不是所有童话都longlongjourneyago到forever love类似句子

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我会倾尽一生来摧毁你的幸福。I shall destory your happiness if it the last thing I do.你们的苦难将奠定我的成功。Out of your suffering will rise my victory.向内心黑暗的一面妥协并不能解决任何事情。Giving in to one's dark side never accomeplishes ansthing.即使只是相信有幸福结局的可能也会给人很多力量。Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing.魔力是很诱人,但爱也一样。Power is seductive,but so is love.爱使人软弱。Love is weakness. 假如真爱如此容易,我们早就拥有了。Guess if true love was easy,we'd all have it.得不到幸福结局已经够让人痛苦了,而给他们无法实现的希望比那还要糟。Not having a happy endling is painful enough,but giving someone unrelistic hope is far worse. 世界上没有一见钟情或一吻定情这种事。That there's no such thing as love at first sight or first kiss. 所有的魔法都必须付出代价的。All magic comes with a price.人是不会变的,他们只是欺骗自己去相信他们可以。What I want is something you don't ye possess,but something I know is coming.也许是魔法让我们相遇,但魔法无法创造真爱。Magic may have brought us together,but it didn't create this love. 我祈祷又祈祷,但什么也没有改变,我祈祷我能更会祈祷。I wish,I wish.But nothing changes.I wish I was better at wishing.“好人”是“软弱”的代名词。"Good" is another word of for "Weak".你就是你,无法改变。You are who you are,and there's no chaning it.做一个损人利己的人总比任人宰割强。It's better to the kind of people that take instead of those that get taken from. 如果你认为你自己要做的事是错的,那就确实不对。If you think something you wanna do is wrong,it is.你不能拥有一切。You can't have everything.有时候说话不考虑别人的感受会更好。Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone when you don't give a crap what they think. 你的心墙也许能让你免受伤害但也让你远离真爱。That wall of yours it may keep out pain,but it also may keep out love.你不能喝诅咒作对。You don't play with a curse.永远不要低估为了自己孩子挺身而出的人。Never underestimate someone who's acting for their child.家庭成员之间总是要能够找到彼此。A family always needs to be able to find one another.真相会让人痛苦但也会让人认清事实爱是最有力的魔法,所以解药也得极端一些。Love is the most powerful magic,so cure must be extreme.爱让我们患病,萦绕我们的梦境,摧毁我们的生活。Love makes us sick,haunts our dreame,destroys our days.爱造成的死亡比任何疾病都多。Love has killed more than any disease.热忱不是交易的一部分。Enthusiasm wasn't part of the deal.爱情是一种疾病,而正如所有疾病一样,它可以被战胜。Love is a disease,and like all diseases,it can be vanquished.不管多难过,我需要我的痛苦。As wretched as it is,I need my pain.愿望的实现伴随着代价。Making a wish comes with a price.爱让人做出傻事。Love makes people do foolish things.感情用事可是很危险的。Emotional entanglements can lead us down very dangerous paths. 只要做些需要勇气的事,勇气自会随之增长。Do the brave thing and bravery would follow.
