
50 Craigslist Meet Ups You’re Really Glad You Weren’t A Part Of | Thought Catalog
50 Craigslist Meet Ups You’re Really Glad You Weren’t A Part&Of
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I went to buy a N64 with a ton of games and a few controllers for $100, he told me to meet him at a Walmart not far from my school, so I went after the school day. He told me that morning that he had a cherry red mustang and to meet him at it at 3 o’clock. I pulled into the Walmart and there has to be three or four cop cars around a cherry red Mustang. The guy was sitting on the curb while they took out a bunch of shit from his car. He had like two pounds of marijuana on him and some other stuff.
I was sad, I really wanted the N64.
I foolishy let a strange guy come to my house to buy a used iPad, I advertised on Craigslist, for his son. He handed me $40 less in cash than I asked in my ad, saying it was all the cash he had, and that he figured it was a fair price. When I refused to accept what he offered, he became irate, red in the face, slapped my table with his palm, said I was being greedy, and that everyone selling on Craigslist “negotiates” their asking price. I tried to calm him down by saying that I had only had the ad in for one day, and I would be glad to call him if I couldn’t sell it for my asking price. He angrily decided he still wanted it, and left to go to his bank to get the $40, slamming my door behind him so hard that the house shook. As soon as he left, I texted him not to come back, because I had changed my mind about selling the iPad after all. He texted me back apologizing, but I never responded. I felt really relieved that I got him out of my house, and also, really stupid for allowing him to come in.
Not terribly wrong, but my gf and I arranged to buy a couch off of a couple in a fairly bad neighborhood. After a hassle of trying to find the place we get in the apartment, the couch is in REALLY good condition, and it was retail listed for $1200 we were paying $500. They were moving the next day and really needed to sell it. As I’m carrying one of the sections of the couch out with the guy i see a bug scuttle acrossed the couch. The guy flicks it off with a quickness. And looks at me with the most apprehensive stare ever. Long story short the couch was absolutely infested with roaches, like I’m talking thousands INSIDE THE COUCH. They knew.
I was in my late 20’s. Someone had an Xbox 360 for sale. I emailed him and we agreed to meet up in a park. Turns out to be a kid who was about 14-15 years old. I pay him cash and leave. I get home and turn it on, but the cd drive doesn’t open. I fiddle with it a bit, and realize it’s just broke.
I email him back, and he says something to the affect of “You have to take the face of the xbox off and push something on the side… then it will open”. Basically he admitted he knew it was broken, so I tell him I want my money back, and he says no.
I was guessing he was using his real name (first and last) in his email address, so I open the phone book (yes, a phone book) and looked up everybody by that last name in that town. There were less than 10 entries. I dialed the first one and asked if the kid was there. She says “no, this is his aunts house”.
I politely said “oh… do you happen to have his home number?” She gives it to me. I find that phone number in the phone book and get the street address. I drive to his house and knock on the door. He answers the door and starts freaking out. “You have to leave! My mom can’t know I sold that!”
I said “I’m not leaving without my money”.
He says “I already spent it! Get out of here!”
I just laughed, stepped around him, and knocked again on the door until his mom showed up. Turns out she knew the xbox was broken also. She made him give me the money back (he hadn’t spent it) and I handed over the broken xbox.
Not me, but a friend. He was selling a graphing calculator and arranged to meet the buyer at a shopping center. The buyer wanted to test it out, but it didn’t have batteries. My friend agreed to ride to a grocery store with him to pick up batteries. On the way back to where they originally met, buyer took the calculator to test it out. He plays with it for a minute, agrees it is in good condition, and passes it back to my friend. On the screen, the buyer had typed “you are kidnapped”. My friend finishes reading it, buyer locks doors and speeds up. Friend panics. Then the buyer stops, laughs, gives my friend money, let’s him out and tells him to be more careful.
I went to buy a semi-rare videogame (Final Fantasy Tactics, before it became a Greatest Hit). Met this girl in a Wendys parking lot, she gave me the cd case. I opened it, and it was empty. I demanded my $20 back, she looked at me and said if I did anything other than leave, she would lie and say I assaulted her. I pulled out my phone and started to pretend to record her (my cell at the time had no camera) and she started stumbling around, pretending I had attacked her. After a minute if this silliness, our eyes met and I think she realized how ridiculous this was getting, and gave me my money back.
I bought a set of Samsonite luggage, met the man in a crowded parking lot. He kept saying “I didn’t expect you to be so cute.” He had Been waiting in the lot, saw me get off the bus and walk in, and kept trying to let him give me a ride home. I declined, and while waiting on the bus, saw him drive past 5 more times. He was a creeper.
Two of my roommates went to purchase a couch from someone living on the third floor of an apartment building. They paid for the couch but, somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd floors, got it stuck so badly in the stairwell they decided to cut their losses and just leave it there.
