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本类热门课件2015年仁爱版七年级下册英语教学计划舍得乡中学校(中学部)谢成基 聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。我准备了仁爱版七年级英语上册教学计划,希望能帮助我的英语教学生活。一、教材分析初中英语第一册(下)主要介绍了日常生活的交际用语以及一些西方国家的文化背景和风俗习惯,教材通俗易懂,旨在使初一级学生基本能用英语进行简单的交流。这套教材采用任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。与原教材相比还增加了文化背景和学习策略等部分,并增加了任务型学习成份和语篇的输入。本书每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功能项目与语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A和B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。这套教材是基于城市学生的状况编写的,对于我们农村学生来说,由于小学基础不好,到初中以后学起来的确有些吃力,光是一千多个单词就吓退了不少学生学习英语的兴趣。但我们还必须知难而上,为了提高农村的英语教学成绩而努力。指导学生通过活动把它们有机地联系起来,从而完成了知识迁移过程。常用的训练活动有以下几项:(1)Daily report:值日生介绍自己、家庭成员或朋友的情况,其它学生可互相提问题,询问个人职业。(2)Play a guessing game:用问题“what does he do?”引入任务,让学生猜测多媒体课件中人物的职业,以此激发学生的学习兴趣,并训练学生的发散思维能力。(3)Ask the way :创设问路情景,根据实际情况 telling the way,eg, I want to go the hospital 完成对话活动。(4)See the doctor、go shopping等:学生可扮演角色,进行对话。(5)Have a discussion :学生分小组讨论(6)What do you want to be when you grow up?通过训练把课内的语言学习与课外的语言活动结合起来,改变了过去老师一言堂的模式,变学生为主体,课堂主要是提供了一个学生获取知识的平台。学生在活动中主动地获取知识。一、教学理念1 遵循教学课标,认真备教材备学生,上好每一节课,向45分钟要质量。2、要面向全体学生,关爱每个学生,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养自主学习的能力。3、设计教师的整体教学目标,目标设计以学生的学习技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础;同时尊重个体差异,体现每个学生的主体意识,帮助学生制定小目标;4、采用任务型教学模式,让学生在老师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功,给每个学生带来喜悦;5、注重过程评价,促进学生能力发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。给学生充分的信心和支持,使他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体会到轻松和成功的快乐,让学生在快乐中学习,让英语的工具功能得到充分体现;6、重视学生的思想品质教育,体现教育培养全面合格人才的方针政策二,学情分析我所教的本届七年级105和106两班基础很差,由于顶岗教师对英语课并未受到足够的重视,学生在写的技能方面基本上没有得到过训练,连音标没讲过,甚至有一半的学生的拼读都没有掌握好。开学一周了,经过我和学生的不懈努力,并对学生思想教育,学习态度也有所好转。部分学生有了主动学习的动力,但是整体的惰性还是很强,我要积极主动的帮助他们重新建立学习兴趣。另外,学生在学习策略方面还存在很多需要进一步体会掌握的地方。很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识,不愿和其他学生交流,不能共同完成学习任务;大多数同学不能做好课前预习和课后复习,学习没有计划性,完全在老师的指挥棒之下学习,没能力做到总结语言规律和知识的巩固、积累。这些都是我和学生要长期作战艰苦努力才能解决的问题。我会慢慢给学生们信心去完成这些任务的,急是没有用的。让学生们乐于接受我的教学指导,并找到自成体系的办法才是解决问题的关键。三 具体实施方案1.要求学生坚持每单元一篇与所学内容相仿的作文,并及时批阅让学生及时发现不足加以改进;2.每天背诵课文中的文章。要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感,掌握语法知识的应用技巧;利用“组长检查及教师重点抽查”的方法及时检查,并给与及时的表扬。3.坚持周测、月测(可用作业进行)的形成性评价制度,给学生鼓励、表扬,不使用消极的语言打击学生;,4. 对后进生进行专门辅导,布置单独的作业。制定合适的学习评价方法,让他们树立学习的自信;5. 加强对学生学习策略的指导,为他们终身学习奠定基础;6. 要充分利用学校先进的教育技术,使用计算机和多媒体教学设施,探索新的教学模式,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,提教学效果。四 教学进度安排第1周:Unit5 Topic 1 How do you usually come to school? 5 课时第2周: Topic 2 He is running on the playground。5 课时第3周: Topic 3 My school life is very interesting。5课时第4周: Unit 6 Topic1 Is there a computer in your study?5课时 第5周: Topic 2 What kind of home do you live in ?5课时 第6周: Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office?5课时 第7周: Review of Unit5_6 5课时第8周:自测Unit 5_6 5课时第9周:期中考试第10周: Unit7 Topic 1 When is your birthday?5课时 第11周:第12周:第13周:第14周:第15周:第16周:第17周:第18周:Topic 2 Can you dance or draw?5课时 We had a wonderful party.5课时 Unit 7 复习测试5课时 Unit 8 Topic1 What’s the weather like in spring?5课时Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.5课时 Topic3 Let’s celebrate! 5课时 总复习 5课时 期末测试,写教学工作总结资讯|备考|互动
2北京中考专业加试时间 5月4日至5日3北京中考体育现场考试 5月1日至5月20日4北京中考文化课考试 6月24日至26日5北京中考成绩查询时间 7月4日6北京中考录取时间 7月9日文档分类:
