九年级英语作文范文group work范文

九年级英语group work范文
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:小组活动能帮助我们更好的学习英语Group Activities Help Us Study English Better
In our English Class, we often have group activities. There are usually three or four students in one group. In my opinion, the group activities help us study English better. First of all, we should know what the task is all about and how we will do it. Second, we have to make ourselves understood that what we try to conevy. We should know that each group member should play a different role and students should work together. If we have any questions, we should turn to our teacher for help. At the same time, we should have communicate with our group members. Last but not least, we must preform our activities in front of the whole class. It helps us to learn English better.
在英语课堂中,我们经常组织集体活动。一般来说,每个组都有3、4名学生。在我看来,小组活动能帮助我们更好的学习英语。首先,我们得知道小组的任务是什 么,我们应该怎么做。其次,我们要让他人明白自己所表达的东西。每个组员都扮演着不同的角色,学生们要相互合作。如果我们有任何问题,可以向老师求教。与 此同时,我们应该与其他的组员进行交流。最后一点,我们必须要在全部同学的面前表演所接受的任务。做表演让我们的英语学得更好。
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版权所有 All Rights Reserved.【第一篇】:一节英语课 An English Class
Yesterday, we had an interesting English class. There were a group of American college students visiting to our school. Therefore, they acted as our English teachers yesterday, and the teacher of my class was Roan. He is twenty-two years old and he comes from Los Angeles. He has learned Chinese for more than 3 years, so sometimes we could communicate in Chinese. He simply introduced the United States to us, including geography, history and education. He shared us with his education experiences and told his stories to us, especially in the junior school. He was so active and energetic in the class and we were impressed. In the end of the class, he suggested us to be more active in the class and encouraged us to study hard. He said that he felt difficult to learn Chinese but he always tried his best.
【第二篇】:课后活动 Activities after Class
Nowadays, the burden of middle school students is heavy, because they have to study at school all day long .After class, their parents take them to participate in various interest classes. However, in my opinion, activities after class is as important as study. By participating in activities after class, middle school students can learn what they cant learn from books. For example, students can develop their team spirit and sense of competition by playing football or basketball. Besides, school is not just a place for learning knowledge. It is also a place for making friends, having fun and improving personalities, and all these can be achieved by participating in activities after class. Therefore, remember to spend some time in activities after class.
【第三篇】:校运会 A Sports Meeting
Last Thursday and Friday, our school held the 40th sports meeting. It is one of the biggest activities each year in my school. All the students badly expect to it. All games in the sports meeting werevery exciting and running was the most intense. Class 4 Grade 3 did the best in the sports. They got the highest scores. My class won the third but it was the best in the six classes of my grade. Liang Wen and Qiu Lu are my classmates. They both won first in the running competition and high jump competition. There were other classmates got scores in other games. Although they didnt won the first, they tried their best. Friendship first, competition second. Winning was not our only purpose. The most important was that we were happy in this activity.
【第四篇】:我的改变 How Ive Changed
When I was a little child, I used to play with my friends all day long. We found that almost anything could bring fun to us. But now, I am growing up, things seem to change gradually that I dont realize. I had a lot of time to play before, but now nearly all my time is spent on study and homework. I used to watch entertainment program but now I prefer news and English programs. Generally speaking, things turn better. Now, I am interested in reading and writing. I think that the more good books I read, the more knowledge I get. Writing is a good way to practice my thinking and improve my writing skills. Besides, I become more independent. I can deal with many problems by myself. I think its important change for me.
【第五篇】:课外时间安排的调查Survey on Spare Time
English Online made a survey on what junior students do in their spare time. Here is the result.
After class, 60% of junior students spend their time on study, reading books or doing homework at home. 5% of them watch TV and 15% play computer games. The other 20% spend their time on doing sports or playing outdoors.
According to the survey, things seem better than before because of the policy of pressure reduction. But we still be noticed that there are about 60% junior students are busy at their study after school. Study is the not only important thing for students. They also should spend some time in playing to relax. By playing, students can build a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.
【第六篇】:考试作弊之我见 My View on Cheating in Exam
At present, a growing number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit-cheating in examinations. According to my observation, there are the following reasons. Firstly, there are too much exams, some of them are too difficult. Secondly, some students do not work hard in daily life. When the exams come, they choose to cheat. Thirdly, some of them spend too much time in playing games or surfing the Internet, so they dont have enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, they want to get high scores in exams so that make teachers and parents happy.
