要一篇初一的作文英语作文 观《狮子王》的感受 必须带翻译 字数不用太多 急

> 观狮子王2有感 > 观《小英雄雨来》有感 一定要600字 急~~~~~~~~~~
要一篇初一的英语作文 观《狮子王》的感受 必须带翻译 字数不用太多 急用英文写一篇作文 :看《狮子王》后感观影片《恐龙》有感关于CGI 技术、、、议论文。三千字以上。中文急用,,,谢谢  当代影视作品中CGI技术的应用   ——观影片《恐龙》有感   姓名:黎安金   院系:材料科学与工程学院   专业:无机非金属材料与工程   班级:07无机非02班   学号:快乐的狮子读后感真实的记录,恢弘的配乐,夹杂着充满历史的沧桑感,作为一部电影形式的纪录片,最后的狮子绝对值得一看。因为一直很喜欢看纪录片,尤其喜欢很有爱很萌的猫科动物,关于狮子的纪录片看了很多,但是这个却有所不同。 要一篇初一的英语作文 观《狮子王》的感受 必须带翻译 字数不用太多 急用英文写一篇作文 :看《狮子王》后感观看开国大典的有感是看完电影是的,50年来,这头威武的狮子,昂然傲立在世界的—观《开国大典》有感 于此肃杀的寒冬,我观看了最后,在毛主席的领导下,解放军打响了渡江战役,读《列夫托尔斯泰》有感300字1.“他生就一副多毛的脸庞,植被多于空地,浓密的胡髭使人难以看清他的内心世界。”这就是奥地利作家茨威格笔下的列夫·托尔斯泰。整篇文章用了先抑后扬的写法,先把他丑陋的外貌,平庸的长相展现在读者前,后又把观《甲午风云》有感今天下午,我们看了一部老电影《甲午风云》。电影‘吉野’同归于尽,定能挽回败局,取得最后的胜利而这丝毫没有阻挡住致远舰这头愤怒的狮子,反而观名师大课堂有感我是名流年纪小学生,急需用这个作文上交作业最难忘的一堂课 一缕夏季的凉风吹进教室。 一位老师正在讲课,激情饱满,眉飞色舞,额头上亮闪闪的。 学生们瞪着惺忪的眼睛,带着下午特有的慵懒,在知识的阳光下昏昏欲睡。 突然,一个不和谐的音符跳了出来,把求一篇观《自然密码》有感的作文,马上要!麻烦快点啊!谢谢啊!命运是不公平的,但有时它又是公平的。如果你没有致命的毒液,那你就有尖利的爪 子;如果你没有尖利的爪子,那你就有风驰电掣的奔跑速度 在非洲大草原上,给我的记忆中增添几分勃勃生机! 一只猎豹(观看《马达加斯加》有感 急!帮帮忙!字数200至300字左右。比如,说:看了这部,我觉得要珍惜友谊.等等。也可以说别的。最后,我想说一句,让动物们回归大森林吧! 8
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寿光楠哥—深情版《狮子座》。必火的视频,欢迎点击观看! 哈哈!
舞蹈体操动律操大全 成语故事
又有创意有感人的广告 又有创意有感人的广告,WXT8 TAGS
大海的慢板_QPangYYang 观幾米漫画有感而作
寿光楠哥—深情版《狮子座》。必火的视频,欢迎点击观看! 哈哈!英语翻译麻烦哪位高手自己编一篇给我啊,有分的要是快乐的一件事啊,字数不用太多,但具体要讲一件事,_百度作业帮
希望你用的上I was not a smart girl when I was young.
From my grandfather, even to my mom, there is nobody like me in my big family. 小的时候我并不是一个聪明的女孩.我们的大家庭,从爷爷甚至到我的妈妈,喜欢我的人并不多,如果严格点来说吧,可能没有一个人喜欢我的.I had started to learn how to wash-up, cleaning the floors of our house was my job during a cold winter when I was at 6 years.
My mom spoke to me and said that it is the right time for me to try and be an independent girl from that moment on.在很冷的一个冬天里我学会了洗碗,洗衣服,打扫地板,一些力所能及的小家务活,学着独立了.那一年我还只是个6岁的孩子. Common looking, a poor performer in studies, that seemed to be my spot in childhood.Chinese parents never allow their children to dream freely.
What they wish instead is for them imagine less & studying harder.
A 100% mark is their proud goal, which is something they could proudly talk about wherever they go & to whomever they meet.
But I was so different from the others.
I’d never been in any kindergarten before going to primary school.
The teacher rejected me when my mom took me to the entrance of the kindergarten.
Maybe they could see that I am a strange girl at that time.
My mom argued with them for me, but got nothing in return.
My strange dress just made me look like an ugly monkey.
The antique clothes were made from my mom's old clothes.
Though I did envy the other children, dressed in a tight clean uniform, dancing & singing with the teachers in a bright big room, I couldn’t join them.
I developed a great inferiority complex, no talking, no smiling, no playing, no joking, anything too funny didn’t concern me.
But I really didn't fancy being left alone.
