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Height, Age, and Measurement Requirements of Modeling.
Height, Age, and Measurement Requirements of Modeling.
Height, Age, and Measurement Requirements of Modeling.
So exactly how tall do you need to be to become a successful model?
Likewise, how old does one need to be?
What kind of body type is required?
These are all important questions one will need to ask themselves if they are going to pursue modeling as a hobby or furthermore, a career.
The ranges that will be specified are typical client requirements.
That doesn’t mean you cannot succeed if you do not fit them.
It also depends on which type of modeling you are pursuing.
Keep these as guidelines and remember, there are always exceptions.
( also has a nice little breakdown of some ).
Women – Because it is the most restrictive of all the modeling genres, let’s start with fashion models (high-end models typically shooting for editorials, high-end designers, runway and fashion campaigns).
Fashion models have very particular age, height, and measurement standards.
The typical age is 16-21.
Models can be younger than this, but many agencies will require models to be at least 16.
Likewise, models can be older but agencies and clients tend to like their models looking younger and more youthful.
Height is typically between 5+-6″, bust is between 32+, waist is between 22+, and hips should be between 33+.
Of course most woman do not meet these standards and that is why fashion models generally get paid the most and work the most.
If you do not meet these requirements, don’t worry, most women don’t.
Catalogue modeling is another lucrative modeling genre that is slightly less restrictive than fashion modeling.
Height is generally between 5+ and 5 and typical measurements are as follows: Bust 32+,
hips 33+, and waist 22+. Catalogue and fashion are the two most specific modeling genres.
That is why they are the most profitable.
Lingerie and Bikini models also tend to have specific measurement requirements.
Typical lingerie measurements are: height 5+-6′, bust 32+ C cup, waist 22+, and hips 33+.
A bikini model will be similar to a lingerie model but with a slightly larger bust size.
There are also fields like fitness modeling, glamour, and plus-size modeling that do not require such specific measurements (check out)
On the other hand, whether it be fashion or catalogue, Men are pretty straight forward.
Height is typically between 5- 6+ and men should be able to fit into a 40″- 42″ Regular Jacket.
Men should be fit and lean without too much muscle.
The goal should be to look ripped with your shirt off, but lean in clothing ().
Men’s standards are less specific and many men meet these guidelines.
That is part of the reason why they often times get paid less than their women counterpart.
If you are a male with a unique look, stand between 5- 6+ and fit into a 40″- 42″ Regular Jacket, you have a
great chance at becoming a model.
Now that you know the measurements I bet you are wondering “How Do I Get Started?“
Well, if this is you… check out
And if you find that you do not meet some of the required measurements and are still wondering, “Do I Have What It Takes To Be A Model?“ check out
and see which one fits you best!!
You may find that the genre of modeling you like most is not the best fit, but that another fits you just perfect!
Modeling Wisdom is only an informational blog.
It is NOT a modeling agency and cannot tell you whether you have what it takes to model or not.
Modeling Wisdom CAN, however, provide you with the
to give modeling a try if you would still like to give modeling a shot!
In the end, the only person who can tell you that you don’t have a shot is yourself.
Believe in yourself and don’t stop until you have achieved your goal, no matter what they say!!
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