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官方公共微信America Becomes More Belligerent Towards Russia. Is It Time To Prepare For War
by Ian R Thorpe
As USA politiians and military leaders in Washington beat the war drum more loudly and European leaders, particularly in Germany and France get more jittery, we ask will there be war and why do the Americans seem so set in a shooting war.
Is It Time To Prepare For War?
This report was initially released 's paid subscribers earlier this week. Given the significance of the subject matter and the number of request from our enrolled members to share it more widely, we're making it available to all readers here. - source
Submitted by Chris Martenson ,
This report was initially released 's paid subscribers earlier this week. Given the significance of the subject matter and the number of request from our enrolled members to share it more widely, we're making it available to all readers here.
For our paying subscribers, who have already read this, please see the new Part 2 companion to this report: How To Prepare For War.
It must now be obvious to anybody who has been paying attention that the made-for-public Western news content regarding the situation Ukraine and Russia is childishly slanted and one-sided. The level of so-called aggression by Russia cannot even remotely be compared to the United States' naked aggression against Iraq – a country that had not attacked the US, threatened the US, or had any WMD program, the US led regime change in Libya and US efforts to gain United Nations backing for a ground war in Syria against Bashar Assad's regime. None of these countries had attacked US interests and did not constitute a legitimate reason for invasion by another nation under existing international law (the United Nations charter).
So there’s a heavy dose of "Do as we say, not as we do" when it comes to US pronouncements of "unacceptable aggression" on the part of Russia. Predictably, Russia is less than pleased - as in the way they would be if routinely lectured in the press by Captain Hazelwood on the importance of boating safety.
Despite Western claims, it is highly unlikely Russia has yet moved heavy equipment and troop concentrations across the Ukraine border
- because if they had, you’d for sure
have seen pictures.
Endless pictures of those troops and equipment on TV rolling news, morning, noon and night.
You haven’t seen any pictures, so it is unlikely any exist, which means no Russian army troops or military armaments are yet in Ukraine.
But that has not stopped the US and NATO from accusing Russia of exactly those transgressions in nearly every single announcement and press release.
The latest hawkish salvo by General Breedlove was so over-the-top that Germany expressed public alarm:
Submitted by Chris Martenson ,
Breedlove's Bellicosity: Berlin Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance on Ukraine
Mar 6, 2015
It was quiet in eastern Ukraine last Wednesday. Indeed, it was another quiet day in an extended stretch of relative calm. The battles between the Ukrainian army and the pro-Russian separatists had largely stopped and heavy weaponry was being withdrawn. The Minsk cease-fire wasn't holding perfectly, but it was holding.
On that same day, General Philip Breedlove, the top NATO commander in Europe, stepped before the press in Washington. Putin, the 59-year-old said, had once again "upped the ante" in eastern Ukraine -- with "well over a thousand combat vehicles, Russian combat forces, some of their most sophisticated air defense, battalions of artillery" having been sent to the Donbass.
"What is clear," Breedlove said, "is that right now, it is not getting better. It is getting worse every day."
The mad General's rant sparked widespread alarm:
German leaders in Berlin were stunned. They didn't understand what Breedlove was talking about. And it wasn't the first time. Once again, the German government, supported by intelligence gathered by the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), Germany's foreign intelligence agency, did not share the view of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).
The pattern has become a familiar one. For months, Breedlove has been commenting on Russian activities in eastern Ukraine, speaking of troop advances on the border, the amassing of munitions and alleged columns of Russian tanks. Over and over again, Breedlove's numbers have been significantly higher than those in the possession of America's NATO allies in Europe. As such, he is playing directly into the hands of the hardliners in the US Congress and in NATO.
The German government is alarmed. Are the Americans trying to thwart European efforts at mediation led by Chancellor Angela Merkel? Sources in the Chancellery have referred to Breedlove's comments as "dangerous propaganda." Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier even found it necessary recently to bring up Breedlove's comments with NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg.
Consider how utterly bizarre Breedlove's ravings are.
It is literally not possible to hide "well over a thousand" combat vehicles from air and satellite surveillance, and everybody who knows anything at all about military intelligence or surveillasnce technology is aware of this.
How can Breedlove make such ludicrous claims and expect anybody to think he’s clinically sane?
What are reasonable intelligence analysts and diplomats in Germany, or anywhere else going to make of any of such belligerent and obvious sabre rattling?
One uncomfortable pattern that fits is that the US has become accustomed to lying overtly to get its own way. British Prime Ministers who have constantly for the past twenty five years sucked up to American Presidents must take much of the blame here, as must the other European leaders who have failed to oppose American aggression.
Any reasonable analyst or reporter reading the UNSCOM report on Iraq’s defunct WMD program back in 2002 knew that Iraq did not have any such program as claimed by Colin Powell, Rumsfeld, Perle, Feith and the rest of the unbalanced individuals who rushed the world to a war of choice. Tony Blair however, whose support gave the Bush administration's self interested attack on Iraq a veneeer of respectability, continued to insist Saddam Hussein had a stockpile of WMDs when ever Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney had admitted there were none.
The spin doctors of today say that "bad intelligence" was to blame, but that too is a lie. There was no bad intelligence, only false intelligence and bad people who commissioned that false intelligence and then used it for their own ends. The same thing is happening again and again in is the government of the USA leading the rush to war.
In my not-so-humple opinion there is no other way to interpret Breedlove’ they are just too far beyond of any reasonable interpretation of the available date.
Again, ‘more than a thousand’ pieces of heavy armor cannot be hidden from satellites, especially not in the open, flat country that is eastern Ukraine. And remember, we are not talking of Russian intelligence here as we were with the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, Germany is a member of NATO and has access to the same information as the USA and Britain.
It seems that in the
administration of the anointed one, peacemaker and joybringer, Barack Hussein Obama, America's first 'black' President, more than ever before a small band of extremely rich, extremely paranoiac, extremely bloodthirsty old white men in Washington and Wall Street are driving policy for the entire nation.
