
mr·sun is a very much good teachers.哪个错了_百度作业帮
mr·sun is a very much good teachers.哪个错了
teachers 改为单数teacher因为前面有a是单数Mr,and Mrs,Brown want live in China very much,这句哪错了_百度作业帮
Mr,and Mrs,Brown want live in China very much,这句哪错了
Mr,and Mrs,Brown want (to) live in China very muchto live in China ,动词不定式短语做宾语
want to live
want 和live 都是动词 不能直接放在一起
应为want to live
Mr,and Mrs, Brown want
live in China very muchthe price of the computer is very expensive.哪错了?为什么?怎么改?_百度作业帮
the price of the computer is very expensive.哪错了?为什么?怎么改?
完全错了 price 是价格 后面不能跟expensive 可以这样说 the computer is very expensive 或者 the price of computer is very high 楼上的 做人要厚道啊...
没分?不告诉你了…You must is very careful in the street.哪一个单词错了?找出_百度知道
You must is very careful in the street.哪一个单词错了?找出
You must is very careful in the street.哪一个单词错了?找出并修改过来
出门在外也不愁专八改错,请问下面句子中括号里面,哪个是错的,怎么改,1.(so great) is our passion (for) doing things for ourselves,that we (are becoming) increasingly less independent (than) specialized labor.2.(some of the plants) in his store require very (little care),b_百度作业帮
专八改错,请问下面句子中括号里面,哪个是错的,怎么改,1.(so great) is our passion (for) doing things for ourselves,that we (are becoming) increasingly less independent (than) specialized labor.2.(some of the plants) in his store require very (little care),b
1.(so great) is our passion (for) doing things for ourselves,that we (are becoming) increasingly less independent (than) specialized labor.2.(some of the plants) in his store require very (little care),but this one needs (much more sunlight) than (the other one).3.The man,(of whom the ) red car is( parked) in front (of our house),(is) a prominent physician in this town.4Mike did (as he said) when he (forecast) that he would (knock into) Joe (to win ) the world's heavy-weight championship.5.The history of painting (is a ) fascinating (chain of events) that (probably) began with the very first picture (ever been made).6.Men who lived thousands of years ago,(long before) alphabets (were devised),(they) used pictures to record events and to (communicate) ideas.7.Benjamin was an (eighteenth century ) American artist who (influenced) British painters just (so much) as he (did other)American artists.8.Although he was (very ambitious) and (wanted eventually) (to run ) the business,(but he didn't) really works as well as he could.9.People (respected ) George Washington because he was (a honest man),and he (turned out ) to be (one of our greatest) military leaders.10.David (tends to )feel (useless and unwant) in a society that gives (so much prestige) to those who (compete well).
1.(so great) is our passion (for) doing things for ourselves,that we (are becoming) increasingly less independent ( of ) specialized labor.2.(some of the plants) in his store require very (little care),but this one needs (much more sunlight) than (the others).3.The man,( by whom the ) red car is( parked) in front (of our house),(is) a prominent physician in this town.4Mike did ( what he said ) when he (forecast) that he would (knock into) Joe (to win ) the world's heavy-weight championship.5.The history of painting (is a ) fascinating (chain of events) that (probably) began with the very first picture (ever made).6.Men who lived thousands of years ago,(long before) alphabets (were devised),( ) used pictures to record events and to (communicate) ideas.7.Benjamin was an (eighteenth century ) American artist who (influenced) British painters just (as much) as he (did other)American artists.8.Although he was (very ambitious) and (wanted eventually) (to run ) the business,(but he didn't) really works as well as he could.9.People (respected ) George Washington because he was (an honest man),and he (turned out ) to be (one of our greatest) military leaders.10.David (tends to ) feel ( useless and unwanted ) in a society that gives (so much prestige) to those who (compete well).
1.(so great) is our passion (for) doing things for ourselves,that we (are becoming) increasingly less independent (on) specialized labor.2.(some of the plants) in his store require very (little c...


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