It was a few weeks before my Junior year of College so this was 2010. I wanted to sell an old couch from my previous house because we were getting 2 new roommates and they already had couches. I posted the ad and 15 minutes later I got an e-mail. The guy said he would pay 75 for the couch (i had listed it at 100) but would bring some Xbox games to trade to make up the difference. Okay nice. So he pulls up in a truck with two women in the bed. I insist on helping him get the couch outside but he says no and has the two women do it. Then, it gets interesting. He says he only has $50 but if I took the money, he would “give” me one the girls for 20 minutes. Keep in mind, he told me this as the couch is sitting in his truck. I didn’t know what to say. I took the $50 and said to just leave. He was insulted for some reason and threatened to come back and “beat my ass and rob me blind.” We moved to our new house the next day with our new roommates. Fast forward a month I read in my school’s newspaper and on the front page was a picture of my old street with the headline “Man arrested intimidating students at a party with a crow bar.” My old residence. I read on. His name was Bruce and his criminal background included 17 misdemeanors and a dropped rape and attempted kidnapping charge. Also, just as icing on the cake, he was also wanted in Ohio on numerous stalking charges. Craigslist…never again
Not Craigslist but kijiji (same idea, different site). A couple years ago I was buying some DVD’s from a guy. I had drank too much the night before and was having a hellish hangover but decided to go get the DVD’s anyways. He was on the sketchy side of town. Anyways I pull up to his house. It is a five-plex (five attached houses) and there is a note on the front door to go to the back. So I go to the back and there are these three gangster lookin’ guys mid-day drunk and some cracked out girl with her shirt tied up, barely covering her and in short shorts. They all stop what they are doing and stare at me.
“Uhmm are you selling the dvd’s?” I ask, sweating beneath my dorky spider-man t-shirt.
“DVD’s? Nah man don’t have any of those. Want some crack?” Says the largest one, flexing his muscles.
“Uhh no thanks”
“What about my girl here?”
“What do you mean?” My face is dripping sweat at this point.
“You wana take her home?”
“Uhmm no thanks I saw this ad on kijiji-”
“Why not? You think she’s ugly?” he stands up and looks at me menacingly while I stammer and then says “ahhh I’m just fuckin’ with you man. No dvd’s. Sure you don’t want no crack?”
“No. Okay I gotta go cya” and then I turned around and got the hell out of there.
I bought a 360 from a craigslist ad. The kid selling it was like 17. We met at a public location (Starbucks) at my request. I handed him the money, he handed me the 360. Then he asked me if he could buy me a coffee. I declined. He asked me if I wanted to go out sometime. I declined, thanked him for the Xbox, and left.
Well, unfortunately, he had my phone number and email address, as I had responded to his ad. He started sending me these long, angst filled teenage emails about how he was “in love” with me, and I was his destiny, and texting me dozens of times a day…
Alright, I got a prime story, that made me learn a lot about using craigslist. First off, I grew up in a small rural town and then moved to southern california for college.
So, this is just after the new iphone had come out and I desperately wanted one, so I found an ad on craigslist for a guy selling his for about $50 cheaper than everyone else’s ads.
I give the guy a call and he tells me that his company has switched to using blackberries and he has no need for the iphone now, so I agree to go meetup with him, since he seemed to have a fairly straight story…or at least it sounded that way.
So given im not familiar with the LA area I drive up and get off on Crenshaw Blvd., on the NE side, drive up about a block from the 405 and take a left and park in front of this big, low income apartment complex, like where he says to meet, this is in the middle of the day right next to a busy street. Now they neighborhood wasn’t the best, but im a big dude (6+ 230) so I figure I’ll be alright.
I finally get a hold of the supposed “business” dude which turns out to be a little dude that dressed in baggy jean and a big white t shirt, along with another dude dressed the same.
Now while I was sitting in my truck waiting for this guy to show up I see a guy sitting over in a blue ford focus just staring at me grinning the entire time, which creeped me out and already made me feel uneasy about the situation, and once I saw the “business” guy I knew something wasn’t right and decided to get outta there as fast as possible, so I started to walk back to my truck telling him im gonna grab my cash for the iphone.
But when I get into my truck and try to put my keys into the ignition, the other little dude( both about 5+ 150 at most) jumps into my passenger side and sticks a gun in my waist, saying “no homie, you ain’t leavin’, gonna need everything you got” now, this was probably stupid on my part, but seeing how this kid was holding the gun all clumsily and it looked more like a metal airsoft gun as opposed to a real gun I decided to reach across open then door and shove him out. I did it so quickly he didn’t have time to react and was already outside my passenger door banging on the glass to let him back in.
I figured I was good to go now and could get the hell outta there, but oh no. So I’m assuming when the second guy got thrown out, I was so focused on him I didn’t realize the first guy went to go get about 5-6 of his much bigger buddies, which were now all at my drivers side window, which was over half way down. As I turned my head towards them, they all just started reaching into my window throwing punches trying to grab me and pull me out, after which seemed like forever of me trying to dodge punches and still trying to get my keys into the ignition to maybe get my truck goin to get outta this but no go.
After a few good hits they connected with to my head I started to see stars and get dazed and decided as a last ditch effort to throw the cash I had for the iphone all over the ground outside behind them, they immediately stopped attacking me and ran around picking up all the bills, which gave me the opportunity to get the hell outta there. I did go down a few blocks and realizing I couldnt even see straight I called the LA county sheriff which they came and thought I was part of some drug deal gone bad, but ended up these tweakers did the same thing to 8 other victims and stole their licenses saying if they went to the police they would kil their families. But its all good now, i was able t pick em outta those 6 pack line ups and all of them but the lil dude with the gun are in prison.