Back in 2002 the group operating out of the Office of Special Plans in the Pentagon was fronted by Donald Rumsfeld, their task to generate the false intelligence used to ‘justify’ a truly unnecessary and ill-advised war.
This time it seems to be Vitoria Nuland, General Breedlove, and the usual assemblage of war hawks in the Senate and Congress. 2002 should have taught us all that the momentum to war can be initiated by obvious lies, a few dedicated warmongers and a compliuant media sector. All that has changed is the risk has shifted from the middle east to Russia's borders.
Will war break out? For the people of Ukraine it already has.
For the people of Syria, Iraq and Libya, it already has. The question now is, will this spill over into a wider conflict that involves Europe and the US against Russia and whoever steps up to the mark to support Russia's resistance of American global domination (mentioning no names, but Russia counts as allies China and Iran, while India and Pakistan, both nuclear powers, are by no means certain to support the west).
The moves are coming thick and fast in the geopolitical chess game now.
The US has moved heavy armor into the region, right on Russia’s border. The only encouraging sign is that Germany and France have woken up to America's real agenda and are distancing themselves from US warmongering.
The EU is blatantly pro American, supportive of moves towards global government and opposed to democracy, except for the kind of democratic assembly that merely rubber stamps bureaucrats' decisions. Moreover, the EU has well documented designs towards extending 'Europe' into the middle east and north Africa, which makes an insane kind of sense of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel's determination to flood Europe with illegal immigrants from those regions.
Recalling yesterday's Machiavelli Blog which commented on events surrounding the unfortunate death of the alleged former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko, it seems the murder investigation has now found evidence of many caches (well OK, traces) of radio active toxins in various fashionable establishments in London's West End frequented by former Russian intelligence agents.
Appearing at the inaugural Moscow-hosted Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, the Russian President has blamed the migrant crisis emanating from the Middle East on America. He also blamed European states for backing US efforts to spread democracy, which he said were responsible for the current exodus of people sweeping across the EU.
We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.
Japan's foreign minister signaled cautious approval of the institution that the United States has warned against. The opposition to the AIIB began crumbling after Britain said earlier this month that it would join the institution, saying it was in its national interest. France, Germany and Italy swiftly followed suit.
Last week, President Obama signed an executive order delaring a “special state of emergency,” saying that the situation in Venezuela represents an extraordinary danger to U.S. interests and foreign policy. We predicted such a move was imminent several months ago in an article titled Venezuela Deals Blow to Banksters, Global Fascists and New World Order ...
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WikiLeaks have today released documents from the Vault 7 cache, a group of leaked information which contains details on the CIA Angelfire spyware tool which was developed to facilitate loading and execution of implants targeting computers using Microsoft Windows operating systems.
About 10 years ago, Tim Wu, the Columbia Law professor who coined the term network neutrality, made this prescient comment: "To love Google, you have to be a little bit of a monarchist, you have to have faith in the way people traditionally felt about the king." Wu was right. And now, Google has established a pattern of lobbying and threatening to acquire power. It has reached a dangerous point common to many monarchs: The moment where it no longer wants to allow dissent.
Hurricane Harvey is an entirely new extreme
weather event according to some very clever people who are not impressed by the Warmageddonist lobby claims that the Texas disaster is a consequence of global warming / climate change / whatever they're calling it this week.
Reports of its formation begin on Aug. 16th and was a tropical storm that was following the course of Hurricane Gert.
It will now become much easier for 'refugees' from Africa to seek asylum in Europe, according to a new agreement between four western European countries and Egypt, Chad and Niger.
That Africal leaders are being invited to negotiate arrangement with the largest EU nations when representatives of smaller EU member states are excluded demonstates the comtempt Europe's leaders
have for democracy.
A geopolitical move by the globalist control freaks that began as a seemingly innocuous hypothetical discussion several years ago now appears to have become a deep state / corporate policy backed by a propaganda campaign involving some of the most powerful commercial and government agencies in the industrialized world. Throughout this omnibus web page we have called it the War on Cash.
The Swedish Employment Agency has released new statistics on unemployment that shows the employment for Swedes who have a foreign background is far greater than native Swedes. The agency released a report Monday saying that the total Swedish unemployment rate sits at 7.3 percent nationwide but the gap between native Swedes and those with a foreign background is considerable.
I worked in the Information Technology field from the 1960s to 2003, the first program I wrote was loaded to a mainframe from punched paper tape, and throughout that time, we were always 'just around the corner' from having machines that could think like humans only better. [ ... ] We are no nearer in real terms now than we were when my first program failed (it worked at the third attempt.)
There seems to be no boundary to the insane hatred of Europeans and Europe's civilization felt by the elitists who control the European Union's most powerful member states. According to unconfirmed reports from Gremany (but remember, EU covernments will never admite immigration policy has failed and is causing social problems), Germans in Germany now have a similar social status to that assigned to Jews in hitler's Third Reich:
For readers who have wondered what I mean when I use the phrase "Rent-a-mob," this story, as well as being bad news for anyone who respects democracy shows exactly how extremists work to generate propaganda.
If you know me from elsewhere, under my own name Ian R Thorpe, or from Boggart Blog, The Daily Stirrer and several other sites I have been involved in, you might recall some of the numeous times I have posted items to the effect that the alleged Russian connection floated by Hillary Clinton and her supporters to explain why a pillock like Trump beat her in the 2016 presidential election is bollocks.
California has a well-deserved reputation for being the global capital of cazy, the state whose self - indulgent, batshit crazy inhabitants see nothing wrong in introducing wacky legislation in a bud to show they are more prone to policically correct lunacy that anyejere else in the world (North Kora included.) Governor moonbeam aka Jerry Brown's bill specifically written to regulate cow farts is a case in point.
The irony of the US 'liberals' outrage over Donald Trump's use of executive orders to get his legislation through is delicious [...] when we see democrats, mainstream media figures and celebrity atention seekers screaming about Trump's undemocratic use of executive order the first thing we think of is how the same people heaped praise on Obama when he paved the way for this despotic abuse of democracy by using executive orders to get his program through
Television the director and former Monty Python Flying Circus member Terry Gilliam said he did not like anything among the recent output from Hollywood. While this made a refreshing change from the usual sycophantic, self regarding babble we hear from Hollywood people, Gilliam's point was had a wider significance that a mere comment on recent movie releases.
