The journey of making the Cross Country team was precious but also a challen 英文名ge for me.

From Roger Pielke Sr’s Climate Science Website
A new paper has appeared (thanks to Timo H?meranta for alerting us to it!)
Urban, Nathan M., and Klaus Keller, 2009. . Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L04708, doi:10.GL036457, February 25, 2009. in press,
which provides further discussion of this question.
The abstract of this paper reads
“A persistent feature of empirical climate sensitivity estimates is their heavy tailed probability distribution indicating a sizeable probability of high sensitivities. Previous studies make general claims that this upper heavy tail is an unavoidable feature of (i) the Earth system, or of (ii) limitations in our observational capabilities. Here we show that reducing the uncertainty about (i) oceanic heat uptake and (ii) aerosol climate forcing can — in principle — cut off this heavy upper tail of climate sensitivity estimates. Observations of oceanic heat uptake result in a negatively correlated joint likelihood function of climate sensitivity and ocean vertical diffusivity. This correlation is opposite to the positive correlation resulting from observations of surface air temperatures. As a result, the two observational constraints can rule out complementary regions in the climate sensitivity-vertical diffusivity space, and cut off the heavy upper tail of the marginal climate sensitivity estimate”.
A key statement in the text of their paper reads
“Surface temperature observations permit high climate sensitivities if there is substantial unrealized “warming in the pipeline” from the oceans. However, complementary ocean heat observations can be used to test this and can potentially rule out large ocean warming. Ocean heat observations are compatible with high sensitivities if there is substantial surface warming which is penetrating poorly into the oceans. Again, complementary surface temperature observations can test this, and can potentially rule out large surface warming.”
By “unrealized warming in the pipeline”, they mean heat that is being stored within the ocean, which can subsequently be released into the ocean atmosphere. It is erroneous to consider this heat as ”unrealized warming”, if the Joules of heat are actually being stored in the ocean. The heat is “realized”; it would just not be entering the atmosphere yet.
As discussed in the Physics Today paper
Pielke Sr., R.A., 2008: . Physics Today, 61, Vol. 11, 54-55,
there has been no heating of the upper ocean since mid-2003. Moreover, there has been no heating within the
troposphere (e.g.
of the RSS MSU data).
Thus, there is no “warming in the pipeline” using the author’s terminology, nor any heating within the atmosphere! Perhaps the heating that was observed prior to 2003 will begin again, however, it is scientifically incorrect to report that there is any heat that has not yet been realized within the climate system.
The answer to the question posted in this weblog “Is There Climate Heating In “The Pipeline”? is NO.
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%d bloggers like this:When I was a girl of 10,I joined the school cross-country team and practiced twice a week,on the 1,8-km course I'd never really run before and I thought the course would be easy.It was a real shock I ran out of breathe (喘气)_百度作业帮
When I was a girl of 10,I joined the school cross-country team and practiced twice a week,on the 1,8-km course I'd never really run before and I thought the course would be easy.It was a real shock I ran out of breathe (喘气)
&&&& When I was a girl of 10,I joined the school cross-country team and practiced twice a week,on the 1,8-km course I'd never really run before and I thought the course would be easy.It was a real shock I ran out of breathe (喘气) within the first few minutes.I never realized how tiring running could be but I didn't think about give up.&&& &&&& Over time,I did get a little bit faster.However,I was really slow.In races,I would finish close to last. I'd always have to stop more than once,especially in the longer races,which were 2.5 to 2.8 km.After every race,I'd go home and cry.But 1 still didn't stop running,holding onto that picture of crossing the
finishing line and finally doing well.&&&& Then one of my friends joined the team,too.She could run easily and even came in the 18th in a big race! I felt so slow and my confidence (自信) was lower than ever.I became so nervous when I thought of the races that I wanted to give up badly.&&&& Still.I refund to.Finally.&I realized that the reason I was to nervous was that I was always worried that I wasn't ready for them.So a few weeks before the next 2.8-km race.I practiced running almost 3 km every
day.which helped me improve my pace (步伐).&&&& When the time came for the big race,all that practicing really paid off.I stopped only once and my pace
was so much better.&&&& I realized that I'd finally gotten happiness with running.But the funny thing was.It didn't come from
doing better,Instead,it came from the fact that I hid tried harder and never given up.
1.Before she took the 1.8-km course,the writer ________.
A.knew a lot about it B.wanted to be a great runner
C.practiced running every day D.never thought running so tired
2.The writer was nervous about the race because she _______.
A.had to stop to drink water B.was worried she wasn't ready slower than anyone else D.could find no coach to help her
3.The underlined phrase "paid off" probably mean "______".
A.brought good results B.coat a lot C.saved much time D.came to fail
4.It can be inferred (推断) from the passage that the writer ______. angry with her friend
B.wasn't pleased with herself C.was a person with a strong mind
D.had no Interest In running
1-4&&&& &DBAC


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