sorrymybad1,,it‘s my mistakes

"I'm afraid he's ill." — "I'm sorry to hear that."
"We're all talking at the same time." — "Yeah. Sorry."
This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking.
'Sorry but I think the service has gone backwards.
I felt very sorry for anyone who was injured.
Sorry about the confusing appearance of the prior post.State what your letter is about. It’s a good idea to begin by letting them know that this letter is an apology. This will give them the chance to put themselves, emotionally, in the right place to read the rest of your letter. You don’t want them to be confused about why you’re writing or what you’re going to say.
Say something like: “I wanted to write you a letter to apologize”.
State your mistake. Now that you’ve acknowledged that you’re apologizing, say what you’re apologizing for and why it was incorrect. Be very exact and descriptive. By fully putting it out there in the open, the person that you’re apologizing to will know that you do really understand what you did.
Say something like: “What I did last weekend was horribly inappropriate, disrespectful, and wildly selfish. Your wedding is supposed to be all about your happiness and celebrating your love. By proposing to Jessica, I turned that focus on to me. I tried to steal your moment and that was wrong.”
Acknowledge how much you have hurt them. Acknowledge that they have been hurt and that you understand just how hurtful it was. This is usually a good time to also mention that you never intended for them to be hurt.
Say something like: “Jacob told me that my actions ruined not only your experience of your wedding, but also are now making your honeymoon less than the incredible experience that it should be. I hope you understand that that was never my intention. I wanted you to be able to look back on this time and remember only happy things but I have ruined that with my selfish actions. I've robbed you of those happy memories. While I can't truly know how this feels to you, I can certainly understand that what I did was one of the worst things I could possibly have done to you.”
Express your gratitude. If you want to, though it is not required, you can acknowledge all the hard work and good things that they've done for you in the past. This shows them that you appreciate them and can help show that you really do feel bad about what you've done.
Say something like: “This is an especially terrible thing for me to have done to you after how warmly you have accepted me into your family. You have not only shown your incredible, beautiful love to my brother, but you have also shown me support and kindness that I never could have possibly expected. To hurt you in this way was an insult to all the things that you have done for me and I hate myself for that.”
Accept responsibility. This is one of the most important parts of an apology but can be the hardest to say. Even if the other person did make some mistakes, acknowledgement of that does not belong in this letter. What you do need to do is admit your responsibility for your mistake openly and without reservation. You might have had good reasons for doing what you did but that shouldn't keep you from saying that your actions caused someone to get hurt.
Say something like: “I would try to offer an explanation for what I did, but there are no excuses. My intentions, though good, don't matter here: only my poor choices. I absolutely take responsibility for my selfish actions and the terrible pain I have caused you.”
Don't make excuses for your actions but you can explain your reasoning very carefully. If you really feel like it's needed or would make the situation better, you can explain why you made the choice that you made. This should be done only if you think understanding your choices would give the person you hurt some comfort.
Offer a solution that will lead to change. Just saying that you're sorry isn't really enough. What really gives an apology some punch is finding a way to solve the problem in the future. This is better, even, than just saying that it will never happen again. When you offer a plan for change and how you're going to go about it, this shows the person that you're really serious about making the situation better.
Say something like: “But just being sorry isn't enough. You deserve better. When you come home, Jessica and I would love to throw a big welcome-home party in your honor. This will be the party to end all parties and it will be 100% devoted to celebrating the incredible love you share with my brother. If you would rather not do this, that's fine: I just want to find some way to help you create the incredible, happy memories that I took away from you. ”
State a desire to have better interactions in the future. You shouldn't just outright ask for forgiveness. This places demands, whether you intend it or not, on a person whom you have already wronged. It is better to express what you really want, which is for the two of you to interact in a better way in the future.
Say something like: “I can’t expect your forgiveness, though I certainly hope for it. All I can say is that I truly want things to be okay between us. I want you to feel okay and eventually even happy when you're around me. I want to earn back the wonderful relationship that we had. Hopefully, in the future, we can find a way to move past this and create happier times together.”
Don't promise change unless you are 100% sure you can deliver. This is very important. If you made a mistake that you feel you are likely to repeat or that stems from inherent differences in personality or values, you do not want to promise them that you will change. This is because you will likely make the mistake again and future apologies, for anything really, will ring hollow.
Watch what language you use. Apologizing is a skill. We naturally don't want to do it and will fight against it a lot of the time. This is why, if you want to apologize correctly, you'll want to be careful about your language. Some phrases and words sound like an apology but actually make the situation worse because they show that you really aren't sorry. It's easy to use these words by accident, so be conscious as you're writing your letter. Examples include:
"Mistakes were made..."
"If" statements like "I'm sorry if your feelings got hurt" or "If you felt bad about this..."
"I'm sorry that you felt that way."
Be sincere and genuine. When you apologize, you need to be sincere and genuine about it. If you can't be, in some cases it might be better to wait until you really are sorry before apologizing. When you write your letter, skip the form language and cliches. Don't just copy some letter that you find on the internet. You want what you say to be specific to your situation so that the person you're apologizing to knows that you really understand what happened and why it was bad.