At least 14 people have been killed and over 110 injured in two separate attacks in the resort city of Barcelona and nearby coastal town of Cambrils. In both incidents, the suspects deployed vehicles to run pedestrians over. In the first incident the driver of a white van struck a group of pedestrians in Las Ramblas (La Rambla) area of Barcelona city center, killing 13 people and injuring over a hundred. The second incident took place hours later in Cambrils, 100km from Barcelona, injuring at least six people. One of them later succumbed to her injuries.
Just about everybody in borthern Europe knows Sweden is fucked. Following a public backlash at a declaration that the military exists to defend gay rights, Sweden’s army, showing the stupendous depth of stupidity engendered by left wing thinking,
has promised to "never give up" promoting its support for LGBT issues.
My blogs The Daily Stirrer and Boggart Abroad have reported the reasons behind Trump’s decision to end the CIA’s covert Syria program if aiding ISIS and AlQaeda affiliated groups. Few people outside of those who look to alt_media were even aware of this US State Department policy, or that it was instigated by Trump’s saitly predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama, who in his desperation to remove Syria’s President Assad was prepared to lie about the true nature of his beloved ‘moderate rebels.’
If the ruling elites want to establish global control they need to be able to control all information the general population have access to. The idea of controlling information in order to limit the ability to think and develop ideas served Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and many other dictators well but was completely exposed by George Orwell in the novel ‘1984’.
You have probably never heard of the Awan brothers, a couple of dodgy foreigners with very strong links to the US Democrat National Committee. Given the noise the Democrats have been making about collaboration with non Americans during the 2016 campaign, it is surprising that neither Trump nor any of his supporters have responded to the fact that they have been handed a baseball bat with nails through the end, with which to beat his leading detractors.
Italians this week cheered defeat of a mayor who signed a deal with George Soros to turn the tiny island of Lampedusa into a gateway for migrants travelling from Africa. "Thank you, you have eradicated the Lampedusa cancer," read graffiti on the island after voters ousted Mayor Giusi Nicolini. Locals elected businessman Salvatore “Totò” Martello, who said during the campaign that he "cannot stand seeing migrants swarming everywhere".
The inevitable political crisis in Sweden loomed yesterday as embattled Prime Minister Lofven refused to resign over the government's "disastrous leak" of the nation's citizens' information. Lofven commented "I don’t want political chaos in Sweden, I will take responsibility and ensure we don’t get a political crisis." What he decided to do however seems more lioke kicking the can down the road that addressing the problem.
In recent years however, minimum wage legislation has become a sacred cow for liberal and left wing politicians. And of course the usual levels of hypocrisy and double standards we have come to expect from those on the left of the political spectrum are in play.
A recent report by the US Employment Policies Institute showed that 174 of the 184 co-sponsors of a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour hired unpaid interns.
A month after the EU Commission took legal action against Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic for "defaulting on their legal obligations" by refusing to comply with the EU's refugee quotas," (i.e., accept migrants), on Wednesday the three Central European nations were again forced to defend their sovereignty after the bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels went to the European Court Of (in)Justice in a bid to force them to comply with EU refugee quotas.
Responding to a ruling by the Advocate General of Brussels’ top court issued on Wednesday, advising judges to dismiss the case challenging the mandatory relocation scheme, the Visegrad nations argue that the European Union (EU) acted beyond its powers with the binding decision to redistribute 120,000 migrants currently living in Italy and Greece across the bloc
— a move intended to take pressure off the nations most affected by floods of arrivals.
So you thought people who wear tinfoil hats are crazy conspiracy theorists? Not so fast there, some of them might actually be onto something.While these people are not tinfoil hat wearers either literally or in a metaphorical sense, the measures they take to avoid exposure to electromagnetic radiation (radio - activity) can seem rather paranoid until you know more about them.
What was a closely guarded secret in diplomatic circles and mainstream media is out of the closet now, even in the USA where criticism if Saudi Arabia is usually off limits.
What happened last month, shielded from view by the kerfuffle in Qatar, was in fact a soft coup in the House of Saud as the Wahhabi Muslim fanatic, Prince Mohammad bin Salman, aka MBS, was elevated to prime contender in the succession stakes.
Late on Friday (21/07/17), Congressional negotiators agreed to advance a cross - party bill that would punish Russia for its (alleged) interference in the 2016 election according to the Wall Street Journal.
And while it seems improbable that President Trump would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, the loudest complaint about the bill to date has emerged not from the Oval Office, but from US allies in NATO and the European Union ...
The German government, which for decades has been very efficient in downplaying anti - jewish feeling in Germany, is now being openly accused of abandoning its Jewish community. As a surging tide of anti-Semitism has raged through German cities where latge
immigrant communities have been encouraged, the age old hatreds between Muslim and Jew mean that for the first time since the Nazi era ...
America should have been shaken to its roots by
the murder of
Austrialian born Minneapolis resident Justine Damond. Being a good citizen Ms. Damond called police after witnessing an assault in her neighborhood. Minutes after her 911 call was placed Damond was be dead, after a Somali Muslim member of Minneapolis' finest arrived ass first responder to the emergency call, turned off his body cam and calmly shot her through the police car window ...
Interviewed on UK Television the director and former Monty Python Flying Circus member Terry Gilliam said he did not like anything among the recent output from Hollywood. "I don't know what they are about," he complained, "there is a car chase, a few fights, a threat to civilisation and the hero saves the world." Continuing to critique the formulaic Hollywood blockbuster genre Gilliam said films, books and plays ought to be about ideas.
A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to German police officers who are investigating a recent string of violent assaults in the German capital. The self-appointed religious police consist entirely of Salafists from Chechnya, in the Caucasus. The vigilantes are name-and-shame tactics and physical violence to intimidate Chechen migrants and dissuade them from integrating into G
According to two opinion polls published this week and several other recent surveys, a large majority of Italians want to see the influx of illegal immigrants to the nation's southern regions stopped completely, and believe the ‘ius soli’ law being rushed throigh by Italy’s globalist government amounts to a policy of “ethnic replacement”, enacted to boost the proportion of left wing, pro EU voters in the nation.