Fortunately also, they have to pay me back through their wages they make at prison.
I once tried to sell a used high-end stroller on Craigslist in NYC. I’ve sold a ton of shit on Craigslist for years and years, but I’ve never dealt with people like these pregnant moms. Super picky. 100s of emails back and forth. Asking to repeatedly return to my apartment to see the stroller again and again before making a decision. Never showed up to meet. And complaining about the price, which was low.
My friend was trying to buy something off craigslist (houston if anyone’s interested).
he made arrangements to meet somewhere, agreed on a price blah blah blah.
couple minutes later, the guy calls my friend back and says “hey man, don’t come. I was just going to rob you, but i heard some kids in the background when we were talking on the phone”
about 10 years ago I bought a cellphone off of Craigslist. The guy shows up in a public parking lot with his family in the van, nothing suspicious looking about them at all and I was too naive at the time to know to verify the ESN number with Sprint first.
So, we made the sale and I go home to activate my phone. When I call up, Sprint tells me the phone is stolen so I call the seller back and explain to him what is going on. He’s apologetic and adamant that he had no idea. I said I want my money back or I’m calling the police – he agrees to meet me first thing, the next morning.
In the meantime I start playing around with the phone and find the previous owner’s number so I called it. A guy answers and I explain that I think I’m holding his stolen phone – he asks me for the model and info, then tells me a story I still have trouble believing….
Six months earlier the guy was driving on a bridge and was hit by another car, he actually drove off the bridge and into the water. Paramedics rescued him, he was actually dead for a minute or two and brought back but he figured the car and everything inside of it was a total loss – never thought about it again…. I was holding the phone that went over the bridge with him in car. Somehow a scrapyard must have pulled it out and sold it, it wsa restored and then sold to this guy I bought it from.
Dude was nice enough to call up Sprint on a 3-way call with me and have them remove the security block so I could use his old phone – everything turned out fine and the phone worked great!
There is a sad story in the news recently in this area of a guy who was killed by two guys after listing his truck for sale online. Google Tim Bosma for more info – very sad, by all accounts Tim Bosma listed his truck online for sale and two guys showed up to take it for a test drive. He went with them and they ended up killing him.
I sold a vacuum on there and it was nothing special. I inherited it from a move out. My price was a reasonable $15. I described it as an average vacuum with average abilities. It was bought by a TA at CSU. She pulled up in a $40k car, and wanted to haggle with me. I sold it for $10. She then proceeded to send me pictures of it not picking up things it vacuumed for an entire day. I got out of work and told her the hose was detached. “Oh.” …Two days pass… Cue pictures of it not picking up stuff “to her standards” I reiterate the purchase price of said vacuum. My parents come to town, she is blowing me up with texts and pictures of a dustpan of dirt from her yard dumped onto carpet as some kind of “display” … I don’t respond, I will refund her once my parents leave in ONE FUCKING DAY! We come home from dinner to her severing and smashing the vacuum cleaner to bits in my front yard holding a note in her hand that said “You can keep the money asshole.” We basically caught her red handed. She looked extremely embarrassed. I made her pick it up and throw it in my trashcan. Then I told her to leave and never come back. I also told her that if she ever did anything to my property, she idiotically corresponded me with her douchey e-mail signature where she basically lists every achievement and address and life experience she’s ever had and I would come find her. The end.
I was trying to sell my old laptop on CL. I was flooded with scam emails saying, “I would like to purchase this item for my brother/uncle/nephew/etc. who is studying/volunteering/doing missionary work in Nigeria. Please send your bank account number and information so I may wire transfer funds”. Seriously I got like 100 of these emails all saying some variation of that story. They were all OBVIOUSLY very fake emails. Anyway, I finally get a legit sounding message saying this guy wants to buy it. We meet at a Starbucks and he checks out the laptop and asks some questions, seems satisfied so he gets out his cash. As he hands it to me he says, “Thanks so much, my brother is over in Nigeria for his studies and really needed a computer so this will be a great gift!” I accidentally burst out laughing, and he just looked at me like I was a crazy bitch and left.
A couple years ago, I contacted a guy about buying some old Pokemon cards for my son. I didn’t know anything about P he was just getting into it. The ad said he was selling 100 cards for $20 (only 20 cents a card!), which seemed like a great deal to me considering it’s something like $6 a pack now for ten cards. I arrived at the arranged meeting spot (gas station parking lot), he handed me a stack of cards wrapped up in a rubber band, I handed him a twenty-dollar bill, and we were on our way. It really felt like a drug deal. Very few words were exchanged.
I gave them to my son that weekend, gearing up for the happiest reaction ever for the coolest dad ever. Turns out I overestimated things a bit there. He thumbed through the cards, his massive smile slowly bending into a puzzled expression. Then he took a deep breath turned to me, trying to feign some degree of happiness and gratitude, and asked me why I would get him a stack of 100 Energy Cards.
