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Sometimes I go crazy in Sweden.
It just drives me bonkers.
Any place that one lives in long enough would drive you insane but there are days when I really wonder if Swedes are mentally okay in the head. Here are my ten reasons why I hate Sweden because I can bitch and whine just like any other Swede.
Fitted bedsheets that aren’t fitted.
WTH? These Swedish bedsheets look like table clothes, they barely fit on the bed.
I want a real sheet that covers the bed and doesn’t fall off when I toss and turn while sleeping.
Whiny S stop complaining about the weather!
We know the weather is terrible and we know it’s dark for 3 full months but stop bitching.
It’s shitty weather in NY, Maine, Idaho, Colorado, Alaska, and Ontario.
They don’t whine all day about 30 inches of show, blasting blizzards every two weeks, -20F weather (that is minus 30C for those needing metric), and the need for studded tires in the winter.
Suck it up Swedes, the more you complain, the worse life will be for you.
Stop bitching about the glass being have empty and the weather being dark and cold.
You’re a goddamn viking, be one!
Monopolies are bad.
Unnatural monopolies are even worse.
Unnatural monopolies created by and run by the government is worst.
Unnatural alcohol monopolies created by and run by the government is really really creepy.
People who believe that it’s okay for their government to run a monopoly and “trust” their government wholeheartedly, are insane.
As an FYI to people who think only Sweden had alcohol related problems (which has nothing to do with the age of a country), the United States passed the 18th Amendment in 1920 to prohibit alcohol (sales, consumption) and Congress repealed it in 1933 under the 21st Amendment.
That fact that America went so far as to ban alcohol via the Constitution was a telling sign of both alcoholism and rising power of the Protestant Temperance movement (mainly found in Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland).
The shitty selection at the alcohol monopoly stores.
YES, your choices suck. If you think you get a good selection of alcohol, you are from Mars.
And ordering beer from the catalog?
Are you nuts, are we doing 1890s Sears mail orders?
Should I also order my drill set, bedsheets, and a toaster?
Sorry to bust it to the Swedes, but if you have no taste in beer, I don’t trust your selection of other alcohols either.
the government treats Swedes as a bunch breast sucking eternal babies.
Grow up! Make decisions on your own!
Give people the opportunity to take control and be responsible for their actions. O_o
Wearing horrible fashionable clothes.
The 1980s fashion died for a reason, let it be dead.
Leggings, stupid looking t-shirts, big belts, and oversized hobo bags make you like a bag lady not a classic lady.
Stop looking like a douche from Flashdance.
Fear from others.
It’s okay to speak to a stranger every once in a while. It won’ honestly I promise.
Actually helping someone carry groceries or opening a door may be considered by some people to be courteous.
OMG, what a concept!
Being nice to others.
I didn’t say you have to be a friendly cherub, just some common sense and a little smile.
Might also help to stop whining too.
Idiotic Stockholm drivers.
You guys suck ass.
Why the hell spends thousands to get a drivers license when obviously in Stockholm it is okay to:
Go down a one way street the wrong way
Refuse to yield at a cross walk
Speed in the innerstaden area
Make illegal left turns on red
Park your car on the sidewalk and take up all the space
Make illegal right turns on red
Drive backwards for at least 100meters to only get back into the intersection and turn around to go the other way
Run people over in the middle of the crosswalk.
Do you asshats have eyes or buttons?
Sucky Swedish beers. Sweden cannot make beer.
They produce filter pee with malt flavoring and call it beer.
I find it nauseating.
How can Swedes drink such nasty stuff.
There are days I feel that Miller or Budweiser beer tastes better than all these nasty Stockholm City, Pripps Bl?, Lapin Kulta, Spendrups, and other various disgusting concoctions of alcoholic beverages.
An everything is better in Sweden attitude.
No, your country is not awesome.
You’re just damn lucky that millions of people aren’t running through the borders and that you live too far up north on Earth for anyone to give a shit to take over.
(Unless you’re Norway, in that case I heard it is okay)
Stop giving me the “in sweden we have this system and it works better because…”
American bashing.
Probably because I am American, I get to hear all the complaints about Americans from the Swedes.
‘Why do you guys sue each other all the time?’
Because we have different legal system, it’s based on checks and balances and the right to challenge authority.
‘Why is there no universal health care?’ Agree, I assert responsibility to the powerful pharmaceutical industry.
‘Why do you have checks at the bank?’
Because we fucking do.
‘Why does American have to such a large army?’
Because we want to be a hegemonic state and well, we like big toys.
What’s your “I hate Sweden” story?
We’ll give the Swedes a happy post later on why we love Sweden, but for now, it’s time for Sweden bashing.
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