The liberal mask behind which Europe's political, academic and financial elite hide their grand plan to undermine the solidarity of the working classes by flooding the continent with unskilled, illiterate, illegal immigrants from impoversished and confict stricken third world nations took a massive hit on Friday, when Italy's Former Prime Minister and current leader of The Democratic Party Matteo Renzi, said his country has "no moral duty to take in migrants",
We are often told that 'scientists' have made some advance in computer technology and soon we will be less intelligent than the machines we created. Strangely, computer scientists were sayingthe same when my first program I was loaded to a LEO computer from punched paper tape just over fifty years ago. and yet we seem to be no nearer creating any software that can be compared to human intelligence, (nerds may argue with that, but nerds are not human.)
Rumours of a plan byleft wing extremist supporters of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn are planning a purge of membrs who oppose the ultra - left leader have been rife since the General Election in June. Party managers have now taken the unusual step of
have denying reports that a group
of hard-left Members of Parliament is orchestrating a "purge" of moderate MPs, according to The Times newspaper.
France plans to impose a total ban on all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040, its new environment minister, Nicolas Hulot, has announced. We told you after the French elections the new president, grandmotherfucker Macron, was a clueless idiot who would continue the same politically correct globalist agenda that led to the failure of his predecessor Francois Holland's government and the near complete collapse of the socialist party.
The defendant in the libel trial, the 79-year-old Canadian climatologist, Dr Tim Ball is expected to instruct his British Columbia attorneys to trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud. Mann’s imminent defeat is set to send shock waves worldwide within the climate science community as the outcome will be both a legal and scientific vindication of U.S. President Donald Trump’s claims that climate scare stories are a "hoax."
A new report commissioned by David Cameron before he resigned as Prime minister has highlighted links between recent terror attacks in the UK and the funding of UK mosques by the extremist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia, which "is heavily involved in exporting an illiberal, bigoted fundamentalist ideology." The report criticises Cameron's successor
for "kowtowing" to Saudi Arabia's king by suppressing another government report into the funding of extremism in the UK.
Many wealthy and allegedly educated people have never used a bank card. Most are incapable of learning how to use the cards. With people tired of corrupt, untrustworthy and unpredictable banks incapable of providing reliable services, cash is coming back with a vengeance. The economy, however, continues to be stagnant. Businesses continue to fail, businessmen have grown tired of corrupt and rapacious bureaucrats and an extremely uncertain regulatory regime ...
What could pass for a dystopian vision of the workplace is almost routine at the Swedish startup hub Epicenter. The company offers to implant its workers and startup members with microchips the size of grains of rice that function as swipe cards: to open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.
The injections have become so popular that workers at Epicenter hold parties for those willing to get implanted.
... many French voters are already regretting that they allowed themselves to be railroaded into voting for an untried candidate with little political experience. Recently elected French President Emmanuel Macron has cancelled the traditional Bastille Day (July 14) president's press conference because, he claims, his thoughts are 'too complex' for media questions
The White House claims that the Syrian government is preparing "chemical weapon attacks". This is clearly not the case. Syria is winning the war against the country. Any such attack would clearly be to its disadvantage. The White House announcement must thereby be understood as preparation for another U.S. attack on Syria in "retaliation" for an upcoming staged "chemical weapon attack" ...
A Jewish girls' school in London has been failed for a third time by Education Department inspectors who claim it fell short of requirements set out in the Equalities Act to teach LGBT principles in general and homosexuality/gender reassignment issues in particular. The equalities act, you may remember is a pernicious piece of legislation pushed through by ...
Think tanks, academics and economists have consistently underestimated the impact that immigration and automation on the jobless figures. As data on jobs and openings clearly shows, even without taking into account the effects of massaging statistics by, for example, reclassifying those unemployed for over two years and dumping them off the monthly numbers.
While the Tesla company and its Ubernerd founder Elon Musk have for several years been the darlings of the stock markets and the media, things may be changing. Like most technology startups, Tesla talk a good launch but fail to deliver real results. Since the cars launched to widespread admirationed at the elegant design, and open mouthed shock at the huge price tags and ...
In the Swedish governments latest insult to all that is sane, Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has announced his government will force all priests in the Swedish church to marry same-sex couples. Mr Lofven argued that it did not matter what the view of the individual priests was and even supports a motion to only allow priests who agree with same-sex marriage the opportunity to be ordained
A report published this week calculates the jump in sales as a result of Ronald McDonald's new Experience of the Future strategy of replacing minimum wage workers with digital ordering and payment kiosks. As a result of legally mandated increases in minimum wages, the biggest employer of minimum wage workers will replace cashiers in at least 2,500 restaurants by the end of 2017
The headline should surprise no one, what is surprising is how far the rich will go to cheat old age and . Another surprise is that some people are only just catching on to what is happening
In a rare outbreak of common sense, a bill barring the US Federal Government from giving money and weapons to child murdering terrorists like the head amputators, slave dealers and human organ noshers of ISIS and Al Nusra (Barack Obama's beloved 'moderate rebels',) garnered hardly any support from either the Democratic Perpetual War Party, or the Republican War Is Good Business Party.
As we digest the news that King Salaman of Saudi Arabia has replaced his nominated heir, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, with his son, 31 year-old Prince Mohammed bin Salman, prominent in the Wahhabi sect, the most fundamental and implacably anti Christian branch of Islam and a far more radical figure, whose most recent role in the Saudi hierarchy has seen him in charge of managing the brutal war waged by Saudi Arabia on Yemen.
In the wake of the Manchester arena bombing, politicians, public servants and the media warned against blaming the Muslim community. I had to defriend someone on Facebook [... ] My blogged response to the Manchester Arena bombing was that we should get angry, not at Muslims in general, but at the politicians, and law enforcement officers who time and again have failed to act against suspected (and sometimes known,) terrorists ...