In my point of view, cheating in exams is such a bad habit that causes harm to students. I think honest is one of the most important characters of a student. Besides, hard-working is the only way to get high scores in exams. Last, I think schools should reduce exams and offer more time to students for their self-studies.
【第七篇】:我的爱好 My Hobbies
Everyone has some hobbies.Different people has different hobby.Hobbies can make you grow as a person,develop you interests and keep you healthy,such as reading,collecting stamps,playing basketball,mountain biking,growing vegetables and so on. My hobby is reading.I often read books before go to bed, because I hardly go to bed without reading.I think reading helpsme learn much knowledge and know a new the world.Im also interested in playing basketball.I play basketball so well that I join school team.I often play basketball after school with my friends.Although its tired to play basketball, I enjoy myself. It also brings me success and keep me healthy. But we shouldnt spend all our time on our favourite hobbies, because there are many other interesting things to do in life,and we should try to do something new or different.
【第八篇】:我的空余时间 My Free Time
As a middle school student, I dont have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour. Its a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before go to bed. Besides, I always go to swimming after school. Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At the weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing. And, its a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together.
【第九篇】:早餐的重要性 The Importance of Breakfast
Breakfast is of great importance. Scientific reports show that a good breakfast helps one to get enough energy for the whole days work. Since you havent eaten anything for about 12 hours, breakfast is essential and it should be light and less greasy. Therefore, bread, egg, milk, soybean milk or porridge are suitable for you, and all of them are rich in nutrients. In short, a nutritious breakfast can make you energetic for the whole day, so it should be highly valued.
【第十篇】:我们的班会 Our Class Meeting
Its almost the end of our middle years. Last Friday afternoon, we had our last class meeting in our classroom. All the students and our class teacher took part in it.
We held a warm discussion about our future life. Each of us spoke at the meeting actively. Besides, we also showed our sincere thanks to our teachers. They worked so hard to help us in study and life. Teachers hoped that we can still study hard in the future and come back to middle school often. After the discussion, we all decided to study hard as usual and hoped that we all can do well in the secondaryentrance exam.
【第十一篇】:我喜欢电影 I Love Movie
I love watching TV since I was a little child, and the programs I liked are cartoons and TV series. But now, I love watching movie most. The first movie I liked is My Neighbor Totoro(《龙猫》). Since then, I nearly watched all movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki.(宫崎骏)His movies are simple, warm and educational. They are very suitable for middle school students. I watch domestic movie most but I love foreign films. I feel happy and relax when I am watching movie. Movie brings a lot a fun to me and my life. I also make new friends due to movie. We share this common interest and we often introduce movies to each other. I am a student now and my task is to study, so I only spend a little time in movies.
【第十二篇】:我的初中生活 My Life in Middle School
I have studied in my middle school for three years.My life in middle school is rich and I have learned a lot. I get knowledge from text books as well as from extra curricular activities. I studied hard in the past three years so that I got perfect scores. But, I also attach importance to other aspects, such as making friends, hobbies, health and sports. I build good relationships with my classmates. They become an important part of my life.I like to chat with them after class that makes me relax and comfortable. My hobby is swimming. Every Sunday morning, I go to swim with my friends or my father. When I have fun, I build a healthy body. Its so great to me. In one word, my life in middle is colorful and unforgettable.
【第十三篇】:我喜欢的动物 My Favorite Animal
I have a parrot. Its my favorite animal. Its name is Gaga because it always makes sounds like that. We picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. We released a revelation but had no one to claim. It doesnt change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. We say that its a handsome boy. It can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. My grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. We think that its some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when its boring or hungry. It adds a lot of fun to our lives.
【第十四篇】:母亲节 Mothers Day
Mothers Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. Its a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mothers Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation(康乃馨) is regarded as the flower for mother. In China, the flower for mother is day lily(萱草花), also known as Nepenthe(忘忧草). In addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best Mothers Day gifts.
