
佢聊返工等放工蛇王郁D诈胃痛随晕伤风脚冻放假俾佢即刻通街贡求同情花款几百种同 wear 水赠送每佢钱嗌肉痛送野俾 girl friend 手重*佢条搞风搞雨掘尾龙随等炒攞惯信封频频意制造内哄佢望罢晒工同嘈声响喇叭筒打交「啜」声屈尾十嗌松走精面卸晒膊累埋众专门搞搞贡★(music)★佢同打牌专搏懵明明求「卡窿」佢碰假惺惺偷睇四面哄佢钟意周身郁郁贡平逢请饮梗肚空同台干杯佢食餸同猜枚冇尾梗要打包几斤重*佢条搞风搞雨掘尾龙随等炒攞惯信封频频意制造内哄佢望罢晒工同嘈声响喇叭筒打交「啜」声屈尾十嗌松走精面卸晒膊累埋众专门搞搞贡*佢条搞风搞雨掘尾龙随等炒攞惯信封频频意制造内哄佢望罢晒工同嘈声响喇叭筒打交「啜」声屈尾十嗌松走精面卸晒膊累埋众专门搞搞贡★(music)★佢聊返工等放工蛇王郁D诈胃痛随晕伤风脚冻放假俾佢即刻通街贡求同情花款几百种同 wear 水赠送每佢钱嗌肉痛送野俾 girl friend 手重每佢钱嗌肉痛送野俾 girl friend 手重
聊班等(想)班偷懒佯装胃痛随晕伤风脚冷让放假立刻满街蹿求同情几百种手段同 wear 水赠送(翻……懂)每轮钱疼(钱)给友送礼真条翻云覆雨恶搞龙随等炒攞惯信封(翻……懂)(概随等炒鱿鱼习惯拿XXX)意制造内讧盼望别全罢工跟别吵架嗓比喇叭打交「啜」声屈尾十嗌松(翻……懂)(概旦打架……)脸全丢光连累众专门恶搞面内容面重复汗颜粤语博精深………………
出门在外也不愁&& 查看话题
投了一篇英文,编辑给回复:Dear Dr Ma,
I can now inform you that the reviewers and editor have evaluated the manuscript "Characterization of the particle size fractions associated heavy metals in tropical arable soils from Hainan Island, China" (Dr Lingling Ma). I am pleased to say that it has been favourably received and publication with minor revision is recommended (see below and on /gexplo/).
Please consider the reviews to see if revision would be feasible. To facilitate further review, add line numbers in the text of your manuscript. Should you wish to resubmit you should explain how and where (i.e. by giving line numbers) each point of the reviewers' comments has been incorporated. For this, use submission item "Revision
Notes" when uploading your revision. Also, indicate the changes in an annotated version of the revised manuscript (submission item "Revision, changes marked"). Please follow the order "Revision Notes", "Revision, changes marked", "Manuscript", etc.
Should you disagree with any part of the reviews, please explain why.
Please strictly follow the formatting requirements as presented in the Guide for Authors.
Given that the requested revisions are fairly minor the new version is required within the month.
To submit a revision, go to /gexplo/ and log in as an author. You will find your submission record under Submission(s) Needing Revision.
When resubmitting, please present any figures, tables etc. as separate files. See the Artwork Guidelines on the home page right menu for further file naming conventions, referencing and format issues.
When resubmitting, please ensure that you upload the source files (e.g. Word) of all text and tables. Uploading a pdf file at this stage will create delays should your manuscript be finally accepted for publication. If your revised submission does not include the source files, we will contact you to request them.
I hope that you will find the comments to be of use to you and am looking forward with interest to receiving your revision.
Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.
Kind regards,
Kreeti Saravanan
Journal Manager
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Important note: If a reviewer has provided a review or other materials as attachments, those items will not be in this letter. Please ensure therefore that you log on to the journal site and check if any attachments have been provided.
You may obtain the specific comments from two reviewers for your manuscript and should revise the manuscript as well as a point-by-point reply to the comments.
After you have taken care of all the suggestions, you can resubmit the modified paper to be evaluated for acceptance for publication on JGE.
Following, some associate editor suggestions to authors:
(1) Lines 227: Pichler et al., 1996 is not in the references
Reviewer #1: This paper contains data of potential interest to an international scientific community. The English language and the general composition of the manuscript is quite satisfactory. The following comments apply to the manuscript:
- The use of decimals is generally excessive. Only one digit more than the last significant one should be listed. This applies to the Abstract (% micro-aggregates), Results and Discussion, and Table 1. As an example: If the accuracy of the Cr determination is 5% (it is hardly any better as judged from the analysis of SRMs)the numbers for this element in Table 1 should be given with only 3 significant digits (e.g. 204 instead of 204.27 and 21.2 instead of 21.21).
