初中英语语法大全发言短文稿 请看看 有无语法错误!

谁能帮我写篇英语作文啊,题目是an unforgettable person 要求一百二十个单词左右,无明显语法错误。明天早上就得交!先谢谢众兄弟姐妹了!
谁能帮我写篇英语作文啊,题目是an unforgettable person 要求一百二十个单词左右,无明显语法错误。明天早上就得交!先谢谢众兄弟姐妹了!
the most unforgettable person in my memory is my best friend sam.he&was my classmate when i studied in primary school.the days we shared together was the most special in my whole life.i was&not a nice student in primary school,i almost never did my homework and played all the time.but sam didn't look down on me because of this.he still helped me with my study and always&helped me with&the problem i was not able to solve.with his help,a great junior school accepted me.i'm very appreciate of his help.i wll keep him in mind all my life
根据这篇英语课文,提出三个英语问题,并用原文回答(简答就可以),问题简单些!(问题,答案都不要有语法错误) 5
Why we learn English(我们为什么学习英语)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Why we learn English&&&& The English language has become an international language because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.&&&& In the open times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must English because most of them speak and write in English, English is one of the working languages at international meetings, Today, most of valuable books are written inEnglish, If you know mush English, you will read newspapers and magazines in English and learn a lot of knowledge about interaction better. You also can do What you should do for the world peace.&&&& English is very important to us, but many students don'hey should learn it. I hope that all the students should pay more attention to English study and use it freely. ( 133 words)&& 我们为什么学习英语&&& 因为世界上大部分国家的人都使用英语,现在英语已经成为一种国际性语言。&&& 在改革开放中,如果你想要和外国人做生意,你必须学习英语,因为他们中的大部分人都是用英语说和写,国际会议的语言也是英语。今天,重要的书籍多是以英语出版的,如果你懂得更多的英语,你就可以读英文报纸和杂志,学习更多的国际知识,你就可以为世界和平做出你应该做的贡献。&&& 英语对我们很重要,但许多学生不知道他们为什么要学习英语,我希望所有学生都应该重视英语学习并运用自如。
1.Why has the English language become an international language ?为什么英语成为一门国际语言?
because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.因为现在大部分国家的人们都使用英语。
1.why should we learn English now?
Because the English language has become an international language&and &it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.2.what kind of language is often used in the business with foreigners?.
English, because most of&foreigners speak and write in English.
3.what is the benefit for people to learn English?
If you know mush English, you will read newspapers and magazines in English and learn a lot of knowledge about interaction better. You also can do What you should do for the world peace.
目前在我国高校非英语专业的写作教学中,英语写作能力的培养与其他能力的培养严重脱节,教学方法探索不足,缺乏灵活性。学生习作内容表现为使用词汇量不大,词不达意,句子较短,句法结构失误较多,大量中式英语的出现,功能词掌握不全面等问题。在英语教学中,尽管老师和学生都投入了大量的精力和时间,但结果往往令人失望。虽然学习者掌握了大量的词汇,但是他们能真正实际运用在写作中的却十分有限. 而且典型的中式英语表达比比皆是。由于受母语思维的影响,加上长期以来,中国英语词汇教学只注重输入,而忽略的适当的输出,学习者可理解的信息远大于其所能产出的信息,因此学生在写作时只根据自己所能记忆的单词和语法规则硬凑句子,不能保证句子的正确性和地道性,从而造成表达不畅,意思不明。
传统的二语习得理论认为。学习者掌握了语法规则和词汇以后,就能创造性的使用语言,但是随着研究的不断深入,心理语言学和结构语法理论都认为,语块在二语产生过程中起着重要的作用,刁琳琳(2004)的调查显示语块能力与语言技能之间均呈现显著的正相关。Lexical Approach的倡导者认为:要获得语言能力,不仅要有通过语法规则生成语言的能力,而且要在语境中识别和熟练使用恰当语块的语用能力。陈伟平(2008)认为提高学生的语块意识.不仅可以使学生学到更多&真实性&的语言材料,又有助于缩短学习者在词语选择方面与本族语者的差距,使学习者的词汇选用更加地道,在写作上取得显著的成效,现将&过程写作教学法&融合&预制语块&教学法。希望能够走出一条行之有效,易于掌握的写作教学模式之路,以促进大学生英语写作能力。
1 预制语块及其分类
语块是真实交际中以高频率出现的大于单词的语言现象,它融合了语法,语义和语境的优势,并且形式较为固定。研究发现,在外语学习者的言语表述中很大一部分就是语块。它们对语言的熟练使用有直接影响,对学习者语言的地道性也起着关键作用。人们在国外目的语环境中学习英语比在国内更快更好,原因就在于他们每天处在英语环境中,能将词语整块储存在记忆中,而且随时运用。这样,从理解到产出语言信息的时间就缩短了,因而可以极大的提高语言使用的正确度和流利性。语块的分类方式可因思考的角度不同而不同。Wray(20o2)强调,语块不是一个整齐划一的语言现象.而是一个复杂的连续体(continuum),Nattinger和Decarrioco (1992)从形式结构方面将其分成以下4类,不过不同类型之间并无绝对的界限,可能存在部分重叠现象。