【第十五篇】:大连之旅 A Wonderful Trip to Dalian
Four days ago, I traveled to Dalian with my families. We visited a uncle there. During the four days, we visited all the attractions of Dalian City, such as: Golden Pebble Beach, Tiger Beach Ocean Park, Forest Zoo, Xinghai Square and so on. We visited to Bingyu Valley. Its billed as the Little Guilin in southern Liaoning. But, I liked night view of Dalian most. Its very amazing. In the evening, the lights of tall buildings, squares are all tuned on. Its colorful and beautiful. Besides, the people of Dalian are very friendly. They introduced the attractions when they knew we were visitors. I had a very deep impression on this city. I want to travel this city again.
【第十六篇】:暑假难忘的一件事 An Unforgettable Thing in Summer Holiday
July 2 is my grand fathers birthday. On that day, all of my families will get together to celebrate his birthday. This year was the same. My uncles and aunt came back from other cities. It was so alive that my grand parents were very happy. This year, I made a surprise for my grand father. I cooked a dish for him. As I never cooked before, he was so surprised as well as exciting. My grand father said that it was the best birthday gift he received. I was glad to make grand father happy. Actually, I had practiced for several days before that day. My mum was my cooking teacher. She supported me to prepare this gift to grand father.
【第十七篇】:动物园游 A Visit to the Zoo
On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time. Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 oclock. There were many people. Most of them were parents and children. We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children. After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities. My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy. It was a great day.
【第十八篇】:我的短暂假期 My Short Holiday
May Day is the International Labor Day. I have a short holiday from April 29 to May 1. My parents planned to travel to Sanya, but it was too hot to visit there. Therefore, we just canceled the plan but stayed at home. On the first morning, I went out with my friends and played basketball. We did not play basketball for a long time, so we had a great time together. Afternoon, my mom didnt let me out because of the hot weather. So I have to be at home and finish my homework. Surprisingly, my grandparents visited us on April 30. It was the Spring Festival when I saw them last time. I missed them a lot. In the two days, we went to the parks and zoo during the day. At night, we watched TV together and talked. My grand parents cared about my study and asked some questions about it. I told them that I studied hard and that they didnt have to worry about me. I spent a happy holiday.
Its almost the end of April. Summer has come to us in my city. In south, summer always comes earlier than north. It has been hot for about half a month. The highest temperature reached 37 degree. Now, there are much less people in the street. People are not likely to go out during the summer. Its so hot outside. Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city. The pools are always full filled with people. Parents often take their children to swimming pool at night. Personally, I do not like summer, because its too hot and the sunshine is strong. I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable. Therefore, summer is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come.
【第二十篇】:我的学校 My Beautiful School
I am in Xianchi Railway Middle School. There are about 40 teachers and 900 students in my school. Its very large with two small gardens. Some small trees and flowers are planted. We enjoy beautiful flowers in spring, summer and autumn. They are the places the students like most. There are two modern teaching buildings and a teaching building in my school. Our classrooms are large and bright. We feel so happy to study in such comfortable classrooms. Besides, the teachers in our school are so excellent that they are popular in our students. Students build a good relationship with teachers. I am sure you will like my school.
【第二十一篇】:我的历史老师 My History Teacher
Mr. Li is over sixty years old. He has retired.
He is one of my respected teachers. He taught us history when we were in junior Grade Two. Although he was old, he taught us well. He tried his best to make his lessons lively. He often told us the interesting historical stories that were not in the text books. Mr. Li usually made good preparations for the lessons and was strict with us,too. At first, I was poor in history, because I couldt remember the events clearly. Mr. Li often helped me with my studies very patiently. With his help, I made great progress and caught up with my classmates. He was always very kind to every student. As an experienced teacher, he was respected and loved by all his students.
【第二十二篇】:给姐姐的回信 A Reply to Sister
I was anxiously expecting your letter, and at last it has reached me. I am very glad to know that everyone at home is enjoying good health as usual. Things here are the same now as they were before. Dont worry about me. The final examination will take place next week. So I work very hard to prepare my lessons, and I believe that I can do well in the final examination. Its nice to think that the summer vacation is coming near. I cant say how much I want to see you all. I am looking forward to spending summer days with you. Give my love to father, mother and everyone at home.
【第二十三篇】:校服之我见 My View on School Uniform
Nowadays, almost all junior and senior students wear school uniforms which attract a growing number of attention. But the evaluation of students and parents on the school uniforms is always dissatisfied than commended. Dont we want to wear school uniforms? Absolutely not. The real reasons are that the uniform style is old fashioned and the color is too dark. Besides, the school uniform is expensive but poor quality. In school, we are willing to wear school uniform, but we just hope that the style of uniform is what we like and suit for us.
