
不管你以前记过没 就是你在笔记的时候不要感觉这个好像以前我做过笔记 就不记了 不熟悉就要记下来)第二 从态度上讲 不要觉得语法是个很复杂的东西 其实语法最简单 你要知道 外国人根本不讲语法的 这些语法都是中国人总结的 你要是说你就会用 你写的句子或者选择一眼的就认准了 而且最后也是正确的话 那你就已经养成了很好的预感了 你就大可不必去学语法了;另外的疑问词类别的就得认识句子结构 能拆分句子
这些都是个人体会:第一 从方法上讲 以我个人体会为例 语言确实是个需要不断积累的循序渐进的过程 不是你这样想着说我要学语法就纯粹的学语法了 关键还是在平时 你要时刻做笔记 要很敏感 从大一开始 上课听讲的时候 一旦觉得老师讲的你不知道 或者知道也是不熟悉的 一定要马上记下来 (补充。所以运用还是关键第三 从学习过程上讲 你要敢问 最好的是问你的老师 一旦做选择的时候要先自己选 选的时候要先给自己能解释通的理由 然后要是错了 直接跟老师争辩 这样记忆也是相当深刻的 而且也会潜移默化的老师把你的思想带到正确的分析道路上。语法书籍 讲的很官方 说的很复杂 有些根本都不明白说的意思;介词这个实际是词汇的 你还是得做笔记 讲到一个词 后边是doing 还是to do 还是 do 这个你得死记硬背 一般也会结合定语从句等考察我从几点给你说吧、疑问词:你问的填空怎么学好 但是我给你说了一大堆句子之类 不要误解哈 填空无非就是几类 生词;另外阅读理解也是一样 不理解的句子 往往不是这句型 就是那结构的 你要问老师 帮你把句子拆开 一定要自己理解了才行第四
从选择资料讲 如果你把我住了老师和上课 你完全不需要任何语法书,你觉得家教有效率可以找家教。以我自己的感觉 有那么多钱倒还不如买了好吃的 慰劳自己 然后自己勤奋点 比啥都强,新东方对你有帮助 可以去新东方、介词(todo doing do),当然你要选择你自己的方法。生词的这个你得看是不是其他单词的其他形式 尽量转换成你认识的单词 实在没有 就蒙一个。当然了 你自己没有笔记 可以选择一本书 一般高三最后复习资料里边讲的都比较透彻【注
The English language has now become an international language because it is widely used by most countries in the world, ____you want to do business with foreigners, you have to learn English, for most of them speak and write English.
A.As&&& B.If&&&&& C.So & && D.Since
Western country music describes life. It talks about love, jobs, home and money. It talks about friends and enemies, farms and crops. People in many parts of the world like western country music ___b____ everyone knows something about these ideas.
Sadly, it is very difficult for pandas to live in the world. Here are some of the_______ that pandas may have in the future. If hunters catch a , they will kill it for its fur. If farmers cut down trees and forests, pandas will have no place to live in.
A. examples & & & B. questions&&&&&&&& C. matters&&&&&&&& D. problems
【解析】根据下文people will kill pandas和pandas will have no place to live in可以判断,这都是说明熊猫在将来可能面临的问题。B选项questions只是表达一般的问题。D项最为恰当。
A month later, Mary hadn't heard from Peter or received any money, __s_____ she phoned him.
【解析】根据上文Mary hadn't heard from Peter和下文she phoned him可以判断两句之间存在着因果关系。因此填so。
The earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier than it was________ years ago, but it has brought some new problems.
A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds
【解析】答案为B。此句主要考查数词的用法。表示具体几百时,应是some hundred;表示成百上千时,则是hundreds of。
Every day, standing at my information desk, I have to answer a lot of questions of the travelers coming from all ___o__ the world.
【解析】答案为over。all over the world是一个最为常见的固定搭配。
Grandma Yang lives alone in our neighborhood. Her husband has been dead for eight years. Her only son lives and works in Britain. He asked her mother to go to Britain so that he can look ________her. But Grandma Yang won't go.
A. for B. around C. after D. care
【解析】look for意为寻找;look around意为向四周看;look after意为照顾。根据上文He asked her mother to go to Britain这一提示我们可以知道儿子为了是照顾妈妈,所以选C。
April Fools' Day is on April l. People can play ___j____ on others on this special day. If you succeed, you usually laugh and say, &April Fool!&
【解析】根据文章意思,在4月1日愚人节这天,人们经常相互开玩笑。从语法角度看,play jokes on sb.是固定词组。所以答案是jokes。
Around the world, people have different ideas about what good manners are.
When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world, it's important to know the right and wrong things to do. For example, in China it's OK to ____1____ a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isn't noisy and ____2____ ,you may think there's something wrong with it. However, in many western countries, restaurants are quiet places. If a table is too loud, other people who are eating there might even ____3____ to the owner of the restaurant.