I’ve since learned the difference between holo and foil cards, what types are good against other types, what it takes to be the very best, and that Brock is a total cooz hound.
My buddy responded to an ad for a cheap ass car. He took it for a test drive and it ran well, so they agreed to a price of $200. After the money changed hands, the seller said he will go inside to get the extra keys and bring the car around. About 2 minutes later the car passes by and continues down the street. My buddy freaks the fuck out and gives chase, unfortunately the car gets away and he is left to go back to the house and see if he can sort it out.
As it turned out, the car that passed by was just an innocent motorist with the same car merrily going about his business. It’s very fortunate my buddy never caught up to him. I could only imagine the seller back at the house, wondering why someone would hand him $200 and take off running.
He did get the car after all and it ran for 2 years.
Bought a nice longboard a few years back and quickly realized I wasn’t interested. Promptly posted the board on craigslist and some guy e-mailed me offering more than I had it posted for (actually only $20 less than the new price – this was a $300 longboard).
It felt fishy but regardless I talked to him for a bit and tried looking him up online. I found what I assumed was his Facebook page, and all that showed up to me was that he was interested in “iceskating, ballet, and Golden Girls.” Okay…weird.
Anyways, we arranged to meet up at Culvers about 10 minutes from my house. He claimed to live about 2 hours away, so I was shocked that this guy would drive so far to me to pay practically new price for a used item. It seemed worth the risk though because I figured nothing bad could happen if I met him at a busy Culvers so close to my house. Worse comes to worse, he doesn’t show up, I lose half an hour of my time.
So, I get there, and call him for the first time. Not that it’s really an issue, but the guy has an incredibly flamboyant voice, and he tells me that he’s sitting inside in the big booth in the corner. At this point it was also pouring rain, so I’m going to look like a weirdo walking into a Culvers during a thunderstorm carrying a longboard, but whatever.
I get in, and see the creepiest looking guy sitting the big booth in the corner. I’m talking trench raincoat, fedora, long, greasy blonde hair, and dad jeans. I approach him and his face goes from zoning out on the seat across from him to beaming up straight at me.
I say hey and show him the board. He sets it across the table and spins one of the wheels, and the only thing he says is “cool!” He takes out $280 and hands it to me.
Then, as I’m about to leave, he offers to buy me some food. I figure what’s the worst that can happen, so I oblige. I tell him I’m not picky and let him order for me. He goes up to the register and comes back and says “I got you a root beer.” He didn’t order either of us food, but got me and only me a root beer.
Okay….He sets it on the table and I notice him slip something in it. I said I forgot I had somewhere to be and I quickly got up and left. He lost his temper and started shouting after me as I rushed out to my car in the rain. He didn’t contact me after that, but I’m pretty sure that potentially could have gotten really weird if I was an idiot.
TLDR: Met a guy from Craigslist at Culvers. He was wearing a trench coat and a fedora. He bought my used longboard for the price it cost me new. He tried to drug me by offering me a root beer.
Went to Craigslist looking for a rideshare from New York to Western Mass, and a guy responded saying he was leaving in a week. Perfect.
He gave me his number, and I found out he was leaving from City Island (far away) at 7 in the morning (very early). I told him I would think about it, and that he could call me back if he decided to leave later in the morning.
He called me back later, though his number came up restricted. 8 AM: still too early for me. I politely declined and ended up getting a different ride and didn’t think about it for a few weeks.
Fast forward to my being back in Western Mass. Sleeping there next to a male friend of mine when early early in the morning I get a ring from a restricted number. I answer it, still half asleep, and I ask who it is.
“You know who it is,” he replied, giggling. Still not completely awake, I mistake the voice for another friend of mine, and carry on a very groggy conversation with who I thought was this friend. “What are you doing? Who are you with?,” etc.
Until he asked me what I was wearing. That kind of snapped me into awakening. I demanded to know with whom I was speaking, and he gave me the little “you know who this is” spiel again. Freaked out, I hung up and quickly woke up the guy I was next to. I suspected it might be this guy, and I still had his number from when I originally posted the ad. I used my man’s phone to call him, and yes, it was him.
Creepy. I googled the guy’s number shortly after that and he had posted it to numerous sketchy forums, offering to ferry escorts to and from their quarries in exchange for free “services.” I stopped using CL Rideshare after that.
I met up with a woman at Starbucks to buy a violin. I get there on time and then get a text message that she’s going to be 20 minutes late. No big deal. I can hang out at the ‘bucks for twenty minutes. She was making me wait because she had another interested buyer who was also meeting her at the same Starbucks. That twenty minutes was to make sure the other interested party would be there when I was.
She tried to initiate a bidding war between me and this other person in the coffee shop. I was really annoyed, because I had already agreed on the price in the ad, and I didn’t have an extra hundred dollars to outbid this person. So I said “this isn’t what I showed up here for” and left.
I got a call later from the seller. After I was gone, the other interested buyer tried talking the price down to below what I was going to pay for it. She offered the violin to me again at the price we agreed to before she tried to get me in a bidding competion with someone else. I told her I wasn’t interested anymore.