淘豆网网友近日为您收集整理了关于【荐】2015年仁爱版英语七年级下册全册教案(详细)的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:【荐】2015年仁爱版英语七年级下册全册教案(详细) 12014-----2015 学年度第二学期教学备课本学科: ______________年级:_______________校名:________________教师:________________2完成 unit 5,Topic1 的教学任务。用1 课时评讲上学期期末试卷,强调本学期学习的任务,注意事项,作业的要求等.激励学生养成良好的学和课作业习惯,要相信自己!Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 How do you e to school?Section ASection A needs 1 period.The main activities are 1a and 2a.Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求1.(1) Learn some means of transportation:by bike, by subway, by bus, on foot, by plane, by car, by train, by ship, by boat(2) Learn other new (来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])words and phrases:gate, the same to, come on, go to school, Ms., grandmother, group2. Learn adverbs of frequency:often, usually, always3. Review the present simple tense.—Do you e to school by bike?—Yes. I do./No, I don’t.4. Talk about how to go to school.—How do you e to school?—I e to school by subway./I e to school by bus.Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具录音机/交通工具的模型/图片Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:5 分钟)复习日常用语并呈现 1a 内容。1. (师生互相问好, 复习(来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])学过的问候语。)T: Good morning, everyone!Ss: Good morning, madam/sir!T: e back to school, boys and girls. Happy New Year!教师帮助学生回答。)Ss: Happy New Year!T: We can also say, “The same to you!”(自然引入“The same to you!”并练习强化。)(板书)Happy New Year! 新年好!The same to you! 你也一样。(新年好!)Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10 分钟)学习 1a,完成 1b。1. (用事先准备好的模型、教学图片或简笔画给学生展示 bike,由此导入本课重点:交通方式。如下图。)2. (用同样的方式教学其他交通工具,并板书相关词组。)by bike, by car, on foot, by subway, by bus, by ship, by boat, (来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])by plane, by train(1)(熟读板书的词组。)(2)(用上面的简笔画和词组,让学生看 1b 的图片并模仿例句造句:)Example:T: e to school by bus.S1: e to school by bike.S2 : I go to school on foot.(完成 1b,板书 go to school。)go to school(3)(询问两名学生上学所使用的交通方式, 用 usually, always 和 often 作替换练习, 并示范汇报结果。)T: I e to school by bike. Do you e to school by bike?S3: Yes, I do.T: S4, do you e to school by bus?S4: No, I don’t. I e to school on foot.bike car foot subwaybus ship boat plane train3T: …T: Good. S3 es t(来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])o school by bike. S4 es to school on foot. S5 es to school by bus … OK. Workin groups of three to practice like that.(板书画线部分)Do you e to school by bike?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.usually, often, always2. (呈现 1a 并学习对交通方式的提问。)(1)(让学生听 1a 的录音, 回答下列问题。)(板书)(1)Where do Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet?(2)How does Helen e to school?(3)How does Jane e to school?T: Now, let’s listen to the tape and find out the answers to these questions. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T(来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html]): OK, let’s begin.(播放录音。)(2)(核对答案, 提取重点句型。)T: Who can answer the first question?S1: I can. They meet at the school gate.T: Well done. What about the answer to Question 2?S2: Helen es to school by subway.T: Good. Next question?S3: Jane es to school by bus.T: Good job.(在问题 2 后板书画线部分并做相应的讲解操练。)(板书)Helen es to school by subway.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:5 分钟)巩固 1a,完成 1c。1. (再播放 1a 的录音,跟读并模仿语音和语调。)T: Listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to (来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])your pronunciation and intonation.2. (人机对话,即学生和录音机对话,提高学生兴趣。)T: Now, suppose you are Helen and Jane. Listen to the tape, and make a dialog with Kangkang. Are you clear?3. (完成 1c, 让学生三人一组, 练习 1a 的对话。要求他们仿照 1a 与同伴编类似的对话。)T: Now, boys and girls, please practice 1a in groups of three and make similar dialogs with your partners. Then I will ask somegroups to act them out.4. (选几组表演他们的成果。)