
求解答 学习搜索引擎 | 某校九年级学生毕业时,每个同学都将自己的相片向全班其他同学各送一张留作纪念,全班共送了2070张相片,如果全班有x名学生,根据题意,列出方程为(
抽屉原理:又称鸽巢原理,它是组合数学的一个基本原理,最先是由德国数学家狭利克雷明确地提出来的,因此,也称为狭利克雷原理。在这类问题中,只需要确定某个物体(或某个人)的存在就可以了,并不需要指出是哪个物体(或哪个人),也不需要说明是通过什么方式把这个存在的物体(或人)找出来。这类问题依据的理论,我们称之为“抽屉原理”。两种抽屉原理:第一抽屉原理:原理1: 把多于n个的物体放到n个抽屉里,则至少有一个抽屉里的东西不少于两件。原理2 :把多于mn(m乘以n)个的物体放到n个抽屉里,则至少有一个抽屉里有不少于m+1的物体。原理3 :把无穷多件物体放入n个抽屉,则至少有一个抽屉里 有无穷个物体。原理1 、2 、3都是第一抽屉原理的表述。第二抽屉原理:把(mn-1)个物体放入n个抽屉中,其中必有一个抽屉中至多有(m—1)个物体(例如,将3×5-1=14个物体放入5个抽屉中,则必定有一个抽屉中的物体数少于等于3-1=2)。抽屉原理形式:形式一:把m个物体任意分放进n个空抽屉里(m>n,n是非0自然数),那么一定有一个抽屉中放进了至少2个物体。形式二:把多于kn个物体任意分放进n个空抽屉里(k是正整数),那么一定有一个抽屉中放进了至少(k+1)个物体。
分数______Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)(
)1. You’d better ____ too much meat. You are much too fat.
A. not eat B. eat other
C. not to eat D. don’t eat(
)2. Jim would like to find __ job because he doesn’t want to work here.
B. the other
D. another(
)3. The summer holiday is coming. We’re going to have ____ holiday.
A. a two-month B. a two-months C. two months D. two-months(
)4. Sally sings pretty ____ and she is also ___ at dancing.
A. well B. good
C. well D. good (
)5. It’s hot here. Please keep the windows _______.
A. closing B. open
C. closed D. opened(
)6. You _____ wash your hands before meals. It is good for your health.
A. may B. can
C. have to
)7. ―Mr. Hu, can you tell us how to learn swimming well?
―Sure. But remember we can learn nothing well _____hard work.
C. without
)8. Do you prefer _______?
B. skates C. skating
D. skated (
)9. ―_______ I borrow your English book?
―Yes, of course you _______.
A. C could B. M canC. C can D. C could(
)10. ―Excuse me, can you give me a _______?
A. hand B. help C. ball
)11. ―Whose model plane is it?
―It’s Jack’s. He made it by _______.
D. himself(
)12. I have some problems with my health. Can you give me some ____?
A. advice B. messages
C. suggestion
D. information (
)13. ―There ____ a football match this evening.
―Exciting news.
A. are going to be B. is going to beC. is going to have D. will have(
)14. I think ______necessary for you _____ breakfast. A. have B. to have
C. it’s; to have
D. it’s; have(
)15. ―______ can I keep the books?
―Two weeks.
A. How long B. How often
C. How far
D. How soon Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)There was a football game on our school football field last week. We played
a team from a country school. They didn’t come
the last minute. They their best and they always played as a team. But we didn’t. Finally, we the game and we all felt unhappy.We thought much the game. We’re too proud (骄傲). We’re good players, but we can’t is: One can’t judge (判断) a person only by his clothes. We’ll never forget the game! (
)26. A. for B. with
C. between D. against (
)27. A. after B. until
C. as soon as D. while (
)28. A. new
B. old C. beautiful D. nice (
)29. A. winners
B. losers C. players D. stars (
)30. A. surprising B. surprised
C. surprise D. stars (
)31. A. tried
B. try C. do D. doing (
)32. A. won
B. lost C. missed D. caught (
)33. A. before
C. when D. as (
)34. A. never B. often
C. usually D. always (
)35. A. match
B. game C. lesson D. result Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(40分)(A)One Sunday, Cody decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dane, but Dane happened to be away. Dane’s brother Brett wanted to go instead though he did not know anything about sailing. Cody agreed and they set out to sea.Soon they found themselves in a thick fog. Cody was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Fortunately (幸运地), he saw a large buoy (浮标) through the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for safety. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope. The boat moved away in the fog carrying Brett who did not know how to use the radio. He drifted (漂流) about and was not seen until twelve hours later.Cody spent the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep and was having a dream when a shout woke him up. A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain. The captain told him that Brett had been picked up by another ship and the ship’s captain had sent out a message.