Wasn’t me, it was two blocks from me though. Kid opened a craigslist add for an I Phone 5. He would meet them outside the closed elementary school at an agreed upon time and rob them with what appeared to be a handgun.
Twist, He left the same ad up and just kept robbing people.
Cops answer the ad and busted him. Once they got in to his account, they found he had six more jobs planned.
my brother almost met a child molester on craigslist. My brother (15 at the time) posted that he was looking for a job. He got a response about some contracting work, and told the guy he would think about it. My dad decided it would be a good idea to do a background check on my brother’s potential boss. Turns out he’s a third degree sex offender. Third degree is rape
I was selling a Mac book Pro some years back and threw it online on Craigslist. Within minutes I had a guy ping me saying he wanted the notebook, and wanted to meet up that night. It was already 11pm. He also had a car but couldn’t drive because he wasn’t insured so I had to drop it off. Being that he lived in a more dangerous neighbourhood, I refused. He insisted. I told him the best I could do was the morning and he agreed. Expecting the worst I packed the mac book in a duffle bag with a brick, a crowbar, a knife and shingler’s hammer. I also wore steal toe boots. Drive into the older, dangerousish neighbourhood and find the house. It’s brand new, they had torn down some old houses and built on top. Call the dude. He tells me to come up to the door. I prepare to fight. Ring the bell, just waiting to get jumped and and older Asian man opens the door. You must be here for my son. Then this young kid comes to the door is all like nice to meet you. I need this mac book for this program I am in at school, this is my test machine my last one died. He gave e extra money for driving there, and his family made.me stay for dinner. I felt really bad, gave the kid a discount and left. Was weird for sure.
My older brother used to hook up with people on casual encounters. He had done this a few time without any issue, usually with people that were in town for business. He would called me and tell me about it, braggin and stuff. I told him to be careful that he doesn’t wake up in a bathtub missing a kidney. He claimed he had it under control.
Not too much longer he called me in the morning. He told me that he had plans to meet up with this really hot girl in a hotel room somewhere on the east side. I think she wanted him to bring some pills or drugs and he decided not to. Good thing he didn’t go that night because on the news there were stories of people getting jumped and robbed at that hotel when trying to meet up with people from craigslist. Apparently the girl would be waiting in the room with some big dude in there too.
As far as I know, he hasn’t tried hooking up on craigslist again.
My uncle went to sell a few pieces of jewelry he had to someone on craigslist. Well when he went the guy snatched the necklace and tried to run. Now my uncle is a huge career marine very scary guy. When he started chasing the thug the guy turned around and shot him 3 times. My little cousins were in the car so he ran back to get them out of the area despite being shot he was worried about their welfare. He got them out of there and got to a hospital. My one cousin despite being very young was able to identify the man and he was caught. This happened about a year ago. Here is a link it shows a photo of my Uncle Karl and a rundown of the situation . It was very scary when I heard about it I was just getting ready to travel around the country when it happened so I put a hold on it to be with my family. Its scary to think that out of the many times I sold things on craigslist this kind of thing can happen. So be careful when dealing with people on the internet.
A few months ago we were moving 600 miles and really trying to get rid of anything non-essential. We had this very heavy desk that was in great shape that we listed for $10 in hopes of getting rid of it quickly. A woman emailed my fiance while I was at work and said she was interested, what was our address and when could she come by. He gave her our address and phone and asked her to call to arrange a time.
No more than an hour after sending that message, and five minutes after I came home from work this strange woman shows up on our door. I answer the door and she says she’s here for the desk. She proceeded to walk into our house and walk through our bedroom and other rooms asking what else we’re selling, we said nothing but the desk. She looks at it and decides she wants it and then asks us to carry it down the stairs (2nd floor) to her car. She was in her mid 60’s and even though I was like 8 weeks pregnant and exhausted my fiance and I carried it down the stairs for her.
Not only had she not brought anyone to help (she didn’t lift a finger) she wanted us to fit a HUGE desk in the back of her beamer. We told her it wouldn’t fit and she begged us to try. We spent 30 fucking minutes trying to fit a WAY too big desk into her car with her directing. Finally I just burst into tears and said “bitch, we put this on CL for $10 so it would be a steal and someone would haul it away themselves. Then you show up without a proper vehicle and I’m pregnant and really shouldn’t be lifting heavy objects. I’m leaving the desk in the parking lot and if you come back for it great, if not I could care less.”
She then gets upset that I had yelled and hurt her feelings. She assures me she’s going to call her husband and get a truck and I said whatever and took her money. 20 mins later I hear a knock on my door and crazy lady says, “I just wanted to inform you that I WAS able to fit the desk in my car and if you had tried a little harder you could have made it fit.” I told her to fuck off and get off my doorstep.
Selling sealed MTG boxes. Get a response, arrange to meet at a Starbucks open twenty four hours. Arrive at Starbucks. See that there is conveniently an ATM on the same block. Grab a coffee and wait. There’s a trio of police cars out front, also drinking coffee and talking.