T: Which group can act your dialog out?G1: We can. (表演对话。)T: Wonderf(来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])ul! Anyone else?G2: We can. (表演对话。)…(对学生的表演进行点评,并适当鼓励,必要时纠正学生对话中存在的错误。)Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:10 分钟)完成 2a 和 2b。1. (让学生将 2a 中与图片相对应的短语代码填入圆圈中。)T: Just now we talked about the means of transportation. Now let’s look at the pictures in 2a. Then match the pictures with thecorresponding phrases. Do you understand?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Good. Let’s begin!2. (核对答案。)3. (让学生听录音, 完成 2b。掌握生词 Ms.和 grandmother。)T: Next, we will have a listening practice. Let’s find(来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html]) out how e to school e to work. Do you understand?Ss: Yes, we do.(播放录音,并核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:15 分钟)用表达交通工具的名词和频度副词进行实践调查, 完成 3。1. (使用多媒体课件、flash 动画或简笔画, 让学生展开想象, 任意造句子, 要求用上交通工具的表达用语和频度副词。)T: Let’s look at the pictures. I’m sure you are interested in these lovely pictures. Please make sentences as you like, and don’t forgetto use these means of transportation and adverbs of frequency. Are you ready? Go!42. (让学生分组做一个关于 how e to school 的调(来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])查报告并完成 3。调查时,强调用“How do you e to school?”和“I e to school…”句型,掌握生词 group。)T: Please report your results to your classmates.S1: In our group, three e to school by bike…S2: In our group …S3: ……(学习汇总完成 3。)3. (家庭作业。)(1)(让学生到社会上做调查,看人们都使用哪些交通工具,哪种交通工具使用多,哪种交通工具使用少,为什么?并根据自己的调查结果模仿 3 做一个表格。)(2)(预习 Section B, 注意其中的频度副词。)Ⅳ.疑点探究本课我们学习了介词 by 表示“用,靠;通过,借助于(方式、手段)”时的用法。如:by car, by plane, by ship 等。用来表示交通方式的介词还有 in 和 on。如:in a car, on a bus 等。此时交通工具前要加限定词。但 on f(来源:淘豆网[/p-7605280.html])oot 意为“步行;走”。foot 前不需任何限定词,foot 也不能用复数。(建议:教师可在总结课上或练习课上补充。)Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B 需用 1 课时。The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:weekday, early, bird, catch, walk, ride, park, do (one’s) homework, watch TV, television2. (1)Go on learning adverbs of frequency:seldom, never, sometimes(2)Review the present simple tense.I always get up at about six o’clock.Li Xiang es to school by bike.3. Go on learning adverbs of frequency and means of transportation in different expressions.(1) I seldom walk to school.I never go to school by subway.(2) —How does Maria go home?—She sometimes goes home by subway. / She sometimes takes the subway home.4. Encourage the students to be diligent.The early bird catches the worm.Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具录音机/图片Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:8 分钟)用链式发问的形式复习交通方式的表达用语及相关句型导出 1a,呈现并学习 1b。1. (链式发问。每竖排第一个学生问其后第二个学生一个有关交通方式的问题, 第二个学生回答并接着问第三个学生……以此类推。每组 2 分钟时间。问题是:How do you usually go to school?/ Do you often go to school by bus/car…?)Example:S1: How do you usually go to school?S2: I usually go to school by bike. How do you usually go to school?S3: I usually go to school by bus. Do you often go to school by car?S4: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.…2. (根据第 1 环节的实际情况, 老师总结并导出对话 1a 的语言功能目标, 为下一步过渡做铺垫。)T: Good. Now I know some of e to school by bike, and e to school by bus… I e to school on foot. Butsometimes e to school by bike. I e to school by bus. But my father always goes to work by subway. He seldom goesto work by train.3. (板书并讲解以下频度副词。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:5分钟)呈现 1a。1. (通过了解学生的起床时间, 引出谚语 The early bird catches the worm。让学生猜测这句谚语的意思。)