综上所述,语块作为储存和输出的理想单位,提高了文章的可读性和美感。经过预制语块的训练,在写作时学生可以根据想要表达的信息.从大脑储存的词汇库中调出一些预制语块,经过细微的加工就可以组成笔记符合语法的句子。并使它们变成流利的语言来填补我们概念上的某些空白。语块是真实交际中以高频率出现的大于单词的语言现象,它融合了语法,语义和语境的优势,且形式较为固定。语块教学法提倡在英语学习中注意记忆和积累大量语块,这不仅能增强大学生学习英语的成就感。使他们的语言输出更流利,更准确,更地道,更得体,而且能极大提高语言输入& & 听和读的信息处理效率,从而提高语言信息处理的自动化程度。以下是关于如何以预制语块为核心促进写作教学的探讨,希望能为从事英语写作教学的同行提供一些启发。
2 过程写作法
过程写作法(Process Writing Approach)是近年来受交际语言教学思想影响流行于西方教育系统(从中小学母语写作到高等院校第二语言)写作课程的一种教学法。过程写作法认为,写作是一个循环式的心理认知过程.思维创作过程和社会交互过程,写作者通过写作过程的一系列认知活动,交互活动,提高其认知力,交互能力和书面表达能力。过程写作法倡导写前准备,初稿。反馈,修改及重写五个阶段。教师强调所有写作的阶段,特别是反馈和评改阶段。他们认为写作不是一个产品而是一种复杂的循环交互的过程。因此,让学生认识到写作是一种循环的过程,每个人的写作过程又有所不同,学生写作时就不会有太多压力,而更加愿意去实验、探索和修改。教师不再是垄断者和语言裁判,而是课堂教学中的组织者,协调者和信息提供者。学生与教师,学生与同学之间形成了一种轻松愉快的合作关系,学生不再惧怕写作,而是积极投入到写作过程的各个阶段,从而发挥了他们的主观能动性。
3 教学设计的理论
根据语言信息加工理论.外语学习可分为5个阶段:输入(input)、注意(attention)、分析(analysis)、记忆(memorization)和输出(output)。在输入过程中。教学材料的选择是关键,许多学生在课堂里学到的语言结构和词组,在英语母语者的话语中从未出现或很少出现。因此。提供给学生的教学材料应尽量是本族语者编写的语言材料,如&How do you think this problem?&显然没有&Whatdo you tllink of this problem?地道。此外,现阶段的语料库能让学习者获得真实地道的第一手高频语块资料。
4 教学策略
第二阶段,即过程写作法阶段。(1)布置作文题。教师布置作文题(以My Campus为例)提醒学生注意收集相关语块,并告诉学生要求写三稿,一周后交终稿。(2)查阅并讨论。要求学生查找并阅读两篇自己喜爱的与Campus有关的文章,文章可来源于网络,英文报纸杂志或课文等。要求学生找出其中的语块并列出来与组内成员(4&5人)分享且讨论。(3)作文初稿。要求学生在课后完成初稿(字数不少于150)。(4)学生互评互改。课堂上要求学生在组内互改互评第一稿,找出其他组员作文中的语块并记录下来。(5)第二稿。课后要求学生写第二稿。第二稿中尽量使用上一步骤中记录下来的语块。(6)教师修改意见。教师对学生写的第二稿的内容,用词,语法和结构等,尤其是语块使用的数量和多样性方面给出评语和修改意见,但暂不评分。(7)第三稿。学生根据老师给出的评语和修改意见修改自己的第二稿,并完成最后一稿。(8)教师评阅。教师给终稿进行评分,并列出优秀作文中的典型的语块,以帮助学生巩固并拓展相关的语块。总而言之,写作过程中要紧扣对语块的识别,收集,注意,吸收和应用的各个环节。在整个写作过程中,学生对语块接触的越多,注意的越多,记得越多,讨论的越多,就越能充分并恰当地应用语块,使其习作中的语言表达更加地道恰当,更加丰富流畅。
版权所有 & . All Rights Reserved.很短的,大家看看,有没有语法和词汇的错误。  Now more and more people join in purchasing digital cameras. As a new technology, digital product has its merit.  Firstly, it is easy to use, and anyone can become an expert behind this kind of machine. Secondly, its performance is in the leading position. Its capacity is few times as large as traditional camera. Thirdly, as traditional film cameras, it is danger to get film outside in daylight, and a dark studio and special liquid medicine is necessary. But digital image can be taken out easily through a computer in a few minutes.  But any new technology has its dark side. Many photographers still use film camera in their work. Because they think that traditional camera can prevent their works from skew. On the other hand, this new technology introduces a false technology into our life. For example modified photo has been used in a scandal sheet, and a fat boy became famous on international Net, only because his photo has been modified into several decades for fun.                International net has been a common thing in the Information Age. Nearly all kinds of walk of life can’t work without international net. It brings us chance and fortune.  On the one side, we can easily get information from net, and we can get the data from each other as soon as we can. But decade years ago, it is out of the question.  On the other side, the information explosion has left many people more confused than ever before as they attempt to keep up with the constant bombardment of facts, statistics news, etc. Now more and more young man were involved in the on line game, especially Massively Multiplayer online Role-Playing Games. Finally, recently, revelation of fraud and fakery in China’s colleges was exposed to us. All of that tell us international net give us more trouble than convenience.  From these things, we can say that any new technology has its dark side.            
