再也不沾酒。。。除非是grape valleyred wine翻译中文

grape wine
[ɡreip wain]
[ɡrep wa?n]
1. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp sprout, kelp, etc.
强硷性食品: 葡萄 、 茶叶 、 葡萄酒 、 海带芽 、 海带等.
2. How much grape wine is there in the bottle?
3. She powdered up a glass of grape wine at one gulp.
4. The drawings on the porcelain bricks concern grape wine and vineyard.
5. Xinjiang grape wine has Become a delicacy loved By all.
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grape wine
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A glass of red wine
Red wine is a type of
made from dark-coloured (black) . The actual
can range from intense violet, typical of young wines, through to brick red for mature wines and brown for older red wines.
The juice from most purple grapes is greenish- the red colour comes from anthocyan pigments (also called ) present in t exceptions are the relatively uncommon
varieties, which produce a red colored juice. Much of the red-wine production process therefore involves extraction of colour and flavour components from the grape skin.
Pouring a glass of red wine
The first step in red wine production, after picking, involves physical processing of the grapes. Hand-picked or machine-harvested grapes are usually tipped into a receival bin when they arrive at the winery and conveyed by a screw mechanism to the grape-processing equipment.
On arrival at the winery there is usually a mixture of individual berries, whole bunches (particularly with hand-picked grapes), stems, and leaves. The presence of stems during fermentation can lead to a bitter taste in the wine, and the purpose of destemming is to separate grapes from the stems and leaves. Mechanical de-stemmers usually consist of a rotating cage perforated with grape-sized holes. Within this cage is a concentric axle with arms radiating towards the inner surface of the cage. Grapes pass through the holes in the cage, while stems and leaves are expelled through the open end of the cage.
After destemming, the grapes are commonly lightly crushed. Crushers usually consist of a pair of rollers, and the gap between them can usually be regulated to allow for light, hard or no crushing, according to the winemaker's preference.
The mixture of grapes, skins, juice and seeds is now referred to as . The must is then pumped to a vessel, often a tank made of stainless steel or concrete, or an oak vat, for fermentation.
In common with most modern winemaking equipment, destemmers and crushers are normally made of
(food-grade stainless steel for those parts which come into physical contact with the grapes)
The preservative
is commonly added when grapes arrive at the winery. The addition rate varies from zero, for perfectly healthy grapes, to up to 70 mg/litre, for grapes with a high percentage of rot. The purpose is to prevent
and sometimes to delay the onset of .
(for instance ) may also be added at this stage, to aid extraction of color and fruit flavours from the skins and to facilitate pressing.
may be added now, later in the winemaking process, or not at all. Tannin can be added to help stabilize colour, to prevent oxidation, and to help combat the effects of rot.
Some winemakers prefer to chill the must to around 10°C (50°F), to allow a period of pre-fermentation maceration ("cold soaking"), of between one and four days. The idea is that colour and fruit flavours are extracted into the aqueous solution, without extraction of tannins which takes place in post-fermentation maceration when
is present. This practice is by no means universal and is perhaps more common in New World winemaking countries.
Once the must is in a fermentation vessel,
naturally present on the skins of the grapes, or in the environment, will sooner or later start the alcoholic fermentation, in which sugars present in the must are converted into alcohol with carbon dioxide and heat as by-products. Many winemakers, however, prefer to control the fermentation process more closely by adding specially selected yeasts usually of the species . Several hundred different strains of wine yeast are available commercially, and many winemakers believe that particular strains are more or less suitable for the vinification of different grape varieties and different styles of wine. It is also common to add yeast nutrient at this stage, often in the form of diammonium phosphate.