Sweden Sees More Than 50 Per Cent Rise in ‘No-Go Zones’
Left wing news organisations are still in denial about the problems being caused in European societies by the unchecked influx of unskilled, illiterate immigrants from backward third world nations. We have reported in this omnibus page on Sweden, where the ruling elite want to replace ethnic Swedes and Swedish culture with what they imagine will be a lovey - dovey, caring, sharing, Kumbaya singing, head-in-the-clouds global culture ...
soon after the suicide bomb at The Manchester Arena, I felt obliged to defriend someone on facebook, whom I have known online for around ten years. So what did this sweet lady, who writes books on medieval witchcraft and calls herself a pagan, do to piss me off? She showed herself to be a hypocrite by posting a whinge about people reacting with anger and 'hate' to
"I'm all about compassion, I will not stand by and see Muslims victimised because of this." Oh yeah? And what about the dead and injured victimised by a muslim extremist?
After the disastrous failure by Britain's Conservatives to secure a clear majority to enable them to force a favourable Brexit deal on the Euronazis of Brussels after they had been showing a significant lead in polls right up to election day, and the entirely predictable but disappointing failure of Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election ...
Russia conducted a safe and routine intercept of a US aircraft over the Baltic Sea on Friday, US Department of Defense spokesperson Capt. Jeff Davis revealed on Friday. "There was a routine and safe intercept that occurred during that [BALTOPS exercise]. This was not one we believe falls into the category of unsafe," Davis said. On June 6 Russia's Defense Ministry reported the Air Force scrambled an Su-27 fighter over the Baltics to to intercept and escort a US B-52 strategic bomber that approached its borders.
While mainstream media is in a frenzy over what former FBI chief James Comey will say to a Congressional hearing about Donald Trump's alleged links with Russia and attempt to shut down an investigation into those links, the UK election, Islamic extremist terrorism, football's latest multi - million transfer deals, etc., as usual the really big story is hardly being reported. We bring you the story from The Anti Media,
The US-led coalition officially operating in Syria to 'oppose and defeat ISIS' has again struck Syrian government forces near the At Tanf military base where US and British military personnel have been
training Al Nusra (and ISIS, the two are inseparable) US soldiers based in At Tanf reportedly shot down an armed drone outside its demilitarised zone. The previous airstrike close to At Tanf on Tuesday was condemned by Damascus and Moscow.
But the ice caps just didn't get the message, and, as we reported yesterday, the ice caps are just as thick as they were decades ago.
Those poor polar bears photoshopped onto ice floes will be just fine, and the fifty million refugees it was predicted would be displaced by rising sea levels are comfy in their homes as life goes on in the usual way.
In 2012 some little statistics nerd named Nate Silver was elevated to the pantheon of Technological Gods, when he correctly predicted, having modelled the outcome of the vote on his meta - analysis of opinion polls, that Barack Obama would win a second term as US President. That was the election in which Obama's opponent Mitt Romney famously threw the fat lady off the stage long before she had even done her warm up scales
Six months after her humiliation by Donald Trump in the US Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton is still trying to blame The Russians, Bernie Sanders and his supporters, Wikileaks, Fox News, Breitbart, anyone in fact except herself. It's all bollocks of course, She was the one who lost the election, nobody else. When it was obvious that more than half of America regarded her as the most obnoxious, disagreeable, unethical, lying, piece of ...
a name="/2017-may.shtml#170605-google">Google's New Ad Blocker? Here's What's Really Going On
Google is not a search engine company, the search engine is just window dressing. Google is a data mining company that steals users' personal information to advertisers. When web users learned of the extent of Google's data gathering (spying) and invading our privacy they started to use ad blockers. This hit Google's revenue of course, until they hit upon a neat idea to consolidate its already-dominant business: block competitors from appearing on its platforms.
London Mayors links to terrorism and Islamic extremism exposed. When The Labour Party put up Sadiq Khan as their candidate for Mayor of London it was seen as a cynical ploy, it is well known that Labour voters will vote for a dog turd if it has a red rosette stuck on it, so obviously feeling confident enough to take around 40% of the vote for granted it was a politically smart move to pitch for the votes of London's large and growing Muslim population ...
Voters were assured that Sadiq Khan despised Muslim extremism and would, as mayor, work to promote integration and mutual understanding. And when new medisa muckrakers such as Guido Fawkes blog found that Mr. Khan was not quite as clean as he had been painted (or whitewashed), mainstream media went into a frenzy of self righteousness, throwing accusations of racism and bigotry around like snowflakes in a blizzard. CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, they yelled at those who questioned Khan's claims to be a moderate, secular Muslim. As usual the 'conspiracy theory' has turned out to be true.
VIDEONobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.
The science is settled, they kept telling us, and catastropic climate change is coming at us like a runaway train. If the sun don't fry you, droughts and famine don't starve you and rising sea levels don't drown you, then the UV radiation will turn you into a walking, talking melanoma. Of course there was no real -world evidence for this bullshit, only output from mathematical models of the climate, produced after the actual data had been adjusted.
Fulfilling another campaign pledge, US President Donald Trump yesterday announced the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate pact and that he will work to renegotiate the international agreement in a way that treats American workers better. "So we are getting out, but we will start to negotiate and we will see if we can make a deal, and if we can, that’s great. And if we can’t, that’s fine," Trump said Thursday
As the UK still reels from last week's sucidebomb attack which killed 22 people and left over 100 injured after a pop concert in Manchester, the former counter-terrorism chief of London's Metropolitan Police has said Brexit will not weaken the UK’s security measures or make the country more vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
The majority of Swedish voters believe the media is dishonest about problems mass inward migration and the government's 'open doors' policy of allowing in anybody who presents at the borders without even cursory checks has deliered in Swedish society, according to research presented by the nation’s Institute of Media Studies.
It is customary for US Presidents, when they leave office either having served two terms, been defeated in an election, or of their own volition, to fade quietly into the background. This is largely good manners, for an ex President to appear to be trying to intervene on political issues and influence events or public opinion is not only undignified, it is socially divisive ...
