翻译英语短文The world 's most beautiful girlcampuses

英语翻译New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world.You might want to do some shopping in New York.Fifth Avenue is probably New York’s most famous shopping street,but if you go,be prepared to “window shop”only.This is shopping for the rich.There are other,l_百度作业帮
英语翻译New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world.You might want to do some shopping in New York.Fifth Avenue is probably New York’s most famous shopping street,but if you go,be prepared to “window shop”only.This is shopping for the rich.There are other,less expensive shopping areas nearby,and you’ll soon come across famous stores such as Bloomingdales,Macy’s and FAO Schwartz.And if you’ve brought your rollerblades,then a visit to Central Park is a must.This is a large,open park right in the middle of Manhattan,but if you thought that people came here to relax,sit down for a few minutes and get away from the rush of New York life,then you’d be wrong.Nobody sits in Central Park:they run,jog(慢跑),and most of all they rollerblade.When you leave New York,you might be tired,even poor and overweight,but the one thing you won’t be is bored!
PS:为了让句子通顺,我改了改 词语的顺序 使其符合 中国人的阅读习惯。
在纽约,可能你最想做事的就是逛街了。第五大道有可能是纽约最富盛名的购物街了,但若然你去了,要准备好(可能)只能“窗口购物”。(因为)这里的购物都是为富人准备的。另外在附近会有其他的,不那么昂贵的购物区,然后你很快就会看到有名的商店 例如Bloomingdales...
  书 名  
  作 者  
作  者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
字  数:529 千字
书  号:H0429
开  本:16
包  装:平
印  次:6-1
  编者导读  本书根据教育部《全国硕士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲》对非英语专业考生英语写作与翻译的最新要求编写而成,目的是在较短的时间内有效地帮助考生掌握英语写、译的必备知识与应试技巧,迅速提高考试成绩。  《考研英语短文写作及英汉翻译》一书应考生需求出版以来,得到部分中外专家、学者的关注与好评,并受到广大考生与英语爱好者的欢迎。由于此书的编写始终紧扣考研最新题型,追踪社会现实话题,针对考生应试中存在的问题,讲练结合,注重技巧,易学实用,使英语水平程度不同的考生均能短期受益,所以亦受到同行的注意。书中多处章节如图表类作文、一些写作技巧、常用表达法及部分精彩写、译范例曾被多种同类书籍引用。许多用过本书的考生认为,掌握书中介绍的方法并经实践后,不仅在考试中取得了满意的成绩,同时还增强了英语的综合运用能力。  在试题设计中,写作与翻译属主观题,是技巧性较高的两项测试。即使考生平时有较好的英语语法知识,掌握了大量的英语单词,如果没有经过一定的写、译训练与实践亦很难在考试中获取高分,对此,考生本身也深有体会。因为毕竟写作不是单纯的语法+词汇,而好的翻译也并非原句表面结构的简单排列。在我国大学英语(非英语专业)教学中,很少有专门的写作与翻译课程,因此,在考试中,这两部分成为影响考试成绩的主要弱项。为了尽快地提高考生的书面表达能力,在应试中速见成效,作者在广泛研究国内、外英语短文写作与翻译的基础上,结合多年英语教学与考研辅导的经验,针对考研特点,归纳总结了适合我国考生的写作模式与翻译规律,分析、讲解了各类有关题型,实战实练,与考试挂钩,与现实接轨,利于考生全面复习,迅速提高。本书写作部分突出实用性,注重提高书面表达能力;英汉翻译部分强调知识性,注重介绍基本翻译技巧。  本书具有如下特色:  ◆ 注重与国际接轨,构筑英语短文写作卓有成效的系统工程;  ◆ 重点介绍模块式快速成文的技巧,并总结、归纳出常用写作句式;  ◆ 以百余篇模拟范例充分展示所讲技巧与所给句式的实用性;  ◆ 思路新颖、信息量大,小文章大创意,置身于时代潮流;  ◆ 实战实练,有效帮助各层次考生考前冲刺,获取高分。  书中所提供的160 余篇范文均严格遵循美国大学短文写作的标准化要求而编写,结合国内热点话题,注意实际应用,在构思中突出写作方法,适应考试需求,并经美籍专家、教师修改审订。这些短文行文流畅、构思巧妙、易于模仿,并按内容分成不同栏目,利于考生快速掌握。  本书不仅提供了大量的范文、译例练习及答案,更重要的是能够帮助考生掌握行之有效的书面表达的框架与技巧。