- In the abstract it is stated that the mobility of the metals was "analyzed". What was studied is rather the "leachability".
- In fig. line explaining the symbols used should be moved to the figure text. The figure looks to "busy" as it is now.
Reviewer #2: Soil pollution by heavy metal is getting worse with the rapid development economy in China. This ms. presented the characteristics of heavy metals in tropical arable soils in Hainan Island, China.
I considered that this ms. can be accepted for publication after a minor revision. The detailed comments are as follows:
1. What is the detection limit of TOC measurement?
2. Page 8 line 159, the section of "2.4 Statistical analysis" is unnecessary in the article.
3. The authors should add some appropriate discussion related to the source of heavy metals.
4. There are many syntax error and punctuation abuse. I suggest the authors finding native English persons to help with the ms..
恭喜,楼主。这个杂志投稿后多久给消息啊? 自己看啊,很简单的英语,恭喜你啊! 恭喜楼主,小改后接收!:hand: 恭喜楼主啊 小修后接收啊。。。。 小修后录用,基本上都是简单修改的小问题 : Originally posted by
恭喜,楼主。这个杂志投稿后多久给消息啊? 3个多月,有点慢 reviewer 2&&的意思是小修后接受发表~
reviewer 1 只提到要修改, 没说大改或是小改~
楼主专心的把2 位审稿人的意见好好的改~
录用机会比较高~ 好消息,小修后发表,LZ仔细回复评审意见。帮忙翻译一下!!!_英文翻译吧_百度贴吧
Organizations and societies rely on fines and rewards to harness people’s self-interest in the service of the common good. The threat of a ticket keeps drivers in line, and the promise of a bonus inspires high performance. But incentives can also backfire, diminishing the very behavior they’re meant to encourage.A generation ago, Richard Titmuss claimed that paying people to donate blood reduced the supply. Economists were skeptical, citing a lack of empirical evidence. But since then, new data and models have prompted a sea change in how economists think about incentives—showing, among other things, that Titmuss was right often enough that businesses should take note.Experimental economists have found that offering to pay women for donating blood decreases the number willing to donate by almost half, and that letting them contribute the payment to charity reverses the effect. Consider another example: When six day-care centers in Haifa, Israel, began fining parents for late pickups, the number of tardy parents doubled. The fine seems to have reduced their ethical obligation to avoid inconveniencing the teachers and led them to think of lateness as simply a commodity they could purchase.Dozens of recent experiments show that rewarding self-interest with economic incentives can backfire when they undermine what Adam Smith called “the moral sentiments.” The psychology here has eluded blackboard economists, but it will be no surprise to people in business: When we take a job or buy a car, we are not only trying to get stuff—we are also trying to be a certain kind of person. People desire to be esteemed by others and to be seen as ethical and dignified. And they don’t want to be taken for suckers. Rewarding blood donations may backfire because it suggests that the donor is less interested in being altruistic than in making a buck. Incentives also run into trouble when they signal that the employer mistrusts the employee or is greedy. Close supervision of workers coupled with pay for performance is textbook economics—and a prescription for sullen employees.Perhaps most important, incentives affect what our actions signal, whether we’re being self-interested or civic-minded, manipulated or trusted, and they can imply—sometimes wrongly—what motivates us. Fines or public rebukes that appeal to our moral sentiments by signaling social disapproval (think of littering) can be highly effective. But incentives go wrong when they offend or diminish our ethical sensibilities.This does not mean it’s impossible to appeal to self-interested and ethical motivations at the same time—just that efforts to do so often fail. Ideally, policies support socially valued ends not only by harnessing self-interest but also by encouraging public-spiritedness. The small tax on plastic grocery bags enacted in Ireland in 2002 that resulted in their virtual elimination appears to have had such an effect. It punished offenders monetarily while conveying a moral message. Carrying a plastic bag joined wearing a fur coat in the gallery of antisocial anachronisms.Understanding why Irish shoppers responded positively to the fine, unlike Haifa parents, is the next challenge. How to reliably design synergistic incentives will be a hot topic for behavioral economists in the coming years. Meanwhile, organizational and social policy makers would do well to examine their incentive systems to see whether they’re unwittingly encouraging the opposite of the behavior they desire.
Hope it can help u


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