)41. Cody went sailing in his boat with his friend’s brother Brett.
)42. About sailing, Brett knew a little.(
)43. Soon they got into trouble because of the thick fog.(
)44. They drifted about and were not seen until twelve hours later.
)45. Brett was saved by the ship, the Good Hope.(B)Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the USA. Children play baseball in sports fields or parks.At summer picnic, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and girls, young and old take turns to bat. There are nine players on each team.The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and members of the important baseball teams become America’s heroes (英雄). At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go together to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch the television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players.American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the USA. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(
)46. According to the passage, which is NOT true?
A. Boys and girls like baseball games.
B. Baseball is played in the open air.
C. A baseball match has nine players.
D. Children sometimes play baseball in parks.(
)47. American people play baseball in April, _______ and September.
A. May, June, July, August
B. March, May, July, August
C. January, June, October, November
D. February, May, July, December(
)48. What happens at the end of the baseball season?
A. People talk only about football games.
B. Many baseball fans become members of top teams.C. A lot of people join in the games.D. Two top teams play a wonderful baseball game against each other.
)49. _______ follows the baseball season in the U. S. A.
A. The baseball season B. The football season
C. A baseball match
D. A football match (
)50. This passage mainly tells us something about _______.
A. the football season in the USA.
B. football is more interesting than baseball in the USA.
C. the difference between baseball and football
D. the baseball season in the USA.(C)During the day we work and play,and at night we sleep. Our body rests when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most when we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need sleep. We can get better at our lessons after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our head,our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night, we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air.
)46. Our body grows most while we are _______.
B. playing
C. sleeping
D. exercising (
)47. Too little sleep makes us _______.
B. hungry C. happy
)48. ―What may cause us to feel tired in the morning?
―_______ during the sleep.
A. Too much air B. Not enough fresh air
C. Too much cold air
D. Too much sleep(
)49. How many hours of sleep should 9-year-old children have every night?
A. 8 hours.
B. 9 hours.
C. 10 hours.
D. 11 hours.
)50. What do the lungs need most?
A. Fresh air.
B. Covering.
C. Warm air.
D. Exercise.(D)We eat food with the help of hands every day. It is possible for some germs (细菌) to get into our bodies. So it is important to know how to wash hands in the right way.A piece of news from CCTV says that students from Guangzhou have a goodway of learning how to wash hands. They learn it through doing hands-washing
exercises during the . The teachers there say most students wouldn’t like to
listen but they like to act. So now the students are interested in the interesting
exercises. They are learning carefully. ②
)51. All the germs in our bodies come from our hands.(
)52. The students have fun doing hands-washing exercises.任务二:选择①处画线单词在句中的意思。(
)53.A. 打破 B. 摔碎 C. 课间休息 任务三:把②处画线句子翻译成中文。 54. _________________________________________________。任务四:回答问题。 55. Why is it important to wash hands in the right way? _________________________________________________.
