
ˋ 如果能高中英语作文修改我是高三党,语法和句式挺烂的.指出错误.ˊ_>ˋ 如果能帮我把写得不好的地方修改一下就更好了.(&#1">
高中英语作文修改 我是高三党,语法和句式挺烂的.指出错误.ˊ_>ˋ 如果能高中英语作文修改我是高三党,语法和句式挺烂的.指出错误.ˊ_>ˋ 如果能帮我把写得不好的地方修改一下就更好了.(&#1_百度作业帮
高中英语作文修改 我是高三党,语法和句式挺烂的.指出错误.ˊ_>ˋ 如果能高中英语作文修改我是高三党,语法和句式挺烂的.指出错误.ˊ_>ˋ 如果能帮我把写得不好的地方修改一下就更好了.(&#1
高中英语作文修改 我是高三党,语法和句式挺烂的.指出错误.ˊ_>ˋ 如果能高中英语作文修改我是高三党,语法和句式挺烂的.指出错误.ˊ_>ˋ 如果能帮我把写得不好的地方修改一下就更好了.(¬_¬ 是不是要求太多了…) 基础写作 广东(15分)近年来,一些中国媒体频繁地在中文文稿中混用外国文字,这引起了人们的广泛关注.对此现象人们的看法如下:【1】赞同:1.是一种吸收外来文化的方式2.适当地使用外文能使表达更简明、更准确【2】反对:1.不利于保持汉语的纯洁性2.不利于更好地学习汉语要求:1.内容包含:(1)简述现象(2)人们对此现象的观点及理由(3)你对此现象的看法2.只能用5个句子表达全部内容For the past few years,some chinese medium frequently mix forgeign language with chinese in their chinese article that phenomenon catches people's eyes.The viewpoint vary from person to person,but totally divided into two views that agree and disagree.The people,who agree the phenomenon,see the positive part that suitably mixed use language not only is a way to absorb foreign culture but also makes expression simpler and more accurate.Some people hold negative view for the phenomenon,owing to it either does harm for chinese purity or is hazardous to learn chinese better.As far as I'm concerned,it is good for chinese development.(P.S.:为了方便看我把每句都当作了一段,题目和文章都是用手机打的,可能有小错误.)
Some Chinese media frequently mix forgeign languages with Chinese in their Chinese article during the past few years,which draws the attention of many people.
The viewpoint varies from person to person,which could totally be divided into two views that are oposite to each other.
People who agree to the phenomenon see the positive part,ie,
using mixed languages not only is a way to absorb foreign culture but also makes expression simpler and more accurate.
Some people hold negative view for the phenomenon,owing to it either does harm for Chinese purity or is hazardous to learn Chinese better.
As far as I'm concerned, it does good to
the development of Chinese language.楼猪其实功底不错哦 大部分翻译的合情合理 词汇量也挺大的 故不做大的改动
本人高中老师多年 英语还可以 楼主尽管信我 呵呵呵【一篇高中英语作文 求修改】我写了一篇作文,希望大家热心帮助,提出修改意见,希望大家多多指教,谢谢啦请以“A Friend of Mine”为题写一篇一百字左右的作文.玛丽是一个美国女孩,去年四月_百度作业帮
【一篇高中英语作文 求修改】我写了一篇作文,希望大家热心帮助,提出修改意见,希望大家多多指教,谢谢啦请以“A Friend of Mine”为题写一篇一百字左右的作文.玛丽是一个美国女孩,去年四月
【一篇高中英语作文 求修改】我写了一篇作文,希望大家热心帮助,提出修改意见,希望大家多多指教,谢谢啦请以“A Friend of Mine”为题写一篇一百字左右的作文.玛丽是一个美国女孩,去年四月到沈阳.你跟他相处得很好,很快就成为好朋友.玛丽十分喜爱汉语,而且讲得很好.她擅长数学;在化学课上喜欢动手,但有时粗心大意;物理是他最喜欢的学科之一.她成绩优秀,乐于助人,大家都很喜欢她.A Friend of MineI have a friend,named Mary(named用的对不对?).She is an American girl.She has come to Shenyang since April last year.I get along well with her.We become good friends with each other.Mary likes Chinese very much.And she can speak Chinese very well.She is good at math.I think she is very clever.She likes to do chemical experiment,but sometimes she is careless and make mistakes(“在化学课上喜欢动手,但有时粗心大意”这句话有更好的写法吗?).Physics is her favourite subject.She is good on study.And she likes to help others.We all like her very much.作文是25分满,不知道我能得多少分,麻烦您给个评价.非常非常感谢您的支持和帮助
还不错,应该在21---22分左右.两处小毛病.1 “去年四月到沈阳”应翻译为”She has been in China since April last year."理由是,come一次性动作,不能表示持续状态,be可以.2.“学习成绩优秀”可以说“She is good at study" 如果你要用good的话,be good at 是固定搭配,用on不妥,这里你可以用“She is excellent in study" .3.全文都是简单句,我不知道高中阶段的要求,建议你把最后一句改成复合句“Because she is excellent in study and glad to help others we all like her very much."建议仅供参考,
A Friend of Mine Marry,coming to Shenyang in April last year,
is an American girl.We are get along well with each other and made friends because it . Marry is fond of speaking Chinese ,besides s...