Soon after the must is placed in the fermentation vessel, a separation of solid and liquid phases occurs. Skins float to the surface, forming a cap. In order to encourage efficient extraction of colour and flavour components it is important to maximize contact between the cap of skins and the liquid phase. This can be achieved by:
pumping over (pumping liquid from the bottom of the tank and spraying it o normally this would be done several times per day during fermentation)
punching down the cap (either manually or using an automated mechanical system)
submerging the cap (the cap is kept beneath the surface of the liquid phase by a physical restraint)
drain and return (the above techniques can all be supplemented by a drain and return operation, in which the liquid phase is drained off the skins into another vessel and then pumped back over the skins)
Fermentation produces heat and if left uncontrolled the temperature of the fermenting may exceed 40°C (104°F), which can impair flavour and even kill the yeast. The temperature is therefore often controlled using different refrigeration systems. Winemakers have different opinions about the ideal temperature for fermentation, but in general cooler temperatures (25-28°C; 77-82.4°F) produce fruitier red wines for early drinking while higher temperatures (28-35°C; 82.4-95°F) produce more tannic wines designed for long aging.
Winemakers will usually check the
and temperature of the fermenting must once or twice per day. The density is proportional to the sugar content and will be expected to fall each day as the sugar is converted into alcohol by fermentation.
Main article:
Pressing in
is the process where
is extracted from grapes. This can be done with the aid of a , by hand, or even by the weight of the grape berries and clusters themselves.
but in most wineries today the grapes are sent through a
which removes the individual grape berries from the stems and breaks the skins, releasing some juice, prior to being pressed. There are exceptions, such as the case of
in regions such as
where grapes are traditionally whole-cluster pressed with stems included to produce a lighter must that is low in .
In white wine production, pressing usually takes place immediately after crushing and before primary . In red wine production, the grapes are also crushed but pressing usually does not take place till after or near the end of fermentation with the time of
between the juice and grapes leaching ,
and other phenolics from the skin. Approximately 60-70% of the available juice within the grape berry, the free-run juice, can be released by the crushing process and does not require the use of the press. The remaining 30-40% that comes from pressing can have higher
levels, lower , potentially higher
and higher phenolics than the free-run juice depending on the amount of pressure and tearing of the skins and will produce more astringent, bitter wine.
Winemakers often keep their free-run juice and pressed wine separate (and perhaps even further isolate the wine produced by different pressure levels/stages of pressing) during much of the winemaking process to either bottle separately or later blend portions of each to make a more complete, balanced wine. In practice the volume of many wines are made from 85-90% of free-run juice and 10-15% pressed juice.
There are many different types of wine press, but they can be broadly divided into continuous presses and tank presses. Modern winemaking tends to favour tank presses with pneumatic membranes, which squeeze the grapes more gently than continuous presses. The press wine is often kept separate from the free-run, and kept for later blending or disposing. press can also be dependent on climate and slothrating.
A second microbiological transformation commonly takes place after the alcoholic fermentation of red wines. This is usually referred to as the malolactic fermentation (MLF), in which , naturally present in grape juice, is converted into lactic acid under the influence of bacteria (it is not strictly a fermentation). MLF is almost universally practised for red wines. It often occurs naturally, owing to the presence of lactic acid bacteria in wineries, but there are also commercially available preparations of bacteria to inoculate for MLF if necessary.
Once the MLF is complete, the red wine is usually racked (decanted) off its
(dead yeast cells and other solids), and has sulphur dioxide preservative added to avoid oxidation and bacterial spoilage.
Main article:
Most red wine is aged for some period before bottling, though this can vary from a few days, in the case of
to 18 months or more in the case of top
reds. Aging can take place in stainless-steel or concrete tanks, or in small or large oak barrels. The latter impart some flavour to the wine as a function of their age and size (small, new barrels give more flavour than large, older barrels).
Red wines sometimes undergo fining, which is designed to clarify the wine and sometimes to correct faults such as excess . Fining agents include
and . Some red wines, particularly those designed for early drinking, are cold stabilized so as to prevent the precipitation of unsightly tartrate crystals in the bottle.