Guy shows up. Checks in with me. Walks down to ATM. Comes back with stack of cash. We walk to my car. He hands me cash. I hand him boxes. We both promptly get detained by said police, who are absolutely convinced that this is some sort of complicated drug trafficing. Repeatedly demand to search both vehicles, which my new friend is adamantly against (and this being San Francisco, not too surprising). They Open the booster boxes. Open some of the packs. Call for backup.
Backup completely randomly is a regular MTG player. Spends ten minutes convincing other officers that this is not, in fact, a complex drug deal.
I was selling a lot of stuff preparing to move across the country to California. Up for sale: blue wii, controllers, and super smash – $70
So I’m waiting for the guy in a mall parking lot and I see a guy walking towards my car… from far off. As in he didn’t drive there. Baggy clothes, flat bill cap, tattoos… real gangster looking fellow. Great, he’s gonna try to talk me down, I thought.
He looks the console over, asks me why I’m selling it so I tell him I’m moving. Turns out he’s a SoCal native and he’s getting all excited, telling me all these stories and places I need to go. He reaches into his pocket and it turns out he only has 2 $50 bills. He asks if I have change and I said no. (I never carry cash on me) So he just says “ah well, here’s to help you out a little bit. You’re going to love it out there.” I ask him if he’s sure and it wasn’t a problem to get change. He told me not to worry about it and to just have fun. We shook hands and he was on his way.
Worst thing that happened to me was a guy selling a Nikon DSLR. He had it listed for a great price, said he already had a better Canon. Anyway we agree on everything and the next day I’m driving the hour and 20 minutes one way to buy it. I text when I leave and he confirms. I text halfway everythings good. About 10 minutes before arriving he texts back that he is really sorry but decided to keep it. I was pissed. I think he re-thought his price and listed it again for 50.00 more. He was such a fucker. I texted him that it was really wrong to do that to me and I hoped in the future he is a better person.
First, I did about 15 deals on Craigslist in the past 3 months. I will tell you that 14 out of 15 of them had attempted fraud emails and text messages. Be careful out there.
So I was selling some stuff out of my garage and I’ve got my laptop and cell phone out and these guys pull up in their beater car to buy some of my audio gear.
He gives me the cash and then asks me if I can give him a ‘bag’. (I’m selling him a USB Audio Keyboard.. bag? Just put it in the car). So I tell him no, I don’t have a bag. ‘Can you go get one inside?’. Nope.
So his friend says ‘Oh I have a bag in the car’. Walks to the car and comes back up my driveway with a duffel bag in his hand and then his hand inside the bag the entire way up the driveway.
I actually had a gun in my pocket just in case, so I put my hand in my pocket and they kind of walked off.
The keyboard didn’t fit in that bag either, so I’m pretty confident shit was about to go down. Will never know for sure.
I was selling some car audio equipment a couple years ago. i wasn’t in any rush to get rid of it so I overpriced it to see if some dumb teenager would bite. I received a call one day from some guy who was offering a trade for a flat screen LCD TV. this was back in the day when these were still pricey. We agreed to meet up in my neighborhood, a couple hours passed and nothing, i called him back and he said he got in an argument with his wife and wasn’t able to make it. I was getting a steal of a deal so i agreed to come to him. I met him at his house and we agree to the trade. he proceeds to walk into his living room disconnect the tv and give it to me. This all happened as his wife was watching a movie on the very tv this man just traded me. I took off as fast as possible before chaos broke out.
I bought a bike from a man in a grocery store parking lot. His flacid penis was sticking out of his zipper for the entire duration of the transaction.
I posted an ad selling my beats headphones. A potential buyer called me and offered to buy the headphones, even though they sounded 13 years old at the most. We agreed on a time to meet on the east side of town. He calls me several times while I’m on the way to remind me to call when I’m turning on to his street. I pull up to the address he sent me and there’s two kids standing in the driveway. I park on the street, noticing a for sale sign in the front yard of the house. I go greet the kids, hand over the headphones for inspection, and one of the kids pulls a gun from behind his back and shoves it into my chest, saying “just get the f**k outta here man” over and over. I get back in my car, and the first kid comes over to my door and punches me in the face through the window and spits on me. By the time the little bastard is done hitting me his partner is already running through the backyard of the house we met at. His chubby little partner goes to follow him and walks in front of my car. I immediately start the car and floor it, ramming the little bastard and knocking him into the fence off the sidewalk. Once I slam him into the chainlink fence I swerve back off the curb and speed down the street. I call the police 2 minutes later, they get caught later that night after assaulting someone with brass knuckles after meeting them off craigslist to buy a laptop.
I got a letter in the mail a few months ago saying that they both got 15 years in adult prison.
