silverthe rose是什么意思花?

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Hi there. I've been doing internet marketing for a couple of years, and started here on Hubpages.
Please visit my blog - Make Money Online in a Recession , which details my journey from the beginning. I had been made unemployed by the great financial crash and had to find some other way of paying the bills.
I participated in the original hubpage challenge way back in 2009, (I mostly wrote finance related hubs such a hub on peer to peer lending, negative equity and choosing the best stock broker.) I later added jewelry related hubs such as hubs on birthstones and the difference between 9ct and 18 ct gold.
I only managed a paltry 30 hubs for that challenge, but it was instructive in that I learnt a lot about keyword research and which niches were profitable, as well as about how to make myself sit down and just do the work! And some of those hubs are still ranking and still earning.
I'm trying to treat making money like a business, and now own a whole bunch of domains which helps me earn my living full time online. I don't write hubs anymore, but like to pop in and visit with the hubpages community from time to time. On my own sites, I've survived the Google panda update with ease, and hope that hubpages improves too!
I've written one ebook, Search Engine Optimization for Bing, which is available from Amazon for a bargain price.
Some of my recent hubs are Buy the Apple iPad and differences between kindle fire and ipad My Content: Hubs, Answers, and Forums
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(0.54 sec)Ivy Silverdew,“
Darn wellAwesome总觉得Awesome是最好的
歌舞青春里的we're all in this together而后在美好的初中还表演了泰坦尼克的my hea…
Moon River &br&Moon river, wider than a mile &br&I'm crossing you in style some day &br&Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker &br&Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way &br&Two drifters, off to see the world &br&There's such a lot of world to see &br&We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend &br&My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me &br&&br&(Moon river, wider than a mile) &br&(I'm crossin' you in style some day) &br&Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker &br&Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way &br&Two drifters, off to see the world &br&There's such a lot of world to see &br&We're after that same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend &br&My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me&br&&br&其实要不是我最近的心境不怎么明朗,我不会第一个就想起这首歌,估计我会填《国际歌》或者《神圣的战争》这种。&br&&br&我奶奶现在八十多岁了,本身又很胖,现在活动能力仅限于能自己在床和带便盆的椅子之间移动了,这也很令人欣慰了,今年年初她连这点力气都没有。&br&&br&上一次我见到她的时候,她坐在床边上,一直盯着窗外,我问她在看什么,她说:月亮。&br&&br&一个年轻时也算叱诧风云的人物,到老后的娱乐除了看电视,居然也就只剩下看月亮了。&br&&br&小时候你看月亮,月亮也在看你,老了之后你仍然在看月亮,月亮却不会老,还是那样笑盈盈地看着你。&br&&br&脑中响起这首歌,就想起了远方的某个人,曾几何时我们也曾望着同一个月亮,月亮的那边有一道彩虹桥,越过彩虹桥就是梦的故乡,我曾想过这种时刻能不能永存下去,永远两个人一起望着这轮月亮,什么也不做,什么也不想。&br&&br&于是徒留伤感而已,客亦知夫水与月乎,逝者如斯,而未尝往也。&br&&br&现在躺在床上用爪机上知乎,看着窗外的月亮,我们虽然现在还在同一个时区,但是你应该已经睡了吧,不可能和我同时看着这个月亮了吧,moon river,何止wider than a mile,简直是隔着一个世界。&br&&br&然而我现在只想在脑子里继续哼唱这首歌,安静地睡去,明天不要再想这个问题了,我不想再想下去了,一切都会逝去的,除了moon river。
Moon River Moon river, wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style some day Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way Two drifters, off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see We're after the…
I Don't Want to Say Goodbye. 断背山主题曲。&br&&br&&img src=&/5bb7cbb6e47ba9c74460_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&600& data-rawheight=&403& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&600& data-original=&/5bb7cbb6e47ba9c74460_r.jpg&&
I Don't Want to Say Goodbye. 断背山主题曲。
Young and Beautiful
《了不起的盖茨比》插曲&br&&div class=&video-box& data-swfurl=&/loader.swf?VideoIDS=XNjE5NjM5ODUy/v.swf&&&div class=&video-box-inner&&
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&div class=&video-title&&【超清720P】Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey&/div&
&div class=&video-url&&/v_show/id_XNjE5NjM5ODUy&/div&
Young and Beautiful 《了不起的盖茨比》插曲
《Starry Starry Night》(《Vincent》)&div class=&video-box& data-swfurl=&/player.php/sid/XMjk3OTU0OTI0/v.swf&&&div class=&video-box-inner&&
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&img class=&video-thumbnail& src=&/E54DD0D5B-1546-BA9E-88ED-7306EBC5B935&&&i class=&video-play-icon&&&/i&
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&div class=&video-title&&(中英字幕)经典推荐 梵高之歌 Vincent-Don Mclean&/div&
&div class=&video-url&&/v_show/id_XMjk3OTU0OTI0.html&/div&
&/div&&/div&&br&&br&美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念Vincent Van Gogh而作。【刚好英语课讲到他……】&br&在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的凡高纪念馆前,它被一遍又一遍地放着,以陪伴Van Gogh和他不朽的画作。&br&&br&PS. Don McLean和Van Gogh有着相似的人生遭遇。&br&
这首歌在另一方面也有借此诉说自己痛苦的意味吧。&br&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&br&歌词:&br&&br&Starry, starry night&br&星夜下&br&paint your palette blue and grey
&br&把颜料调成灰白和淡蓝&br&look out on a summer's day &br&往窗外看那个夏日的时光 &br&with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.&br&你的眼,将我灵魂里的阴郁看穿&br&&br&Shadows on the hills
&br&山峦上的影子&br&sketch the trees and the daffodils
&br&勾勒树丛和水仙花&br&catch the breeze and the winter chills
&br&捕捉微风和冬日冰寒&br&in colors on the snowy linen land.