Most wines are filtered at some stage before bottling, although some winemakers use the absence of filtration as a marketing tool. Filtration serves to make wine completely clear and to eliminate any remaining
cells and , which could render the bottled wine microbiologically unstable. Wine is normally filled to glass bottles with cork stoppers, though aluminium screwcap closures and plastic stoppers are also common. Alternative containers such as Bag-in-Box,
and plastic bottles are also used.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
Jeff Cox "From Vines to Wines: The Complete Guide to Growing Grapes and Making Your Own Wine" pgs 131-142 Storey Publishing 1999
J. Robinson (ed) "The Oxford Companion to Wine" Third Edition pgs 285-286, 545-546, 767
R. Boulton, V. Singleton, L. Bisson, R. Kunkee Principles and Practices of Winemaking pgs 91-95, 219 Springer 1996 New York
Jim Law The Backyard Vintner pgs 114-117, 140-143 Quarry Books 2005 Gloucester, MA
D. Bird "Understanding Wine Technology" pg 47-53 DBQA Publishing 2005
Dr. Yair Margalit, Winery Technology & Operations A Handbook for Small Wineries pgs 41-46 The Wine Appreciation Guild (1996)
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西红柿 tomato
菠萝 pineapple
西瓜 watermelon
香蕉 banana
柚子 shaddock (pomelo)
橙子 orange
苹果 apple
柠檬 lemon
樱桃 cherry
桃子 peach
枣 Chinese date (去核枣 pitted date )
椰子 coconut
草莓 strawberry
树莓 raspberry
蓝莓 blueberry
黑莓 blackberry
葡萄 grape
甘蔗 sugar cane
芒果 mango
木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya
杏子 apricot
油桃 nectarine
柿子 persimmon
石榴 pomegranate
榴莲 jackfruit
槟榔果 areca nut
西班牙产苦橙 bitter orange
猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry
金橘 cumquat
蟠桃 flat peach
荔枝 litchi
青梅 greengage
山楂果 haw
水蜜桃 honey peach
香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon
杨梅 waxberry red bayberry
桂圆 longan
沙果 crab apple
杨桃 starfruit
枇杷 loquat
柑橘 tangerine
莲雾 wax-apple
番石榴 guava
南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw
甜玉米 Sweet corn
羊肉 mutton
羔羊肉 lamb
鸡肉 chicken
生菜 莴苣 lettuce
白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)
卷心菜 cabbage
萝卜 radish
胡萝卜 carrot
木耳 agarics
马铃薯(土豆) potato
黄瓜 cucumber
苦瓜 balsam pear
洋葱 onion
芹菜 celery
芹菜杆 celery sticks
地瓜 sweet potato
蘑菇 mushroom
橄榄 olive
菠菜 spinach
冬瓜 (Chinese)wax gourd
莲藕 lotus root
紫菜 laver
油菜 cole rape
茄子 eggplant
香菜 caraway
枇杷 loquat
青椒 green pepper
四季豆 青刀豆 garden bean
银耳 silvery fungi
腱子肉 tendon
肘子 pork joint
茴香 fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用)
咸猪肉 bacon
金针蘑 needle mushroom
扁豆 lentil
槟榔 areca
牛蒡 great burdock
水萝卜 summer radish
竹笋 bamboo shoot
艾蒿 Chinese mugwort
绿豆 mung bean
毛豆 green soy bean
瘦肉 lean meat
肥肉 speck
黄花菜 day lily (day lily bud)
豆芽菜 bean sprout
丝瓜 towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的)
海鲜类(sea food):
虾仁 Peeled Prawns
龙虾 lobster
小龙虾 crayfish(退缩者)
