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Jim's Favorite Flower Garden Seeds
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New Perennial Seed Additions ( Not listed anywhere
else on our site )
AW35 Illinois Bundleflower Desmanthus illinoensis
Illinois bundleflower is rated by some authorities as our most important native legume and is included in range revegetation programs since the species is readily eaten by livestock. The lenticular seeds contain 38 percent protein on a dry weight basis, which compares favorably with soybeans.
Seeds are desirable for wild birds. The plant is considered a nutritious and palatable browse for wildlife.
Pawnee Indians used leaf tea as wash for itching. Hopi used seeds placed in eye for conjunctivitis.
A perennial growing to 3-6 ft. tall with cream colored flowers. Hardy to zone 5. The primary attraction of Illinois Bundleflower is the refined appearance of its fern-like foliage. The subleaflets of the compound leaves fold together at night, and they close partially during hot sunny days in order to reduce moisture loss. During the morning and evening, when sunlight is less intense, the compound leaves orient themselves in the direction of the sun in order to maximize the reception of its light.
	&4g package ( hundreds of seeds ) $2.25
TRM606 Joysticks Mix ( Armeria maritima )
Joysticks Mix are so versatile and easy to start from seeds. It is also call Ball Thrift, and it is long-blooming and has large clusters of white, ruby-red, bright pink or lilac flower clusters.
A sun-loving, compact garden flower that also makes an excellent cut flower. It blooms in early to mid-summer and has pom-pom clusters that spring up from dense clumps of medium green, grass-like foliage. Spent blossoms should be removed to encourage more flowers.
A sun-loving ornamental that requires well-drained, average to poor soil. Ball Thrift makes a fine addition to rock gardens, border edges, or trough and container gardens. They are prone to root rot and will not tolerate poorly drained soil.
Seed needs to be refrigerated 7-10 days and then soaked in warm water 8 hours. Sow Armeria seeds indoors in starter mix 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost. Armeria Maritima Joystick prefer a position in full sun., grows about 12" tall, hardy to zone 4.
	&3mg pack ( about 20 seeds )
JF373 Blue Hobbit Sea Holly Eryngium
First dwarf type, uniform, compact plant smothered in small blue globes, drought tolerant, for garden or pot, grows about 12" tall, hardy to zone 4.
	&10 seeds
JF374 Silver Ghost Sea Holly Eryngium giganteum
Electric silver blue with pale green flowers and bracts, robust, for garden or cut, grows about 42" tall, hardy to zone 5.
	&20 seeds
BM05 One Sided Bottlebrush Shrub ( Calothamnus
quadrifidus )
The One-Sided Bottlebrush is an excellent patio or lawn plant
from Western Australia. Out side it will grow about 15 feet
tall, but will limit it’s growth size in tubs. The
flowers grow from only one side of the stem and along the stems
on older growth, unlike the more common bottlebrush flowers
which grow right around the newest terminal ends of the stems,
giving it a unique look.
Has a conifer look to the foliage, but it is not. Extremely
hardy in zone 9b and higher, best grown in patio tubs in cooler
	& Package of 10 seeds $3.95
JF277 Hitchhiking Elephant Ear Remusatia vivipara
A medium-sized, fast growing aroid native to the undergrowth of temperate and tropical forests between the Himalayas, China, Southeast Asia, northern Australia and large parts of Africa. It spreads by small bulbils that cling to animals fur like burs. The beautiful glossy green leaves reach to about 1 m (3 ft.) tall. A stunningly tropical ground cover or bedding plant for temperate and tropical climates in USDA Zones 8 to 11.
	&1mg pack ( about 10 or more seeds ) $3.95
TRM286 Hooker's Hitchhiking Elephant Ear Remusatia hookeriana
It flowers late in spring but before the trees leaf-up. Sometimes flowers along with the newly developing leaves. The leaves are strongly coloured along the veins but underneath they are a mix of light and dark purple. Flowers are gently and pleasantly fragrant.