它除适用于考研复习,也可供大学四、六级,专业四级及TOEFL、IELTS应试者参考。  在2005年新版中,本书作者应广大考生要求,在第十二章专门介绍了托福作文及申请美国研究生文件的写作:讲解了报考美国大学研究生所必需的推荐信和个人陈述的写法,并运用本书强调的写作技巧及句式提供了TOEFL范文,以大幅提高考生的能力。考生只要领会短文写作的扩展精髓及灵活掌握写作技能,稍加推广即可将本书的内涵延展到不同要求的写作考试中,从而进一步开阔眼界,增强信心,融会贯通,达到全方位提高。  在此,要特别感谢美国著名科学家、教授James S·Murday 以科技专家的眼光,对中国大学生英语短文写作提出的建议及对本书的文字润色。感谢美国语言专家Colleen Morton 及教师Tiches Andraw和Anderson Caitlin 对短文进行的修改审订。最后,预祝广大考生在新的一年里学以致用,考试成功!
  作 者  2004年1月
    第一部分 英语短文写作  第一章 按考研要求写作Ⅰ 短文写作考试要求Ⅱ 近年考试题型分析Ⅲ 2005年短文写作预测  第二章 短文的基本结构Ⅰ 段落布局Ⅱ 句子安排  第三章 实战实练技巧Ⅰ 常见的写作模式 一、写作模式1 二、写作模式2 三、写作模式3Ⅱ 实用的构思方法 一、组织材料的有效方法 二、罗列素材的不同方式  第四章 不同作文题型的应试技巧Ⅰ 给提纲的命题作文 一、写作步骤 二、常用的短语及句式Ⅱ 图表作文 一、写作要旨 二、图表种类及范例 三、常用的表达法Ⅲ 情景作文 一、写作要求 二、范文示例第五章 模拟作文练习及参考例文Ⅰ 模拟作文练习模拟练习1模拟练习2模拟练习3模拟练习4模拟练习5模拟练习6模拟练习7模拟练习8模拟练习9模拟练习10模拟练习11模拟练习12模拟练习13模拟练习14模拟练习15模拟练习16模拟练习17模拟练习18Ⅱ 模拟练习提示及参考例文模拟练习1参考例文 Innovation and Knowledge Economy模拟练习2参考例文 From the Extraordinary to the Ordinary模拟练习3参考例文 Gap Between Chinese Cities and Countryside 模拟练习4参考例文 Deep Worry over Losses of Farmland模拟练习5参考例文 Emperor’s New Clothes模拟练习6参考例文 Buy a Trophy to Glorify Oneself模拟练习7短文提示 Dilemma of Poor Old Parents模拟练习8参考例文 No Forbearance, No Job模拟练习9参考例文 Don’t You See We Are Busy!模拟练习10参考例文 SCI Papers and University Rating模拟练习11参考例文 Dancing with Wolves: What’s to Be Done After Accession to WTO?模拟练习12参考例文 Going Out to See the Whole World 模拟练习13参考例文 Problems in China’s Fire Fighting模拟练习14参考例文 Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 模拟练习15参考例文 Desertification in China模拟练习16参考例文 Restore Honesty to Our Life模拟练习17参考例文 Blue Collar Blues模拟练习18参考例文 Who Are the Most Hated Men in China?  第六章 段落组成及种类Ⅰ 段落的基本结构 一、什么是段落 二、段落的扩展Ⅱ 主题句写法及示例Ⅲ 段落种类 一、开头段 二、中间段 三、结尾段  第七章 段落写作原则及扩展方法Ⅰ 段落的统一性 一、内容的单一完整 二、内容的具体充实Ⅱ 段落的连贯性 一、注意运用代词 二、适当重复关键词 三、精心采用同义词四、灵活运用过渡词Ⅲ 精彩段落示例Ⅳ 段落的扩展方法 一、列举法 二、举例法 三、比较与对比法 四、定义法 五、分类法 六、过程描述法 七、因果法 八、类比法  第八章 不同文体的文章Ⅰ 记叙文 一、文体特征 二、叙述技巧Ⅱ 说明文 一、写作要领 二、表达方式Ⅲ 议论文 一、归纳法 二、演绎法Ⅳ 信函与摘要 一、信的格式与称呼 二、信函示例 三、摘要(Pr?cis)的写法  第九章 遣词造句的基础训练Ⅰ 词汇的选择 一、准确 二、精练 三、具体Ⅱ 句子的表达 一、避免语法错误 二、灵活变换句式与运用修辞 三、正确使用标点  第十章 典型试题及例文评析  第十一章 范文百篇分类示例Ⅰ 社会热点话题1.Impacts of SARS Crisis 非典危机的启示2.Rapid Economic Growth and Deflation 经济腾飞与通货紧缩3.Why Decry the Wealth Gap 贫富不均很正常4.Host the Best Olympiad in Beijing 当好东道主,举办世界最好的奥运会5.Dancing with Wolves: What’s to Be Done After Accession to WTO?与狼共舞:加入WTO 后该干什么?6. Who Are the Most Hated Men in China? 谁是最可恨的人?7.Going Out to See the Whole World 走出家门周游世界8.Internet and China’s Economy 因特网与中国经济9.Rely on Saviors or on Ourselves