蟹足 crab claws
小虾(虾米) shrimp
对虾、大虾 prawn
鱿鱼 squid
海参 sea cucumber
扇贝 scallop
鲍鱼 sea-ear abalone
小贝肉 cockles
牡蛎 oyster
鱼鳞 scale
海蜇 jellyfish
鳖 海龟 turtle
蚬 蛤 clam
鲅鱼 culter
鲳鱼 butterfish
虾籽 shrimp egg
鲢鱼 银鲤鱼 chub silver carp
黄花鱼 yellow croaker
醋 vinegar
加碘盐 iodized salt
白糖 refined sugar
酱 soy sauce
沙拉 salad
辣椒 hot(red)pepper
胡椒 (black)pepper
花椒 wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder
色拉油 salad oil
调料 fixing sauce seasoning
砂糖 granulated sugar
红糖 brown sugar
冰糖 Rock Sugar
芝麻 Sesame
芝麻酱 Sesame paste
芝麻油 Sesame oil
番茄酱(汁) ketchup redeye
辣根 horseradish
葱 shallot (Spring onions)
料酒 cooking wine
蚝油 oyster sauce
枸杞(枇杷,欧查果 ) medlar
八角 aniseed
酵母粉 yeast barm
黄椒 Yellow pepper
肉桂 cinnamon (在美国十分受欢迎,很多事物都有肉桂料)
黄油 butter
香草精 vanilla extract(甜点必备)
面粉 flour
洋葱 onion
主食类(staple food):
三文治 sandwich
粥 congee (rice soup)
饺子 dumpling
面条 noodle
比萨饼 pizza
方便面 instant noodle
香肠 sausage
面包 bread
黄油 (白塔油)butter
茶叶蛋 Tea eggs
饼干 cookies
馒头 steamed bread
汉堡 hamburger
奶酪 cheese
馄饨皮 wonton skin
高筋面粉 Strong flour
小麦 wheat
大麦 barley
青稞 highland barley
高粱 broomcorn (kaoliang )
春卷 Spring rolls
鱼翅 shark fin
黄花 daylily
松花蛋 皮蛋preserved eggs
春卷 spring roll
肉馅饼 minced pie
糙米 Brown rice
馅儿 stuffing
开胃菜 appetizer
面粉 flour
白薯 甘薯 sweet potato
牛排 steak
里脊肉 fillet
凉粉 bean jelly
糯米 江米 sticky rice
燕窝 bird’s nest
粟 Chinese corn
肉丸子 meat balls
枳橙 citrange
点心(中式)dim sum
蛋挞 egg tart
干果类(dry fruits) :
腰果 Cashew nuts
花生 peanut
无花果 fig
榛子 filbert hazel
栗子 chestnut
核桃 walnut
杏仁 almond
果脯 preserved fruit
葡萄干 raisin cordial
开心果 pistachion
巴西果 brazil nut
菱角,荸荠 water chestnut (和国内食用法不同,做坚果食用)
红酒 red wine
白酒 white wine
白兰地 brandy
葡萄酒 sherry
汽水(软饮料) soda
(盐)汽水sparkling water
果汁 juice
冰棒 Ice-lolly
酸奶 yoghurt
伏特加酒 vodka
鸡尾酒 cocktail
豆奶 soy milk
豆浆 soybean milk
凉开水 cold boiled water
汉斯啤酒 Hans beer
浓缩果汁 concentrated juice
冰镇啤酒 iced(chilled ) beer
A级牛奶 grand A milk
班图酒 bantu beer
半干雪利 dry sark
参水牛奶 blue milk
日本粗茶 bancha
生啤酒 draft beer
白啤酒 white beer
大麦酒 barley-bree
咖啡伴侣 coffee mate
mint 薄荷糖
cracker 饼干
biscuit 饼干
棒棒糖 bonbon
茶tea (沏茶 make the tea)
话梅 prune candied plum
锅巴 rice crust
瓜子 melon seed
冰棒(冰果) ice(frozen) sucker
冰淇凌 ice cream
圣代冰淇淋 sundae
巧克力豆 marble chocolate barley
布丁 pudding
烧饼 Clay oven rolls
油条 Fried bread stick
韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings
水饺 Boiled dumplings
蒸饺 Steamed dumplings
馒头 Steamed buns
割包 Steamed sandwich
饭团 Rice and vegetable roll
蛋饼 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg
豆浆 Soybean milk
稀饭  Rice porridge
白饭 Plain white rice
油饭 Glutinous oil rice
糯米饭 Glutinous rice
卤肉饭 Braised pork rice
蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee
馄饨面 Wonton & noodles
刀削面 Sliced noodles
麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles
麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles
鴨肉面 Duck with noodles
鱔魚面 Eel noodles
乌龙面 Seafood noodles
榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles
板条 Flat noodles
米粉 Rice noodles
炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
冬粉Green bean noodle
鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup
貢丸汤 Meat ball soup
蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊汤 Clams soup
牡蛎汤 Oyster soup
紫菜汤 Seaweed soup
酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup
馄饨汤 Wonton soup
猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup
肉羹汤 Pork thick soup
Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup
sea cucumber 海参
sea sturgeon 海鳝
salted jelly fish 海蜇皮
kelp,seaweed 海带
abalone 鲍鱼
shark fin 鱼翅
scallops 干贝
lobster 龙虾
bird’s nest 燕窝
roast suckling pig 考乳猪
pig’s knuckle 猪脚
boiled salted duck 盐水鸭
preserved meat 腊肉
barbecued pork 叉烧
sausage 香肠
fried pork flakes 肉松
BAR-B-Q 烤肉
meat diet 荤菜
vegetables 素菜
meat broth 肉羹
local dish 地方菜
Cantonese cuisine 广东菜
set meal 客饭
curry rice 咖喱饭
fried rice 炒饭
plain rice 白饭
crispy rice 锅巴
noodles with gravy 打卤面
plain noodle 阳春面
casserole 砂锅
chafing dish,fire pot 火锅
meat bun 肉包子
shao-mai 烧麦
preserved bean curd 腐乳
bean curd 豆腐
fermented blank bean 豆豉
pickled cucumbers 酱瓜
preserved egg 皮蛋
salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋
dried turnip 萝卜干
French cuisine 法国菜
today’s special 今日特餐
chef’s special 主厨特餐
buffet 自助餐
fast food 快餐
specialty 招牌菜
continental cuisine 欧式西餐
aperitif 饭前酒
dim sum 点心
French fires 炸薯条
baked potato 烘马铃薯
mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥
omelette 简蛋卷
pudding 布丁
pastries 甜点
pickled vegetables 泡菜
kimchi 韩国泡菜
crab meat 蟹肉
prawn 明虾
conch 海螺
escargots 田螺
braised beef 炖牛肉
bacon 熏肉
poached egg 荷包蛋
sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋
over 煎两面荷包蛋
fried egg 煎蛋
over easy 煎半熟蛋
over hard 煎全熟蛋
scramble eggs 炒蛋
boiled egg 煮蛋
stone fire pot 石头火锅
sashi 日本竹筷
sake 日本米酒
miso shiru 味噌汤
roast meat 铁板烤肉
sashimi 生鱼片
butter 奶油
与食品有关的词语(some words about food):
炝 quick boiled
烩 braise (烩牛舌 braised ox tongue)
饱了 饱的 full stuffed
解渴 quench thirst (形容食物变坏spoil spoilage)
防腐剂 preservative
产品有效期 (形容酒品好: a good strong brew 绝味酿)expiration datewine grape的用法和样例:
Zinfandel is a very versatile wine grape, which has led to various wine styles.
Type of red wine grape: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Gernischt, Merlot, France Blue, Gamay, Syrah, Carignan, etc.
Build wine grape seedling raising base to ensure the purity of wine grape, stabilize seedling price, cut forestation costs and increase survival rate of forestation.
Type of white wine grape: Chardonney, Risling, Chenin Blanc, Bino Blanc, Ugni Blanc, Italian Riesling, etc.
A producer or harvester of wine grapes.
The requirement and accumulative trend of N, P and K in wine grape 'Cabernet Sauvignon' were studied.
研究了酿酒葡萄‘赤霞珠’(Cabernet Sauvignon)整个生育期内N、P和K的动态变化及养分需求量。
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