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相关词典网站:Destined - definition of destined by The Free Dictionary /destined
destined Also found in: , , , .
(dĕs′tĭn)tr.v. des·tined, des·tin·ing, des·tines 1.
To cause to ha preordain by fate or fortune: a foolish sch a film destined to become a classic.2.
To assign for a specific end, use, or purpose: money destined to pay for their child's education.3.
To direct toward a given destination: a flight destined for Tokyo.[Middle English destinen, from Old French destiner; see
destiny.]destined ('d?st?nd) adj (postpositive) 1. for meant: he is destined to be famous. 2.
(usually foll by for) heading (towards a specific destination); directed: a letter destined for Europe.
Switch to Adj.1.destined - headed or intending to head in often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students'; "children bound for school"; "a flight destined for New York",
- adjusted or located in relation to surroundi sometimes "the house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view"; "helping freshmen become oriented to college life"; "the book is value-oriented throughout"2.destined - (usually followed by `to') "bound to happen"; "an old house destined to be demolished"; "he is destined to be famous",
- de "he was certain to fail"; "his fate is certain"; "In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"- Benjamin F "he faced certain death"; "sudden but sure regret"; "he is sure to win"destinedadjective , , , , , , , , ,
He feels that he was destined to become a musician.destined for , , , , , , , , , ,
products destined for the south
???????? ??????????? ????p?edur?en?smě?ujícíur?en?bestemt forbestemt tilrendeltetve vaná lei? tilsem er aetla?ur ákve?inn ferilllemtaskirtavykstantisar galamēr?iiepriek?nolemtssmerujúcialn?na yaz?lm??-e gidecekkaderinde vardestined [ˈdestɪnd] ADJ1. (= intended) destined for →
a2. (= fated) to be destined to do sth → estar
algoit was destined to fail → estaba
a she was destined for greater things → estaba
a it was destined to happen this way →
asíwe were destined never to meet again → el
no quiso que nos
a 3. (= travelling) destined for London →
destined [ˈdɛstɪnd] adj to be destined to do sth (by fate) → (e) à
qchto be destined for sth (= be bound for) [person] → (e) à qch; [thing] → (e) à qch (= on the way to) destined for London →
destined adj destined for (ship, person) →
nach; goods → für; where is the cargo destined for? → wo
?destined [ˈdɛstɪnd] adj preda. destined for sth/sb/to do sth (by fate) → / a qc/qn/a
qcwe were destined to meet → eravamo
a incontrarcib. (bound for) destined for London → con
, /a a destined ('destind)
(having a future) organized or arranged beforehand (by a person or by fate). She was destined for success. voorbestem
???????? ????
bestemt til
ette m??ratud
???? ??? ????
?????????, ????
vmire rendeltetve van
sem er aetla?ur ákve?inn ferill
(kam) skirta, lemta
bestemt for/til
predystynowany, z góry przeznaczony
dolo?en (za kaj)
[?des]best?md, ?mnad
kaderinde var, aln?na yaz?lm??
???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??
?? ???c trù ??nh t? tr??c 2.
bound or heading (for a place). destined for Singapore. voorbestem
???????? ???
ur?en?, smě?ující
p? vej til
con destino
????? ??????
???????? ??-
vhová tartó
á lei? til
ar galamēr?i
arah , med kurs mot , zmierzaj?cy
cu destina?ia
namenjen (proti)
putovati za
...-e gidecek
такий, що пряму?, трима? курс
??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????
?i ??n m?t n?i
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He knows that in spite of all the stout talk of his fellows he must live and die in uncertainty, a thing blown by the winds, a thing destined like corn to wilt in the sun. I have already received advance orders for a number of my devices from abroad, and as they are destined to save lives I feel that I ought to keep on with my work. I am destined to see you only by accident," she said, shoving the cat off the chair beside her. It was in this scene of strife and bloodshed that the incidents we shall attempt to relate occurred, during the third year of the war which England and France last waged for the possession of a country that neither was destined to retain. On the triangular portion of the gable, that fronted next the street, was a dial, put up that very morning, and on which the sun was still marking the passage of the first bright hour in a history that was not destined to be all so bright. The edifice -- originally projected on a scale adapted to the old commercial enterprise of the port, and with an idea of subsequent prosperity destined never to be realized -- contains far more space than its occupants know what to do with. Now having a night, a day, and still another night following before me in New Bedford, ere I could embark for my destined port, it became a matter of concernment where I was to eat and sleep meanwhile. By this time their destined victim appeared from his cabin. And then the visitors were taken to the other parts of the building, to see what became of each particle of the waste material that had vanish and to the pickling rooms, and the salting rooms, the canning rooms, and the packing rooms, where choice meat was prepared for shipping in refrigerator cars, destined to be eaten in all the four corners of civilization. She knew it," "she always felt it, that she was destined to be the most miserable of mothers. Here is this vast, savage, hovering mother of ours, Nature, lying all around, with such beauty, and such affection for her children, and yet we are so early weaned from her breast to society, to that culture which is exclusively an interaction of man on man--a sort of breeding in and in, which produces at most a merely English nobility, a civilization destined to have a speedy limit. John Knightley's, and was destined, if she could please herself, to hold a very honourable station over the mantelpiece.