下岗再就业10.Earning a House by One’s Own Sweat 个人买房11.Rejuvenate China Through Science and Education 兴科重教,振兴中华12.Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 增产节约,旧物利用与废物再生13.Problems in State’Owned Enterprises中国国有企业的困惑14.Advantages and Problems of the Private Enterprises in China中国私营企业的优势与弊端15.Importance of Social Skills 素质的重要性16.Buying Things Made in China 购买中国产品17.Preserve Every Inch of Farmland 爱惜每一寸农田18.Honor Scientists as National Heroes科学家应受到国家的尊重19.Money and Honor 金钱与荣誉20.Who Is “Satan”?
谁是“害虫”?21.What Should We Learn from Americans?向美国人学习什么?22.Inadequacy of Public Transportation in Metropolitan City大都市公共交通的缺憾23.No Smoking in Public Areas 公共场合不准吸烟24.Don’t Push Pupils Too Hard 减轻小学生的负担25.Where to Spend the Last Day 临终前的安身之处26.Problems in Our Grain Production 粮食生产的问题27.Gap Between Rich and Poor 贫富之间的差距28.The Successful Interview 成功的面试29.Blue Collar Blues
蓝领工人的痛苦30.Paradise of the Rich?大款逃税的天堂?Ⅱ 时事话题31.Landmark of China’s Star-Trek神州五号:中国航天的里程碑32.Deep Worry over Losses of Farmland 耕地损失的忧思33.Exhaustion of Natural Resources 自然资源将耗尽的警示34.Heroes of Today:Fighting Angels今日英豪:战斗的白衣天使35.Step into the Working World 踏上工作岗位36.Seven-Day Holiday 七天长假期37.Restore Honesty to Our Life 生活需要更多的真诚38.Decoding the Book of Life 解读生命之书39.On Brain Drain in China 中国的人才外流40.Desertification in China 中国土地荒漠化41.Social Science and Natural Science 社会科学与自然科学42.Homecoming of Hong Kong 香港回归祖国43.Goodbye,Firecrackers告别烟花爆竹44.Bright Prospects of the Three-Gorge Reservoir on the Yangtze River 长江三峡水库的光明前景Ⅲ 安全话题45.Safety First 根除矿山事故隐患46.Hazards in Our Life 生活之中有险情47.Problems in China’s Fire Fighting 中国消防中的问题48.Some Fire Hazards Around Us 我们周围的火灾隐患49.High-Tech’s Problem 高科技带来的隐患50.On “Time Bomb” Projects 豆腐渣工程51.Wipe Out Fake Products 消灭假冒伪劣产品52.Dilemma in Meat Eating 吃肉的困惑53.Quit Liquor Drinking 少喝点酒54.Significance of Wildlife Protection 拯救野生生物的意义55.Major Causes of the Floods 洪涝灾害的原因56.Virgin Forests and Floods 原始森林与洪水Ⅳ 现代生活57.Taxi 出租车58.Owning a Car 私人汽车59.Two-Day Weekend
双休日60.Dogs as Pets 养狗的利弊61.E-mail 电子邮件62.Supermarkets 超级市场63.Dining Out in a Fast Food Restaurant 去快餐店就餐<puter-Our Electronic Brain 个人电脑65.Reach Out and Touch Someone 电话66.Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China? 中国应不应该鼓励私人汽车?67.Enjoy Fashionable High-Tech Fruits-Electronic Games 爽一把高科技时尚——电子游戏Ⅴ 精神·道德·举止68.Is Hardship a Bad Thing? 艰苦是坏事吗?69.Value of Self-Confidence 自信的价值70.Get Involved in Competition 参与竞争71.Who Take Care of Old Parents? 谁来赡养老爸老妈?72.Value of Thrift 节约的价值73.Provide a Better Life for Senior Citizens 尊敬老人74.Finding Meaning in Life 寻找生活的意义75.Save Every Drop of Water 节约每一滴水76.Care for Our Community 爱护公共财物77.Why Good Manners? 精神文明的必要性78.Manners Matter 举止的重要性79.Learn from Lei Feng 向雷锋学习80.Saving Food Is a Virtue 节约食品是美德Ⅵ 校园生活81.Internet Surfing 因特网冲浪82.On Independence
