his mother wants to buy some nice food改成反问句大全

七年级英语牛津版7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town讲学稿
牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome to Sunshine Town讲学稿课题:第一课时 Welcome to the Unit课型:新授
日A. 教学目标:1. 掌握本课的生词。2.
能用所学英语谈论自己的爱好。3. 复习城市中有关各种活动场所的词汇。B.教学过程1.
简要复习第一单元的内容,并引人本单元情境。  2.
将一些场所的名称写在黑板上带领学生读,确保学生能掌握其读音。4. 呈现体育馆和羽毛球的图片,say: I can play badminton in the sports centre. Do you like playing badminton? 启发学生根据实际情况回答。  5. 指导学生完成课本第25页A部分和B部分的书面练习,然后两人一组问答。  6.
让学生带着老师的问题去听Comic strip的录音。解释课文,让学生朗读课文。  7. 让学生分角色表演对话。  8. 家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:1.在课本22页和23页划出新词汇:tin,none, order, pizza, badminton,
你会读他们吗? 根据音标和规则试着读几遍吧,并了解他们的中文意思,不会读的请记录下来:    ________________________________________________________   2.跟磁带朗读第24页,可要注意语音语调哦!   3.用横线画出你认为重要的短语和句子。   4.会翻译下面的词组吗?不会的在书上找找吧!     1)多少钱_____________
2)一听狗食_____________     3)购物中心_____________
4)体育中心 _____________5)去超市_____________
6)点一个比撒饼_____________   5.预习反思:通过预习,你还有什么不懂? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!   1..tin
听   a tin of dog food ,
two tins of dog food,
how many tins of dog food   2. 1) A
how much +不可数名词
如:how much water / rice /fruit /money   
How much sugar is there in the carton ?B
多少钱How much is the fish ? It's ten yuan a kilo.How much do they cost? They cost 20 yuan.   2)
how many +可数名词复数
如:how many bags of rice /sheep /knives   
How many cups of tea are there on the table ?  3.
None of +名词复数 +动词单数/复数  
the girls is a nurse.  
the girls are nurses.  
None of +不可数名词 +动词单数。  
None of the fruit is bad.  4.
1)点饭菜等, order a pizza
order some fish  
order sb to do sth 如:He orders us to clean the room now.5.
拿走,带走Take your knife there ,please.Take them to the restaurants.(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:一, 单项选择。(
water in the cup.A
good friends.A
Chinese food.A
Shanghai next week.A
TV do you watch every day ?A
D How long(
It is important to practice
English every day.A
Kitty often
( go ) to the shopping mall because she
( shop ).2,
( eat ) hamburgers and fried chicken.3,
( do ) sports. Especially I enjoy
( play ) basketball.4,
Jim is a movie fan. He loves
( see ) films.5,
Would you like
( go ) to the sports centre with me ?三,句型转换。1,
There is no dog food.(用not 改写)  There
dog food.2,
We have only one yuan .(对画线部分提问)do you have?3,
We can buy 3 tins of dog food . (对画线部分提问)dog food
I enjoy playing badminton. (对画线部分提问)you enjoy
?B.提高题:完型填空。What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to
at home,but others like to go
a walk or play football. My friend Peter works hard in a factory during the
. At the weekend, he also
many things. On Saturday he
5his car and on
he goes with his family to the countryside by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn't a
on e, but there's always
to do on the farm. The children play with the animals and give them their
. Peter and his wife help their uncle and aunt in the fields . At the end of the day, they are all10 and Peter's aunt gives them a big meal.(
) 2. A. to
) 3. A. day
D. weekends(
) 4. A. does
C. borrows
) 5. A. watches
B. driving
D. washez(
B Saturday
D Wednesday(
) 7 A small
) 8 A much
) 9 A clothes
) 10 A clean
D friedlyD.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome to Sunshine Town讲学稿课题:第二课时 Reading课型:新授
日A. 教学目标1读懂文章,了解阳光镇的基本情况。2复习和拓展有关生活方式和活动的词汇。3了解录象解说词的写作方式。4学习介绍城市各种功能的角度和方法。B.教学过程1.
与学生探讨居住环境,鼓励学生发表自己的观点。  2. 教师向学生介绍自己的观点,通过引导,向学生教授新知识。3.
与学生进行交流,让学生用新知识回答。4. 组织学生两人一组按照示范交流开展对话。  5. 教师向学生提一个问题:Where is Sunshine Town?让学生带着这个问题快速的阅读课文。  6.