Britain’s oldest and one of its most prestigious universities has come over all Brack Obama and yielded sanity and academic impartialityto politically correct bigotry from a National Union of Students (Special Snowflake branch)campaign with rejoices in the title, ‘Why is my curriculum white? The snowflakes who are mainly white themselves but are too thick to have noticed that, are protesting against the alleged “Eurocentrism” of history teaching.
As the political system in Britain seems to be falling apart ahead of the election, the mess in America seems to get worse and worse because delusional Democrats just can't accept that they lost the election last November
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay their NATO subs, should they come under attack, he has done it again ...
So things dod not go according to the New World Order plan at Donald Trump's first G-7 summit, where the US president refused to be pushed around by leaders of second division powers including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and new French President Macron. The G7 was downgrated from the G8 because of Vladimir Putin's obstinacy in resisting Obama's efforts to depose the Assad regime in Syria, now appearsd to be heading towards further diminuition as the G6.
After failing to act against known terrorist suspects and thus foil the two terror attacks to hit the U.K. this year – both carried out by jihadis who were known to U.K. authorities and were on 'watch' lists, intelligence agencies have identified 23,000 potential jihadis living in Britain, according to a report published in the Times today (27 May).
Salman Abedi, the Manchester suicide bomber responsible for killing 22 people at the end of an Aleana Grande concert at Manchester Arena
was previously known to British security and intelligence agencies. In fact, as we reported yesterday, UK Security Services had been warned of his jihadist sympathies many times over a five year period.
Since the defeat of Washington insider and the anointed of The Military / Industrial Complex, Hillary Clinton by billionaire businessman, TV star and all round loudmouth Donald Trump, the Democrats, bad losers like all left wing parties have been levelling trumped - up accusations of collaborating with Russia at Trump. It started before votes were cast of course, when Clinton's campaign accused the Russians of hacking private servers
In the wake of the Manchester Arena bombing it has emerged that police and security services failed to act on numerous over five years that suicide bomber Salman Abedi was a potential terrorist. Had law enforcement authorities not been such pussies thay are afraid of being called racist, Abedi’s deadly terror attack might well have been prevented, according to information from independent investigators.
Congressman Trey Gowdy, who has a reputation in Washington for asking questions the rich and powerful do not want to answer has confirmed what was hinted at in a leak a few days ago, namely that the crimes Hillary Clinton is
implicated in (including corruption, electoral fraud, abuse of office for personal gain and perjury) are "much worse than first thought." Details emerging from the investigation into her emails are soon to go public ...
It should be clear to all reasoning people with the ability for critical thinking that a pattern of cultural warfare has been unfolding against the Western world since at least the end of World War Two. The
contrast between what was then and what is now is stark and
frightening. It should serve as all the evidence we require to make the
final determination about what has been happening.
“There’s not even a whimper” when powerful nations bomb civilians or “invent” WMDs to invade other countries, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte told Maria Finosha of RT, in an interview this week. Duterte complained that the West pretends to care about human rights only when it suits the globalist agenda. Duterte visiting Moscow this week.
Women in an eastern Parisian district, angry at the failure of the city authorities to act on complaints of sexual harassment have staged demonstrations and launched an online petition (which gathered 7,000 signatures in 24 hours,) over
what they call a “male den” in their neighborhood, where women are routinely subjected to physical harassment and sexist taunts.
When news came that the Syrians were advancing towards American bases things looked serious.
And then a US-led coalition strike on a pro-government convoy in Syria, branded by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as illegitimate and representing yet another violation of Syria’s sovereignty, appears to have dashed any hopes of a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...
Although people in India are cautiously welcoming the ongoing anti-corruption raids on opposition party leaders and their families, viewing them as proof of the federal government’s resolve to fight corruption, others see what has been happening as amounting to a political vendetta by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party
As the latest distractions, the false flag cyber attack and the
completely unsupported allegations from Democrat friendly mainstream media that Donald Trump fired former FBI director James Comey because the president has a sinister closet of Russian skeletons to hide from the public look increasingly risible, the United States' latest middle east misadventure is another step towards direct military confrontation with Russia in Syria.
Ever since Donald Trump defeated Democratic Party candidate hillary Clinton in the US Presidential Election, Democrats have based their efforts to make a case for having the result overturned on unsubstantiated allegations that the Trump campaign worked with Russian intelligence officials to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election thereby 'stealing' the White House from Hillary Clinton.
some more level headed commentators on world affairs have speculated on how long it would be before the leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk breakaway regions would finalize their spilt with Ukraine by seeking to join the Russian Federation. The two regions in eastern Ukraine both have ethic Russian majorities and were strong supporters of the democratically elected pro – Russian government overthrown by a CIA engineered coup in 2014
Rotherham Child Rape Victim Was Told Not to Mention Ethnicity of A Says ‘Authorities Did Nothing’,A victim of abuse in the now notorious Muslim grooming gang scandal in Rotherham, Yorkshire, said she first reported being raped when she was 13 years old, but authorities did nothing and told her not to mention the ethnicity of the attackers.
So how did that global cyber attack happen?
The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.
Evidence given in a
congressional hearing revealed that former FBI director James Comey, recently fired by President Trump, seized and buried evidence that Trump was the target of government surveillance before he became president. Former FBI director Comey seized and buried volumes of information that demonstrated a wide-ranging government surveillance operation targeting Donald Trump before he became president ...
The biggie in our view is the news that The Pentagon has asked for a big increase in the number of troops deployed in Afghanistan. After 16 years of repeating Einstein's definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results the players who make up the American Deep State have learned nothing.
When I heard that the actor, writer, wit and raconteur Stephen Fry faces prosecution in Ireland for an alleged blasphemy contained in what seem to me fairly innocuous remarks, it reminded me that recently an anti blasphemy law was enacted in that so called liberal utopia, Canada. Blasphemy a crime in this secular century. What's going on?