谈自立83.On TOEFL Tests 托福考试的争论84.Dating on Campus 校园里的恋爱85.Professor or Businessman? 教授, 还是商人?86.Part-Time Job on Campuses 谈勤工俭学87.Basic Research and Market 基础研究与市场88.The Negative Sides of Closed-Book Exams 闭卷考试的弊病89.No Alcoholic Beverage on Campus 校园内不准饮用酒精饮料Ⅶ 经历·爱好·感受90.To Be a Physicist 立志当个物理学家91.My Childhood 我的童年92.My Hometown 我的家乡93.My Favorite Activities 我喜爱的活动94.Tea—My Favorite Drink 我最喜爱的饮料——茶95.The Worst Job I Ever Had 我所经历的最糟糕的工作96.A Pleasant Surprise 小镇给我的惊喜97.Why I Want to Go to Graduate School? 我为什么要考研究生?98.We Must Live in the Present 把握现在99.Is Family Influence Critical?出身决定一切吗?100.Opportunity and Success 成功与机遇101.Growing-up Pains 成长的烦恼Ⅷ 语言交流102.Writing an English Essay 英语短文写法103.The Gift of Conversation 谈话的艺术104.The Charm of the Chinese Language 汉语的魅力105.Advantages of Written Communication 文字交流的好处106.Advantages of Oral Communication 口头交流的好处107.Speaking Mandarin Chinese 讲普通话Ⅸ 体育与科技话题108.New Sports Giant in Embryo 体育超级大国的兴起109.Go!Go!Go!China’s Football 加油!加油!加油!中国足球110.Good Loser or Better Loser 胜不骄,败不馁111.Wake up Your Life by Walking
散步给身体增加活力112 Material Science in the 21st
21世纪的材料科学113.The Mysterious Nano Materials 神奇的纳米材料114.Seeing and Playing with Atoms
观察与操纵原子115.Strengths of Optical Microscope 光学显微镜的优势Ⅹ 信函与摘要116.A Graduate School Application Letter 研究生入学申请信117.Précis 摘要Ⅺ 图表图画示例118.Private Business:From Little Shrimp to Big Whale民营经济的腾飞119.Greenhouse Flowers in Thunderstorm 温室的花朵经不起风雨120.Cultures-National and International多元文化的民族性与国际性121.Innovation and Knowledge Economy创新与知识经济122.From the Extraordinary to the Ordinary奇装异服也寻常123.Gap Between Chinese Cities and Countryside城乡人均收入的差距124.No Forbearance,No Job 屈辱就业何时休!125.Don’t You See We Are Busy 如此“上门服务”126.Love Is a Lamplight in Darkness 爱是黑暗中的一盏灯127.On Fish Resources Exhaustion 海洋水产资源的枯竭128.Changes in China’s Foreign Trade 中国外贸的变化129.Disinfect the Scalpel
给解剖刀消毒130.“Dennis the Menace” 评论《小捣蛋鬼丹尼斯》131.Value of Knowledge 知识的价值132.Road Map of Electronics Devices 电子器件的发展趋势133.Major Causes of Road Accidents
交通事故的主要原因134.Population Growth and Wildlife Extinction 人口增长与野生动植物灭绝135.Redundant Commitment 如此承诺136.Science Library Attendance理科图书馆读者统计 137.SCI Papers and University Rating SCI论文与大学排行榜138.Emperor’s New Clothes “皇帝的新衣”139.Buy a Trophy to Glorify Oneself 买个奖杯包装自己140.Integrated Smart Sensors and Automation Revolution集成机敏传感器与自动化革命Ⅻ 其他话题 一、短文选读141.My View on Blood Donation 我对义务献血的看法142.My View on Self-Education (Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)我对自学成才的看法(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)143.Happiness Is an Attitude 幸福取决于态度144.Requirements of Democracy 民主的条件145.An Opening Speech 一篇开幕式上的讲话146.An Awful Day When Everything Goes Wrong 祸不单行147.Happy as a Pig in Mud自得其乐  二、名篇欣赏148.Address to the United Nations 肯尼迪总统在联合国的讲话149.The Meaning of Life 生活的意义  第十二章 托福作文及申请美国研究生文件写作Ⅰ 美国研究生推荐信的写作一、美国研究生院对推荐信的要求二、推荐信范例
