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you type a type a person’s name into the web, you
can often come up with hoards of information about
that person – such as seeing photos from their last
vacation, current marriage status, their volunteer
work, and much more. Internet searches are almost
always free with one common exception: if you have a
phone number and want to find out who it belongs to,
you will likely have to join a reverse phone
phones give teens a sense of freedom and privacy.
Unfortunately, a lot of teens are abusing this
privilege and engaging in illegal or dangerous
activities – like the recent trend of “sexting” and
sending nude photos. As a parent, it is your
obligation to find out what your children are doing
on their cell phones and who is contacting them.
There are many applications and reverse cell phone
directories which can help keep your children safe.
you remember when you used to get junk mail telling
you to send in $100 and claim a massive prize? In
most cases, the prize never existed and thousands of
people lost their money. We started to see less mail
scams because the scams instead went online through
email. Scammers love the internet because it makes
it so easy anonymously reach so many people. Now,
the scammers are taking advantage of people in
another way: scam SMS messages. The prevalence of
these scams makes it necessary to use a reverse
phone directory.
you have a landline phone number, then you will be
included in your local phonebook by default. You
have to ask your phone company to keep your
information anonymous if you don’t want your
information public (and this usually costs a fee).
There are no official phonebooks for cell phone
numbers. So, you might think that means your cell
phone number is private and can’t be used to access
your personal information. Wrong! Just signup to a
reputable reverse cell phone directory and type in
your cell phone number. You will not only see your
name come up, but may also see other personal
information too. For people who value privacy, it is
unfortunately very difficult to get yourself removed
from these listings.
you got rid of your landline for a cell phone, you
may have expected all those annoying telemarketers
to stop calling. Despite the fact that cell phone
numbers are not listed in any official phonebook.
Telemarketers can still easily get a hold of your
cell number. When telemarketers call you on your
cell, it is even more annoying since you it may cost
you minutes to answer the call!
There are dozens of different reverse phone
directories on the web which make it easy to find
out who is calling you. But, if you use a few of
these phone number lookup services, you will find
out that the results vary drastically.
Copyright 2012
(C) Reverse Phone LookupGALAXY专用OTG USB集线器HDMI输出·MHL对应、USB端口(即时交付)3-日本购购凭借专业的代购经验,为广大朋友提供高效,优质,专业的日本商品代购,最全面专业的日本代购网站-日本购购 Japangogo