Put an Ad on craigslist to sell an iPhone 4s. Guy calls, i ask to meet at Walgreen, he agrees. It was dark outside but still early. I pull in the parking lot literally right by the entrance of the store. This black guy is by the wall and comes to the window, he counts the money to my face. I’m still in the car i dint even put it in park yet, i show him the brand new phone. He stares at it, grabs it and just books it. I’m just sitting in my car thinking i cant believe this just fucking happened. i collect myself, now i had to put my car in park, turn off ignition, and open the door, than i ran after him. This guy had a pretty good lead on me, but i’m 6 &# and workout religiously, i’m in the best shape of my life. I almost catch him him… until he jumped in his car (he had parked it out in the back of some store) and peeled off. I was pretty close to his car. I keep a knife on me all the time, i got it out and threw it at his back window and shattered it. Got his plate number, description of his car and his phone number, plus easy to spot broken window. Get back to my car, call the cops give them the info. Dispatch told me a cop was going to show up to help me. Cops never show, waited 30 mins call back “shift change” they said, someone will be there shortly. I wait some more i see a cop drive by….he dint stop. That’s it… i took my loss and went home. This took place in Taylor, MI.
I owned a TV that my roomates and I shared in the living room. My roomates did not own a TV and since I never used it they had the impression that I was gona just give it to them I guess as we were coming to the final months of both our lease. I some how got into huge argument with my roomates and we didn’t talk for weeks. Since they were always the ones watching an extremely unhealthy amount of television I decided to put the TV on criagslist for Sale for incredibly low. Probably lost about $200 in the sale. But anyways I instantly had a buyer and made sure he came to the house to pick it up when the roomates were using it. Knock on the door. I introduce the buyer to the roomates as the new owner of the TV. Shitstorm.exe . The guy instantly caught on to why I was selling it so cheap and thankfully got a kick out of the whole scenario and helped me lift the TV off to his vehicle while my roomates where throwing a fit cussing up a storm and trying to physically intervene. It was my TV so I had the right to sell it but I look back and feel bad now. We never talked after that.
It all happened to fast, but I was going to meet up with a guy to sell my laptop. Thinking back (hindsight is 20/20) there was tons of warning signs. He was using one of those tracfones so I couldn’t call him, I agreed to meet him in an apartment complex 20 minutes from my house. When I get there I meet up with him he walked from across the complex (there was a patch of trees in between). Everything was going fine, he was holding it and checking out everything then just said “alright lets go inside so I can give you the money”, so I turned around to grab the charger and he just bolted… I just stared shocked for what seemed like forever and hopped into my car to chase him. No luck though and I know actively avoid using craigslist.
I got robbed at gunpoint when I tried to sell my ex-fiancée’s engagement ring on Craigslist. That incident solidified in my head everything associated with my cheating ex was evil and cursed.
So here is a good one: My laptop got stolen out of my truck one night. Filed a police report and everything but they weren’t going to do anything. So being pissed off I thought I would check Craigslist and guess what? The guy who stole was trying to sell it on Craigslist two towns over. I had him send me some pictures of it to confirm that it was mine. I contacted the police and we set up a sting operation a the local Starbucks and caught the guy. It turned out to be a minor and he had weapons and other stolen crap in his car. I was pretty proud of myself for that! I never thought I would see that laptop again. Guy didn’t even wipe the hard drive.
My wife and I were in the middle of spring cleaning and posted a few items for free. One of them was a bag of women’s clothes. A guy called and was asking what types and size on the clothes, so I handed the phone to my wife, since I don’t know. She told him, he asked her name, and then arranged a time to come by. He didn’t show up, but instead called back at 4 in the morning and left a message saying that he was disappointed that I (a male) went out to meet him. He wanted my wife to model the clothes for him. Then he proceeded to call me for the next several weeks with different numbers and tell me how he was going to come to my address and rape my wife. I tried checking on his number or blocking it, but he was calling from Skype, and it came from a different number most of the time and I could never call back. I went to the cops, but their policy is to do nothing unless we can show evidence that there is reason to believe it is more than just a prank. I didn’t know what more I needed to tell them, since he had my wife’s name, my phone number, our home address… but I guess I was going to have to wait for him to show up at my door.
For weeks, maybe months, I had that ass calling me. I had daydreams about the violence that would occur if he were to ever show up.
His calls tapered off to about once a month, but lasted about a year. Finally, I moved from that address and changed my number.
Not me but my sisters boyfriend decided to sell his BMW online, it was customized by him and it was a really close car that he’d had for a couple of years. They meet up in a parkinglot talking and nothing strange, the buyer wants to test drive the car just in the parkinglot. And ofcourse my sisters bf hands him the keys and the guy just drove off. He just stood there shocked not really understanding what the hell just happend. He reports it to the police and to the insurance company and gets some money from there. Weeks goes and no reports and he gets a call from the police and apparently his car ran over a pedestrian an killed him/her. It was in the news even.
When I was a teenager I went through a “raver” phase and had a bunch of colourful eccentric clothes and shit, like furry legwarmers and hot pink go go boots (I’m female btw)
Got over that phase, noticed all that shit sitting in my closet, was broke, decided to sell it on craigslist.
I listed the hot pink go go boots and immediately get a reply from a man. He’s really weird in the emails because he gives too many details that I don’t need, almost like he’s embarrassed about buying them. Tells me he’s buying them for his 13yo daughter for her hello kitty costume. I think it’s kind of weird because the shoes are a size ten, I don’t know any 13 year old with feet that big, but whatever.
I meet up with him at a coffee shop with my mom to deliver the shoes, and he does not say more than two words to me, which was odd because he was so chatty in the emails. He was a large (like 6ft and husky) Asian man.