Recommendation Letter Ⅰ
Recommendation Letter Ⅱ
Recommendation Letter Ⅲ
Recommendation Letter ⅣⅡ 个人陈述的写作技巧一、美国研究生院对个人陈述Personal Statement (or Statement of Purposes) 的要求二、个人陈述范例
Personal Statement Ⅰ
Personal Statement Ⅱ
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热 门 图 书
作者:杨絮飞 李娌
作者:[美]罗伯特·布伦纳(Robert Brenner)
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
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作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
作者:刘鸿飞 孙艺之
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另外。 在莱茵河畔有一座历史名城吕德斯海姆、奥地利
;s, Liechtenstein, the river before shipment value more expensive and small goods.In the heart of the Rhine river Rhine outside roots island has a &quot, French and Dutch are left it, the tariff tower building. The total area of basin in Germany, many couples are like here feel romantic atmosphere, ray, Germany is the cradle of 40%.The Rhine is Europe since the busiest water transportation. The Rhine, through the territory into the sea.In addition.只能降低错误;s biggest transportation routes, this is a antique city. In the 19 said Rhine 200 years. Since the Rhine valley into the Roman empire, right there, it has greatly increased the freight, o brother and presiding there is a narrow area is difficult terrain, the Rhinemouse&quot. It is said by roma captain DE road in 8 BC!@The Rhine is historic and cultural tradition of the European river is one of the world&#39, thrust megalitromantic&quot, it is a &luo lai cliff&quot. There is a history in the Rhine LvDe city&#39, But since the 19th century for half a century. As early as in 200 years ago, the Rhine is one of Europe&#39, for she gave the countless beautiful poem, therefore has the &quot哥们错误是难免的,s most important industrial transportation artery, the German romanticism poet and thinkers were fascinated by charm of the Rhine, Germany, which has a medieval times because of its streets of famous los nasser, Austria. It originated in the Swiss Alps
Has a historical famous city Lu Desi Heym in the Rhine River bank.Has merged the Roman Empire since the Rhine River basin, also is in the world one of most important industry transportation aortas, has offered the innumerable beautiful poems for her.C;Elder brother Arab League and saint&#8226.
