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How to Make Fried Oreos | eHow
Enjoy a taste of the county fair any time of year by making deep-fried Oreos in your own kitchen. Batter dip the classic chocolate sandwich cookies to make a golden-brown casing that keeps the gooey cream contained in the center. While fair and street vendors use large deep fryers to make deep-fried Oreos, a deep, thick-bottomed skillet also works. Make them in small batches to prevent the Oreos from sticking together while frying.
How to Make Fried Oreos
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Pancake batter
Deep fryer or deep, thick-bottomed skillet
Cooking oil
Kitchen spider
Paper towels
Powdered sugar (optional)
Place the Oreo cookies in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before dipping and frying. This freezes and firms the cream center so it retains some texture instead of immediately liquefying in the hot oil.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Prepare a thick pancake batter according to
you can make the mix from scratch or use a box mix. Omit some liquid from the pancake batter recipe so the batter is a bit on the thick side, making it better able to coat the Oreo cookies. The batter should run off a spoon in long, thick strands instead of in a thin, steady stream.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Preheat cooking oil such as peanut oil or vegetable oil in a skillet or deep fryer over medium-high heat or about 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Use about 1 1/2 to 2 inches of oil when you're making fried Oreos in a skillet. The oil is properly heated when a drop of water in the oil immediately sizzles.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Dip the frozen Oreos in the pancake batter and roll them until they're well coated. Lift them from the batter and hold the cookies over the bowl for a few seconds so excess batter drips back into the bowl. You might be able to dip several Oreos at once, depending on the size of the bowl and depth of batter.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Place the Oreos carefully in the hot oil, leaving about 2 inches between each Oreo in the pan or deep fryer.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Flip the Oreos after 1 to 2 minutes or when the edges begin to turn golden brown. Fry for another 1 to 2 minutes or until evenly golden brown on all sides. If you use a deep fryer with a basket, shake the basket frequently to prevent the Oreos from sticking to the basket.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Remove the fried Oreos from the oil and transfer them to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb the excess grease. A kitchen spider tool works well for removing the Oreos.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)
Dust the hot, fried Oreos with powdered sugar and serve immediately. The powdered sugar coating is optional, but it adds some sweetness to the breading to make it reminiscent of funnel cakes.
(Pamela Follett/Demand Media)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
, , hosts an annual chicken-fried steak celebration.
Chicken fried steak (also known as country fried steak) is a
dish consisting of a piece of
(tenderized ) coated with
and . It is associated with . Some state that the dish gets its name from the fact that the steak is cooked in oil that has already been used to fry chicken. Others note that the method of cooking is the same as for fried chicken.
Chicken fried steak resembles the Austrian dish
and the Italian-Latin American dish , which is a tenderized
cutlet, coated with , , and bread crumbs, and then fried. It is also similar to the recipe for Scottish .
The precise origins of the dish are unclear, but many sources attribute its development to German and Austrian immigrants to Texas in the 19th century, who brought recipes for Wiener Schnitzel from Europe to the USA. , the seat of
, claims to be the birthplace of chicken fried steak, and hosts an annual celebration accordingly. John "White Gravy" Neutzling of
also claims to have invented the dish.
The Virginia Housewife, published in 1838 by Mary Randolph, has a recipe for veal cutlets that is one of the earliest recipes for a food like chicken fried steak. The recipe for what we now know as chicken fried steak was included in many regional cookbooks by the late 19th century. The 's earliest attestation of the term "chicken-fried steak" is from a restaurant advertisement in the 19 June 1914 edition of the
A 1943 American cookbook recipe for Wiener Schnitzel includes a white salt and pepper cream gravy.
Chicken fried steak is among numerous popular dishes which make up the official state meal of , added to the list in 1988.
Chicken fried steak is prepared by taking a thin cut of
and tenderizing it by pounding, cubing, or forking. It is then either immersed in egg
and/or dredged in flour to which , , and often other seasonings have been added (called ). After this, the steak is
or, less commonly, . Restaurants often call the deep fried version chicken fried and the pan fried type country fried. The frying medium has traditionally been , , or other , but in recent years, health concerns have led most cooks to substitute the shortening with .
The cuts of steak used for chicken fried steak are usually the less expensive, less desirable ones, such as chuck, round steak, and occasionally flank steak. The method is also sometimes used for chopped, ground, or especially . When ground beef is used, it is sometimes called a "chuckwagon". Chicken fried steak is usually served for
topped with
and with , , and
served on the side. In the midwest, it is also common to serve chicken fried steak for breakfast, along with toasts and .
The CFS, as it also known, can be served on a hamburger bun as a sandwich, cubed and stuffed in a baked potato with the gravy and cheese, or cut into strips and served in a basket with fries and gravy, which is then known as "".
Chicken fried steak with chipotle cream gravy
Typically, in Texas and surrounding states, chicken fried steak is deep-fried in a pan and served with traditional peppered milk gravy. The same dish is sometimes known as "country fried steak" in other parts of the United States, where it is subject to some regional variations. Often there is a brown gravy, and occasionally the meat is either pan-fried with little oil, or simmered in the gravy. In some areas, "country steak" may refer to , a chopped or minced beef patty in brown gravy.