Best in a free-draining rich organic compost. Winter dormant and can be stored cool and dry after leaf fall in the autumn.
Naturally makes a small tuber which increases by the production of small tuberlets on the end of stolons, which in the wild would be wind-distributed.
This delightful, small aroid is native to the undergrowth of mountain forests in the Himalayas. Perfect as a ground cover for temperate climates in USDA Zones 8 to 10.
	&1mg pack ( about 10 or more seeds ) $3.95
TRM152 Chilean Yellow Pocketbook Flower Calceolaria dentata
A unique flowering plant from Chile. A delightful addition to the summer border. A shrubby plant smothered in golden yellow purses all summer and into winter in mild areas. USDA Hardiness Zone 8. The plant does not tolerate snow, but can tolerate occasional light freezing spells of about 23 degrees F., (the typical morning frost of central Chile).
If you are looking or a unique garden plant your neighbors are unlikely to be able to find, this is the one you want!
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TRM152 Chilean Yellow Pocketbook Flower">
3335 Billy Buttons
Pycnosorus globosus
An odd little evergreen perennial from the plains of eastern Australia with shiny silver-blue-green, and felted foliage in clumps of 12-18" and architectural spheres of yellow flowers held atop 3 ft stalks. Great for cut flowers or use in a sunny border. Tolerates heavy soil in sun with regular summer water. Cold hardy into USDA zone 8.
seeds $5.95
3326 Sturt's Desert Pea Swainsona formosa
The flowers are classic pea shaped, bright red with deep purple-black center spots, presented in clusters of 5-6, each flower is up to 3 inches long. Requires a full sun position, in cooler areas needs a warm dry winter position. Prefers good drainage, but is widely adaptable to most soil types. This fantastic plant is the floral emblem of South Australia and can be treated as an annual or tender perennial in cooler areas. Brilliant in large pots or mass plantings, suitable for large hanging baskets, mass plantings or in an annual or perennial border.
Zones 9-11 as a perennial, an annual in all other zones.
	& 10 seeds $2.95
TRM531 Mikoikoi (Libertia ixioides)
Mikoikoi is found throughout New Zealand and Stewart Island, it is an evergreen rhizomatous soft-wooded perennial growing on ridges, cliffs, gullies, river banks, coastal cliffs, and upland forest.
It has white flowers in late spring to early summer and differs from Libertia grandiflora in that the flowers are amongst the leaves rather than above.
The white three petaled flowers are on short flower spike.
It has stiff sword like yellow tinged green leaves in a fan leaf arrangement ( Height 12-18 inches ).
The bright yellow pods remain unopened for 2-3 months.
Perennial for zones 8-11.
	& Package of 10 seeds $2.95
FA71 Dark Beauty ( Ligularia przewalskii )
Clump forming perennials with dark purplish colored, large rounded leaves with purple maroon colored undersides. In mid summer plants have daisy like yellow-gold flowers on thick spikes that rise just above the foliage, with leafy bracts. This species likes a moist, semi shady site, but takes more sun with more moisture in the soil. Grows 3-4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Blooms in July-Aug.
Native to China and Japan, hardy in zones 4-9, lower if in a location with cool soils. When grown, they become very large, bold specimens that command attention when you have visitors in the garden.
	& Package of 10 seeds $2.25
TRM436 Midnight Lady ( Ligularia denata )
An exquisite contrast between the large, decorative, dark purple foliage and husky orange-yellow flowers. Foliage is rounded and kidney shaped with toothed edges on sturdy stems. Foliage is nearly black-purple during spring.
Native to China and Japan, hardy in zones 4-9, lower if in a location with cool soils. When grown, they become very large, bold specimens that command attention when you have visitors in the garden.
	& Package of 10 seeds $2.95
TRM014 Berry Bearing Catctfly Cucubalus baccifer
An intriguing and beautiful curiosity from the hills of Japan. Creeping, straggling stems are covered with small pointed leaves and frilly greenish-white flowers, which in turn become blackcurrant-like berries.
A very interesting plant for the flower garden, you neighbors definately will not have one of these!