教师为学生播放录音,让他们边听边读,并完成第29页C1部分的判断正误练习。  7. 学生跟着录音朗读课文。然后,教师把学生分成四人小组,每组针对每一段落的课文内容尽可能多提问题,让各组学生邀请其它组的学生回答。  8. 教师指导学生完成第29页C2部分的配对练习。  9学生集体朗读课文,完成课本第28页B1和B2部分的练习。  10教师解释课文中的重点、难点。  11鼓励学生根据课本提供的情境,用自己的语言复述课文。  12布置家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:1.在课本26页和27页划出新词汇:
你会读它们吗? 根据音标和规则试着读几遍吧,并了解他们的中文意思,不会读的请记录下来:    ________________________________________________________   2.跟磁带朗读第课文,可要注意语音语调哦!   3.用横线画出你认为重要的短语和句子。   4.会翻译下面的词组吗?不会的在书上找找吧!     1)欢迎来到阳光镇_____________
2)乘地铁_____________     3)去散步_____________
4)与......亲近 _____________5)京剧_____________
6)不要紧_____________     7)难说
8)在第九层     9)例如
10)中国的首都   5.预习反思:通过预习,你还有什么不懂? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!1..would like sth /to do sth
想要......(1 ) I'd like some bread, what about you?(2 ) Would you like some eggs?(3 ) Jim would like to go walking with me.2 It's +时间+by bike/ on foot ...+from +sp +to sp.(1) It's five minutes by bike from my home to the school.= My home is five minutes by bike from the school.
我家骑自行车到学校要五分钟。(2 ) It's half an hour by bus from Yi Zheng to Yang Zhou.3 less + 不可数名词+ than(1 ) I have less water than you. =My water is less than yours.
我的水比你的少。(2 ) There is less juice in this bottle than in that one.这个瓶子里的果汁比那个里面少。4
be close to ...(1 ) I'm very close to my parents.
我和我的父母很亲近。(2 ) Are you close to your classmates? 你和你的同学关系亲近吗?5
直到......才......(1) I often do my homework until 10 o'clock in the evening.我经常做家庭作业到晚上10点钟。(2) They usually stay there until late at night.他们常呆在那到深夜。  6
/ It takes ...  
(1 ) Sb pays money for sth.  
I paid 5 yuan for the pencil case.
He paid a lot of money for the house.
(2) Sb spend momey /time on / ( in ) doing sth.  
I often spend two hours on / doing my homework.
I spent 5 yuan on / buying the pencil case. 我花了5块钱买这个铅笔盒。  
(3 ) Sth cost sb money.  
The pencil case cost me 5 yuan. 我花了5块钱买这个铅笔盒。  
(4 ) It takes sb some time to do sth.  
It takes me two hours to do my homework every day. 我每天花两个小时做我的家庭作业。  7 It's +adj. +( for sb ) to do sth.
(1)It's important for me to keep healthy. 保持健康对我而言很重要。  
(2 ) It's hard for them to answer the question.回答这个问题对他们来讲太难了。  8
Why don't you do sth? = Why not do sth?  
Why don't you go there by bus? =Why not go there by bus?你为什么不乘公共汽车去那呢?  
(2 ) Why don't you visit the hospital with us? = Why not visit the hospital with us? 你为什么不和我们去参观医院呢?  9 Never mind.
不要紧,没关系。   Mind doing sth. 介意做某事
Do you mind me smoking here ?(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:1, 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1)
There is less air p
in Yunnan than in Shanghai.2)
We all like s
an interesting film.3)
You can't get off the bus u
it stops.4)
My grandparents often see plays in a t
Most of people in our city live in tall b
such a tall building
places like this3)
be close to friends
4) in the centre of Beijing5)
choose any food you like
6) most of us7)
12)住在现代化的城镇里3,完成句子。1,从我家到学校乘地铁要20分钟。20 minutes
from my home
.2,Jim 和Tom是好朋友,他们之间很亲近。Jim and Tom are
. They are
each other.3,他每天做作业直到晚上10:00。He
his homework
ten p.m. every day.4,我朋友的家在市中心。My friend's home is
.5,为什么不去散步?Why not
?6,公园离这儿近,我不需要乘公共汽车。The park is
there .7,这个杯子里的水比那个少。There
in this glass than in that one.8,这商店到晚上十点才关门。This shop
ten o'clock.B.提高题:阅读理解。An Englishman was once traveling in Italy. One day he went into a small restaurant to order dinner. He knew very little Italian and was unable to read the menu(菜单)。 He knew the word for "egg", and so he ordered eggs. The man wanter to try some mushrooms ( 蘑菇)
with his eggs. But he didn't know the word for "mushrooms ". The waiter ( 服务员) didn't speak a word of English and could not help him.At last , the man took a pencil and a piece of pater out of his pocket and carefully drew a picture of a mushroom on the paper. The waiter looked at the picture of the mushroom for a long time. He didn't know very well, but at last he left. He was out for a long time. After about half an hour, he came back. But instead of mushrooms, he brought the man a large black umbrella
( 伞)。根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误( F).(
) 1. An Englishman ordered dinner in an American restraint.(
) 2. The Englishman did not know the word for "egg".(
) 3. The waiter didn't know English at all.(
) 4. The waiter didn't know what the English meant.(
) 5. The Englishman liked the umbrella very much.D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?                              牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome toSunshine Town讲学稿课题:第三课时 Reading (B and C)课型:新授
日A. 教学目标1读懂文章,了解阳光镇的基本情况。2复习和拓展有关生活方式和活动的词汇。3了解录象解说词的写作方式。4学习介绍城市各种功能的角度和方法。B.教学过程1.