Germany offering Britain post-BREXIT access to the European market for an annual “fee”! Who do these sausage scoffers think they are? The German government might like to pretend otherwise but there are twenty six other EU member states involved in negotiating any post – Brexit trade agreement with the UK, and Germany is not overly popular with many of them.
We've heard a lot about Fake News throught 2016 and so far this year. Fake News is anything that was critical of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, or anything that was supportive (even slightly so), or not totally biased against Donald Trump. Surrporters or impartial reporters of Bernies Sanders, Clinton's rival for the Democratic nomination, were similarly accused of using Fake News to discredit the Clinton campaign ...
Yes, that other war in the middle east in still going on as Saudi Arabia continues its efforts to crush Yemen.On Sunday, Yemeni Ansarullah movement (the Houthi shia Muslim rebels) supported by Yemeni Army units loyal to Supreme Political Council (SPC) in the nation's capital Sana’a, attacked a Saudi army position in Jizan province near Yemeni border.
While the mainstream media and those who relish the prospect of living in a society best represented by the image of “a military boot stamping down on a human face forever” are celebrating the victory of the new Obama, the global elite’s office boy Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential election and proclaiming the death of nationalism, another, potentially more significant, story was emerging from the voting statistics.
If, as now looks certain, 'the empty suit' Emmanel Macron, the candidate with no partyu, no philosophy and no policies becomes President of France when the official announcement of the result is made, what will become of those French people who do not want Islamification to continue. Apart from being a globalist, pro European integration, mass immigration supporting apparatchik of the banking cartel, who know what kind of France Marcon's government will deliver
In a move that excluded the USA and NATO from the decision making process on s middle east conflict, the major regional powers, on Thursday 4 May Russia, Iran and Turkey signed a memorandum on creating safe zones in Syria, while the delegation of the armed Syrian opposition walked out and shouted angrily after a new round of peace talks held in the Kazakh capital Astana.
After a massive hack on the campaign of French presidential candidate, the former Golman Sachs banker Emmanuel Macron, 9 gigabytes of Macron-linked documents containing much potentially harmful information about Marcon’s personal finances were released on an anonymous pastebin website on Friday afternoon.
ISIS has issued a 'fat arse' or whatever they call it, to Muslims in France to "kill candidates" and "burn down polling stations" as the country gets ready to vote in the second round of the presidential election on Sunday.
An article published in the French edition of the terrorist organisation's monthly propaganda sheet “Rumiyah” calls on all Muslims in France to play their part in disrupting the democratic process,
Back in March, the President of South Africa made a shocking suggestion, which left many white landowners fearing that they may face a race war in the near future. In a speech, Jacob Zuma announced that he wanted the government to begin confiscating white owned lands, before redistributing them to black South Africans. Zuma wants a “pre-colonial land audit of land use and occupation patterns” to help decide which lands need to be taken,
That headline might look like sensationalist click bait to you, but the nuclear scientists who contribute to
appear to think it is an accurate reflection of the US Government's current strategic thinking. The august joural that serves as the newsletter for members of their profession carries some very worrying news on US plans to modernise its nuclear arsenal.
Front - runner in the French Presidential election and pro-Federal-Europe estblishment candidate, the former Goldman Sachs banker Emmanuel Macron has lashed out at his opponents supporters, branding them "anti-France" and "true enemies".
In a moment resembling Hillary Clinton’s infamous “deplorables” comment, M. Macron took to the stage at a 10,000-strong rally in Paris to dub Front National the "anti-France party", branding their supporters "fearmongerers" and "extremists".
Anti-mass migration French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has, surprisingly, attracted majority support among young voters. Two first-time voters explained why she appeals to them. The pair Sacha T. and Baptiste L, are casting their ballots for Marine Le Pen. They are part of a trend of French youth rejecting traditional parties, complaining that neither the socialists or the republicans speak to the young, Liberation reports.
Tensions between the UK and Europe escalated overnight after EU negotiators increased their demand for compensation from Britain’s for the anticipated effects of Brexit to EUR100 billion, (You can imagine Juncker and Barnier, dressed in Mao suits, sticking little fingers in the corner of their mouth and in silly voices intoning “One – hundred – billion – Euros ...
So a majority of young Europeans would join the revolution and overthrow the rulting elite? Unfortunately the silly, dumbed down little twats have no idea what they would replace it with. <uch of the problem relates to increased corporate power and monopoly, which has resulted in a less dynamic economy characterized by a neo-feudal plantation model where a small group of people continue to rent-seek profits at the expense of society at large.
In an article so laden with qualifiers it could have ben written by a couple of 'warmageddonist' climate scientists phishing for research grants, New York Times reporters David Sanger and William Broad (4/24/17) portrayed a Trump administration forced to follow the diktat of the military / industrial complex
to the growing and impending threat posed by North Korea's nuclear arsenal.
The Senior National Co-ordinator for Counter Terrorism has revealed that police are making terror-related arrests “on a near daily basis”. Meanwhile, a study estimates the number of Islamists in the country is “between 6,000 and 10,000”. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu of the Metropolitan Police revealed the scale of the struggle police face to contain terrorism by home grown extremists in a statement to reporters ...
EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini said in Malta on Friday that accession talks with Turkey have not been halted, following a Turkish referendum that gave President Erdogan dictatorial powers. Despite this rejection of the democratic principle all EU members are in theory expected to uphold, Mogherini still wants the predominently Islamic middle easter nation, to join.
Marine Le Pen's bid to emulate the Brexit and Trump shocks and in the face of adverse polling figures win election a risked a setbacks President of France received a potentially damaging blow on Friday (April 28) when her deputy, who is currently leading the Front National (FN) party leaving Le Pen to focus on her campaign was forced to step down in order to defend himself against charges that he shares the views of Holocaust deniers.
I was once told by somebody who identifies herself as a supporter of the progressive left that giving dictionary definitions when a "progressive" uses a word or phrase wrongly is "something conservatives do." Unfortunately the people who corrected me were invariably wrong because rather than looking in Webster's or the Oxford English Dictionary they look only in Wiktionary. which at best only gives a part definition.