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To be pre-destined有缘分
核心提示:1、任何问题都要讲道理。不让中国加入WTO实在没有道理。 One should always be reasonable. It is indeed unreasonable to bar China from joining the WTO. 2、入世与否,对中国来说也是一个政治、面子、尊严问题。 For China, the WTO accession is also a political
&&& 1、任何问题都要讲道理。不让中国加入WTO实在没有道理。&&&& One should always be reasonable. It is indeed unreasonable to bar China from joining the WTO.&&&& 2、入世与否,对中国来说也是一个政治、面子、尊严问题。&&&& For China, the WTO accession is also a political question, and a matter of self-respect and dignity.&&&& 3、我们不能出卖我们的国格,不能出卖我们的人民。&&&& We can neither give up our national dignity nor betray our people.&&&& 4、他们没有把谈判内容向你们公布,只是向你们吹吹风。&&&& They haven't given you the whole story about the negotiations, but only a few scanty lines about them.&&&& (What they told you about the negotiations is a simple briefing instead of a detailed account.)&&&& 5、现在美国人得逞一时,神气得很。&&&& The Americans are being carried away with their temporary success. What airs they have given themselves.&&&& 6、西方国家的霸气明显上升。&&&& Western countries have become obviously more hegemonistic.&&&& Western countries have assumed a greater hegemonistic air.&&&& Western countries have puffed up.&&&& 7、把国内的事情办好&&&& To do a good job at home&&&& To run the domestic affairs well&&&& Proper management of home affairs&&&& 8、把改革的力度、发展的速度和社会的承受程度统一起来&&&& To strike a balance among the intensity of reform, the pace of development and people's sustainability&&&& To give all-round consideration to&&&&& To balance well the intensity of reform, pace of development and public adaptability&&&& 9、深圳经济特区发挥了很好的窗口作用和辐射作用。&&&& Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has played a very positive role as a window, bridge and economic powerhouse.&&&& Shenzhen SEZ has served the nation well as a showcase of opening-up, a gateway of international exchange and a powerhouse of economic and technological development.&&&& 10、这个数字虽然已经挤掉了一些水分,仍然有水分。&&&& This figure has already been trimmed down to reflect the reality, but it is still an inflated figure.&&&& 11、从严治政&&&& To run government strictly&&&& To subject government behavior to tight discipline&&&& To pursue good governance&&&& 12、领导干部必须管好自己的配偶、子女和身边工作人员。&&&& Senior officials (leaders) have to ensure that their spouses, children and office staff behave (conduct) properly.&&&& 13、世界格局已经发生了巨大变化。&&&& Tremendous changes have taken place in the world pattern (structure, configuration).&&&& 14、听君一席话,胜读十年书。&&&& Your remarks are more inspiring (enlightening) than what I have read in ten years.&&&& You are a great conversationalist (philosopher)!&&&& This is a very interesting conversation. I enjoy it very much.&&&& 15、逢凶化吉,遇难呈祥&&&& To have a way of turning ill luck into good and crisis into success.&&&& In time of crisis, luck is always on his (her, our) side.&&&& 16、有缘分 (To be pre-destined)&&&& 17、我们又见面了,看来咱们俩有点缘分呵。&&&& Nice to see you again. This is a small world.&&&& 18、茫茫人海,你能嫁给我难道不是缘分吗?&&&& Isn't it God's will that we married each other?&&&& 19、有修养 (To be well cultivated/educated/self-possessed)&&&& 20、他(她)挺有修养的。&&&& He is a gentleman. / She is a lady.


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