Free Talk.2. 复习第26页和27页的内容和重点单词以及句子。3. 完成B1和B2的练习。4. 让学生阅读第26页和27页的内容,并根据课文内容完成第29页的T or F练习。5.学生讨论在阳光镇可以做一些什么事,再想想在我们的周围可以做什么。6.完成C2的练习,然后让学生总结阳光镇的一些情况。7.鼓励学生,假如他是一个导游,让他用自己的语言介绍仪征,并在全班展开竞赛,看谁吸引的游客多。8.让学把自己的学校与北京阳光中学作比较,仿造课文,写一段话,简单地描述生。教师可在班上巡视,给予必要指导。最后选出一两篇完成较快的作为范文,在全班朗读让其他同学进行创造性补充或点评。9
家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:1.在课本28页和29页划出新词汇:
你会读它们吗? 根据音标和规则试着读几遍吧,并了解他们的中文意思,不会读的请记录下来:    ________________________________________________________   2.把书上不懂的地方画出来。   3.会翻译下面的词组吗?不会的在书上找找吧!     1)北京烤鸭_____________
2)观看戏剧或演出_____________     3)购物中心_____________
6)更少的空气污染_____________     7)想起
8)许多漂亮的纪念品   4.预习反思:通过预习,你还有什么不懂? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!1 think of
想起,认为(1)What do you think of Yang Zhou ?
你认为扬州怎么样?(2 ).. I'm sad when I think of my little dog's death.
表伴随的状态。(1) the girl with glasses 戴眼镜的女孩(2 )
the house with a garden behind it
后面有花园的房子   (3 )
the teacher with a book in her hand 手里拿一本书的老师3
It takes sb some time to do sth.
某人花费多长时间做某事。(1 ) It takes me half an hour to read English every day.
我每天花半小时读英语。(2 ) How long does it take you to go there by bus ? 你乘公共汽车去那要多长时间?4
动词不定式作定语修饰名词。(1)A theatre is a good place to go .(2 ) There are many nice souvenirs to buy.(3 ) I have sth important to tell you.5
be 40 minutes by underground from ...(1)My home is about ten minutes on foot from the school. 我家步行到学校要10钟。(2 )
Yi Zheng is about half an hour by bus from Yang Zhou.(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:一, 单项选择。(
There is a beautiful country park.
name is Sunshine Park.A
lives in a tall building.A
Most of us
Some of us
Many of us
One of us(
There are many nice souvenirs
in the town.A
We don't have to go far if we want
with our work.A
There are many nice souvenirs
in the town.A
Reading room is a good place
Which place do you
living二,根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1,你可以待在阳光镇,它是北京的一个新城镇。You can
Sunshine Town.
Beijing.2,扬州的空气污染较少。There is
in Yangzhou.3,如果你喜欢旅游,扬州是一个好去处。Yangzhou is
.4,在瘦西湖有许多好的纪念品可以买。There are
in Slender West Lake.5,你为什么不和你的爸爸一起去剧院?with your father?6,你可以在超市里选择任意你喜欢的东西。You can
in the supermarket.2.句型转换:B.提高题:根据首字母提示填空。Jim works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17:00. He washes himself and mHis breakfast. What a f
time to make breakfast! A
breakfast he reads newspapers for half an hour, then he puts on his c
and goes to work. To get to work, he takes the No.17 bus to City Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. He works all n
. He gets h
at 7:oo, and he w
the early m
news on TV . He goes to bed at 8:30. He is a tired but h
man. Can you guess what his jIs ?D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?                牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome toSunshine Town讲学稿课题:第四课时 Vocabulary课型:新授
日A. 教学目标1认识并掌握各种职业的名称。2了解从事不同职业的人的工作场所。3 培养对词汇进行分类和归纳的好习惯。B.教学过程1. 帮助学生简要复习阅读部分的内容。2. 提供一组绘有各种职业从业人员的照片,通过与学生讨论图片内容,呈现各种职业以及工作场所的名称。3. 指导学生完成课本第30页A部分的练习。提醒学生注意匹配职业和工作场所。4. 教师向学生提问: What does your father / mother do? 帮助学生根据实际情况回答。5.为学生提供更多的职业和工作场所。。6.指导学生两人一组进行问答,了解对方家人的职业和工作。7.指导学生完成课本第30页 B部分的练习。8.将学生分成四人一组。每人想一个地方,把它写在纸上,并交给老师,然后请任意一个学生抽一张纸条,根据纸上的内容,用语言描述这个地方。9
家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:    1.你知道这些单词的意思吗?