A Friend of MineI have a friend,named Mary(named用的对不对?).She is an American girl.She has come to Shenyang since April last April .I am getting along well with her.We have become good friends with ...
20分左右,你单词意思有些错误,句子结构也有些错误,希望你能考个好分数高中英语作文,帮我改下作文谢谢,满分是25分 _百度作业帮
没太搞明白你要表达的中心.但能看到一颗努力进取的心.不错啊.有个别小错误应改为:student,trouble. more brave and confident改为braver and more confident. 最后一句话是病句,你要说什么?
I hope your activity will be successful.
帮忙改下啦,英语不是很好想提高的说哪位叔叔阿姨帮我改一下英语作文哪里有语法错误,本人初中刚毕业在学高中英语假如你是john,你的笔友李刚口语不好,他来征求你的意见,请你给他写一封回信,词数100左右Dear Li Gang:Thank you for y_百度作业帮
哪位叔叔阿姨帮我改一下英语作文哪里有语法错误,本人初中刚毕业在学高中英语假如你是john,你的笔友李刚口语不好,他来征求你的意见,请你给他写一封回信,词数100左右Dear Li Gang:Thank you for y
哪位叔叔阿姨帮我改一下英语作文哪里有语法错误,本人初中刚毕业在学高中英语假如你是john,你的笔友李刚口语不好,他来征求你的意见,请你给他写一封回信,词数100左右Dear Li Gang:Thank you for your letter .I'm sorry to hear that you have some trouble with your spoken English.You should practice makes perfect.And on the class ,you should speak as more as possible,your teacher and classmates will get over your wrong.When class is over,you should practice more and more,and strengthen your English.and association with your claamates,help each other.and must have believed your heart.Don't be afraid for wrong ,don't be afraid for ohers laugh at you.As long as your keep ,you must have improve your English speaking.Best wishes,Yours sincerely,john
你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案: Dear Li Gang,(此处用逗号) Thank you for your letter . I'm
sorry to hear that you have some trouble with your
spoken English.You should know (变成宾语从句,加一个动词)practice makes perfect. And in class (在课堂上是in class,中间没有冠词),you should speak as more as possible,your teacher and classmates will get over
your mistakes (wrong是形容词,应该用名词).When class is over,you should practice more and more,and strengthen your English, and associate (应该用动词) with your claamates,help each other. And you (缺少主语)must have believed yourself (相信自己就可以了).Don't be afraid of being wrong ( be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事 ) , and don't be afraid of ( be afraid of sb. ) ohers laughing (动名词作宾语补足语) at you. As long as you keep (应该用人称代词作主语,因为keep是动词,前面用人称代词作主语) ,you must improve (去掉have, 因为must have done 是说过去必须做而没做,这是对将来时的预测,用must do) your spoken English(英语口语) .Best wishes,
people no longer has time to spare to write a full blogMicro-bloggng is becoming the new trend in our fast-paced world, people should not spend too much time on the internet microblogging. Micro-blogging gives people the chance to convey their ideas and thoughts quickly and easily, and people can then share their emotions. More ideas can be conveyed through the community, as people can convey more using many simple blogs. This is a good change to the internet community, this can help some people alleviate their stress and anger, their attention should be focused on studies and not microblogging. However. Especially for students. Just as fast-food has taken hold on our society
egregia cum laude from pre school DT


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