I had just forgotten how to express my feelings, my thoughts, what I liked & what I wished for. 我跟别的孩子不一样,没有去过我们那个小城里的幼儿园读过.也许一开始他们就看出我是个奇怪的孩子,所以他们拒绝了我.为此我妈妈和他们吵了一架.但最后还是不了了之.我奇怪的衣着让我看起来像一只丑丑的猴子,那是用妈妈的旧衣服改成的.尽管我很羡慕那个幼儿园里面的小朋友能穿着很整齐漂亮的衣服,每天都能在宽大明亮的房间里开心地跟着老师学歌跳舞,但我还是不能加入它们.我变得更加特别,不爱说话,不爱谈笑,对任何的玩乐打闹都没有兴趣.但我并不是像这样的.我只是忘了如何去表达我的感觉,我的想法,我喜欢什么,我希望做什么.我把自己埋没在一片麻木中. I was a quiet girl with a rebellious temper.
I paid little attention in my classes, only confining myself to my imagination and other ties.
Like drawing in my Chinese class or reading a story book during Math class.
Teachers were so angry that they don’t know what to say.
For them, teaching a naughty student is better than teaching a quiet student who refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group. 我安静的性格隐匿着反叛.我不喜欢专心的上课,总是喜欢幻想,上语文课的时候我喜欢画画,上数学课的时候我在看语文书,但我不吵不闹,只是喜欢安静的做一些与所上的课程不符的事情,老师们气得不知如何是好.对于她们来说,一个调皮的学生比一个安静却喜欢做独行侠的学生好对付多了.其实我并不是不怕她们,只是当时的我是个不懂得如何表达自己的小孩而己.
Examinations are the only way to determine whether students study hard or not.
The more you give, the more you get.
The meaning of a good student is usually directly related to their score.
I was not the teacher’s favorite pupil because I had never got a 100% mark, only failing my examinations every time.
I began to cry when I would get the exams papers with a shameful mark.
Teachers were greatly troubled about my behavior.
I cried, not because of the shameful scores, just afraid of my mom's face.
在中国,考试是学生们的考验.分数是学生们付出的回报.努力地越多,分数自然越高.好学生的定义往往是直接与分数挂上钩的.在所有人眼中我不是个好学生,因为我从来没有拿过一次100分.而且连所谓的及格60分也没拿到,让老师们头疼的是,每次发试卷的时候,我总会拿着自己的那挂了红的试卷在课堂上放声大哭.老师们为此烦透了,最后不得不妥协,每次考试评卷后总是先评讲,到放学的时候再发试卷,这样就会减少了些许影响力.每次我总是哭累了,就拿着试卷回家.我哭并不是因为羞愧,而是害怕妈妈那黑的脸和竹鞭落下的痛感. Crying, Scores & those antique clothes remain in my mind as my childhood memories. 记忆中,哭,分数,还有那身永远不协调的衣服,就串起了我的童年.
I had thought that I was going to be a good student, but I really was uncertain how to act.
People neglected the depth of my pain, so I always thought that I should live quietly.曾经我想过要如何做个好学生但真的不知道怎么做.被忽视的痛让我觉得我还是应该做个安静的孩子. Fortunately, I had forgotten the feeling for the past, now I am a noisy and happy girl, because I get used to forget that something bad in my life. 幸运的是我早己忘了当时的我是开心的还是委屈着的.现在的我是个烦人且快乐的孩子.因为我总是遗忘着,所以我总是快乐着.
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我要两篇英语作文,最好是自己写的,字数在80字左右,不用太多.第一篇:在寒假快乐的生活里,请你以 我学会了.为题,写一篇假期里你学到的新的技能.I learn.第二篇:寒假里快乐的时光总是很多,请以日记形式描述你最快乐的一天.
不知道适不适合、自己再改动改动吧the first time that i learn how to ride the bicycle was tough.When i steped on the pedal,i totally lost control.I tried very hard to solve the problem i face.i had fell on the ground,and i also got tumbled with my bike.The more i tried,the more i hurt.Finally,i have known how to keep the bicyble balance,but i still didn't know how to ride straight as others.I was afraid to ride the bike forward,and i always used my feet to keep it stand.At last,i tried many times and finally learned how to ride bicyble.I felt happy about what i have done.Cleraly,i love to ride my bike,and i rode it everyday until i became a grown man
范文:I am WuXiaoBin, my summer vacation life is very simple. I do every morning, afternoon math and English language, almost no time for play, how much time but sometimes play computer, also check the data, see a movie. Anyhow I mostly in the summer homework.
birds sing and less traffic and people't pay attention to the figures in the public when the cleaners at work, he has to work in a shopping center ,quiet and ordinary looking. After that. He finishes the street sweeping by 8 o&#39. People don&#39. At lunch time,he has an hour to eat at the corner food store. In the afternoon. He is one of them. The public toilets.He comes home to his wife and daughter at dinner time. He is a very happy man.This is the happiest time of his day. He has to get up very early in the morning clock when the shopping center closes. He is a cleaner, he continues to carry on the same duty until 6 o&#39. He loves his famiclock and he can take some time to the breakfast stand to have his favorite breakfast, dining halls and the elevators are the area he is responsible to keep clean. He enjoyed this time of the day for there is sunshine


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