Waiter, shopper , cook, cashier, sick, hospital, learn.   2. 你知道shopper 这个词的构成吗?能不能举一些其它的例子? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!1 名词的构成。动词后面加上 er 变成表职业的名词。如: work ---worker
teach ---teacher
play--- player
shop---shopper2 sick
He is sick.
Jim is ill today.(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:一,根据句意和首字母提示填写单词。1, Miss Wang is a d
, she works in a hospital.2, Mr. Wu is a t
. He teaches us English.3, Is your uncle a c
? Yes , he works in a big restaurant.4, My parents are w
. They work in different factories.5, How much money did you s
?6, How much did the cards c
?7, The hair clips look very p
.8, There is a new s
near our school.二,用所给的单词的正确形式填空。1, What about
( have ) some bananas?2, He
( finish ) the work in five minutes.3, Let's wait until the rain
( stop ).4, Can Lucy
( speak ) Chinese well?5, There are many shoes in the
( shoe )?6, This kind of soup
( taste ) a little sweet.三,句型转换。1,
Miss Wang is a teacher。(对画线部分提问)Is Miss Wang?2,
She works in Sunshine Supermarket. (对画线部分提问)she
goes to work by bus. (对画线部分提问)she
go to work?4,
He walks to school every day.(同意句)  He
every day.5,
The flowers cost 86 yuan. (对画线部分提问)the flowers
?B.提高题:书面表达。要求:1 根据提供的信息,适当拓展想象空间,将提供的内容灵活体现在文章中。2 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,书写清晰,规范。3 不得少于50字。表达要点:1 去年夏天李华去北京旅游。北京是我国最 美丽的城市之一,北京人讲普通话。2 有许多大的商店和中西餐馆。她最喜欢吃的是北京烤鸭和肯德基。3 她还去了阳光城,从北京市中心乘地铁只要四十分钟就到阳光称。4 难忘那些在北京的愉快的日子。D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome to Sunshine Town讲学稿课题:第五课时 Grammar (A)课型:新授
日A. 教学目标:1学会用How many 和 How much 谈论数量。2 掌握本可课生词的用法。B.教学过程1.
通过呈现或图片帮助学生了解可数名词和不可数名词的用法。教师可以向学生展示课本第31页A1和32页A2部分中的食品图片,或使用教师事先准备好的实物。  2.
教师继续利用图片或实物引出How many 和 How much的用法,将这两种表达方式写在黑板上。3. 指导学生看图完成第31页 A1
部分的练习。4. 教师利用准备好的实物和教室里的物品,让学生设计问题,向同伴提问。教师帮助学生回答。如:S1: How many pens do you have?S2: I have ...pens.S1: How much milk do you drink?S2: I drink a carton of milk.  5
然后两人一组共同完成课本第32页A2部分的练习。  6. 请一组学生朗读他们的对话,其余学生检查答案。  7. 家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:    1.看音标试着读单词,看看还有哪些不会读的。   2.看课文,预习一下How many 和 How much的用法,能理解吗?   3.试着完成课本第31页A1部分的练习,会吗?   4.预习反思:通过预习,你还有什么不懂? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!   1 1) A
how much +不可数名词
如:how much water / rice /fruit /money   
How much sugar is there in the carton ?     B
多少钱How much is the fish ? It's ten yuan a kilo.How much do they cost? They cost 20 yuan.2)
how many +可数名词复数
如:how many bags of rice /sheep /knives   
How many cups of tea are there on the table ?2. enough
足够的1) enough +名词I have enough money to buy you a nice present.There are enough students to clean the classroom.2) 形容词/副词 +enoughI am strong enough to carry the desk.Jim is old enough to go to school.He runs fast to catch the bus every day.  4.
