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英语句子 改写 在线等 谢谢
but to create a supportive ethical environment for their subordinates把这句话用不同的句子说出来
最后句式 用词什么的都要改变 但是表达的意思是要相同的 不是翻译哦!As the goal of teaching ethics is not just to help students acquire skills to deal effectively with ethical challenges! 谢谢!
出门在外也不愁英语句子 改写 在线等 谢谢_百度知道
英语句子 改写 在线等 谢谢
最后句式 用词什么的都要改变 但是表达的意思是要相同的 不是翻译哦!! 谢谢!The Trade-off theory (这个不用改)of capital structure (这个不用改)refers to the idea that a company chooses how much debt finance and how much equity finance to use by balancing the costs an哗攻糕纪蕹慌革苇宫俩d benefits.
The Trade-off theory of capital structure comes out of an industrial vision of balancing the costs and benefits by consider哗攻糕纪蕹慌革苇宫俩ing the amount of debt and equity to use.请考虑采纳。
The Trade-off theory (这个不用改)of capital structure哗攻糕纪蕹慌革苇宫俩 (这个不用改)refers to the idea that a company chooses how much debt finance and how much equity finance to be used by balancing the costs and benefits.
The Trade-off theory of capital structure is suggesting how an organisation making even on credits and debits by classifying its哗攻糕纪蕹慌革苇宫俩 properties liabilities or assets.
出门在外也不愁现在完成进行时改成一般疑问句应该怎么改?比如说:He has been skating for a long time.(改为一般疑问句)____ he____ _____for a long time?请多举几个例子,谢谢!拜托各位大侠了!又快又好的加分!在线等!_百度作业帮
现在完成进行时改成一般疑问句应该怎么改?比如说:He has been skating for a long time.(改为一般疑问句)____ he____ _____for a long time?请多举几个例子,谢谢!拜托各位大侠了!又快又好的加分!在线等!
原题可改为Has he been skating for a long time?现在完成进行时改成一般疑问句就是把has,have,had提前,其他依原顺序即可例如:They have been reading the books for 3 hours.改成Have they been reading the books for 3 hours?
您可能关注的推广请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 谢谢喔 拜托了 紧急 part 2 给100分_百度知道
请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 谢谢喔 拜托了 紧急 part 2 给100分
and they have no money for that, in order to develop their development, in order to talk and social withother, they are allresponding in a different way to growing up . As thefilm ‘’Baby’’, walk and talk, noteacher or ed they learn everything from their mothers.
There is something we can learn from the film, they all have different reaction.In the DVD’’Baby’’ , in thefilm. Also, for asuccessful personal. For example, that’svery unhealthy and unsanitary for children, four babies thought their different actions to communicate withtheir parents, for example, I do believe that communicationskills are important for a successful personal.&#39, tastindo you believe that communication skills' Baby' are important for a succeesfulpersonal , the Namibian children crawl in the dirt, it shows us a lot about babies’daily life . As we can see, urbanized and educated, I think it’s veryimportant to provide a good environment for our children. So it’s very important toprovide good renounces and good learning environment for children to learn andplay.Baby’s communication is different than us, they don’t have a goodenvironment to learn knowledge, we mayuse body language to communicate with others, we can use different type of language, they learn to crawl,social and work life , and it all reflect onaspect of their culture and tradition that had been revealed, because they lived in a village which is farfrom the city, leavingforaging and farming subsistence types , the four case of babies havesimilar stages of development, they express their emotion in order to get their parents’ attention, theUS and Japanese cases could be &#39. The four babies from differentparts of the world, and babies reactions in their daily life. Have a positive communication with them, it’s veryimportant to have good communication skills, for me. However no matter what?以下是我写的 有点连接不起来 请帮帮我&gt, baby can only thought action tocommunicate with us.
After the film?+ summarize the DVD and what youF&&#39请帮我修改 我写的文章句子 可以适当地帮我删减或增加句子 让我写的这篇文更通顺拜托了 以下 这是我回答的问题 in the DVD&#39. Andfor the Mongolian and Namibian cases are both nomadic herding cultures, to build a good relationship with other,we can finds a specific way to help baby keep growing and learning, whether ina hot tub or in a bowl that a goat uses as drink water, social and work life
no teachers or educators are available to help them, may it be in a hot tub or in a water trough for goats, four babies apply different actions to communicate with their parents,we may use body language to communicate with others, they learn to crawl, I think it’s very important to provide a good environment for our children, urbanized and educated aspects of develoed countries, but they all have different responses in their growth.S. , we can find special ways to help babies learn and grow, in order to achieve personal success, it’s very important to have good communication skills to talk and socialize with others so as to build good relationships with them, the U. The four babies are from different parts of the world, they both represent the aspect of nomadic herding cultures.
There is something we can learn from the film, walk and talk, they don’t have a good environment to learn knowledge. As we can see, because they live in a village which is faraway from the city, putting whatever they can find into their mouths which are very unhealthy and unsanitary, they all have different behaviors which reflect their varied aspects of culture and tradition, in the film, they express their feelings by actions in order to get their parents’ attentions. In the film ‘’Baby’’. So it’s very important to provide good resources and good learning environment for children to learn and play dur they learn only from their mothers, and they have no money to move to the city. For example.
The four baby cases all have similar stages of development. Also.and Japanese babies represent the modern.
After watching the film., a baby can only apply actions to communicate, the Namibian babies crawl and frolic in the dirt. As for the Mongolian and Namibian babies, but
we can use different types of languages.A baby’s communication skill is different from grownups like us, it shows us a lot about babies’ behaviors and reactions in their daily lives.In the DVD ’’Baby’’ . However, for example, social and working lifeI do believe that communication skills are important for a successful personal
leaving foraging and farming subsistence types . For example.
There is something we can learn from the film. As thefilm ‘’Baby’’, for me. The four babies from differentparts of the world, they don’t have a good environment to study. For example. So it’s very important to provide good resorce and good learning environment for children to learn andplay, I do believe that communicationskills are important for a successful personal好多语法错误, for asuccessful person, four babies communicate with their parents
they learn everything from their mothers, we mayuse body language to communicate with others, while we can use different type of languages, the Namibian children crawl in the dirt and eat whatever they find, we can find a specific way to help baby keep growing and learning, and it reflected the aspects of their culture and tradition that had been revealed, the American and Japanese cases represent the modern. As we can see, and they have no money for education, the babies of four cases have similar stages of development, just because they lived in a village which is far away from city, and they are all responding in a different way to growing up , and that’s very unhealthy and unsanitary, urbanized and educated, no teacher or educator, social and work life.In the film, walk and talk, it’s very important to have good communication skills to build a good relationship with others. Also.
After the film, in the film, I think it’s very important to provide a good environment for our children, have different reaction, they learn to crawl,拿60分没问题了For me. And the Mongolian and Namibian cases are both reflected nomadic herding cultures. They can communicate with us only thought action. The DVD’’Baby’’ shows us a lot about babies’ daily life and reactions. However no matter what.Baby’s communication is different from us. They express their emotion to catch their parents’ attention,我大致修改了一下, whether in a hot tub or in a bowl that a goat uses as drink water
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