【第二十四篇】:植树 Plant Trees
It was breezy yesterday and the weather was comfortable. My class teacher led our students go to plant trees near the suburbs. We took a bus there and then we started to work. We first weeded the grass together. Then the boys dug pits and girls planted the young trees into the pits. All of us worked very hard. In a short time, we were all wet with sweat. After the young trees planted, we began to water. There is a pond near, so we took water easily. At about four oclock in the afternoon, we finished all work and took a photo to remember this meaningful day. We were tired but happy.
【第二十五篇】:我最好的朋友My Best Friend
Blair is my classmate as well as my best friend. We have already known each other for ten years. We live in the same block so that we always go to school together. She has long hair, big eyes and sweet smile, which makes her popular in my class. Blair works hard and she is a good student in the eyes of teachers. Besides, she is clever and kindhearted. When others turn to her for help, she always tries her best to help. I feel proud to have such a good friend.
【第二十六篇】:怎样交朋友?How to Make Friends?
For some, its easy to make new friends in school because they are outgoing. But for some others, it seems difficult. Here are some tips to make friends.
Firstly, be positive and outgoing. Only when you are positive and outgoing, others would like to talk to you and then make friends with you. Secondly, develop some interests. Its easier for people to make new friends when you have common interests. They can supply topics to discuss. Thirdly, be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before you talking about yourself. Finally, try to help your friends when they are in trouble, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.
【第二十七篇】:一场大雨 A Heavy Rain
In spring, the weather changes a lot. In the morning, when I took bus to school, the weather was breezy and comfortable. I thought it would be a great day. However, when I got to school, the sky turned to be gray with the gloomy clouds as well as thunder. After a little while, it started to rain heavily. I was worried because I didnt take my umbrella. I was afraid that I cant go home after class. About thirty minutes later, the rain stopped and it was sunny before long. The air was so fresh and the sky was clear. This is spring.
【第二十八篇】:我的生日 My Birthday
My birthday is on May 6. My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year. On that day, we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to come for a dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves. When we are playing, my parents prepare a delicious dinner. My friends and I like the dishes very much. Of course, I can get some gifts from parents and friends. I am very happy because they always know what I want and need. But, on the other hand, when the birthday comes, I am a year older, so that I must be more sensible and independent. Last but not the least, its also a time to show my appreciation to my parents. They work hard and do their best to bring me up.
【第二十九篇】:我的兴趣 My Interests
I have a wide range of interests and enjoy doing many things during my free time.
I am fond of reading. I often read after class. My classmates like watching TV while I prefer to read. I read various kinds of books and newspapers that they afford me stories and news. The book I like most isThe House on the Mango Street. I am also a music lover. Pop music is my favorite. I often listen to the music programs on radio and I also have an MP3 downloading all my favorite songs. In addition, swimming and badminton are my favorites, too. They help me build a healthy body.
In short, I enjoy my life in school very much. Reading books, listening to music and doing sports are very helpful to my health and my studies.
【第三十篇】:电视之我见 My View on Television
Television has come into our lives for many years. We can nearly say that we cant live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can be entertained by the programs on television. Otherwise,well be boring all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole days hard work, we can sit before the television enjoying ourselves. How wonderful it is!
However, television also does harm to peoples health. Its bad for us to watch TV too long, especially bad for our eyes. Besides, watching TV may take the time to study or play on outside world. In short, television is good and we should make use of it appropriately.
【第三十一篇】:我的英语老师My English Teacher
Mrs. Jane is my English teacher and she is 30 years old. She looks so young and beautiful that my classmates like her very much. Of course, the most important reason is that she is so kind and her lessons are so great. She likes staying with us and talking to us which can help her to know what problem we have and how she can do to improve her teaching, she once said. She encourages us to work hard often. When we make progress, she is pleased with us. Because of her, my English has greatly improved.
【第三十二篇】:阅读 Reading
At present, only a few students read after class. Here are several reasons: First, some students are so busy that the dont have time to do reading due to teachers leaving them too much homework. Second, some students are not likely to read at all. Because they spend too much time in watching TV, searching the Internet and playing games. Finally, as the whole society do not attach importance to reading, parents do not urge students to read.
