lcegoddess是my goddess什么意思思

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goddess[英][ˈgɔdɪs][美][ˈɡɑdɪs]n.女神; 被崇拜的女人; 非凡的女子; 绝世美女;Hindu Goddess Blesses University Gamelan的用法和样例:
As I awoke, I remembered that Kali was a Hindu Goddess, but nothing else about her, so I did a search.
The Hindu goddess Laxmi, is also called Padma, Kamia and Kamalasana, all names for the lotus.
An artist works on an idol of Hindu goddess Durga for the forthcoming Durga Puja festival in Allahabad, India, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009.
Lunch is Indian vegetarian food -- rice, lentil and vegetable curries, yogurt and dessert -- all served in a noisy cafeteria named for the Hindu goddess of food.
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音标:[ 'gɔdis ]&&发音:&&名词复数:goddesses&&&
例句与用法1.He turned first to the shiny goddess .他先转身朝着那光明的女神看了一下。2.The goddess received her with angry countenance .女神见到她来,满面怒容。3.The woman goddesses were kindlier and more subtle .女神是较为仁慈和体贴入微的。4.The archer goddess discharged a shaft with fatal aim .女神箭手射出了万无一失的箭,命中目标。5.Each of these represented a goddess and had , at one time , been painted .每尊塑像代表一个女神,而且一度着了色。6.Then at last the votary of venus found words to thank the goddess .这个时候,维纳斯的信徒才想起来向维纳斯女神感谢了一番。7.Now let us learn how a virgin goddess punished an invader of her privacy .下面的故事讲的是童贞女神如何惩罚侵犯她个人自由的人。8.The goddess conducted her guests to seat and had them served with wine and other delicacies .女神领着客人就坐,并以美酒佳肴相待。9.They amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman .他们惊奇的发现,这位女神竟是一位模样十分时髦的女子。10.By chance the persecuted goddess espied in the bottom of the valley a pond of clear water .这个备受迫害的女神无意间发现山谷底有一池清水。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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