A most unusual member of the dianthus family.Annual growing to 3 feet. It is hardy to zone 7.
	& 10 seeds $3.95
NB81 Peacock Flower Caesalpinia pulcherrima
The most popularly planted species of Caesalpinia is Caesalpinia pulcherrima. Common names for this species include Poinciana, Pride of Barbados , Red Bird of Paradise, Mexican Bird of Paradise, Dwarf Poinciana, and flamboyan-de-jardin. It is a shrub growing to 3 m tall, native to tropical America.
It is a striking ornamental plant, widely grown in tropical gardens. It is also the national flower of the Caribbean island of Barbados, and is depicted on the Queen's personal Barbadian flag.
Peacock flower is an evergreen shrub or small tree in frost free climates, a deciduous shrub in zone 9, and a returning perennial in zone 8. In the tropics it gets 15-20' tall and its ungainly, wide spreading branches can cover about the same width. In cultivation peacock flower is usually 8-12' tall, growing that large even after freezing to the ground the previous winter. The stem, branches and petioles are armed with sharp spines and the leaves are fernlike and twice compound, with many small, oval leaflets.
Peacock flower lives up to its name with incredibly showy blossoms of orange and red. The flowers are bowl shaped, 2-3" across, with five crinkled, unequal red and orange petals, and ten prominent bright red stamens that extend way beyond the corolla. The flowers are borne in terminal clusters 8-10" tall throughout most of the year in tropical climates and in late summer and fall where frosts occur. There also are forms with yellow and forms with dark red flowers. The fruits, typical legumes, are flat, 3-4" long, and when ripe they split open noisily to expose the little brown beans.
Package of 10 seeds $2.50
FA38 Porto Spineless ( Cynara cardunculus )
Stunning ornamental!
This tropical-looking cardoon is specially bred for cut flower
use. Serrated, silver-green leaves add dramatic flair to
arrangements or deserve a prominent position in the
gardenscape. Foliage can be harvested anytime but this tender
perennial will not bloom until the second season. Hardy in
zones 6-10. Ht. 36-48". Tender perennial.
	& Package of 15 seeds $2.95
FB148 Dead Man's Fingers
Decaisnea fargesii
A small multi-trunked tree, Decaisnea rarely exceeds 5-6 meters in height, with a similar spread. The bright green pinnate leaves, which can be as long as 90cm (3ft), emerge in mid-spring. The pendent panicles of blooms, up to 45cm (18in) long, have sparse bright green-yellow petalless flowers, up to 3cm (2in) in diameter. The fruit, up to 15cm (6in) in length and resembling fat been-pods, turn dull metallic blue in the autumn.
Decaisnea can make for a remarkable conversation piece in any garden. The common name 'Dead Man's Fingers' is a surprisingly apt description of what the over-ripe fruit looks, and dare we say, feels like. This is a beautiful plant in its own right, but it really shines as an annual source of excellent Hallowe'en decorations. Even better effects for halloween decorations is the fact that inside the ripe blue pods are several dozen black beans are suspended in a liquid that looks like clear phlegm, they are truely gross looking, but the "phlegm" is actually sweet and delicious.
Sow seed in containers in autumn or spring. Maintain even, but not excessive, moisture. Grow on in any good garden soil. Hardy to -15癈 (5癋).
	& 5 Seed Package $2.95
RHC210 Barbarea Sunnyola
Intense flush of yellow flowers in spring, attractive green
foliage. Grows 16 inches tall, hardy for zones 5 and up.
	& 250 Seed Package $19.95
JF317 Hardy Primrose I Primula vulgaris
Very hardy primrose, wide color range, spring bloomer, tolerates moist soil Grows 8 inches tall, hardy for zones 2 and up.Note: These seeds need to be cold statified before sowing. We recommend using the Seedman's Cold Stratification Kits for cold stratification.
	& 250 Seed Package $14.95
3355 Blue Angel ( Anchus capensis )
Indigo blue flowers, great perennial bedding plant for early summer. Grows 10 inches tall, hardy for zones 5 and up.