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&GALAXY专用OTG USB集线器HDMI输出·MHL对应、USB端口(即时交付)3
【中文名称】 GALAXY专用OTG USB集线器HDMI输出·MHL对应、USB端口(即时交付)3
(1280 日元) &&&
GALAXY J?GALAXY Note3の画面をHDMI出力。OTGハブでマウスやキーボードなどUSB機器の接続が可能。MHL機能付きGalaxy専用OTG USBハブ。【WEB限定商品】スタッフコメント:「あなたの持っているGALAXYをもっと便利に活用しよう!」専用OTGハブを使えば、GALAXYをノートパソコンの様に使うことができます。大画面に映しながら、インターネット検索、Youtube動画の視聴、写真ファイルの管理 etcマウスやキーボードを接続すれば、更に操作性アップですO(≧?≦)OGALAXY専用でも初期タイプの端末では動作しないので、対応機種は要確認ですね(。?ω?。)
GALAXY J?GALAXY Note3の画面をHDMI出力。OTGハブでマウスやキーボードなどUSB機器の接続が可能。MHL機能付きGalaxy専用OTG USBハブ。【WEB限定商品】工作人员的留言:“你所拥有的GALAXY更便利活用吧!”专用OTG枢纽,只要使用GALAXY为笔记本电脑的大人会用到。大画面的写照,互联网检索,Youtube视频的收看,照片文件的管理等鼠标和键盘连接的话,再操作。(≧?≦) O OGALAXY専用でも初期タイプの端末では動作しないので、対応機種は要確認ですね(。?ω?。)
「あなたの持っているGALAXYをもっと便利に活用しよう!」専用OTGハブを使えば、GALAXYをノートパソコンの様に使うことができます。大画面に映しながら、インターネット検索、Youtube動画の視聴、写真ファイルの管理 etcマウスやキーボードを接続すれば、更に操作性アップですO(≧?≦)OGALAXY専用でも初期タイプの端末では動作しないので、対応機種は要確認ですね(。?ω?。)特長●docomo GALAXYシリーズ(対応確認機種のみ)の映像をHDMIでテレビに出力することができます。●docomo GALAXYシリーズ(対応確認機種のみ)でキーボード、マウスなどのUSB機器を使用することができます。●USB2.0のハイスピードに対応した3ポートUSBハブです。●docomo Galaxyシリーズ(対応確認機種のみ)の充電をすることも可能です。※充電時間は接続するACアダプタに依存します。※USB電源アダプタ及び給電用microUSBケーブルは、docomo純正品の「ACアダプタ03」及び「ACアダプタ04」を使用してください。※HDMI出力中?USB機器接続中はHDMI出力?接続機器の電力消費が優先されます。※Galaxy本体が充電中のステータスでも、使用状況によっては電力供給量を上回りバッテリーは消費していきます。【ご購入前にご確認ください】※お使いのスマートフォンが対応機種であるかどうかをご確認ください。※本製品はUSBハブですが全てのUSB機器に接続、動作を保証できるものではありません。※本製品はセルフパワーのみに対応しています。バスパワーモードでは動作しませんのでご注意ください。※USB1.1規格の環境で使用する場合は「HI-SPEED」モード(転送速度480Mbps)では動作しません。仕様■インターフェース規格:USB仕様 Ver2.0準拠(USB Ver1.1上位互換)■通信速度:480Mbps/12Mbps/1.5Mbps(理論値)■ケーブル長:約70mm(±10mm)■コネクタ:USB Aコネクタ メス×3(ダウンストリーム)HDMI コネクタ メス×1MICRO USB 11PINコネクタ オス×1(アップストリーム)MICRO USB 5PIN コネクタ オス×1(POWER IN)■電源:セルフパワー■供給電流:docomo純正 ACアダプタ03の場合最大1000mAh(HDMIポート+USBポート×3の合計)docomo純正 ACアダプタ04の場合最大1800mAh(HDMIポート+USBポート×3の合計)※接続機器の消費電流が上記の供給電流値以内になるようにしてください。 供給電流値を上回った場合、本製品は動作致しません。■サイズ:約W91.8×D60×H12mm■重量:約66g(ケーブル含む)■取扱説明書:あり■生産国:中国■保証期間:ご購入日より6ヶ月対応機種■対応機種:docomo Samsung GALAXY J SC-02F、GALAXY S4 SC-04E、GALAXY S3α SC-03Edocomo Samsung GALAXY Note 3 SC-01F、GALAXY Note II SC-02E※上記以外のGALAXY端末では動作致しません。接続すると故障の原因となる可能性がありますので、接続しないでください。■対応OS:Android4.3、Android4.1.2■対応ACアダプタ:docomo ACアダプタ03、ACアダプタ04説明書ダウンロード
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当前汇率为100日元 = 5.485 元人民币、代购手续费是 10% 、微信号:japan4567
0.3 ~ 0.5
0.5 ~ 0.6
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0.7 ~ 0.8
0.8 ~ 0.9
0.9 ~ 1.0
1.0 ~ 1.25
1.25 ~ 1.5
1.5 ~ 1.75
1.75 ~ 2.0
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海外代购买前必读 1关税---本店所有产品都从日本店铺直接发货给各地买家.中国海关对国际邮寄品进入中国并通关时,会以抽查方式征收一定金额的行邮税(根据产品价值, 收取100元--几千元不等),本店不承担可能发生的关税(申明包税的部分产品除外),万一有税发生,需由买家亲自交税拿货,请务必交易前确认清楚,具体请看店铺首页[买家必读]的关税一栏。不接受有关税而要求退货款的买家!!! 请理解国际代购的特殊性,慎重交易。
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3售价---本店产品品种繁多,每天进价和汇率都有变动,无法在网上一一更新,请各位买家予以谅解,务请在拍前和本店确认当天售价和库存后再交易,无任何咨询直接拍下的话, 本店有权关闭该交易! 售价确定后请务必在24小时内付款完毕,以防代购进价变动而无法成交!