Paving the bill is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for ____4____ .In western countries, one person pays if he or she is
(宴请宾客), but ____5____ friends eat together, they usually share the cost. This is called &going Dutch&(均摊费用).Also, when westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the waiter. This is called &leaving a tip&. Leaving a
is thought to be polite. In the US, it's ____6____ to leave tips of 10%, 15%, or 20% of the bill, which is decided by how good the service is, Good waiters can make a lot of money!
The way people eat food is different in the world, but you can ____7_____ the same kinds of food in many countries. Chinese and Italian food, for example, is popular all over the world.
1. A. cause B. keep C. hear D. make
2. A. lively B. friendly C. lucky D. polite
3. A. shout B. explain C. complain D. peak
4. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. none
5. A. until B. when C. unless D. since
6. A. terrible B. common C. serious D. unusual
7. A. invent B. discover C. prefer D. find
【解析】第一格选D,在不同国家有不同风俗习惯,根据我国特有的风俗习惯在餐厅都是吵吵闹闹的。make a noise是固定搭配。
第三格选C,根据上文论据in many western countries, restaurant are quiet places.和下文论点If a table is too loud(如果餐厅吵闹),可以推断出客人甚至可以向店主投诉。
People often think Dimetrodon is a (恐龙),but it was in fact _n_(1)_____ a dinosaur at all. It was one of the (爬虫动物)on Earth during the _l_(2)_____ (二叠纪)period.
It was a large reptile. It lived in (沼泽的) areas and had a very funny _ f_(3)_____ ---a large (脊鳍)on its back. Dimetrodon was a (4) to warm up in the morning and cool off _q_(5)____ &&during the day with the help of its sail.
It's easy to (区分)a Dimetrodon _ f_(6)______ a dinosaur. Dimetrodon's legs were on the side of its body while dinosaurs had their legs under their bodies.
It probably ran very fast _a_(7)____ it was very heavy.
第四、第五格分别填able和quickly。表达这种动物的脊鳍的作用:可以早上暖和,白天又很快地冷却。Be able to是固定搭配。
第七格填although。上句It probably ran very fast和下句it was very heavy.推断两句为转折承让关系。因此填although。
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I know a man called John Smith who is a very unusual millionaire. ___31___ makes him unusual is that he has no money. He says the average millionaire never uses money and always gets other people to pay for taxis or drinks. This is because he is ___32___ used to thinking in millions that small amounts of money are not worth thinking about. But this does not mean he has no worries. On the contrary, the average millionaire worries constantly about his business. His great wealth also makes ___33___ difficult for him to be happy and comfortable with other people. Are they friendly because they like him? ___34___ do they pretend to like him because they want his money?John Smith says he feels very sorry for millionaires, __35__, instead of being masters of their wealth, are slaves of their money. In one way, ___36__, John Smith always behaves exactly like a millionaire. I mean he never has any money and ___37___ (general) manages to persuade someone else to pay for his drinks.But ___38___ other very rich men, he gives back good value for money. He is full of jokes and fun.
An evening ___39___ (spend) with him is not cheap, because he is unusually very thirsty, but he always makes people happy. He does not give much thought for tomorrow..He is the happiest man I have ever met. Whenever I meet him he tells me,” In money I am not rich, but in peace of mind I am a millionaire.And then the world’s richest, ___40___ (penny) man usually adds, with a smile,” Do you have time for another drink
How can I refuse?
前后是转折关系。32. because
后面接的从句是她转行开始画画的原因。从句也可视作时间状语从句,填when。33. carefully
修饰谓语动词painted,作状语,用副词。34. herself
由后文“开始卖作品给别人”可知,她先只是自己画给自己看,取悦于自己。35. for
表示交换用for,sell sth. for…意为“以多少钱卖某物”。36. hanging
是非谓语动词短语作定语,修饰名词works,因works与hang(悬挂)是主动关系,用现在分词短语作定语。37. bought
与liked和set out并列,一起作谓语,时态也应一致。38. more
因他喜欢她的画,所以他开始寻找“更多”Grandma Moses 的作品。39. a
为了把Grandma Moses 的作品介绍给别的艺术家,所以他“举行了一次展览”。 40. who
引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是Grandma Moses。
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怎样判断一个动词是非谓语动词,语法填空经常给你一个动词,要你填写它的正确形式,非谓语动词三种形式ed ,ing ,to do,我都懂,而有些动词是有固定搭配的,有的后面加do sth,有的加doing sth,有的加 to do,这些有固定搭配的动词跟非谓语动词混在一起很乱啊,怎么分辨,
还有see sb do sth和see sb doing sth是什么意思,这两者有什么区别
see sb do sth表示看到了事情发生的全过程。see sb doing sth表示看到了某人正在做某事,没有看完整个过程的发展。一些词后面+sb do sth,一些词后面+sb to do sth,一些两者都可。大部分情况下doing表示事件正在进行,do或to do表示整个事件,望采纳。。。
你首先要找出句子的主语 然后看非谓语动词与主语之间的关系 如果是主动关系用& ing&
如果是被动关系就用&ed& 表将来用&to do&
还有就是&ing&还有个用法就是表 正在进行的 希望对你有用哈


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