I feel its a pity that students do not read as much as before since books are the main resource of knowledge. Books also can take us to where we cant really go, can help us experience the things we cant really see. In addition, when you feel upset or irritable, reading is a good way to comfort yourself or make you calm down. I suggest that no matter how busy you are, you should spend some time in reading. Once you stict to it, youll get benefits.
【第三十三篇】:保护森林 Protecting the Forests
Now in some places of our country, a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more farmland. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing. Where the forests disappear, dust storms will occur occasionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying activities.
Therefore, we should realize the importance of taking care of our forests. We should do our best to protect our living environment and keep mountains green,water clean, and the sky blue.
【第三十四篇】:巧熟能生巧Appropriate Practice Makes Perfect
There is a universal saying that practice makes perfect, however I think appropriate practice makes perfect considering to training technique, training volume and other reasons. Practice can make you remember and understand something new, but inappropriate practice may make your effort useless or even lead you to the opposite direction. Therefore, before your practice, you should think about whether your method, plan are appropriate or not. Only the appropriate method and plan help you get what you wish. Practicing oral English, for instance, if you say a word in a poor pronunciation, no matter how many times you say it, you will never pronounce it correctly.
【第三十五篇】:我的家乡My Hometown
My hometown, a village locating beside a small river, is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded. Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road, the whole village is poor and peoples lives are tough. Generally, people grow rice and some other crops for a living. Most young people work at the city, leaving their parents and children at home, which is the status of the vast majority of rural area. It seems that only in this way can rural people live a better life.
【第三十六篇】:我喜欢运动I Like Sport
I like sport not only because it can help me to keep health, but also because it makes me relaxed. Study all day long makes me tired so that I often do sports with my classmates after class. We play basketball most, and sometimes play table tennis or badminton. In addition, I like running, especially when Im upset, for I think its the best way to let the depression off.
【第三十七篇】:我的班级My Class
There are forty-two students in my class, with 25boys and 17girls. Its an active class, and the reason may be that the boys are more than girls. The classroom atmosphere of our class is very good, because we interact with teachers quite often. Our classmates are all united and helpful to each other. We often organize some activities to enhance the relationship between classmates and our regular activity is the English Day in every two weeks that we can only speak English during recess. Maybe it sounds a little difficult but it really funny and classmates enjoy it very much.
【第三十八篇】:记一次春游A Spring Outing
Spring in March, accompanied by the comfortable weather and warm sunshine, our class had a spring outing on Saturday. We went to Renmin Park hold some activities and all of my classmates were so excited that they looked like the birds just coming out from birdcage. We playing games, boating, and fishing there. At the same time, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of spring. Some people in the park also joined us and had fun. We had a happy day and the relationship of classmates were getting closer.
【第三十九篇】:自我介绍Self Introduction
Good morning, everyone! Its a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Serena and Im fifteen years old. I come from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be impressed. English and movie are my favorites which can help me learn and relax. I like making friends, especially the ones who share common interests with me. And I think we can have much to share and talk. I hope to make progress with my friends. Thank you.
【第四十篇】:我的家庭My Family
My name is Claire and Im in my fourteen years old. I live a happy life because I have a warm and harmonious family. There are four people in my family. They are my parents and my elder brother. My parents both are teachers so that my brother and I have been well educated. I am four years younger than my brother who always cares much about me. We have a good relationship, though we quarrel even fight sometimes. Actually, I am likely to consider it as a sign of love. In one word, I really love my family. How about yours?
【第四十一篇】:周末生活 Weekwend
The weather of this weekend was good and comfortable with two sunny days. People could not wait to go out for a walk because it had been raining for such a long time. Some people went hiking, while others went to shopping or gathered together with friends. As for me, I just stayed at home on Saturday because my parents were busy so that they could not take me out. But Sunday, we went to the park and went boating on the lake. We were really happy on that day.
【第四十二篇】:我喜欢的明星My Favorite Star
There are many popular stars who get great achievements, such as Jackie Chen, Jay Chou, Zhang Ziyi and so on. However, the star who I like most is Fan Bingbing. I know her because of a famous TV series. At that time, she was not famous, but now, as we all know she has been one of the most popular actress who gets an international reputation. I like her not only because she is beautiful but also her good performance and her hard-working.


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