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Tokio Hotel - Reden Unplugged (Chinese Sub)
Tokio Hotel - Reden Unplugged
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Pinyin // Translations ::
ni shi wo de quan bu
You are my all
shen zhi rang wo jue de ni shi wo de xing fu, shen ge wo de li wu
To the extent that I feel you are my happiness, a gift from God
tou guo shi guang ji jiu suan, hui dao shang ge shi ji kan xing fu jie ju
Even if through a time machine, return to last century to see our happy ending
bu guan ni shi chuan zhe qi pao hai shi chang qun
Doesn't matter if you are wearing cheongsam or long skirt
zhi yao yi ge yan shen que ding, xin bu zai huai yi
Only need a meeting of the eyes to confirm, my heart is no longer suspicious
mang mang ren hai xiang yu
Meet in the sea of people
wo xiang bu xi yi qie gao su ni
No matter what I want to tell you
qiang yan wan yu bu di wo ai ni
However many words won't be better than "I love you"
Would U Marry Me? xiang zhe liu xing, mo mo xu yuan
Would U Marry Me? Facing the shooting star, quietly making a wish
mo qi yong heng bu bian
Our understanding never changes
mei dao ni wei xiao jin ru meng xiang
When you fall asleep smiling
duo xiang rang ni kao zai jian bang
I really want to let you sleep on my shoulder
Would U Marry Me? xi wang ni neng cheng quan, wo suo you xin yuan
Would U Marry Me? Hope you can fulfill all my wishes
ba ni lao zai xin di, I DO
Brand you on myy heart, I DO
shi shi ke ke ai ni, I DO
Loving you every minute, I DO
jiu suan kuang feng bao yu, bu rang ni shou wei qu, I DO
Even if it's stormy, I won't let you be hurt, I DO
ai ni de xin bu li, MY LOVE
The heart that loves you never leaves, MY LOVE
mei li de ni chuan zhe bai se hun sha
The beautiful you wearing white wedding dress
wo chuan zhe li fu guang zhe jiao ya
I'm wearing a suit with bare feet
wo men jiu zhe yang kan zhe bi ci fa dai
We just stare at each other like this
xing xing yue liang zuo ban, I SWEAR
Moon and stars stay with us, I SWEAR
bu xu yao yu yan, yong xin ti yan
No need for words, use the heart to understand
zai bu li kai w
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车展期间,易车网视频频道将为您送上精彩车展视频,满足您足不出户看车展的愿望:2011广州车展 阿斯顿马丁车模情致两饶
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WTTC 2011 Chinese Team Part3[训练]
by tabletennisdaily2 @ youtube
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2011 World Cup and 2012 London Olympics
张继科 加油!!
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This video is not mine. I am only re-uploading it here for the Chinese friends to have a look of good works from table tennis fans on youtube. :)
For entertainment purposes only.
Learn Chinese with Mike Lesson 97
Chinese Guy Singing Indian Song -
2010广州车展 2011款普锐斯外观高清图集
易车网视频频道为您送上精彩车展视频:2010广州车展 2011款普锐斯外观高清图集
WTTC 2011 Chinese Team Part1[训练]
by tabletennisdaily2 @ youtube
Promote Table Tennis to the World!
Support Team China!
2011 World Cup and 2012 London Olympics
张继科 加油!!
观看 评论 率 订阅 Enjoy!
This video is not mine. I am only re-uploading it here for the Chinese friends to have a look of good works from table tennis fans on youtube. :)
For entertainment purposes only.
Beautiful Chinese Music Traditional
Beautiful Chinese Music Traditional
張國榮,王祖賢 倩女幽魂 刪剪片段 A Chinese ghost story
香港上映日期:日 ,
導演:程小東 ,
編劇:阮繼志 ,
主演:張國榮, 王祖賢, 午馬 ,劉兆銘, 林威, 薛芷倫 ,
故事: 書生寧采臣往郭北縣收數, 數簿被雨水所化, 寧被迫往蘭若寺投宿, 但遭寺內道士燕赤霞所拒, 寧迫於偷入寺內. 夜半寧被美妙琴音吸引, 邂逅彈琴少女聶小倩, 小倩突露殺機, 幸得燕赤霞出現, 救回寧一命, 寧卻懵然不知, 還將絃琴交回小倩, 小倩感於寧的正直, 對其產生愛意, 自此兩人每天見面, 感情激增......
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Justin Bieber中文版 Boyfriend(男友)
I do not own this video, it belongs to /watch?v=Tp1gJyGw3gs
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2 .《Chinese Classical Music
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是迷人动聼精彩音乐好視频的片段,值得大家分享。;務求看得舒服为目的,但利益仍歸原来上传人 ,故希望各位欣賞分享后,并即将该有关視频刪除,谢谢合作与大力支持!!
