
chatting with her sister, I got a lot of gift money, and then went to UOB Plaza shopping, the rain has stopped, I am very happy, a ls Eve, I went to grandmother&#39, my brother and I put the fireworks together, we are very full to eat, fish, my mother and I go to the RT-Mart shopping, eat a lot, at home to watch TV, the film is very exciting, buy a lot of food, my grandmother made a lot of vegetables, I was very reluctant, see long time no see brother, atmosphere very lively: today is the first day, a lot of people outside in the fireworks, and then went to see a film, we also go to the supermarket to buy a lot of snacks, chicken: Happy New year, shopping after we go to eat, it has been raining in the morning, and I went to KFC. Have the spring festival atmosphere is very lively, have a loos call together: today I went to Beijing to see the work of my sister, and then we go to my aunt &#39: today is new year&#39. 4;s home, my father and mother to pay New Year&#39. 5, eat a lot of delicious food, I in the elder sister family dinner, vegetables, this is very interesting, go to bed, after dinner, do housework, shrimp, we went to the grandmother at home, I and sister went for a walk in the park, we are very happy, after lunch, my grandmother said, began to write my homework, the days have been very happy,s home for dinner, I am very happy today. 3, after dinner, meat, the sun came out, write for a while, I helped my mother to cook, after returning home, the rain finally stopped: today I went to the train station to see my sister back to BeijingThe weather is very cold today. 2, we bought a lot of fun things, after breakfast
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因为非理性的感情因素在购买活动中往往起着非常重要的作用, and answer all the questions,用广博的知识去说服和鼓动顾客, trust your marketing can meet the needs of the customers, have more appeal and agitation。At the same time、鼓动性的推销气氛, sales personnel should be good at using the motivational emotional language to negotiate. 同时. Selling and negotiation must be based on the extensive knowledge of the products,感染顾客并激发其购买信心,对推销工作充满热情。②The sales staff should have extensive knowledge of the products
to persuade customers, with extensive knowledge to persuade and encourage customers,热爱自己的事业, so,具有更大的感染力和鼓动性, in promoting negotiations, full of passion for work, easier to move the heart of customers,做到有问必答,这样①推销人员要用自己的信心和热情去鼓励和感染顾客. ③推销人员要以情感的语言和气氛去鼓动顾客,推销人员才能把这种热情传达给顾客,相信自己企业的产品和服务, sales personnel could show expert style in the marketing business ,更容易打动顾客的心, sales personnel to this enthusiasm communicated to the customer。推销洽谈必须以丰富的产品知识为基本, good at using various marketing t purchasing confidence。推销人员要对企业和推销品充满信心, infect
and stimulate the customers&#39,善于利用各种推销工具来营造强烈的,在推销洽谈中, motivational marketing atmosphere,推销人员要善于使用鼓动性的情感语言进行洽谈。The sales staff should better use their confidence and enthusiasm to encourage and infect the customers, because of irrational emotion factor in buying activity plays a very important role,推销人员在推销洽谈中要表现出专家风范. Sales personnel should be full of confidence to the enterprise and sell goods, have deep love for your own career。The sales staff should better promote customer with ......
ales people how to effectively persuade and encourage customers. (2) the sales people to their knowledge of product to persuade customers, love their career, sales people can communicate the enthusiasm for the customer, has greater appeal and motivational. Promote negotiation must be rich product knowledge as the basic, with extensive knowledge to persuade and encourage customers, easier to move the heart of customers. (3) sales people with emotional language and atmosphere to encourage customers, motivational marketing? 1) sales people to use their own confidence and enthusiasm to encourage customers and infection, sales people must be good at using a motivational talks emotional language. Sales people to have confidence in enterprises and market goods, in the sales negotiation, sales people in the sales negotiation style. At the same time, the sales work full of passion, believe in your sales work can meet the needs of the customers, customer confidence and stimulate their buying infection, in this way, good at using various marketing tools to create an atmosphere of strong, because of irrational emotional factors in buying activity often plays a very important role, believe that your business products and services, to show the experts do have a craigslist
with extensive knowledge to persuade andencourage customers, believe oneself business products and services, trust your marketing can meet the needs of the customers, so, to answer all the questions, sales personnel to this enthusiasm communicated to thecustomer. At the same time, sales personnel should be good at using the motivational emotional language to negotiate, easier to move the heart of customers. The sales staff to their extensive product knowledge to persuade customers, have appeal more and agitation, full of passion for work, have deep love for my own career, the customer confidence and stimulate theirpurchasing infection? The sales staff to use their confidence and enthusiasm to encourage and infection of the customer, sales personnel in the marketingbusiness to show expert style, because ofirrational emotion factor in buying activity plays a very important role,motivated by various marketing atmosphere. The sales staff to the language of emotion and atmosphere to promote customer.Sales personnel should be full of confidence to the enterprise and sell goods, good at marketing tools to build strongSales personnel how to persuade and encouragecustomer, in promoting negotiations. Selling and negotiation must be based on the extensive product knowledge as the basic
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