So anyway he bought a bunch more of my stuff, always saying it was for his daughter so she could complete her hello kitty costumes, then one day I get this strange email from him saying something like “I’m _______’s daughter, don’t tell him but could you get me something badder? Don’t tell my dad but I want naughty stuff” I thought he wanted drugs or something, told him I couldn’t sell him anything illegal. He continues to message me posing as his young daughter and tries to get me to sell him my used lingerie and thongs and stuff (I never listed anything like that on craigslist). I was only like 18 at the time and noped the fuck out, never emailed him back, never heard from him again.
I once met up with some guy on Craigslist to buy his used copy of Fallout 3, and I had deliberately left out the fact that I was girl since I assumed that it would help minimize the creeper potential. It didn’t. 40 minutes later, he’s still trying to convince me to trade the game for sex. I grabbed the game, shoved 30 bucks in his face, and ran off.
I sold a robotic triceratops from Costco at Christmas time. Got $200 in counterfeit bills. I had emails, texts, a phone number, a license plate number, car description, and a Target manager who pulled the surveillance tape for me. No outcome. One of the reasons I don’t find cops to be helpful.
I was buying a AWESOME DVD collection for like 40$, it had everything! So I meet this guy outside of a local bank. First thing I notice is he had 2 HUGE boxes that looked pretty full, that was a good sign. I start checking in the boxes just so I can be sure the DVDs are in each case, and about half way through checking the guy says “Oh damn, hold on I forgot some”, I’m thinking what a great guy, I had not a clue about the other DVD and he is going to get it. Well, after he dropped the DVD in the box he says “Oh man, you better check it, I’ve been such a airhead today”.(Something along those lines) So I open it, and on the cover it was a little white guy getting totally demolished by 2 dudes in his bottom. Suddenly I look up with a shocked/near tears look on my face and say nothing, all I can do is stutter. He then ask me if I’m “DTF” and if I want my salad tossed, I of course politely reject his offer. Let me make this clear, I am often mistaken for being homosexual. (At this point he has the money and I have the DVDs mind you) He is starts to get closer to me and he is really touching me at this point, and when I say really touching me I mean getting like half of a finger down the front of my pants, maybe feeling a pube or two. Me being me I start to scream, (I shit you not) That is when he starts to back up and kind of look around. Then I threatened him by saying I’ll call the police and tell them your license plate and your phone number. (If you cant tell, I’m not a violent guy, unless I think I’m going to die or something) Thank god for my screaming because I really started to make a scene and the bank customers started to look and point, I make that known to him and THANK GOD, he starts to back up and does a quick look around and leaves.
I buy and flip phones, so I was responding to a S4 for sale. I meet him at the police station and when I look at the phone there are at least 50 texts and missed call from someone asking for their phone back. I’m not too big 6+ 160 lbs but this was some scrawny black guy. I tell him it’s not his and I walked into the police station with the phone, guy got arrested for theft, and we returned the phone to the owner. She was so grateful and offered me $50. I just said pass it on. Felt badass for a week.
First of all i live in oakland so this should explain the story. I arranged to meet up with some random guy at a bart station in oakland to sell my ps3. Im waiting at the station and all of a sudden a ghetto black guy pulls up and asks me “yo are you sellin that ps3 dog?” and i just went along and said yes. He told me to follow him to his “house” in order to see if it works. i didnt think much of it so i did. I followed him to east oakland which is one of the most dangerous parts of oakland. We pull up to this beat ass apartment and we both get out and he says “come in.” At this point i was very nervous so i grabbed my knife from my car and followed him in just in case. Once i walk into his house i was shitting my pants and getting ready to run away because what i saw in there where a bunch of hardcore gang members inside sitting around a table that had almost a pound of marijuana and two pistols. I told the guy “look i dont want any trouble” and he told me “its cool, they my niggas.” He asked me to plug in the ps3 to the small tv in the corner. After i plugged it in he was interested in buying it and payed me all in one dollar bills. I know not much happened in this story but what i saw caused me to experience the greatest amount of fear in my life…
Not me, but my wife had advertised a rowing type machine on Craigslist.
So this mid-40’s dude comes over to the house, when I’m at work, to check the machine out. He asks questions about it and tells her he’s not sure how it works, then asks her to show him. So she gets on the machine and starts to basically do a workout demo. He makes things stretch out by continuing to ask her machine and workout related questions as she’s rowing.
He suddenly stops and asks if he can use the restroom. He goes in and stays. And stays. And stays. Suddenly he comes out, and abruptly leaves the house.
Now, of course, my wife knows something’s up, because he was in there so long and left so oddly, but she can’t figure out what he did “weird”. She’s messaging me on the phone as she’s trying to figure it out, and my first thought was my meds. She counts them and it looks like he might have taken some of my xanax, but no big deal, she didn’t get murdered.
Then I get a text series like this:
“OMG I just found my razor”
“was it missing?”
“it has shit on the handle”
“like actual shit?”
Mystery solved!
tl:dr, my wife tried to sell a rowing machine on craigslist, got a dude who pleasured himself in our bathroom instead.
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