On the Rhine River heart Lai cushion island has one outside the guest root city “the mouse tower”;s Alps, the Rhine River also is a romantic Holy Ls charm.It is said it is by Roman Marshal German road Wiese the customs duty tower which constructs in 8 B, right side has the megalith to break out impressively, attendance saint&#8226, flows pours into North Sea after Germany, this river transported goods volume increased greatly.Before 19th century.
Moreover, this is an antique small town, France and Holland have all left behind its trail, the German romanticism time poet and the thinkers on falls by Rhine River&#39;Between elder brother Arab League Si Howson has the topography extremely dangerous narrow land sector.As early as in 200 years ago, Austria, along the way Liechtenstein, very many lovers all like here feeling thes cradle.The drainage area accounts for the German total area 40%, because it it has a middle ancient times German Luo river Sayre alley to be well-known, but this river multi-shipping value expensive volume small cargo, this is “the Luo river thunder Lai cliff”, the straight thrust cloud day, is Germany&#39; But since the 19th century latter half centuries.Along Rhine River under, the Rhine River is one of European biggest transportation lines.
The Rhine River was since old times the European transportation busiest aquatic channel.It originates within the boundaries of Switzerland&#39The Rhine River has the historical significance and one of cultural tradition European rivers, therefore has “200 year Lai cushion to be romantic” a saying
The Rhine River has the historic importance and cultural tradition European rivers one, is also in the world one of most important industry transportation aortas. It originates in the Swiss domestic Alps, flows through Germany to pour into North Sea, Liechtenstein, Austria, France and Holland along the way have left behind its trail. The drainage area accounts for the German total area 40%, is Germany&#39;s cradle. the Rhine River was the European transportation busiest aquatic channel since old times. Has merged the Roman Empire since the Rhine River basin, the Rhine River is one of European biggest transportation lines. Before the 19th century, this river multi-shipping value is expensive, bu But since the 19th century the second half century, this river&#39;s transported goods volume increased greatly. middle on Seine&#39;s Seine island has one outside the guest root city “the mouse tower”. It is said it is by Roman Marshal German road Wiese the customs duty tower which constructs in 8 B.C. Along the Rhine River, the attendance Saint elder brother Arab League and between Saint elder brother Asi Howson has the topography very dangerous narrow land sector, right side has the megalith to break out impressively, the straight thrust cloud day, this is “the Luolei Laishan cliff”. Has a historical famous city Lu Desi Heym in the Seine river bank, this is an antique small town, because it has a middle ancient times German Luosaier alley to be well-known. other, the Rhine River is also a romantic Holy Land, many lovers like here feeling the romantic atmosphere. As early as 200 years ago, the German romanticism time&#39;s poet and the thinkers falls by Rhine River&#39;s charm, has offered the innumerable beautiful poems for her, therefore had “200 year Seine to be romantic” a saying.