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  First...Second...and Finally 更好一点     technology has its dark side &-- drawbacks
  好建议,多谢  另请其他高手指点
  International net &- Internet
      Good work overall, you should use GOOGLE to check the use of words. Good Luck
  善!  水平差我也感谢你  大家继续提意见啊
  few times as large as ,danger--difficult,its dark side--disadvantages,this kind of machine---it,all kinds of walk of life---all walks of life ,than ever before as they   总之我觉得写的太中国式了。好多话看起来不正宗,呵呵。  
  international net 改成internet. it is danger to get film outside in daylight, and a dark studio and special liquid medicine is necessary这话很别扭需要组织下。后面是否用are needed。danger 我看错了不要改
  索性改着玩,哈哈。MERIT可数吗有复数吗?skew什么意思prevent their works from skew没有看懂为什么不用ING
  (Now)_&Nowadays more and more people (join in)--&(are)/(are into)(&are into=are into the fad of&) purchasing digital cameras. As a new technology, digital product has its merit.    Firstly (*), it is easy to use, and anyone can become an expert behind this kind of machine. Secondly, (its performance is in the leading position.)--&???What do you mean by this? (Write it out in Chinese and we will try to find an English sentence for it.)   {Its capacity is few times (as large as)--&(larger than) traditional camera.}--&This is unclear as &capacity is undefined. What kind of &capacity& ? (Capacity is the ability to hold or contain.) My guess is you want to say &Its capability is much more than traditional cameras.&    (* Personally, I prefer &first, second...&
There is some controversy, even between English speaking writing stylists, on the merits of firs vs. firstly. Read, e.g./dispbbs.asp?boardID=11&ID=9393
  Thirdly, as traditional film cameras, it is danger to get film outside in daylight, and a dark studio and special liquid (medicine)(NO. You are translating! This is where &Chinglish comes from.&) is necessary. --& Third, a traditional film camera suffers the drawback of accidental exposure of its film to sunlight, and special chemicals are needed to develop the film in a darkened studio.  
  But any new technology has its dark side--& I think it is too dramatic to call it a &dark& side. A &dark& side is a sinister, destructive or evil side. You are talking more about a drawback, or a down side (==&drawback, down side, flip side, negative side, minus side...take your pick)   Many photographers still use film camera in their work. Because they think that traditional camera can prevent their works (from skew.)==???? (from going/becoming askew. But that still does not make much sense to me.)  ( On the other hand,)--&What's the &on the one hand& for this?) In this case, since you have just talked about a negative side, you should use &Moreover& this new technology introduces a false technology into our life. For example (modified)--&(doctored) (photo has)--&(photos have) been used in a scandal sheet, and a fat boy became famous on (international Net)--&(the Internet), only because his photo has been (modified)--&(doctored) into (several decades)=???(&several decades&=数十年)=? for fun.  
