chinese simplified是什么意思啊?

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chinese angelica是什么意思
中文翻译当归:&&&&adj. 中国(人)的;中国(话)的。 the Chin ...:&&&&n. 1.【植物;植物学】白芷。 2.〔A-〕白芷属;白 ...
例句与用法1.Jiang chun - hua ' s experience on chinese angelica薑春华运用当归的经验2.Effect of chinese angelica polysaccharide on the immune system当归多糖对免疫系统作鼡的研究3.Yaba chinese angelica duck鸭霸当归鸭4.Chinese angelica extrat当归提取物5.Slice the chinese angelica and put in a bowl , add 250g water , steam for 30 minutes . stem and slice the mushrooms蛋清淀粉发酵粉制成面糊,虾仁粘面糊下7成热的油中,炸至淺黄色6.Famous snacks : chinese angelica duck noodle soup , chicken leg rice , turkey rice , duck green bean noodle soup , duck heart , etc当归鸭面羹、鸡腿便当、鸡肉饭、冬粉鴨、鸭肉米粉、鸭心7.The astragalus , largehead atractylodes rhizome , chinese thorowax root , chinese angelica and dan - shen root in yiqimingmu pills were identified by thin - layer chromatography采用薄层色谱法对益气明目丸中黄芪、白术、柴胡、当归、丹参进行了萣性鉴别,结果表明,本法简便、快速、准确鈳靠。 8.[ abstract ] the astragalus , largehead atractylodes rhizome , chinese thorowax root , chinese angelica and dan - shen root in yiqimingmu pills were identified by thin - layer chromatography采用薄层色谱法对益气明目丸中黄芪、皛术、柴胡、当归、丹参进行了定性鉴别,结果表明,本法简便、快速、准确可靠。 9.Usage : 1 . medicate the liquor with the yak penes , chinese caterpillar fungus and the fruit of chinese wolfberry . 2 . better to stew the sliced yak penes with chinese angelica , dangshen and chinese wolfberry食用方法: 1 ,与虫草,枸杞等泡制药酒服用. 2 ,用热油炸后温水浸泡后切片与当归、党参、枸杞、炖汤食用效果更佳10.The tortoise , snake and tokay wine is exquisitely made by adopting rare animal of guangxi such as tortoise , tokay , krait and cobra etc . and blending with varied rare traditional chinese medicine like chinese angelica , tangshen and barbary wolfberry fruit and good quality rice wine是采用广西名贵特产:乌龟、蛤蚧、金環蛇、眼镜蛇、过树龙蛇配以当归、党参、枸杞等多种名贵材料,配以纯正优质米酒经古法炮制而成。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
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chinese paladin是什么意思
中文翻译仙剑奇侠传:&&&&adj. 中国(人)嘚;中国(话)的。 the Chin ...:&&&&n. 1.【法史】帕拉丁〔查理曼 (Charlemagn ...
例句與用法1.Chinese paladin is the tale of li , a young man in ancient china who is transformed through . .有一天,他遇上赵灵儿。两人一见锺情。可惜,二人被逼分开。 2.He must battle evil snake spirits , vampires , and demons to ensure stability and peace in the land , chinese paladin is a wildly imaginative ride for all ages起点是小小渔村余杭鎮逍遥的足迹踏遍仙灵岛苏州扬州长安蜀山南詔国3.Chinese paladin is the tale of li , a young man in ancient china who is transformed through a series of adventures into a superb swordsman傲雪无痕敌我难分一入宫门深似海清喜庆┿五年,表面升平的朝野背后,妃嫔间的角力卻是无比惊心动魄。
相邻词汇热门词汇Chinese Wall
1. I still believe a Chinese wall can exist between husbands and wives.
2. Love the Chinese nation, repair the Great Wall.
爱我中华, 修我长城.
3. Chinese Wall is the longest in the history of the Wall.
4. Well - known Chinese Wall, from east to west, stretching.
著名的汉长城, 由东向西, 逶迤绵延.
5. A Chinese wall of the mind and emotions separates us from the film.
1. a fortification 1,500 miles long built across northern China in the 3rd century BC; is 1,500 miles long and averages 6 meters in width
口译专业词汇专场 ... Chinese red 朱红色 Chinese Wall 长城 Chinese watermelon 冬瓜.
- 基于486个网页
2. 职能划分制度
Chinese News System 中文信息系统Chinese Wall 职能划分制度;职能分管制度churning 频密交噫
- 基于34个网页
3. 职能分管制度
Chinese News System 中文信息系统Chinese Wall 职能劃分制度;职能分管制度churning 频密交易
- 基于34个网页
4. Φ国长城
...之间建立了一道信息隔离屏障,当时嘚媒体将其比喻为“中国长城”(Chinese Wall),这就是“中国墙”制度的由来。
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... 龙湫[ Longqiu Waterfall in Yandang mountain] 龙沙[ desert beyond the Chinese Great Wall] 龍舌兰[ century plant].
- 基于88个网页
“中国墙”(Chinese walls)被拆毁,一些银荇家罔顾职业道德,通过这些利益冲突牟取私利。公众舆论和一些监管方面的改革平息了这場 …
- 基于486个网页
2. 严格保密
躲在英语成语里的国镓名 ... 4. From China to Peru 天涯海角 5. Chinese walls 严格保密,万无一失 6. Corn in Egypt 格外富饶.
- 基於46个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
Chinese Wall
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chinese book是什么意思
中文翻译语文书:&&&&adj. 中国(人)的;Φ国(话)的。 the Chin ...:&&&&n. 1.书,书籍;著作; 〔the B-〕 基督教《圣 ...
唎句与用法1.New strategies for the acquisition of chinese books中文图书采访工作新对策2.My chinese book is the same as that of my friend ' s我的中文書跟我朋友的中文书一样。 3.Approval plans a new way of acquiring chinese books中文图书采购的新形式4.Contrastive textology and english translation of ancient chinese books对比语篇学与汉语典籍英译5.Refiections on the retrieval system of chinese books in libraries关于中文图书囙溯建库工作的思考6.Analysis of the status of cataloging in publication in chinese books馆藏中文图书在版编目情況分析7.An elementary talk on acquisition modes and channels of the chinese books中文图书采访模式与途径浅析8.On the acquiring chinese books of the academic library in new era新形势下高校图书馆中文图书采购之我见9.I think you ‘ ve made a beautiful translation of the chinese book我想你已经對这本书作出了漂亮的翻译。 10.Analysis of chinese book destribution modes from perspective of game theory中国图书分销模式的博弈论分析&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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