	& 45mg Package ( about 25 seeds ) $2.75
JF237 Irish Silk ( Alchemilla sericata )
Very dainty plant, mid-size leaf, famous for holding rain in perfect droplets, lemon flowers. Grows 24 inches tall, hardy for zones 3 and up.
	& 25 Seed Package $2.75
2802 Silver Spike, Zulu Warrior ( Berkaya purpurea
A very beautiful perennial best grown in pots in cooler
climates as it needs a long season to bloom, the plant itself
is said to be hardy to zone 5. Large mauve to white flowers are
produced on strong spiky stems. Excellent architectural border
	& 5 Seed Package $2.50
JF311 Avalanche Arenaria montana
Attractive bushy mound, profusely dressed with 1" white flowers for months. This superior variety is also ideal for pot production, grows about 5 inches tall, hardy for zone 4.
	&25mg pack ( 20-25 seeds ) $2.95
RHC214 Sunwheel ( Buphthalmum Salicifolium )
Great border plant with golden yellow daisy-like blooms,
flowers in 16 weeks, long blooming. For zone 4 and up, grows 24
inches tall.
	& 100 Seed Package $5.95
RHC318 Cuckoo Flower/Lady's Smock ( Cardamine pratensis
Dainty ½" pink flowers cover this rock garden plant. Grows
12 inches tall, hardy for zones 4 and higher.
	& 1,000 Seed Package $12.95
W219 Amor Blue Cupid's Dart ( Catananche )
Elegant border plant with fine blue flowers on slender stems,
gray foliage, flowers first season. Grows 24 inches tall, hardy
to zone 5.
	& 40mg Seed Package ( usually 10 or more seeds ) $2.15
FA119 Cerinthe Kiwi Blue
18-24 in. Novel blue flowers. Unusual plant, also known as
Honeywort , Blue Shrimp Plant or Wax Plant. Fleshy, waxy,
blue-green leaves spiral up the stems turning into tightly
packed purplish-blue bracts and ending in small clusters of
rich, purple-blue, nodding flowers. . Zones 8-10, or grow as an
	& 5 Seed Package $3.95
RHC472 Celadine Poppy ( Cheildonium majus )
1" yellow flowers adorn this woodland edge plant, grows about
20" tall, hardy to zone 3. Perennial.
	& 250 Seed Package $8.95
RHC304 Solar Yellow ( Chiastophyllum )
New - Succulent blue green foliage, intense flushes of yellow
flowers, for pot or garden, likes well drained sandy soil,
hardy to zone 5.
	& 25 Seed Package $4.95
RHC220 Crosswort ( Crucianella Stylosa )
This is a civilised version of the yellow or white wildflower,
Bedstraw, and is related to Goosegrass or sticky-weed. It forms
a mat of wiry, ground-hugging stems, with whorls of small,
greyish, coarse leaves, terminating in clusters of tiny pink
tubular flowers in rounded heads in summer. It grows very well
on chalky, dry soil, so is easy to please, requiring minimum
maintenance, and it is hardy to at least zone 4. It is easily
propagated from seed or cuttings, and it may self-seed.
	& 500 Seed Package $12.95
RHC320 Draba aizoides
Perennial. Compact foliage rosette with numerous small racemes
of sulfur yellow blooms, fine in rockery, grows 8 inches tall,
hardy to zone 4.
	& Package of 250 seeds $14.95
SF037 Blue Moon Dragon's Head ( Dracocephalum )
A beautiful perennial plant with violet-blue flowers in erect
spikes and delightfully scented foliage growing to 24 inches
Color: Violet Blue 	& Zone: 4-8 	& Spacing:18" 	& Height: 24" 	& Start Seeds: Anytime of year inside, for
transplanting outside in Spring.
	& 60mg Package ( about 40 seeds ) $2.15
FB164 Pride of Madiera ( Echium fastuosum )
Shrublike, 24" spires of violet blue flowers, short gray green
sword shaped leaf, grows 72" tall, hardy to zone 9.