  (its performance is in the leading position.)--&???  这句说这种相机的性能好
  only because his photo has been modified into several decades for fun.  原句是说小胖的照片被人改成几十种不同的样子,只是为了好玩。
  only because his photo has been modified into several decades for fun.  原句是说小胖的照片被人改成几十种不同的样子,只是为了好玩。
  感谢雨大虾出手相救  二少表吓我,虽然我六级过了4年了,现在是退化,但是我也知道六级的水平,除非在高峰期,否则真的是改着玩了。但同样感谢二少的帮助。
  这句说这种相机的性能好--& has many good features and performs well./possesses many good features and has a superb performance.    胖的照片被人改成几十种不同的样子,只是为了好玩。--& just for having fun, the original video has been modified/recast/recut into scores of different versions      International net has been a common thing in the Information Age.--&The Internet has become (an ordinary)/(a readily available) commodity in the Information Age.     Nearly all kinds of walk of life can’t work without international net.--&Nearly everyone from all walks of life cannot work without the Internet.   It brings us chance and fortune.==&It bring us opportunity and fortune.      On (the one side)--&(one hand), we can easily get information from (net)--&the Internet, and we can get the data from each other as soon as we can (. But)--&when decade years ago, it (is)-&(was) out of the question.    On the other (side)-&hand, the information explosion has left many people more confused than ever before as they attempt to keep up with the constant bombardment of facts, statistics, news, etc. Now more and more young man were involved in (the) on line gameS, especially (Massively)=??? Multiplayer online Role-Playing Games. (Give example)--& (...games, such as Warcraft.) Finally, recently, revelation of fraud and (fakery)--&(cheating) in China’s colleges was exposed to us. (You need to spell out exactly how that is connected to the Internet)--&Finally, it is revealed recently that Chinese college students have been using the Internet to commit fraud and cheating.     All of that tellS (I am considering &all& as a whole) us (international net give)--&(that the Internet gives) us more trouble than convenience.     From these things, we can say that any new technology has its dark side.  
  很多用词的感觉都有点怪怪的    但是说不出来    with the last tech, this digital product has its own advantages.
(不用this 感觉看到这里 不知道你想说的是数码技术,还是数码相机)  merit这个词很怪 不知道读文学的是不是会用到 我是没用过    另外 如果是用做report的话 尽量把你想表达的意思放在句子首位  convenience for photographers    如果是平常对话的话 不必考虑我的用法  
  非常感谢雨大霞,真是手把手啊  中国人学英语真是痛苦啊
  回orcprophet  这是上课用来交流的小短文,可以口语化一些  好久不写了,确实会比较怪.
    有可能是阅读量太小 没有语感  最好用自己认识的 或者经常看到的词语  如果不能要到自己认识的词语,需要看字典,那就用用同义词典比较一下 不同词语以及用法,一般小词典的话 会有5-6个同类词语 以及例句。    语序的话 只能靠看书了 只是种感觉
  作者:ayurveda 回复日期: 14:39:40 
   ...  中国人学英语真是痛苦啊  ===================  其实学英语并不难。 学得好是比较难。我中学会考时 (香港英文中学会考) 分数是分:Fail, pass, credit, distinction. (那是数十年前的grading system.) 我们学里 A, B,两班 60多人,只有两人 fail English. (English paper consists of Composition, precise, translation and English literature.) 我只是 pass.同学中拿 credit, distinction 的大有其人。 ~1/3 人到去了美国,加拿大,英国及澳洲读大学。 ~1/3 入了HKU (香港英文大学。) 那时我们没有什么 “新概念”,没有什么 必背200句,必背作文饭桶文。 英文还是学得头头是道。  
反之,数十年后之今日,甚么 必背,精华,李某天书900句, 新概念全背秘法,名师,大师满街到是,学习论坛你抄我抄,甚么秘诀,天书,写作绝招下载。最易的生财之道,就是开个学习及下载网站,卖些广告找外快。 资料不用自己写,到网上抄来可也(还可加上自己的名字。谁人来告我?)(也可把集编为书,小捞一笔)   学生每天钻研语法,句子分析,结果如何?结果是小部份人英语学得很好,大部份人整天在痛苦。      
  赣州经济开发区是江西省省级开发区,辖2个镇1个街道办事处,区域面积119平方公里,人口15万.全区经济以发展工业,特别是高新技术产业为主,同时发展与之相配套的旅游业、商贸流通等服务业。     赣州经济开发区位于赣州市中心城区的西南部,交通便捷,设施配套,较好地满足了经济发展、成果转化、科技创新与人民生活的要求,具备对各种资源和要素的强劲吸引力。高校园区初具规模,集聚了江西理工大学、赣南师范学院、江西应用技术学院等高等院校和赣州卫生学校、赣南文艺学校等多所中专学校,在校大学生目前达2.5万人,可为企业培养素质较高的管理、研发人才及高级技术人员。     赣州经济技术开发区已形成制鞋、新材料、机械制造、生物制药和食品等主导产业。2005年全区实现生产总值9亿元,同比增长55%,工业总产值30亿元,同比增长56%,已成为赣州改革开放的先行区,工业发展的重要基地。  
  雨横山....怎么是香港人吗?  看出来了是个高手。  希望能跟你学到更多的东西。~~


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