What else do you want? 你还想要什么?  
Who else will go there? 还有谁去那儿?  
Something /somebody else
别的某个东西/ 人5.
各个, 每一个Each of us has a English book.= We each have an English book.(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:一, 写出下列名词的复数形式。1. mango
3. Chinese
4. glass5. policeman
8. library9. watch
12. foot13. tooth
16. walkman二, 句型转换。1
Is there a bottle of milk in the fridge ?(改为复数形式)any
in the fridge ?2
There is only one piece bread for us .(对画线部分提问)of bread
Billy helps his father clean some windows.(否定句)Billy
his father
We need lots of chicken.(对画线部分提问)Chicken
T here isn't any rice in the bowl.(同意句)  There
rice in the bowl.三,完成句子。1,他们需要多少牛排??2,桌上有多少个苹果?一个也没有。?
.3,她每天花两小时做作业。.4,我的妈妈每天用半小时做晚饭。.B.提高题:阅读理解。There is a man in a small town. He has a very special hen. The hen can lay a golden egg every morning. The man sells the egg every day and gets a lot of money.But he still wants more golden eggs. " Why not two eggs every day ?" He thinks. " Or three or five ? If I kill the hen and cut it, I may find many golden eggs."So he kills the hen . He cuts the hen open . Of course, he finds nothing in it.The man wants more, but he loses more.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(
)1. The man lives in a big town.(
) 2. The man can lay golden eggs every morning .(
) 3. The man sells the
golden eggs and gets a lot of money.(
) 4. The man kills the hen because he doesn't want any eggs.(
) 5.At last the man loses more.D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome to sunshine Town讲学稿课题:第 六课时 Grammar (B)课型:新授
日A. 教学目标1正确运用名词所有格's的表达方式。2识别形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。3掌握定冠词的使用方法。B.教学过程  1.教师利用学生的物品向学生呈现形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,并解释名词性物主代词可代替形容词性物主代词及其所修饰的名词。  2 指导学生看图并独立完成课本第34页
C 部分的练习。  3 要求全班学生模仿课本34页C部分的对话,谈论彼此的物品。  4 教师用学生的物品与学生交流呈现名词性物主代词。  5完成B部分的练习。  6 指导学生完成课本第35页D部分的练习,教师对定冠词的用法进行总结  7 教师提供更多的练习,帮助学生掌握冠词的用法。  8 家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:  1.33到35页的生词会读吗?根据音标,试着读几遍吧。  2.预习一下本课的语法,看能不能理解。3.预习反思:通过预习,你还有什么不懂? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!1. 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。( his /its 既可作形容词性物主代词也可作名词性物主代词)形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词如: 1 This is my
book . Yours ( = your book ) is on the desk.2 Our classroom is bigger than theirs.( =their classroom )2 名词所有格:(1) 一般情况在名词后直接加 's , 以
s 接尾的名词加' ,
如: my father's
the girls' names
the teachers' office(2) 表示两人共有的A and B's,
不是共有的A's and B's
如:Jim and Tom's school (在同一个学校)
Jim's and Tom's coats3
定冠词的用法。1)用于世界上独一无二的事物前: the sun /
the moon2)用于一些专有名词前:the Great Wall
Summer Palace3) 在一些固定短语前: in the morning / at the moment4) 用于序数词和最高级前面: the first day /
best student5) 用于说话双方都知道的事物前: Look at the blackboard , please.
/ Where is my football ? It's behind the door.6) 用于特指的人或物前:
The boy on the bike is my cousin.7)
用于前文已经出现过的人或事物前:There is a dog under the tree. The dog is Jim's.
The dog is playing with a ball.4
belong to:
属于The book belongs to me. It doesn't belong to you.5 prepare 准备, 常和 for 连用。相当于get ready for, 如:They are preparing for the Chinese New Year.= They are getting ready for the Chinese New Year.6 hold, 举行Hold a party = have a party ,
hold a meeting = have a meeting(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:1. 单项选择(
) 1 Mr. Read is
English teacher.A
) 2 Jim plays
football in
afternoon every day.A
) 3 How many pets do you have ?