五.词语运用(10分) 六.补全对话(10分) D. 违反 Ⅲ. 书面表达。(15分)
冬季来了,由于气温变化很大,很多同学不小心就感冒了,请以How to
prevent the flu为题写篇不少于80词的作文。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  芦集乡第二初级中学八年级政治上期期中试题_初二政史地_政史地_初中教育_教育专区。八年级上期思想品德第二次月考测试卷姓名 考场 座号 班级 一、选择(1-3 ...   芦集乡第二初级中学七年级上期生物期中测试_初一理化生_理化生_初中教育_教育专区。七年级下册期中测试姓名:___班级:___得分:___ 一、选择题(每空 2, 共 ...   云南省广南县第二中学学年八年级上学期英语9月末水平测试试题 仁爱版_英语_初中教育_教育专区。云南省广南县第二中学学年八年级上学期英语9月末...  海山第二初级中学学年度上学期期末考试八年级英语试卷(含答案)_初二英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。去年初二英语考试试题及答案...   实验中学2015年八年级英语第二学期期中测试试卷及答案_数学_初中教育_教育专区。八年级英语试卷 温馨提示: 亲爱的同学,该试卷满分为 100 分,考试时间为 90 分钟...   河南省中牟县第一初级中学学年八年级英语上学期第二次月考考试试卷_英语_初中教育_教育专区。河南省中牟县第一初级中学
学年八年级英语上学期...   八年级英语(仁爱版)上册语... 81页 免费 现场生产成本降低实务 54页 免费 ... 盐城市初级中学
学年度第二学期期末考试 初二年级英语试题(考试时间...   国飞中学学年第学二期第二次月考八年级英语试卷_英语_初中教育_教育...o 65.l 六.初级写作(满分 l 5 分) 假设你是赵铭.你班来自美国的交流学生...靖安县小学数学?╮邓巍╭?名师工作室
上传: 邓巍 &&&&更新时间: 10:32:52
( 命题人:邓巍& )
1、3-2.07=(&&& );&=(&&&& );&=(&&&& );1 - +=(& &&&&)
2、二月份,妈妈在银行存入5000元,存折上应记作(&&&&& )元。三月一日妈妈的存折上记着-1000元,表示妈妈(&&&&&&&&&& )元。
3、把30分解质因数是(&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&);14和28的最小公倍数是(&&&&& )
4、15个学生要分到6个班,至少有(& &&&&&&&& && )个人要分进同一个班。
5、一场为玉树地震举行的&爱的奉献&募捐晚会,现场捐款。这个数读作(&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ),省略&亿&后面的尾数约是(&&& &&&&&)元。
6、2&5==15:(& &&&&)=(& &&&&&&)%=(&&&&& )折
铁桶,铁桶的底面直径大约是(&&& &&&&&&&)分米,
加上底面后,铁桶的容积是(&&&& &&&&&)升。(铁皮的厚度忽略不计)
8、奶奶编一个&中国结&要用丝绳0.85米,亮亮有8.4米丝绳,可以编(&&&&&&& )个这样的&中国结&。
9、栽种一批树苗,这种树苗的成活率一般为75%~80%,如果要确保1200棵树苗成活,那么至少应栽( &&&&   )棵树苗。
10、小丽去年6月20日到银行存了一个定期储蓄1000元,年利率是1.98%利息税是20%,今年到期小丽可得本金和税后利息共( &&&&&   )元。
11、小华身高1.6米,在照片上她的身高是5厘米,这张照片的比例尺是(&    )。
1、数轴上左边的数比右边的数小。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ( &&&&&&&&&)
2、小明说:&我表妹是日出生的。&&&&&&&&&&&& &&(&&&&&&&&& )
3、六(1)班请假2人,出席48人,这一天的出勤率是96%。&&&&&&&&& (&&&&&&&& &)
4、角的两条边越长,角就越大。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (&&&&&&&&& )
5、在100米赛跑中,时间与速度成反比例关系。&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&(&&&&&&&&& )
6、如果A在B的东偏南30o方向,那么B在A的西偏北30o方向。& (& &&&&&&&&)
1、下列说法中正确的是(&&&&&& )
A、一条直线长50m& &&&&&&&&&&&& B、平行四边形是轴对称图形&&&&&&
C、3.496保留两位小数是3.50 &&& D、和5:4可以组成比例
2、 投掷3次硬币,有2次正面朝上,1次反面朝上,那么,投掷第4次硬币正面朝上的可能性是(&&&&&&& )
3、右上图由7个立方体叠加的几何体,从正面观察,可画出的平面图形是(&&&&&& )。
A、&&&&&&&&& &&&&&B、&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C、&&
4、将右图中的硬纸片沿虚线折起来,便可成为一个正方体。这个正方体3号面的对面是(& &&&&&)面
A、 4&&&&& &&&B、5& &&&&&&&&&&C、6&&&
小强是( &&&&& &&)岁。
A、m+2& &&&&&B、m+4& &&&&&&C、m+6&&
6、在下图中,以直线为轴旋转,可以得出圆锥体的是(&& &&&&)。
A、&&&&&&&&&&& B、&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C、&&&&&&&&&&&& D、
①x+ 2.5&8=95&&& &&②x- = &&&&&&&&&&③x: = :4
①7.02&123+ &&&&&&&&&&&&②54.2 - +4.8 -
③ ( + )&&&&&&&&&&&&&④0.05&[ 10.6&( 5.5 -) ]
①18的除以的12倍,商是多少?&&&& ②一个数的比它的多1.8,这个
③0.75的16倍减去16除3.2商,&&&&&&& ④ 与 的差乘 与的和,
差是多少?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&积是多少?


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