你应该为有人爱你而感到幸运。You're fortunate you have someone that loves you.爱情就像一簇易熄的火焰,一旦熄灭,便不复燃。Love.It's like a delicate flame.And once it's gone,it's gone forever.任何诅咒都有破解之道。And all curses can be broken.真爱之吻能破解任何诅咒。True love's kiss will break any curse.当两个人都想得到彼此的某个东西时交易随之产生。Now when two people both want something the other has,a deal can always be struck. 有时幻想比现实更美好。Sometimes illsuions are better then truth.变化总令人恐惧。Change is always frightening.真爱不易得到,但必须争取。True love isn't easy,but it must be fought for.有些人就会这样不断毁掉别人的幸福。Some people will stop at nothing to destory the happiness of others. 只要有梦想,一切都能实现。You can do anything as long as you can dream it.爱是希望它点亮我们的梦想。Love is hope,it fuels our dreams.命运是自己掌控的。You control what changes in your life.(I'm a dwarf.I can't love.我是屌丝,与爱无缘。)(个人感觉这句话应该这样翻译)每个都有阴暗面。Eveyone has a dark side. 邪恶通常看起来不像邪恶。Evil doesn't always look evil.没有哪剂药能带回真爱。No potion can bring back true love.如果你能驾驭真爱,那你就能驾驭一切。If you can bottle love you can do anything.唠叨、唠叨、唠叨,爱情就是这样。Words.Words.Words.That's all that love is. 艰难的生计使你意志坚定。Hard living has strengthened your resolve.没什么比家庭更重要了。There's nothing more important than family.还有什么比不相信“不眼见为实”更疯狂的呢?What's crazier than seeing and not believing?历史书是以历史为依据的。History books are based on history.每个人都希望魔法能解决自己的问题,但没有人真正相信魔法。Everyone wants a magical solution for their problem,and everyone refuses to belive in magic. 想使人痛苦就得制造磨难。If you want to inflict pain than you must inflict pain.真爱是世上最强大的魔法。True love is the most powerful magic of all.要克服恐惧就只能去面对它。The only way to overcome fear is to face it.看法代表一切。Perception is everything. 第十九集——《黑暗者因魔力舍弃爱子,小记者为领导英勇顶包》目的意味着一切。Intent is everything.救世主能够重还我们失去的一切。The savior will restore all that we have lost.有时候,我们不得不说谎来保护我们所爱的人。Sometimes we have to lie to protect the people we love. 协议需要双方都感兴趣才能达成。A negotiation requires two interested parties.记忆是最邪恶的诅咒。Remembering is the worst curse.重要的事情先来。First things first.任何协议的双方都会有所遗憾。In any deal,both parties are a little unhappy. 这个世界的魔法无法预料。Magic here is unpredictable.不确定能不能再见自己的孩子是世界上最痛苦的事情。There's nothing harder than not knowing whether you'll ever see you child again.
I will always find you ...最爱这一句了 虽然不太喜欢snow ..但charming好不容易找到snow的时候 却又被他的父王抓走 ..snow对着charming大喊I will always find you ..就像当初charming对snow说的一样 .. I will always find you ...还挺感人的 -。- 虽然你找我我找你 找来找去 闹心死了
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或收集示爱的英语句子~浪漫点~不要过多的简单句~比如:I love you forever .Can you give me a choose with love you?不是英语也可以不过要有创意,比如说:5201314_百度作业帮
收集示爱的英语句子~浪漫点~不要过多的简单句~比如:I love you forever .Can you give me a choose with love you?不是英语也可以不过要有创意,比如说:5201314
1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.   我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉.   2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.   没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣. 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.   失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边.         4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.   纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容.   5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.   对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界.   6) Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.   不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间.   7) Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.   爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你.   8) Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.   不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现.   9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.   在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激.   10) Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.   不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有.
I'll be with you wherever you are.
我同学的啊!~If so that,I'll project with you all the time.