) 4 My mother likes reading
) 5 He has two sisters . One is a teacher , and
is a doctor.A
others2. 冠词填空。1) My brother sent
e-mail to me yesterday.2) Tom goes to school at 7:00 in
morning.3) Who is
boy in a T-shirt?4) Would you like to play
piano for me ?5) My uncle lives in
small town .
town is very beautiful.6) Mary is
tallest girl in our class.7) When is Halloween ? It's on
31st of October.8) There is
" s " in the word " sea ".B.提高题:阅读理解。John liked to wear his hair very long. Some of his friends thought it looked like a girl's hair, but they never made jokes about it, because John was a strong man and he didn't think jokes about his hair funny.John always went to the barber's twice a month to have his hair cut and washed, and one day the barber said to him. " Now why don't you let me cut most of this hair off and make your head tidy ? Nobody will recognize you if I do that , I am sure."John said nothing for a few seconds and then he said . " Perhaps you are right , but I am sure that nobody will recognize you , either, if you do that to my hair."根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(
)1 John kept long hair because
.A John was a girl.    B
the barber wouldn't like to cut it short.C the hair grew too fast.D
John liked it to be long.(
) 2 His friends never made jokes about his hair because
the hair wasn't funny.B
John didn't like jokes about his hair and they were afraid of him.C
John was big and strong.D
John liked his hair very much.(
A barber is a
man who makes clothes for people.B
shop where one's hair can be washed and cut.C
doctor who treats head sickness.D
person who cut men's hair.(
The barber advised John
to have his hair cut short.B
to cut off most of his hair.C
to be cut off his long hair.D
not to be recognized by his friends.(
John's answer was
a great praise to the barberC
a great joke
threatening (威胁) barber.D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome toSunshine Town讲学稿课题:第七课时
日A. 教学目标1 听取细节,提炼信息。2了解有关故宫的知识。3学会介绍环境。4学会为出行做安排。B.教学过程1. 向学生展示一些各地名胜的照片或图片,向学生问几个简单的问题:Do you
like these places? 如果去过,可以提问: When is it open? What can you do there?
鼓励学生根据实际情况用学过的知识进行问答。2. 给学生呈现一张故宫的图片,告诉学生:This is the Palace Museum. 接着,出示一张故宫的平面图,向学生介绍一些重要的宫殿。3. 教授生词,并确保学生能掌握其读音。4. 让学生看课本第36页A1部分的海报,并回答老师的问题:
What is this poster about?5.让学生根据课本第36页A1部分的内容,完成课本第36页A2部分表格中的部分信息。6.教师播放录音,指导他们完成课本第36页A2部分的其它内容。7.再听一次录音,完成课本第37页A4部分的判断正误练习。8.教师为学生播放课本第37页的B部分的录音。9.教师组织学生跟着录音朗读课本第37页B部分的对话,然后把全班分成两组,分角色朗读。10.接着,学生两人一组模仿37页B部分的对话编写对话,进行操练。11.家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学: 1. 36到37页的生词会读吗?根据音标,试着读几遍吧。 2. Work 和 works 一样吗?怎么区别呢? 3.预习反思:通过预习,你还有什么不懂? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!1
miss ,错过,想念
miss doing sth
错过做某事1)I miss my parents very much.
我很想我的父母。2)Don't miss the train, please.
请不要错过火车。3)He missed watching the football match. 他错过了看足球比赛。2
more 其它的, 另外的1)I need two more apples.
我还需要 两个苹果。2)some more eggs / water3)
many more +可数名词复数 :
many more people /
much more + 不可数名词 : much more money / stationary5)
a little more +不可数名词 : a little more juice / time3
离开1)leave sp
leave Shang Hai2)leave sp for sp 离开某地去某地
leave Shang Hai for Bei Jing
离开上海去北京3)leave for sp =go to sp 去某地 leave for school =go to school
full 完整的,满的
Be full of
......1) The basket is full.2) The supermarket is full of people.3) The box is full of bottles of juice.5 work
works1) work 工作,不可数名词I have a lot of work to do today.2) works
作品, 著作Ba Jin's works
巴金的作品(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:1. 词型变化。1) September is the
( nine ) month of the year.2) Miss Zhang enjoys
( dance ) very much.3) Who
( water ) the flowers ? Kate did.4) How many
( tomato ) are there on the table ?5) Simon can't speak Japanese ,
( too ) .6)Mr. Read bought a Chinese
( paint ) for his work.7) All of the books are on those
( shelf ) .8) How many
( wait ) .2.对画线部分提问。1) You can see two potteries in that museum.Can you