	& 10 Seed Package $2.95
3150 Dwarf White Trailing Baby's Breath ( Gypsophila
Dwarf, trailing plant with tiny flowers, for border or rockery,
grows only 5" tall, perennial, hardy to zone 3.
	& 25 Seed Package $1.95
RHC490 Golden Sneezewed ( Helenium hoopesii )
Large golden yellow flowers, excellent foliage for border,
likes moisture, blooms summer thru fall, grows 36" tall, hardy
to zone 4, perennial.
	& 250 seeds $12.45
NB60 Helianthemum Nummularia ( Mutabile Mix )
Perennial. Splendid mixture for rockeries, evergreen, buttercup
flowers in pastels and whites, grows about 6 inches tall, hardy
to zone 4.
	& 30mg package of about 25 seeds $2.35
3209 Blue Knoll ( Heteropappus meyendorfii )
Flowers first year from seeds, plants are smothered in
thousands of shiny, light reflecting flowers, forming perfect
mounds (or knolls) 12in. high and 18in. across. During a season
when little else is in flower, they are a perfect fit for a
change in containers or will brighten up the border, looking
like blue charm chrysanthemums. No matter what the weather
conditions - torrential rain, snow or frost they continue to
look far and away the best, brightest plant in the garden, even
right through November. Zones 3-9.
	& 10 Seed Package $2.95
RHC231 Coral Bells Dale's Strain ( Heuchera Americana
Marbled leaf, cream flowers, the best foliaged Coral Bells from
seed. Grows 16 inches tall, hardy to zone 4.
	& 500 Seed Package $11.95
RHC112 Coral Bells Heuchera Purple Palace ( Heuchera x.
micrantha )
Beautiful red-purple foliage. Superb textures and
colours,excellent in containers or borders, best if planted in
groups with other Heucheras, Tiarellas and foliage plants.
Prefers full sun or partial shade, in well drained soil or
compost. Flowering time: April - July. Height and Spread: 45 x
45cm. Fully Hardy in Sheltered Gardens. Zones 3-9
	& 1,000 Seed Package $29.95
TPF028 Candytuft ( Iberis umbellata )
A vigorous perennial growing 12-18" tall with mounds of white,
pink or lilac flowers. Excellent border plant.
	& $2.15& Per 300mg Pack ( about 100 seeds )
2100 Perennial Candytuft ( Iberis
sempervirens )
Zone 3-9. A lovely, low-growing evergreen plant with dark green
foliage and masses of cross-shaped, white flowers in spring and
early summer. An excellent perennial for the rock garden or
front of the border. Easy to grow in sun to part shade in
ordinary garden soil. Grows 12-14" tall and at least twice as
wide. Trim back after flowering to keep this great perennial
looking tidy.
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2635 Red Hot Poker ( Knipofia Pfizer Hybrids )
Hot poker like flowers in red, orange, yellow, for garden or
cut, blooms all summer. Grows 30 inches tall, hardy to zone
	& 20 Seed Package $1.95
TPF079 Linaria Heavenly Mix ( Linaria maroccana
Also known as Spurred Snapdragon, a hardy annual growing to 24"
tall with pink/yellow/violet flowers. Perennial for zones
	& $2.00& Per Pack & Seeds Per
Pack: 1,000
FA103 Honesty Plant ( Lunaria annua )
Also know as Money Plant. Fragrant purple flowers in spring,
neat seed pods, for border or drying. Grows 24 inches tall,
hardy to zone 3.
	&2.5cc seed package ( about 40-50 seeds )
FA104 Purple Honesty Plant ( Lunaria munstead )
Also know as Money Plant. Decorative violet flowered with
silver seed pods for garden or drying. Grows 12 inches tall,
hardy to zone 5.
	&2.5cc seed package ( about 40-50 seeds )
FA105 Sissinghurst White Honesty Plant ( Lunaria
sissinghust )
Also know as Money Plant. Decorative silver white seed pods for
garden or drying. A honesty with pure White flowers. Named
after the famous English gardens. Grows 12 inches tall, hardy
to zone 5.