The only way to stop the United States’ aggression is to get rid of dollar addiction, a Kremlin advisor said on Friday. "The more aggressive the Americans are the sooner they will see the final collapse of the dollar as the only way for the victims of American aggression to stop this aggression is to get rid of the dollar. As soon as we and China are through with the dollar, it will be the end of the United States’ military might," Sergey Glazyev said in an interview with TASS.
I don’t know if many of you remember London's Atheist Bus a few years ago. It toured the city bearing adverts that read: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’ and was a great success[ ... ] this demonstrates the Sheeple - like tendencies of those who claim they have reason on their side: the religious propagandist with the sandwich board saying ‘repent, the end is nigh' was always the subject of jokes. Why do the opposing side now feel the need to parade high tech sandwich boards saying, "no need to repent, the end isn't nigh'?
We have said many times that liberals' and socialists' fondness for members of minority groups only extends to those minority group members who suppport every detail of the left wing politically correct agenda. The latest appointment by President Donald Trump to his administration proves this. The new Surgeon General appointee, Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, a black fmale, would fill most of the criteria one would expect to make a liberal happy ...
Economist and humanity hater (apparently) Paul Krugman takes up a subject that as a former Information Technology professional I have long been mildly concerned about. In these two blogs Futurism and Policy and The Conscience Of A Liberal) Krugman discusses the rise of robotics. How a big government authoritarian like Krugman can put a title that includes the words 'liberal' and 'conscience' to one of his justifications of economic Fascism is a testimony to the fact that you don't have to be either intelligent or even literate to be a university Professor
Islamic State may be on the brink of defeat in Mosul, but the terror group is determined to go down with all guns blazing. A few days ago the world was going crazy about the alleged chemical weapon attack by the Assad regime in Syria. But while European and American media and politicians were laying the outrage on with trowels, in Mosul, Iraq, the US backed 'moderate rebels' (the same ISIS afilliated guys as are our allies in Syria,) were attacking Asmerican and Iraqi government personnel with chemical weapons of their own ...
Leaders of the (UKIP) have made astonishing claim that Prime Minister Teresa May’s calling an early General Election was done to pre-empt a series of by-elections that could be called following alleged electoral fraud. Accusing the Conservative government of “putting party before country”, UKIP appeared to suggest the scandal and ensuing disqualification of MPs could rob the government of its slender majority.
Like many people both in and outside the USA, our contributors hope for something better from President Donald J Trump, the businessman, the deal maker, than a quick return to the warmongering and belligerence of the Obama era. It was always obvious Trump would struggle to keep his campaign promise to disengage from Obama's wars, because Obama's wars were Bush's wars also, the profit engine of the military / industrial complex.
French police found guns and bomb-making materials during searches of suspected terrorist bases in the southern city of Marseille on Tuesday (April 18). Two men suspected of plotting a major attack days before presidential polls were arrested, sources with inside knowledge of police operations said. The weapons and bomb making tackle were discovered after the suspects – “radicalised) (i.e. Muslim) Frenchmen aged 23 and 29 – were taken into custody.The informants asked not to be named because they were not authorised to speak publicly.
... soon childcare become an industry and ruled young mums out of taking part time work. If you work, you need expensive childcare. The response to this was another bureaucratic voucher system consuming vastly more money. This gradual appropriation and regulation of just about every facet of life has destroyed the voluntary ethos and in so doing has destroyed communities and made people entirely dependent on mechanisms of the state. Our welfare policy is an extension of this. The nationalisation of poor people.
Unicorns, they're fabulous, beautiful, mystical and infallible. And they have no substance to enable them to survive in the real world. I'm not talking about the Unicorns in fairy stories, like Tinkerbell they will exist in the real world as long as someone believes in them. No, I mean the high tech Unicorns that have emerged from Silicon (Silly con?) Valley in the past decade. It will take more than belief to preserve their existence.
The title is a phrase used to sum up the philosophy of Dr. Pangloss. "Dr. who?" you might well ask because few people today are likely to be familiar with Pangloss or his philosophies. Dr. Pangloss, you see, is a fictional character, friend and mentor to the main character in Voltaire's novel "Candide", his purpose is to highlight the foolishness of optimism in the face of reality.
It was obvious to anyone who has done even a little reading in the field of political philosophy that Barack Obama was a Marxist, not an economic Marxist but a political or cultural Marxist, whose thinking like that of The Frankfurt School and Saul Alinsky was based more on Marx's other book, The Communist Manifesto than on his impractical but good-looking-on-paper economic theories
If the ruling elites want to establish global control they need to be able to control all information the general population have access to. The idea of controlling information in order to limit the ability to think and develop ideas served Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and many other dictators well…
Since the Syrian civil war began analysts commented only on Syria’s alliances with the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Both are important allies in President Assad’s struggle against Islamic extremist rebels, but they are not his only powerful friends. Interviewed by Chinese media last month, Assad called China, “a real friend, a friend that you can rely on.”
When the eventual winner of the presidential election, billionaire Donald Trump (and the fact that Trump is a billionaire should tell you he's no angel himself) introduced into his campaign rhetoric the phrase "drain The Swamp" it seems he had littley idea how big, deep or rotten the swamp left behind by the Obama administration would actually be.
Hungarian lawmakers from Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Fidesz party approved a law that could force a university founded by financier George Soros out of the country despite a protests from Soros hirelings and condemnation abroad. The legislation passed with 123 votes in favor and 38 against, while 38 deputies did not vote.
In testimony last year to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, ICE Agent Taylot Johnson said she was stripped of her gun and badge without explanation after discovering fraud and abuse. She was then offered hush money in the amount of a severance package of $100,000 if she would just sign a non-disclosure agreement and quietly go away.
In January 2015 The New York Times printed an article in which the author totally denied that there are "no-go-zones" - areas that are not under the rule of law but are controlled by immigrant criminal gangs and ruled according to sharia law by Imams linked to the gangs, and areas dominated by certain immigrant groups into which state security agents, medical staff and firefighters dare not go ...
Throughout this omnibus volume we have been reporting for several years on the moves by Russia, China, their allies and other nations in


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