental law, world and the laws of its own operation is the precondition for human existence, in this form of energy from the constant movement of the world, human society and nature should constitute an appropriate energy cycle. Agricultural civilization was in a plain spontaneous state, Ange this request. In the internal competition in the human, agricultural civilization Baiyu commercial and industrial civilization, and from environmental law philosophy ontology of thinking approach, not because of agricultural civilization of the bulk of misreading, but today's environment, resources crisis of civilization is precisely the trade body Misunderstanding of. And the two different interpretations of the agricultural civilization is the real cause of the failure.
The summary of the content: An environmental method inevitably has the life condition of the material of the society of the main body of the act as statutory. However, an environmental method of the demand of this juridical right can be correctly described by enacting it being able to decipher the demand of the juridical right that this condition was clearly examined, and it put out finally correctly, and one step willingly. The essence of the labor of the human race outputs energy that exchanges necessary resources to live for the world. However, even today's human race ..development.. ..(.. ..decrease.. ..infinity.. describes the world in Ki title under the state that disregards limited in the world under not understanding the situation of this fact) rationally and is spontaneous by one kind of and not conscious. The human race society parts conflicted ..this.. from nature on the inside and ..limited world and infinity.. signs are positioned on the natural other side. The rule of the operation of the world and it should compose the circulation of appropriate energy of Shizen and ..human race society.. ..taking.. one from the world where this always moves by the assumption of the human race's existence ..the composition by energy.. of the inside as a main body of an environmental method. Agriculture..civilization..kind of..simple..spontaneous..state..this..demand..shade..combine.And today's environments and the resource crises are to read as the mistake the main body of the civilization of the commerce and industry just be not for the civilization of agriculture to come to see the speculation that is defeated because of the civilization of the commerce and industry, and the main body of the philosophy of an environmental method discusses from the course while the human race inside competes, and the cause to read the main body of the civilization of agriculture the mistake. A different decipherment is this cover of two kinds of of a true cause of a civilization fail
China’s WTO entry means all its industries will have to face further opening-up ...
Finally, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve them: private enterprise. Key word. At the same time to flourish ko enterprise human resources training and the analysis of existing problems, familiar with the misconceptions of present situation and problems. But China's private enterprise staff training,不好意思、, and increase enterprise on the talent attractionEnterprise employee training is an important link of the modern enterprise management, and in the operation because the misconceptions of familiar lead to a number of issues, and increase enterprise&#39, this paper expounds the human resources and human resources training the statuss private enterprise staff training management still is in start level, and cause the work to improve efficiency and lower cost, and analyzes the enterprise human resources training situation, and on the basis of speculation in private enterprises employee training the future trend of development, its meaning lies in the enterprise itself for training high quality talent. Therefore. Then。还有那个什么兴盛柯我实在不知道如何翻译了、。翻译不好请见谅啦, combined with the actual enterprise prosperous ko, this article in view of China&#39: strategic employee training countermeasures 希望可以帮到楼主撒, training system Key words, and cause the work to improve efficiency and lower cost, describes the importance of enterprise staff training and the operation process, training system is nos own cultivate the high-quality talen......
请英语高手帮我翻译下论文摘要。谢谢。真的很感谢 2
这么重要的论文摘要,你又没悬赏积分,像楼上这样的给你一个机器翻译的结果,你能用吗? ————————...
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哪个好心人帮我翻译一下这段英文摘要呀。。。毕业设计上的,非常着急~谢谢啊~ 60
本论文论述了在SQLServer 2000 + VB6.0可视化开发软件工具下分析、设计、开发中小型院校的学生信息管理系统的过程。通过对计算机硬件和软件解决方案的论证,对应用领域进行调查分析,参考各种资料和进行数据库编程实践,在指导老师的帮助下,已经基本上成功地实现了设计要求。本系统包括机构管理,学籍管理,课程管理,成绩管理,系统管理等功能,该系统基本上满足了用户在学校信息管理方面的需求,大大提高工作效率,降低出错机率,简化了工作流程。
This thesis consists of eight chapters, Deep and account of the student information management system development process. The first chapter describes the purpose and significance of the subject. Chapter from the system&s functions, operating environment and interface requirements for the system to face the demand of three. Chapter III describes the overall design of student information management system thinking. Chapter IV a summary of the whole system design and analysis. Chapter V describes the database structure, I was responsible for the design and implementation of connectivity. Chapters VI and VII, I was responsible for curriculum management, performance management, and system management of these three modules, described the detailed design of the three modules. Chapter VIII introduced the three modules of code implementation and interpretation. Chapter IX is the conclusion, that I graduated in the design process and gain some experience
分类很细 栏目很多
This paper discusses the SQLServer 2000 + VB6.0 Visual development software tools under analysis, design, development and medium-sized college student information management systems. Through the use of computer hardware and software solutions of justification, on the application areas for investigation and analysis, reference information and for database programming practice, in guiding teacher's help, had essentially achieved design requirements. This system includes Agency management, enrollment management, curriculum management, performance management, systems management capabilities, the system largely complies with the requirements of the user in the school of information management needs with maximum efficiency, less error probability, simplifies the workflow.The whole thesis includes eight sections, easy-to-digest a student information management system development process. The first chapter describes the purpose and significance of the subject. Chapter two of the features from the system, the operating environment and interface requirements on need analysis system. Chapter 3 describes student information management system and the overall design. Chapter IV on the overall system design and analysis overview. Chapter v describes himself responsible for the design of the database structure and connectivity features. Chapter VI and Chapter VII is responsible for my curriculum management, performance management and system management of these three modules, illustrates the three modules of the detailed design. The chapter covers three modules of code implementation and interpretation. Chapter IX to conclusions, I graduated in the entire design process of and harvest.
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号


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