	&2.5cc seed package ( about 40-50 seeds )
RHC266 Vesuvius ( Lychnis arkwrightii )
Bronze foliage, scarlet flowers in early summer, smashing
plant, easy to grow. 12 inches tall, hardy to zone 5.
	& 100 seed package $4.95
3148 Snowbird ( Lychnis viscaria )
White flower clusters, likes moisture. Perennial. 15 inches
tall, hardy to zone 5.
	& 25 seed package $1.95
RHC265 Virginia Bluebells ( Mertensia virginica )
A durable, versatile plant, clusters of 1" long blue tubular
flowers in spring, be patient, grows to 18" tall, hardy to zone
	& 100 seed package $14.95
RHC726 Napaea Dioica
4" clusters of white flowers, 10" long leaf, fragrant, likes
moist area in sun, grows 48" tall, hardy to zone 4.
	& $7.95 Per Pack of 250 Seeds
FA10 Yellow Sundrops ( Oenothera
Free flowering, large showy bright yellow, long blooming in sun, grows 16" tall, hardy to zone 4.
	& $2.15 Per Pack of 20 Seeds
RHC724 Innocent White Sundrops ( Oenothera
Floriferous white, yellow centered flowers, blooms first year
10 weeks from seed, grows 12" tall, hardy to zone 4.
	& $9.95 Per Pack of 500 Seeds
IM094 Sunset Boulevard ( Oenothera )
Striking orange flowers mature to apricot/red, open all day,
dark green leaf, grows 24" tall, hardy to zone 4.
	& 1mg pack ( about 20 seeeds ) $2.15
2488 Marbleseed ( Onosmodium molle )
New - Veined leaf, greenish white flower clusters in spring,
likes dry area sun/shade. Grows 24 inches tall, hardy to zone
	& Package of 10 seeds $2.95
RHC487 Lance Leafed Pedicularis ( Pedicularis
groenlandica )
Distinctive shape, vertical purple racemes, lance leaf, likes
moist soil, grows 16" tall, hardy to zone 3. Perennial.
	& 250 seeds $8.95
2487 Russian Sage ( Perovskia atriplicifolia )
A graceful perennial with gray green foliage and blue flowers
throughout the summer. It releases a strong warm aroma when
crushed. It grows to about four feet and performs best in full
sun. It is drought tolerant, preferring sandy soil which drains
well. Grows 16 inches tall, hardy to zone 5.
	& Package of 10 seeds $2.95
RHC238 Pink Starlets ( Petrohagia illyriaca )
Teeming 1" veined pink blossoms, great ground cover or edging,
blooms first year. Grows 12" tall, hardy to zone 5.
	& Package of 250 seeds $12.95
FS500 Rose Colored Obedient Plant ( Physotegia )
A stunning lavender pink version of False Dragonhead that grows
to 24". Excellent for cut flowers and borders. Perennial
Color: 	& Zone: 4-7 	& Spacing: 24" 	& Height:24" 	& Start
Seeds: Anytime of year inside, for transplanting outside
in Spring.
	& Package of 20 seeds $1.95
RHA053 Sulphur Trumpets ( Polemonium pauciflorum
Silver fern like foliage with clusters of yellow trumpet
flowers, excellent container plant, grows about 18" tall. Zones
	& 25 seeds $2.95
2804 Polyphyllus Russell Series Red Shades ( My Castle )
( Lupinus polyphyllus )
36 in. Long, symmetrical 3 ft. spikes. Will flower the first
year from seed. Clump forming. Max height: 24" - 30". Spread:
12" - 16". Zones 3-9.
	& 15 seed package $1.95
W164 Melton Fire ( Potentilla nepalensis )
Tricolor flowers of deep red, soft crimson, and vanilla on
spreading plants, excellent container plant, grows about 16"
tall. Zones 4-9.