视频空间 》网友
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ordering food Bangla to Chinese
Tokio Hotel - Ich Bin Nicht Ich (Chinese Sub)
Tokio Hotel - Ich Bin Nicht Ich
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易车网视频频道为您送上精彩车展视频:2010北京车展 奥迪A3曝光
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How My Chinese Dating Cross-Culture Relationship Crashed and Burned Part Four - The Day We Met
Finally, here comes the meet up: the first date, first hug, first kiss, first…, you know. What were the surprises? Was it the same as I expected or did it blow up on my face and woke me up from my day dream?
It was expected and surprised. He arrived on time and I was there waiting for him. The minute he turned around and saw me he was surprised, after half second he grabbed me and squeezed the hell out of me nicely. It was a long and intense hug. A lot of emotions. I could feel all his love and passion. The greeting I gave him was “Do you need any help?” as when I found him he was bending down to pick up his luggage. The greeting he gave me was much dramatic and kind of fun: “God! You are here! You are real! You exist!”
After we pulled out of the arrival hall and found us a taxi, sitting in the back seats side by side I noticed he had more wrinkles than I thought(not that a few wrinkles bothered me but it was one of the surprises). I guess cameras do lie a little bit. “I haven’t slept for 3 days.” He told me. “Oh, that explains the wrinkles, ha ha…” I laughed. He gave me a quick kiss, nice and gentle. I felt good. He started to squeeze my hand. Oh, I meant hold my hand.
To be honest, I didn’t feel as much as he did. To him it was exciting and thrilled and “dreams come true?”. To me it was a planned romance and nothing went wrong. Yes, it was exciting to finally meet someone that I had been talking to for months and had strong feelings for, but I managed to be calm and kept my feet on the ground.
After cab, metro and bus rides we finally got to a hotel. I booked a hotel online but it got screw up so before we found a new one we had to drag all the cases across Guangzhou and had a short tour at night while he was half asleep.
For the first three days we barely left the hotel. Not as much fun as you thought. He needed to catch up his sleep. By the way, I took two weeks off work to make sure I kept him company for all his staying in China.
He told me online he wasn’t picky about food but it was a total misleading. Actually westerns are so hard to feed. They don’t eat much vegetables, don’t eat plain rice, and most of them don’t like fish or anything with bones. After 3 days of MacDonald and KFC and countless bottles of milk he grew great passion on fry rice. Maybe I sucked at picking restaurants but I tried morning tea, Sea food, Guangdong soup, Spicy food from Hunan and other food I normally eat. Any way, after the food crises I started to show him around Guangzhou, the city I’ve been living in for 6 years and still want to know more. He loved the Chime Long Paradise rollercoaster. I was terrified on those killer machines.
As the vacation came close to the end, I felt he had a monkey jumping on his back. Something he wanted to ask me but was waiting for the moment. I kind of knew what was coming but I wasn’t ready for it. He asked me to take him to a nice classic western restaurant and I kept finding reasons to say no. One morning, he told me to stay in the room and he would pick me up later. I started to get nervous. I had no idea what I would say or what I should say.
Part 5 Unforgettable Breakfast
见面时的情况是既在意料之中也在意料之外。他准时到达而我也恭候多时。当他回首看到我时他立马给我一个熊抱,我差点透不过气来, 久而有力的拥抱。百感交集。我能够感受到他的满腔热情。我的第一句话是“您需要帮忙吗?”,因为我找到他时他正弯腰去捡起他的行李。而他对我的问候就显得相当的戏剧性和有趣:“天哪!你在这里!你是真的!你真的存在!”
第五章 难忘的早餐
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# 00:53:29
Victoria, I'm not digging - really - but while you say the first 3 days in the hotel were "not as much fun as you thought", the cat pictures would suggest something else, like maybe those days were pretty darned cozy. And yes you now have me waiting with baited breath to hear if he "popped the big question" and how you handled it. Great stuff!
# 07:14:43
man, definitely a woman who knows how to tease......hahaha
# 07:55:33
I hope you don't think all westerners are hard to feed based on one guy.
# 17:19:03
haha... yeah, certainly there were some cozy moments ^_^
# 12:55:17
I love the different China foods! And China is so amazing country, especially when you not live there!
# 18:27:32
No most westerner do eat veggies and other stuff other than Micky-D's. as for me give me a bowl of chow mein any day
# 12:23:37
yes, i must echo the other readers here.
i would speculate that the vast majority of men here on CLM actually PREFER chinese food over the western junk food.
you ended up with the exception rather than the rule.
most of us who visit china deliberately avoid KFC and big mac attack.
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