Other meats may be used, with "chicken-fried chicken" having appeared on many menus, substituting a boneless
breast for the steak. Chicken fried chicken differs from the dish known as "fried chicken" because the meat is removed from the bones, and cooked in the fashion of chicken fried steak. Another term is "steak-fried chicken". Boneless pork chops, usually center cut, can be served in this manner, as well as chicken fried
Weaver, Bobby. . Oklahoma Encyclopedia of History and Culture. Oklahoma Historical Society.
Dizone, Alyssa (). . Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
Yonan, Joe (). . The Washington Post.
"" under "chicken, n.1". OED Online. March 2013. Oxford University Press. Accessed 1 June 2013.
Victory Binding of the , Wartime Edition, Ruth Berolzheimer 1943
John T. Edge (). . New York Times.
Denise Gee (March 1998). . Southern Living.
John Raven. . Texas Cooking.
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热狗 犹太圈饼 Bagel 这种犹太面包最适合配著熏鲑鱼,奶油起司一起吃 厚煎饼 Pancakes 厚而甜的煎饼常沾著枫香糖浆一起吃,在煎之前,可以把新鲜水果或水果乾混入面粉团里. 早餐或早午餐Breakfast or Brunch 早餐 (或早午餐) 往往是大份量的马铃薯块,鸡蛋,熏肉,吐司,甜煎饼组合著吃,通常还会附上可无限续杯的咖啡 法国吐司French Toast 先把沾了蛋汁的薄片面包油炸过,再配著糖浆吃. 蛋蜜乳Egg Cream 这种传统饮料的成分包括冰牛奶,巧克力糖浆,蛋和苏打水 腌牛肉黑麦面包 Corned Beef on Rye 黑麦面包夹著腌牛肉,再配上芥末和腌过的小黄瓜 外带的汉堡配薯条餐 Burger and Friess&To Go& 外带的牛肉汉堡加薯条,往往还会搭配沙拉和洋葱圈 咸脆卷饼 Giant Pretzel 街角都有人在卖这种可口的饼干 蛤蜊浓汤 Clam Chowder 曼哈顿的蛤蜊浓汤会加上西红柿,乾面包做配料. 灵魂食物 Soul Food 哈林区的烹调特色沿袭美国南方,简单的食物佐以香辣调味,以求取独特的口味. 披萨 Pizza 纽约市小意大利街上到处都买得到披萨, 住宅区一带的作法是在中间加上朝鲜蓟心. 寿司 Sushi 这种包著新鲜生鱼和米饭的寿司,在纽约大受欢迎. 广式茶点Dim Sum 馅有多种,各式包著鱼肉,猪肉或蔬菜的蒸饺,是唐人街的独门绝活. 华尔道夫沙拉 Waldorf Salad 1930年代, 华尔道夫旅馆发明的一种沙拉 卡布奇诺咖啡和小饼干 Cappuccino and Cookies 在咖啡泡沫上洒上巧克力屑,再配著小饼干的吃法在纽约到处都尝得到. 冰淇淋苹果派 Apple Pie a la Mode 这种传统的美国甜点,只有在加上冰淇淋时,才称得上时髦 纽约乳酪蛋糕New York Cheesecake 这种犹太甜点,有时也会加上水果配料.. 香蕉船 Banana Split 有些纽约冰淇淋的分量足够一家人吃,不妨请店家多给几根汤匙,合家吃一份.
NEW YORK(Reuters)- A new fast food is making its debut at U.S. fairs this fall —— fried Coke(炒可乐). Abel Gonzales,36,a computer analyst from Dallas,tried about 15 different varieties before coming up with his perfect recipe —— a batter(面糊)mix made with Coca-Cola syrup(果汁),a drizzle of strawberry syrup(草莓汁),and some strawberries.
New fast food debuts in U.S. fairs —— fried Coke
  Balls of the batter are then deep-fried,ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts(油炸面圈)which are then served in a cup,topped with Coca-Cola syrup,whipped cream,cinnamon(肉桂)sugar and a cherry on the top.
  “It tastes great,”said Sue Gooding,a spokeswoman for the State Fair of Texas where Gonzales' fried Coke made its debut this fall. “It was a huge success.”
  Gonzales ran two stands at the State Fair of Texas and sold up to 35,000 fried Cokes over 24 days for $4.50 each —— and won a prize for coming up with “most creative” new fair food.
  Now other fairs in North Carolina and Arizona are following the trend,and other people are trying to emulate(仿效)Gonzales' recipe.
  Gonzales gave no indication(迹象)of the calories in his creation and said he would not patent it.
  “The best I can hope for is that it's the original and hopefully the best fried Coke out there,”he said.
  But Gonzales said the success of his fried Coke had inspired him. Next year's fair-goers can look forward to fried Sprite or —— for those watching their weight —— fried diet Coke(无糖可乐).
  “We are trying to cut a lot of the sugar out of it. It has less calories but it's still very,very sweet,”he said.
  Ray Crockett,a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co.,said: “We're constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their Coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals. This is one is definitely different!”


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