Keep expectations and assumptions out of your letter. You don't want your letter to sound demanding, rude, or create further insult. You don't want to try to or appear to try to guilt someone into forgiveness. You don't want to make assumptions about how they feel or why they're upset, because you might end up showing how little you understand about what happened. With all of the language you use, it's better to take a tone that is humble and leaves them feeling in control of the situation. This sort of language is most likely to help them forgive you.
Wait a day or two before mailing it. If possible, wait a few days before sending your letter. You want to be able to read it when you're a little more emotionally removed from what you wrote.
Choose the best way to start the letter. With an apology, you'll want to start your letter with the usual "Dear,....." It is better not to get flowery with your language at the start of the letter and to keep the salutation as basic as possible.
End your letter gracefully. If you don't know how else to end your letter, default to the basic "Sincerely..." However, you can also get a little more creative if you want to keep the letter sounding less like a basic letter. Try phrases like "I sincerely thank you for hearing me out" or "Again, I deeply apologize for the problems my actions caused, and I hope I can work to make it right."
Account for a formal apology. If you're writing an apology letter in a professional or formal setting, then you're going to need to be sure that the letter looks formal. Aside from having it nicely printed, you should also add things like the date, your name, the name of your organization, your written signature, and other formatting associated with a formal letter as needed.
You'll also need to adjust the syntax of your letter to sound formal and better fit the situation.
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Try to state that it was your fault, do not attempt to blame it on someone else. This shows responsibility and maturity.
Make sure the lette get to the point and take full responsibility.
Make sure that your letter is not too short. Just two or three sentences will not do the trick here. Show the person that you put time and effort into this letter.
If you have difficulty with wording your letter, ask a friend or family member for assistance. They will know what is expected of you, and be more than happy to help.
You may have to bury your pride when you apologize. Pr good relations can often become priceless.
Simply say what you mean and mean what you say. Sincerity is key. If you make a promise, stick to it.
Try to explain why you did what you did. If might make the person feel better if they know you weren't being malicious.
Don't add anything that makes the person feel bad. They will not take the letter to heart, and probably won't forgive you.
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Becomean Author!1.What ____ exciting news it is!Is ____ news true?,the,a C./,the D./,a2.—Where is my pen?Have you seen ____?—Oh,sorry.I have taken ____ by,yours B.them,his,mine D.them,hers3.—You must be tired out after the climbing._百度作业帮
1.What ____ exciting news it is!Is ____ news true?,the,a C./,the D./,a2.—Where is my pen?Have you seen ____?—Oh,sorry.I have taken ____ by,yours B.them,his,mine D.them,hers3.—You must be tired out after the climbing.
1.What ____ exciting news it is!Is ____ news true?,the,a C./,the D./,a2.—Where is my pen?Have you seen ____?—Oh,sorry.I have taken ____ by,yours B.them,his,mine D.them,hers3.—You must be tired out after the climbing.—Oh,____.I felt too tired to move.A.not a bit B.not a little C.not at all D.not nearly4.—Don’t play with the knife ____ you’ll cut your hand.—Sorry,I,can’t B.and,won’t C.but,mustn’t D.or,won’t5.—I saw Ann ____ a green dress at the school meeting.—I think she looks better ____ red.A.dressed,in B.put on,wear C.wearing,in D.wear,put on6.The train hasn’t arrived yet.Could you tell me ____?A.why the train is late B.that the train can come on timeC.when will the train arrive D.why does the train arrive late7.—Who’s won the first prize in the competition?—Henry ____.He has ____ in for a,won,got C.has,had D.has,been given8.Don’t laugh at her.She is ____ any of the others in your clever a student as a clever student as clever a student as a clever student like9.—After reading the story about Jin Jing,I was very ____.—____.She’s really brave.A.relaxed,So was I B.impressing,So did I C.impressed,So was I D.relaxing,So I did10.We are sure that scientists will ____ a way to solve the difficult problem.A.put e up with C.look e up11.—Will you please take a message for Mike?—____.A.Yes,the message is important B.That’s very nice C.Thanks for telling me D.I’ll be glad to12.____ well you drive,you must drive carefully.A.No matter where B.In order that C.No matter how D.As soon as13.—I’m afraid I’ll fail in this exam.—Come on.Philip.You must believe in ____.That’s the secret of success.(2009连云港)A.yourself B.himself C.herself D.myself14.—We are going to visit Huaguo Mountain this weekend.—Really?____!(2009连云港)A.congratulations B.That’s all right C.Have a good time D.Thanks a lot,the,yours 3.B.not a little 4.D.or,won’t5.C.wearing,in 6.A.why the train is late 7.D.has,been clever a student as 9.C.impressed,So was I e up with 11.D.I’ll be glad to12.C.No matter how
1.A 2.A3.B4.D5.C6.A7.D8.B9.C10.B11.D12.C需要解释,及时联系
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