in that museum ?2) We shall get there at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow.Shall you get there tomorr5ow?3) The women in red are teachers .Are teachers?3 完成句子。1)他们昨天上午10点钟到这儿,并享受了一天。They
at 10:00a.m. yesterday and
.2)你愿意今晚和我一起看电影吗?我很乐意。Would you like
.3)为什么不在学校大门口见面呢?at the school gate?4)我们还能在那儿看到精美的艺术品。We can
him 20 minutes
his mother came back.B.提高题:书面表达。写一篇短文"My Hometown ",50--60词。D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?            牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome toSunshine Town讲学稿课题:第八课时 Pronunciation课型:新授
日A. 教学目标1 介绍单词中重音的概念。2识别单词中不同的重音模式。B.教学过程1.将一些单词如:playground, driver, October, afternoon, carton 等写在黑板上。指导学生正确朗读以上单词,提醒他们注意单词的重音。2. 教师启发学生对上诉单词按重音的位置归类。 指导学生自己总结规律。3. 教师为学生播放录音,让他们跟着录音朗读第38页A部分的单词。4. 接着,让学生听课本第38页B部分的单词,在重读音节下画线。5.让学生在听一遍录音,跟读单词,提醒他们注意重读音节。6.学生两人一组互相给对方读单词,并鼓励他们相互提醒,注意音节和语调。。7.完成《补充习题》上的练习。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:(二)、 学习*研讨:我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:1. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1)我们需要多少芒果?How
in the fridge.3)她害怕看见老虎。She
We'd like to buy some rice . (改成一般疑问句)You
She can drive a car , too.(否定句)  She
drive a car ,
We don't have any chicken.(同意句)  We have
He lives in a flat in Beijing.(对画线部分提问)he
I often go there after school with my friends.(对画线部分提问)Do you go there after school with your friends?3 单项选择。(
rice n the bag.A
The boys often play
basketball after school. They don't often play     
badminton.A the
every day ?A
ride school
go to school by the bike
ride to school
D go to school on bike(
speak French.A
some rice and juice?A has
Would you like
orange juice ?A
water in the playground.A
B much too
There are lots of things
at school.A
doesB.提高题:完型填空。There is a robot in my school. His name is Huanhuan . You can
to Huanhuan .He
two ears. He can hear you. Huanhuan can talk
you , too.He has a
. He can sing
it. He has two
. So he can work and write with his hands. He can see
his name. Huanhuan has two legs. He can walk, but he
swim. Huanhuan can see
his two eyes. When he can say " How do you do!".(
D there are(
D writing(
D seesD.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?                  牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome toSunshine Town讲学稿课题:第九课时
Main task课型:新授
日A. 教学目标1 学习在写作前搜集信息的方法。2通过调查研究获取相关信息。3 组织语言以吸引特定读者群。4 熟悉一种新的文体;录象文字稿。B.教学过程1.教师将学生因入本课的语言情境:Today we are going to prepare a presentation on our hometown. Do you know what we should talk about in the presentation?鼓励学生自由发言,表达想法。2. 教师问一些有关John家乡的问题,鼓励学生根据课本第39页 的内容进行回答。3.请学生思考以下问题:Do you think John's hometown is a good place to live in ?带着问题去 阅读文章,然后回答。。4. 接着,教师为学生播放录音。学生跟着录音朗读,回答更多的问题。。5.让学生跟着录音朗读几遍,使他们掌握相应的表达方式。。6.指导学生仔细阅读并逐一回答40页B2部分提出的问题。7.让学生准备一个笔记,并根据笔记去写一篇有关自己家乡的文章。8. 家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:    1.你知道这些单词的意思吗?
Waiter, shopper , cook, cashier, sick, hospital, learn.   2. 你知道shopper 这个词的构成吗?能不能举一些其它的例子? (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!1
nearby 附近的The park nearby is very beautiful.
附近的公园很漂亮。There is a supermarket nearby. 附近有一个超市。2
show sb around sp
带某人参观某地May I show you around our school?He asked me to show him around Yangzhou.3
It takes sb some time to do sth.
某人花多长时间做某事。It takes me an hour to do my homework every day. 我每天要花一个小时做家庭作业。It took him two days to do that.
别的,其它的,常放在不定代词和疑问词后。1) What else do you want to buy ? 你还想要买什么?2) I have something else to tell you.
我还有一些别的事要告诉你。(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:1. 翻译下列词组或句子。1)在青少年活动中心
The workers in that shop are very
( friend ).2)
We should keep
( quietly ) in the reading room.3)
My favourite place is the
( young ).4)
There is not much
( pollute ) in the town.5)
(real ) likes reading English.6)
There is a
( shop ) centre near my home.3 根据汉语意思完成句子。1)我的家乡有一个大卖场和许多餐馆。There
in my hometown.2)让我带你在这家超市看一看。Let me
the supermarket.3)昨天晚饭花了我母亲15分钟。It
yesterday.4)那儿有许多事情可做,我总是很忙。There are
.5)镇上污染不严重,因为汽车不好进入镇中心。There is
in the town because
.Andy : Hold on for a moment, please. Tina, it's for you.Tina :
Thanks...Hello.Victor : Hi , Tina.