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蔡依林) 我想更懂你 (潘玮柏/ll be to be with you when you say nothing at all boulevard of broken dreams careless whisper kiss from a rose lemon tree
...展开全文蔡依林) 我想更懂你 (潘玮柏/ll be to be with you when you say nothing at all boulevard of broken dreams careless whisper kiss from a rose lemon tree smells like teen spirit somewhere i belong the sound of silence time of our lives angel are you the one bye bye bye don\hebe) 失常 (官恩娜) 风筝 (弦子) 唯舞独尊 (蔡依林) 七夕 (Se7en) 西厢-后弦 昆明湖-后弦 九公主 (后弦) 亲亲 (梁静茹) 一个人的行李 (戴佩妮) 将军令 (吴克群) 夏雪 (飞轮海) 千里之外 (周杰伦) 离歌 (信乐团) 今天你要嫁给我 (陶喆/&#39外国的;t come easy Teddybear Yesterday Once More ScarboroughFair My heart will go on god is a girl my heart will go on we will rock you one love i will always love you right here waiting big big world far away from home seasons in the sun the day you went away lonely you raise me up when you believe anyone of us hotel california i believe i can fly better man
only love dying in the sun here i am say you say me thank you don\t cry for me argentina everytime flying without wings i could be the one 命运(浪漫满屋) rising sun (34) 四季 because of you 因为是女子 不落的太阳 火花 COOL-恋爱频率(韩文原版) Dying - Maximilian Hecker Iglife-姐姐 Leessang-我不是在笑 Loving You MOSAE-是爱 Noracho-请选择我吧 PSY-冠军 Rain-“朋友”那一句 Sharp-眼泪 Tragedie-Hey Oh XR-别哭 XR-走开 宝儿-Listen to my heart 宝儿-Winter Love 高耀太-飞翔 高耀太-英雄 李贞贤-疯了 李贞贤-给我 李贞贤-你 李贞贤-一见钟情 米娜-Kiss 疯狂青蛙 华语歌曲;&#39: One&Pieceい所有Elva is back (萧亚轩) 爱情 (郭富城) 余震 (张敬轩) 只对你有感觉 (飞轮海/t cry just one last dance tears in heaven baby one more time complicated take me to your heart without you close to you moon river moonlight shadow rhythm of the rain shape of my heart unchained melody yellow casablanca in the end no matter what only time the power of love you are not alone everybody la isla bonita never gone never had a dream come true sailing forever i swear let it be she there you\'苏芮) 放生 (范逸臣) 愿望 (胡彦斌) 做你的男人 (张信哲) 认真的雪 (薛之谦) 夜的第七章 (周杰伦) 千里之外 (周杰伦) QQ爱 丁香花 秋天不回来 对不起我的最爱 回来我的爱 好想哭 香水有毒 赤道和北极 皇后与梦想 千里之外 隐形的翅膀 今天你要嫁给我 离歌 死了都要爱 亲亲 我想更懂你 舞娘 曹操 夜曲 三国恋 别说我的眼泪你无所谓 当你孤单你会想起谁 我的心太乱 我在身边 黄昏 寂寞沙洲冷 十年 寂寞让你更快乐 冻结 翅膀 还剩下什么 开不了口 安静 轨迹 搁浅 借口 晴天 心雨 退后 菊花台 冰雨 来生缘 白桦林 离歌 灰色空间 折子戏 让泪化作相思雨 阳光总在风雨后 对不起我爱你 最熟悉的陌生人 吻 背叛情歌 第一滴泪 放生 I believe 拯救 我们这里还有鱼 谢谢你的爱1999 爱我的人和我爱的人 楼下那个女人 白色恋人 下沙 亲爱的不要离开我 春泥 你怎么舍得我难过 那么爱你为什么 为什么你背着我爱别人 单身情歌 神啊救救我吧 爱要怎么说出口 热血燃烧 友情岁月 你是我一生最爱的人 最终幻想主题曲(经典) 一场游戏一场梦 伤心1999 安妮 谁伴我闯荡 冷雨夜 无尽空虚 海阔天空 真的爱你 喜欢你 光辉岁月 认真的雪 狼爱上羊 爱我别走 不要再来伤害我 为什么相爱的人不能在一起(经典) 曹操 求佛 我们的爱 Lydia 你的微笑 千年之恋 一直很安静 逍遥叹 六月的雨 终于明白 杀破狼 童话 约定 第一次 爱我就别伤害我 被爱伤过的人 过火 从开始到现在 做你的男人 爱如潮水 爱就一个字 太早 挥着翅膀的女孩 那些花儿 幸福背后 亲爱的你怎么不在我身边 玫瑰花的葬礼 比我幸福 爱海滔滔 我们的纪念日 我想更懂你 火花 0: I want it that way MY love SHow me As long as you love me Every body Say good bye Because of you Blue-all rise Promises don&#39收起
网友推荐的找一英文歌首歌,高潮部分好像连续i will believ...
i will believe it(siria)


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