&br&在覆盖亚麻地的雪色上呈现&br&&br&And now I understand
&br&现在我才明白&br&what you tried to say to me &br&你想告诉我什么话语&br&and how you suffered for your sanity
&br&你为无人相知倍受摧残&br&and how you tried to set them free.&br&你曾多么想让他们释放
&br&They would not listen they did not know how
&br&没人愿意聆听,没人能够懂得&br&perhaps they'll listen now.
&br&也许只有到了今天…&br&&br&Starry starry night &br&繁星点点的夜晚&br&flaming flowers that brightly blaze &br&殷红的鲜花,恍若明亮的焰火&br&swirling clouds in violet haze &br&漩涡形的云彩,笼罩紫色的轻烟&br&reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue.&br&映照在凡高湛蓝的瞳孔&br&&br&Colors changing hue
&br&色调随着颜色演变&br&morning fields of amber grain
&br&黎明的原野,琥珀色的稻田&br&weathered faces lined in pain
&br&风化的大地痉挛般褶皱&br&are smoothed beneath the artist's loving hand.&br&钟情的画笔,将它抚摸平滑&br&&br&And now I understand
&br&现在我才明白&br&what you tried to say to me &br&你想告诉我什么话语&br&and how you suffered for your sanity
&br&你为无人相知倍受摧残&br&and how you tried to set them free.&br&你曾多么想让他们释放
&br&They would not listen they did not know how
&br&没人愿意聆听,没人能够懂得&br&perhaps they'll listen now&br&也许只有到了今天…&br&&br&For they could not love you
&br&没有人曾爱戴于你&br&but still your love was true &br&但你的柔情始终切切 &br&and when no hope was left in sight on that
&br&看不到了希望,在那个&br&starry starry night&br&繁星点点的夜晚&br&you took your life as lovers often do&br&你结束自己的生命,如同失去爱的怨侣&br&&br&&br&&b&But I could have told you Vincent
&/b&&br&&b&但是梵高,我想告诉你的是&br&this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you. &br&&/b&&b&君心高且洁,与世不相谐&/b&&br&&br&Starry starry night &br&繁星点点的夜晚&br&portraits hung in empty halls &br&空虚的展厅悬挂起肖像&br&frameless heads on nameless walls
&br&无框的头像,摆在不起眼的墙头&br&with eyes that watch the world and can't forget.
&br&眼睁睁看这世间,难以抑止的留恋&br&&br&Like the stranger that you've met
&br&和那些看你的陌生人没什么不同&br&the ragged men in ragged clothes &br&贫乏的面孔褴褛的衣裳 &br&the silver thorn of bloody rose &br&血红的玫瑰,带着银辉的花刺&br&lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow. &br&弯折、压碎,覆盖上无暇的雪&br&&br&And now I think I know
&br&现在我才明白&br&what you tried to say to me &br&你想告诉我什么话语&br&and how you suffered for your sanity
&br&你为无人相知倍受摧残&br&and how you tried to set them free&br&你曾多么想将他们释放 &br&&br&They would not listen they're not listening still
&br&没人愿意聆听,直到现在&br&perhaps they never will&br&也许永远也没人懂得
《Starry Starry Night》(《Vincent》)美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念Vincent Van Gogh而作。【刚好英语课讲到他……】在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的凡高纪念馆前,它被一遍又一遍地放着,以陪伴Van Gogh和他不朽的画作。PS. Don McLean和Van Gogh有着相似的人生遭遇。…当前位置: &
the silver thorn of bloody rose是什么意思
中文翻译就像血红玫瑰上的银刺玫瑰带着血,它银色的刺血色的玫瑰银色的刺血色玫瑰上的银刺血腥的玫瑰上银色的荆棘也像血红的玫瑰,茎上银白的利刺也像血红的玫瑰上银色的刺:&&&&短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ...:&&&&n. 1.银;银币;钱。 2.银(白)色的。 3.银器; ...:&&&&n. 1.刺;荆棘。 2.【动物;动物学】壳针。 3.苦 ...:&&&&短语和例子 five minutes of four 差 ...:&&&&adj. 1.血的;血一样的。 2.血糊糊的;血染的,血 ...:&&&&rose2 rise 的过去式。
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