. Would you like to go to the beach tomorrow?Tina :Yes, I'd love to.
.Victor : Shall we meet at 6:00 at the school gate ?Tina : OK.
.Victor : Sure. He will teach us how to dive.Tina : Great!
.Victor : I think so. See you tomorrow.Tina :
See you.  A; This is Victor.  B : Will your uncle go with us ?  C : I'm sure we'll have a good time.  D : When and where shall we meet?  E : Hello. May I speak to Tina, please?D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗            牛津初中英语7BUnit2 Welcome toSunshine Town讲学稿课题:第十课时 Checkout课型:新授
日A. 教学目标1 对本单元内容进行回顾。2复习 How many 和How much的用法。3 复习物主代词和名词所有格的用法。4 复习定冠词的用法。B.教学过程1.教师通过向学生提问,激活他们的固有知识,因入本单元的语言情境: Do you like your hometown? Which is your favourite place in your hometown? 帮助学生复习城市里的各种场所的名称。2. 教师接着问:Why do you like these places? What can you do there?帮助学生回忆本单元的有关活动的表达方式。3.然后,以学生自己的家庭为例,指导学生复习表示不同的职业的名词。4. 让学生完成课本第41页B部分的游戏。找出图片上所藏着的单词,告诉学生这些词是本单元的生词。5.教师向学生总结How many 和How much,物主代词和名词所有格,以及冠词的用法。6.安排学生完成课本第41页A部分的笔头练习。7.请两位学生分角色朗读对话,其他学生核对答案。8. 家庭作业。C. 学习过程: (一)、预习*导学:  (二)、 学习*研讨:  我们来总结一下本课的知识点吧,如果在预习中不清楚的,现在可要注意哦!1. 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。( his /its 既可作形容词性物主代词也可作名词性物主代词)形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词如: 1 This is my
book . Yours ( = your book ) is on the desk.2 Our classroom is bigger than theirs.( =their classroom )2 名词所有格:(1) 一般情况在名词后直接加 's , 以
s 接尾的名词加' ,
如: my father's
the girls' names
the teachers' office(2) 表示两人共有的A and B's,
不是共有的A's and B's
如:Jim and Tom's school (在同一个学校)
Jim's and Tom's coats3
定冠词的用法。1)用于世界上独一无二的事物前: the sun /
the moon2)用于一些专有名词前:the Great Wall
Summer Palace3) 在一些固定短语前: in the morning / at the moment4) 用于序数词和最高级前面: the first day /
best student5) 用于说话双方都知道的事物前: Look at the blackboard , please.
/ Where is my football ? It's behind the door.6) 用于特指的人或物前:
The boy on the bike is my cousin.7)
用于前文已经出现过的人或事物前:There is a dog under the tree. The dog is Jim's.
The dog is playing with a ball.4 must 必须,一定(表猜测)1) Must I do my homework now?
Yes , you must. / No , you needn't. / don't have to.我必须现在做家庭作业吗? 是的,你必须。/ 不,你不必。2)Jim must be at home now.
现在不可能在家。(三)课堂反馈练习A.基础训练:1. 单项选择(
cups of tea do you need?A . How many
B. How much
) 2 China is
Japan , Korea and Russia.A . close
) 3 Do you enjoy
badminton ?A
playing the
to play the
) 4 Would you like
in a modern town ?A
) 5 There is
water in the bottle.A
German friends will visit
Great Wall
day after tomorrow.A
/ ; /; the
T / ; the(
) 7 Could I try
, please ?A
some beefs
much beeves
more beeves(
) 8 Beijing is
) 9 How many
do you have?A
box of book
boxes of books
boxes of book
box of books(
did you see at the party?A
else people2.句型转换:1
Jill is such a nice girl.
(同意句)Jill is
There isn't any milk in the bottle.
(同意句)There is
milk in the bottle.3
It takes me half an hour to do my homework.
you to do your homework?4
There are three bottles of juice in the fridge. (对画线部分提问)juice
there in the fridge?5
They came to see Alice on foot. (对画线部分提问)They come to see Alice?B.提高题:书面表达。要求:写一篇60词左右的短文,题目为 My Dream Hometown ,条理清楚,意思连贯,语句同上通顺,标点正确,书写清晰,规范。D.教学后记:教后记:(1) 请对本节课做个自我评价。_______________________________________________________________(2) 请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_______________________________________________________________(3) 请总结出你认为应该改进的地方。_______________________________________________________________学后记:1)你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) 本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方吗?


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