The Rhine River has the historical significance and one of cultural tradition European rivers, also is in the world one of most important industry transportation aortas.It originates within the boundaries of Switzerland&#39;s Alps, flows pours into North Sea after Germany, along the way Liechtenstein, Austria, France and Holland have all left behind its trail.The drainage area accounts for the German total area 40%, is Germany&#39;s cradle. The Rhine River was since old times the European transportation busiest aquatic channel.Has merged the Roman Empire since the Rhine River basin, the Rhine River is one of European biggest transportation lines.Before 19th century, but this river multi-shipping value expensiv But since the 19th century latter half centuries, this river transported goods volume increased greatly. On the Rhine River heart Lai cushion island has one outside the guest root city “the mouse tower”.It is said it is by Roman Marshal German road Wiese the customs duty tower which constructs in 8 B.C.Along Rhine River under, attendance saint&#8226;Elder brother Arab League and saint&#8226;Between elder brother Arab League Si Howson has the topography extremely dangerous narrow land sector, right side has the megalith to break out impressively, the straight thrust cloud day, this is “the Luo river thunder Lai cliff”. Has a historical famous city Lu Desi Heym in the Rhine River bank, this is an antique small town, because it it has a middle ancient times German Luo river Sayre alley to be well-known. Moreover, the Rhine River also is a romantic Holy Land, very many lovers all like here feeling the romantic atmosphere.As early as in 200 years ago, the German romanticism time poet and the thinkers on falls by Rhine River&#39;s charm, has offered the innumerable beautiful poems for her, therefore has “200 year Lai cushion to be romantic” a saying也可以是The Rhine River has the historic importance and cultural tradition European rivers one, is also in the world one of most important industry transportation aortas. It originates in the Swiss domestic Alps, flows through Germany to pour into North Sea, Liechtenstein, Austria, France and Holland along the way have left behind its trail. The drainage area accounts for the German total area 40%, is Germany&#39;s cradle. the Rhine River was the European transportation busiest aquatic channel since old times. Has merged the Roman Empire since the Rhine River basin, the Rhine River is one of European biggest transportation lines. Before the 19th century, this river multi-shipping value is expensive, bu But since the 19th century the second half century, this river&#39;s transported goods volume increased greatly. middle on Seine&#39;s Seine island has one outside the guest root city “the mouse tower”. It is said it is by Roman Marshal German road Wiese the customs duty tower which constructs in 8 B.C. Along the Rhine River, the attendance Saint elder brother Arab League and between Saint elder brother Asi Howson has the topography very dangerous narrow land sector, right side has the megalith to break out impressively, the straight thrust cloud day, this is “the Luolei Laishan cliff”. Has a historical famous city Lu Desi Heym in the Seine river bank, this is an antique small town, because it has a middle ancient times German Luosaier alley to be well-known. other, the Rhine River is also a romantic Holy Land, many lovers like here feeling the romantic atmosphere. As early as 200 years ago, the German romanticism time&#39;s poet and the thinkers falls by Rhine River&#39;s charm, has offered the innumerable beautiful poems for her, therefore had “200 year Seine to be romantic” a saying.