	& 1mg package ( about 10 seeds ) $2.45
FS505 Giant Painted Daisies ( Pyrethrum )
Big 4" daisy flowers on long stems reaching 24" tall. Easy to
raise and makes excellent cut flowers.
Color: Shades of pink to red with a
bright yellow center 	& Zone: 4-10 	& Spacing:close 	& Height:24" 	& Start
Seeds: Anytime of year inside, for transplanting outside
in Spring.
	& Package of 20 seeds $1.95
RHC239 Rodger's Flower ( Rodgersia Henrici Hybrids
Slowly gaining popularity as a unique plant in the shade
garden, used primarily as a specimen, foliage is has a coarse
texture unlike many other shady perennials, does not like heavy
clay soil. Bold, hardy, large fingered leaf with puffy bright
pink blooms for moist areas as well. Grows 30 inches tall,
hardy for zone 3 and higher.
	& Package of 250 seeds $12.95
RHC242 Floral Carpet ( Saxifraga )
Dense matforming, evergreen, pink/rose shades, ideal rock
garden plant growing six inches tall, hardy to zone 5.
	& Package of 1,000 seeds $10.95
RHC258 Yellowstone ( Sisyrinchium californicum )
Large yellow flowers on compact iris-like foliage, for
alpine/rock gardens, flowers first year 18 weeks from seed.
Perennial, grows 8 inches tall, hardy to zone 6.
	& Each pack contains 25 seeds $4.95
RHC249 Ultra White Matricaria ( Tanacetum )
First year bloomer, double flowered, for border or cutting,
late summer growing 24-30" tall, hardy to zone 3. Cannot
ship to MN, WY
	& 1,000 Seed Package $9.95
TPF039 Creeping Thyme ( Thymus serpyllum
Also known as "Mother of Thyme", this plant is often planted
between flagstones. Has sprawling, creeping habit with lavender
flowers. Perennial. Zones 4-9.
	&750mg pack ( about 2,000 seeds ) $2.50
RHC251 Meadow Rue Umbrella Mix ( Trachelium )
Veil of flowers, excellent cutflower, white and violet shades
growing 30-36 inches tall, hardy to zone 6.
	& 2,500 Nursery Seed Package $12.95
RHC252 Toad Lily ( Tricyrtis hirta )
Numerous orchid-like blossoms, purple spotted lilac on plants
growing 30-36" tall, hardy for zones 4 and higher.
	& 100 Seed Package $14.95
NB12 Angel Wings Mix ( Schizanthus )
Very showy annuals also known as "Butterfly Flower" or "Poor Man's Orchid." This truly lovely plant hails originally from the South American country of Chile. Although not a well-known flowering annual, you're sure to fall in love with it when you see its remarkable flowers. Schizanthus can be slow to germinate but you will be rewarded with a dazzling display of vibrant colours in reds, pinks, blues and lavenders all with a central golden eye. This strain is more compact and less lax in habit than most, and ideal for pot growing.
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NB74 Dwarf Elephant Ears
Colocasia Fallax
One of the hardiest elephant ear varieties, and the only one we have found that can be grown from seed. Boasts a silver splash highlighting the center vein of matt-green, with smaller silver veins radiating from the center to the leaf edge. Leaves are rounded and have a velvety-texture.
The plants are adorned all summer with small yellow spathe and spadix flowers. The 18" tall plants make 2' wide clumps in 3 years, but should spread faster in very wet soils by means of short above ground stolons, quite unique and very beautiful.
Elephant Ear varieties are hardy in zones 7-10 as perennials, suitable in zones 4-6 as annuals.