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5发货日期---需预定或厂家调货等部分产品除外,正常情况下,本店会在2天左右(周末及日本节假日除外 )发货,国际EMS一般发后3-6天前后到,快递SAL发后7-15天前后到,平邮船运20-45天前后到货。 所在地区不一,具体到货时间也不同,国际通关及邮局运输安排上的速度也会影响到货时间,烦请买家周知! 本店不承担到货时间方面的责任,国际运输通关情况本店无法控制,物流跟踪需买家自己查询, 本店协助。 日本发货1-2天后,可查询以下网站,查询电话1 EMS查询---.cn/ & && 快递查询---.cn/
返货和交换How To Help Japan: Earthquake Relief Options
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How To Help Japan: Earthquake Relief Options
On March 11, 2011, a huge . has already released a statement sending "deepest condolences" and promising support to the stricken country. "The United States stands ready to help the Japanese people in this time of great trial."Additionally, many organizations and funds have mobilized to provide relief to those affected by the disaster.In response to the quake,
has already launched efforts in Japan. Visit
or text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 from your phone. Save the Children has also responded. , saying: "We are extremely concerned for the welfare of children and their families who have been affected by the disaster. We stand ready to meet the needs of children who are always the most vulnerable in a disaster."The organization is currently organizing efforts and
will support outreach. is also coordinating efforts to help the children of Japan.
to donate 100 percent of your desired amount to their fund designated for victims of the earthquake or text JAPAN to 864233 to donate $10.International Medical Corps is responding to the health needs of the disaster's victims. Nancy Aossey, President & CEO, International Medical Corps said in a statement: "We are putting together relief teams, as well as supplies, and are in contact with partners in Japan and other affected countries to assess needs and coordinate our activities."To donate or learn about other ways you can contribute to its medical response, visit . Also, text MED to 80888 from any mobile phone to give $10. was launched at
to garner funds that will be given to a variety of relief organizations helping victims of the earthquake. It has already raised over $100,000, particularly from concerned Twitter users around the world. The project page explains:We are working with International Medical Corps, Save the Children, and other organizations on the ground to provide support. Our partners on the ground are working hard to provide immediate relief. Salvation Army personnel are organizing efforts in Tokyo and . To contribute to earthquake relief, text 'JAPAN' or 'QUAKE' to 80888 to make a $10 donation or visit . Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is . To learn more about the organization's efforts or make a donation, visit .Other relief organizations are also sending representatives to disaster sites, including
and . for its overseas partner, , which currently has personnel on the ground distributing emergency relief in Japan.. Their first major shipment of supplies includes 130,000 pieces of winter clothing along with hand-crank radios, flashlights, hygiene supplies, portable lights and miscellaneous medical supplies. The organization is encouraging monetary donations through their website, , so additional supplies can be purchased closer to disaster sites.The
will soon be deploying a team to assess needs regarding animal rescue. Dick Green, the organization's emergency relief manager for disasters, wrote on IFAW's blog: "As we saw most recently in Haiti, major disasters require long-term planning and a concerted effort between NGO and governmental ranks to ensure that the greatest number of animals and humans benefit from the intervention."They are encouraging support through donations, which will be used to buy pet food, veterinary supplies, vaccines and other necessities for animals needing help. For any who have loved ones abroad, Google has stepped up to help. Along with a tsunami alert posted on its front page, Google has launched the
to help connect people that may have been displaced due to the disaster.
filled with local resources and emergency information.
that transactional fees incurred by money transfers to US 501(c)(3) organizations (or charities registered with the Canada Revenue Agency) between March 11 and April 10 will aid relief efforts in Japan. global mobilization in response to tsunami warnings. Geoff Shepherd, the organization's humanitarian and emergency affairs director for the Asia-Pacific region, released a statement on
website, saying:“We’ve also alerted our Global Rapid Response Team and have put team members on standby for possible deployment to affected areas. This could be a very serious disaster in multiple countries and our staff are prepared to respond.”To donate to World Vision, follow the Impact links below:
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