
优雅是什么意思 优雅在线翻译 优雅什么意思 优雅的意思 优雅的翻译 优雅的解释 优雅的发音 优雅的同义词 优雅的反义词 优雅的例句
优雅 基本解释优雅词典:优雅;恩泽;慈悲;魅力。词典:高雅;(举止、服饰、风格等的)优雅;精致物品;(思考等的)简洁。词典:客气;有礼貌;文雅;有礼貌的行为。词典:愉快;礼仪,举止;(环境等的)舒适;便利设施。词典:(文体)优美,简洁。优雅 网络解释1. Aura:现在我用的是B&W的CM-2书架箱,雅马哈DSP-AX2做AV,前些天败了一台 优雅(AURA)的P-100纯后级准备兼顾一下HIFI,结果由于后级的问题升级失败,还白白损失了一些弹药.优雅 双语例句1. 她很高,一头金发,气质优雅。&&&&She is tall and blonde and graceful.2. 2. 这段时期,佛罗伦斯在人们眼中是一位身材修长、举止优雅的女孩,她令人快乐,有着甜甜的微笑和友善的态度。&&&&At this time she is described as being tall, graceful and pleasant, with a sweet smile and a friendly manner.3. 这些舞蹈演员都个子高高的,动作十分优雅。&&&&The dancers were all tall and graceful.4. 当我站在那儿被那些食物弄的有些糊涂的时候,我对他们的悠闲和优雅感到惊异。&&&&I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food.5. 5. 她的大屁股和优雅的礼貌总是让我勃起。&&&&Her big hip and graceful manner always makes my dick raise high.6. 眼看它消失后流淌在平坦的碗底波动,偶尔一不小心,还会洒上书本,染上一片地毯,让原本幸福悠闲时刻,变成手忙脚乱的开始,究竟如何才能优雅地享用美味的ice cream?&&&&When melted Ice cream rises up from a flat bottom ice cream bowl it would easily spill over. Then all hell let loose. A pleasant experience becomes a laundry time nightmare.7. 我们住的旅馆其实是座古堡,还看得到多瑙河呢,好优雅!&&&&Our hotel is really an old castle. We see the Danube River. It`s so elegant.8. 过去,人们依靠对主持人的声音、服饰、举止来揣摩他的个性化特征,除了甜美的声音,优雅的服饰,得体的举止,他们就像服装店里的模特,似乎没有对我们说过关于他们自己的任何话。&&&&During the past time, people puzzled out a TV host's personal character from his voice, dress, or body action. Though a TV host appearing in a programm with sweet and beautiful voice, elegant dress and good manners, he may looked like a model standing in a clothing store, for he never spoke anything about himself.9. 9. 书法这门艺术要的就是学古不泥古,在继承传统基础上与时俱进的书法艺术才能体现中国人传统的含蓄优雅,有容乃大。&&&&This art of calligraphy to the old school is not Nigu, in carrying forward the tradition on the basis of advancing with the art of calligraphy to reflect traditional Chinese subtle elegance, are essential.10. 这是条特殊的无花的裙子,我的未婚妻穿这件看起来一定很优雅。&&&&M:it, s special flowerless skirt, my fiancee'll look very elegant in this.11. 11. 他们总是喜欢沉默,优雅的解决一个响亮的性能。&&&&&&They always prefer the silent, elegant solution to a vociferous performance.12. 12. 肯定quickcalc是优雅和纤巧,但它的活动也将结束了,节省您的时间和金钱!&&&&&&Sure QuickCalc is elegant and tiny but it's also going to end up saving you time and money!13. 嘿,我会优雅的。&&&&&&Chandler: Hey, I can be smooth.14. 四、产品特点:新光毛毯具有绒面丰满、光泽亮丽,质感滑润,立体感强,防静电能力强,优雅大方等特点。&&&&&&Production:Xinguang blanket is characterized by full pile face, vibrant color, third dimention and graceful. Also it`s good for anti-static.15. 靖江市宏裕电器有限公司,座落在美丽的长江之滨,南临江阴长江大桥,北依宁通高速公路,交通便利,环境优雅。&&&&&&Jingjiang Hongyu Electric Co., Ltd., is located in the beautiful coast of the Yangtze River, south of Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge, North-by-highway and convenient transportation, the environment elegant.16. 他们跟大人或国家并无直接关系,跟任何实际事物也无关系,跟风尘仆仆远涉穷荒绝域的生活也没有关系。用花哨的药物治疗并不存在的臆想的疾病而发了财的医生在大人的前厅里向仪态优雅的病人微笑;为国家的小忧小患设计出形形色色的策略却连任何一桩罪恶也无法认真消除的清客,在大人的招待会上对他们抓得住的耳朵滔滔不绝地发出令人茫然的高论。&&&&&&For the little evils with which the State was touched, except the remedy of setting to work in earnest to root out a single sin, poured their distracting babble into any ears they could lay hold of, at the reception of Monseigneur.17. 17. 反正这铜像高高立在托尔美斯的河岸上,和优雅古老的罗马桥作伴,宛似漫漫古代的桥头堡。&&&&&&Regardless, that bronze statue stood high on the banks of the Tormes River, accompanying the stately old Roman bridge18. 那男童领他们进入一间会客室,苏菲觉得就是王宫也不可能比这个房间还优雅。&&&&&&When the boy ushered them into a shaded drawing room, she was sure even a palace could not be this elegant.19. 北京佳号宾馆座落于首都国际机场西邻,毗邻机场高速和机场辅路,离机场仅大约两公里之遥、距离顺义花博会3公里提供免费班车接送,交通便利,环境优雅的天竺镇府前二街西首,宾馆西邻新国际展览中心,是机场附近仅有的最经济实惠的一家涉外经济型宾馆。&&&&&&Beijing Jiahao hotels is a tree-star deluxe comercialhotel, ltlocates in the south of capital lternational Airport, and closes to the airport express and airport pathway. it is very near to the new Chinese international exhi-bition and konggang technical park. our hotels is the best place foryour exhibition, commercial affair, cha-nging flinght and your spending holidays.20. 这是百折帘优雅的一面注入您窗户主要的时尚元素。&&&&&&These are the elements that make pleated blinds such an elegant complement to windows.优雅是什么意思,优雅在线翻译,优雅什么意思,优雅的意思,优雅的翻译,优雅的解释,优雅的发音,优雅的同义词,优雅的反义词,优雅的例句,优雅的相关词组,优雅意思是什么,优雅怎么翻译,单词优雅是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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