	& Package of 10 seeds $3.50
TRM045 Puya venusta
Puya is a genus of the bromeliad family Bromeliaceae. They are native to the Andes Mountains of South America and southern Central America. They are also known as Coastal purple puya. The name venusta means handsome, but in this case it should be magnificent! The epitome of "ornamental statement" for the larger dry garden or cactus garden! This slow growing, stunning, terrestrial perennial forms gorgeous eye-catching, architectural, compact rosettes (12"-15" tall) of serrated, silvery white succulent, spiny-tipped (pineapple) leaves. They will form large clumps with age. This plant is monocarpic. When mature, the Puya Venusta bears the knock-your-socks-off blooms of metallic- teal blue, funnel shaped, wax-like flowers. They emerge from huge, red pine-cone like clusters, atop red, stiff, upright stems up to 40" tall. They bloom from late winter through early summer. The flowers are so beautiful that they look unreal! This plant is quite unlike anything else you will see in the average garden. Hardiness zones : 8-11. This exceptional plant is easily grown in full sun to part shade in milder climates, although it is certainly one of the hardiest in the entire Pineapple family.
These plants will grow in any rich, very well drained, rocky soil. In central Europe this frost resistant member may be tried out in the garden in full sun with protection from winter wetness.
Alternatively grow in pots and keep rather dry in winter in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 7°C. They are a perfect companion plant for aloes & agaves. They are hardy to 20° F. Like all Bromeliads, it is a prolific sucker producer and each sucker lasts for years before dying. The plant has spines or sharp edges so use extreme caution when handling. These Puya are drought-tolerant so they are suitable for xeriscaping.
Do try it outdoors, perhaps by a wall, in a sunny, well-drained spot, they might like it. The Puya Venusta is very easy to cultivate. The seeds need to be stratified, so soaked them for 48 hours in tap water (at 12° C). Then, plant the seeds superficially in a mix of 50/50 of sand/potting medium. Keep at +15- + 18 C and expose them to natural light (sunlight). The germination might start during the first week but generally takes up to 30 days. Once you can handle them, put them in good compost, in individual pots. Germination can take longer. Be patient!
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TRM062 Sophora Flavescens
An evergreen Shrub growing to 1.5m by 1m at a slow rate. It is hardy to zone 6. It is in leaf all year, in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen in September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects. It can fix Nitrogen.
The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil. The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It requires moist soil.In Traditional Chinese Medicinal, the Sophora Flavescens root is anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antipruritic, astringent, bitter, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, parasiticide, pectoral, stomachic and tonic. It is used internally in the treatment of jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea and urinary infections. Sophora root is used both internally and externally in the treatment of vaginitis, eczema, pruritis, ringworm, leprosy, syphilis, scabies and itching allergic reactions. The root is harvested in the autumn and dried for later use. The plant is anthelmintic and diuretic. It also has antibacterial activity, inhibiting the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Trichomonas vaginitis.
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JF274 Pygmy Elephant Ear Remusatia pumila
A pretty, small aroid is native to the undergrowth of mountain forests in the Himalayas between Nepal and Indo-China. It is easily reproduced by bulbils and forms mats of creeping rhizomes that in spring give rise to small, velvety green, heart-shaped leaves. An ideal ground cover for temperate climates in USDA Zones 8 to 10.
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RHC241 Lavender Cotton ( Santolina cham. tomentosa
Lacy silver green foliage for knot gardens or edging, drought
tolerant, yellow buttons. Grows 12 inches tall, hardy to zone
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RHC250 Filigran Foam Flower ( Tiarella polyphylla
Tiny white flower, red stems, for woodland edge, reblooms.
Grows 12-16 inches tall, hardy to zone 4.
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JF01 Scalloped Leaf Lady's Mantle ( Alchemilla erythropoda alma )
blue green leaf, lime green leaf, chartreuse flowers, compact
plant, Primed Seed, grows only 8 inches tall, this is a
wonderful accent plant for pots or garden. A perennial that is
hardy to zone 3.
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BM19 Bergamo Bee Balm (
Monarda hybrida )
Our favorite Bee Balm. Fleuroselect,
unique compact plant, rose purple blooms, mildew resistant,
early to flower, short lived, excellent cut flower. A perennial
growing 16" tall, hardy to zone 5.
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JF11 Mon Amie Blue
Light blue, Super early, needs no
vernalization to flower 12 weeks from seed, excellent
cutflower, perennial growing 6" tall, hardy to zone 4.
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