The Rhine River has the historical significance and one of cultural tradition European rivers, also is in the world one of most important industry transportation aortas.It originates within the boundaries of Switzerland&#39;s Alps, flows pours into North Sea after Germany, along the way Liechtenstein, Austria, France and Holland have all left behind its trail.The drainage area accounts for the German total area 40%, is Germany&#39;s cradle. The Rhine River was since old times the European transportation busiest aquatic channel.Has merged the Roman Empire since the Rhine River basin, the Rhine River is one of European biggest transportation lines.Before 19th century, but this river multi-shipping value expensiv But since the 19th century latter half centuries, this river transported goods volume increased greatly. On the Rhine River heart Lai cushion island has one outside the guest root city “the mouse tower”.It is said it is by Roman Marshal German road Wiese the customs duty tower which constructs in 8 B.C.Along Rhine River under, attendance saint&#8226;Elder brother Arab League and saint&#8226;Between elder brother Arab League Si Howson has the topography extremely dangerous narrow land sector, right side has the megalith to break out impressively, the straight thrust cloud day, this is “the Luo river thunder Lai cliff”. Has a historical famous city Lu Desi Heym in the Rhine River bank, this is an antique small town, because it it has a middle ancient times German Luo river Sayre alley to be well-known. Moreover, the Rhine River also is a romantic Holy Land, very many lovers all like here feeling the romantic atmosphere.As early as in 200 years ago, the German romanticism time poet and the thinkers on falls by Rhine River&#39;s charm, has offered the innumerable beautiful poems for her, therefore has “200 year Lai cushion to be romantic” a saying也可以是The Rhine River has the historic importance and cultural tradition European rivers one, is also in the world one of most important industry transportation aortas. It originates in the Swiss domestic Alps, flows through Germany to pour into North Sea, Liechtenstein, Austria, France and Holland along the way have left behind its trail. The drainage area accounts for the German total area 40%, is Germany&#39;s cradle. the Rhine River was the European transportation busiest aquatic channel since old times. Has merged the Roman Empire since the Rhine River basin, the Rhine River is one of European biggest transportation lines. Before the 19th century, this river multi-shipping value is expensive, bu But since the 19th century the second half century, this river&#39;s transported goods volume increased greatly. middle on Seine&#39;s Seine island has one outside the guest root city “the mouse tower”. It is said it is by Roman Marshal German road Wiese the customs duty tower which constructs in 8 B.C. Along the Rhine River, the attendance Saint elder brother Arab League and between Saint elder brother Asi Howson has the topography very dangerous narrow land sector, right side has the megalith to break out impressively, the straight thrust cloud day, this is “the Luolei Laishan cliff”. Has a historical famous city Lu Desi Heym in the Seine river bank, this is an antique small town, because it has a middle ancient times German Luosaier alley to be well-known. other, the Rhine River is also a romantic Holy Land, many lovers like here feeling the romantic atmosphere. As early as 200 years ago, the German romanticism time&#39;s poet and the thinkers falls by Rhine River&#39;s charm, has offered the innumerable beautiful poems for her, therefore had “200 year Seine to be romantic” a saying.
Rhine is one of the tradition Europe great river have history significance and culture , is also that the most important industry transports one of main artery in the world. It originates from the Alps of Switzerland within the territory , flows throught Germany pouring into the North Sea, along the way Liechtenstein , Austria , France and Holland have left its footmark. Drainage area accounts for 40% of area Germany is general , is a German cradle. Self acient Rhine is the busiest Europe traffic Shui Shang passage. From Rhine river basin incorporate into Rhine is one of maximal Europe transportation circuit since Roman Empire. In owing a river many loading before 19 centuries, value is expensive but
Be the river volume of goods transported&#39;s turn to increase by already greatly but since 19 centuries last half centuries. There are one &mouse tower & on the pigweed mattress island in the Bingen outside the city Rhine heart. It is said that it is a tower from Rome marshal Deluweisi&#39;s customs duties building for 8 years in B.C.Obey Rhine but be located in the sage & # time, 8226; Gea and sage & # 8226; Have very dangerous narrow physical feature of a place section of an area between Geasihaosen, the right side has giant stone to suddenly appear impressively , straightens the thorn cloud sky, this is &a Luoleilai cliff &. The side has one history famous city Lvdesihaim in Rhine , this is antique one small town , it renowns because the person owns a Middle Ages Deluosaier alley. Besides, Rhine is also one place of romantic sacred land , many sweethearts is all liked to arrive at experiencing romantic atmosphere of once here. Germany poet and thinkers the romantic period is toppled and fallen by Rhenish charm as far back as the 200 years the front, right away , are that she has offered innumerable as a tribute beautiful poem, has &200 years to weed one romantic mattress& doctrine therefore.


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