T: OK, boys and girls, what time do you usually get up?S1: I usually get up at half past six.S2: …T: Yes, we should go to bed early and get up early. As the saying goes, “The early bird catches the worm.” Who knows the5meaning of this sentence?(让学生猜测,教师板书并加以讲解,并教导学生们在学习和生活中都应该勤奋、努力。)The early bird catches the worm.2. (根据 1a 的主要信息, 设置听力任务, 让学生带着任务听 1a 的录音, 可以提高兴趣、降低难度。)T: Listen to 1a and find out the answers to these questions on the blackboard.(板书问题及生词。)weekday, early, bird, catch, walk, seldom, never(1) What time does Michael get up on weekdays?(2) How does Michael usually go to school?(3) Does Sally often go to school by subway?(4) Who always takes a bus to school?3. (让学生再听一遍 1a 的录音并核对答案。)(Keys to the questions)(1)He gets up at about six o’clock.(2)He usually goes to school on foot.(3)No, she doesn’t.(4)Sally always takes a bus to school.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:5 分钟)巩固 1a 和 1b 的内容。1. (放 1a 的录音, 让学生跟读并模仿语音和语调)T: Follow the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Ready? Go!2. (人机对话,提高学生的兴趣。)T: OK. Suppose you are Michael and Sally. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with Helen.3. (让学生分角色表演 1a,小组之间进行比赛)T: Good! Now let’s work in groups and act out 1a. Then we’ll choose the best one.Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:15 分钟)呈现 2a 的图片,呈现同义替换,完成 2b 和 3。1. (1)(呈现 2a 的图片, 通过师生互动, 让学生进一步了解和巩固语言知识。)T: Look at the first picture. How does Maria go home?Ss: She goes home by subway.T: Yes, we can also say: she takes the subway home.(同样的,通过谈论第 2、3、4 幅图,可以得到以下几个句子。)Li es to school by bike./Li Xiang rides a bike to school.We go to the park on foot./We walk to the park.They go to the zoo by bus./They take a bus to the zoo.(呈现同义替换,加强对交通工具表达方式的灵活运用。总结并板书。)by subway — take the subway by bike — ride a bikeon foot — walk by bus — take a busby car — take a car by plane — fly(2)(让学生听 2a 录音并跟读)T: Follow the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation.(3)(引导学生归纳总结 1a 和 2a 中频度副词的用法,并进行操练。)T: Find out the sentences with the adverbs of frequency, pay attention to their usage and then make sentences.2. (让学生完成 2b。)T: Now, talk about the pictures in 2a with your partner.Example:S1: How does Maria go home?S2: She sometimes goes home by subway./She sometimes takes the subway home.3. (播放 3 的录音, 让学生独立完成 3 并核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动1. (利用所学频度副词进行实践活动。)(1)(让学生用 How often do you …的句型,调查自己的同伴或邻近的学生, 根据调查结果, 写一段话, 尽量使用频度副词。)T: Now, look at the table. Please survey your partners or your neighbors using “How often do you…?” You plete thetable with adverbs of frequency. At last, write a short passage according to the form. You can begin like this: Li Ming sometimes goesshopping …(表格如下。)ActivityName go shoppingwatch TV in theeveningwalk after supper get up earlyLi Ming sometimes seldom often always6(2)(让几名学生汇报他们的调查结果。)2 (家庭作业。)(让学生用 Section A 和 Section B 中学过的重点句型写一篇五句话左右的有关自己出行方式的小短文。学生们如果有兴趣, 可以课外收集中外谚语或名人名言。培养他们的自主学习能力和自我建构能力。)Ⅳ.疑点探究1. 动词和介词短语表达交通方式的不同。如:He walks to school. = He goes to school on foot.但不能说 He on foot to school,即介词短语不能作谓语。2. 频度副词 never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always 等在句中的位置, 一般位于行为动词之前, 系动词、助动词或情态动词之后。Section CSection C needs 1 period. Section C 需用 1 课时。The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是 1a, 2 和 3。Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求1. (1) Learn other words of frequency:once, twice(2) Learn other new words and phrases:life, American, or, few, have lunch, at school, day, have a rest, play, basketball, football, go swimming, and so on, ball, more, talk,game, listen to, music, read, library, must, first, week, every2. Learn how to express frequency.How often do you go to the library?Once/Twice/Three times a week./Very often./Every day./Seldom …3. Talk about the daily activities.play er, play basketball, read books, go swimming, go fishing, listen to music, watch TV, do one’s homework, go to the park,meet friends, cook, go to the zoo4. Learn about the differences of the school life between American students and Chinese students.Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具录音机/图片Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:7 分钟)复习交通方式表达用语、频度副词并呈现 1a。1. (热身活动。与学生一起唱 Section B 4 中的 Let’s chant。让全班学生边唱边用双手打节拍。)T: Please turn to page 4, and let’s chant. Ready?Ss: Yes.2. (检查家庭作业,然后请几个同学朗读他们写的小短文。)T: Please show me your homework. Then I will ask several students to read their passages.T: Who wants to read it out?S1: …T: Anyone else?S2: …3. (方案一:用问答的形式, 复习交通方式的表达用语。要求学生尽量采用两种不同的表达方式。)Example:T: S3, how do you usually go to school?S3: I usually walk to school./I usually go to school on foot.T: How do you usually go to school, S4?S4: I usually ride my bike to school./I usually go to school by bike.T: How does S4 usually go to school?S5: He/She usually goes to school by bike./He/She usually rides his/her bike to school.T: …(方案二:让学生在小组里进行链式对话, 复习交通工具的表达用语。)S6: How do you often go to school?S7: I often walk to school. What about you?S8: I often take the subway to school. How do you usually go to school?S9: …4. (引导学生复习学过的频度副词 seldom, often, always, sometimes, never, usually, 并由此引出本课的新词组 how often 和两个新的频度副词 once, twice。)T: I always go to the library after school. Mr. Zhang doesn’t go to the library every day. He goes there once/twice a week.(板书画线部分, 学习新词 once 和 twice。)once/twice a weekT: How often do you go to the library? (学习 how often。尽可能帮助学生回答。)7Ss: …(板书画线部分, 重点讲解 how often 的用法。)how oftenStep 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10 分钟)呈现并学习 1a。1. (从谈论学校生活开始导入 1a,呈现新单词、短语和关键词,提示词义并板书。)T: Boys and girls, do you like our school life?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Then do you know about the school life of American students?Ss: No, we don’t.T: Today we will learn about it together. OK?Ss: Yes.T: First, look at the blackboard, and let’s learn some new words and phrases.(板书)school life, American, or, few, have lunch, at school, day, eat out, have a short rest, be over, in their freetime, play basketball, er, go swimming, ball games2. (让学生仔细阅读 1a 的对话,然后回答 1b 的五个问题。)(1)Let the students read 1a carefully, and then answer the questions in 1b.(2)Check the answers.(板书答案。)1. They usually walk to school or take a yellow school bus.2. At school.3. At about 3 o’clock.4. They often play basketball or er, go swimming and so on.5. Four times a year.3. (播放 1a 的录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音和语调。)T: Now, let’s follow the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.4. (人机对话。)T: Suppose you are Michael. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with the interviewer.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:13 分钟)表演并巩固 1a。完成 1c。1. (让学生看黑板上呈现的关键词,两人一组表演 1a。)T: OK. Close your books. Look at the key words on the blackboard and act 1a out with your partner.2. (让学生根据 1a 和 1b,写一篇关于美国学生学校生活的文章,完成 1c。)3. (谈论中国学生的学校生活,可以根据 1b 的五个问题来展开。)T: Now let’s talk about the school life of Chinese students. You can discuss it according to the questions in 1b.Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:10 分钟)运用图片练习 2 和 3。1. (出示一张 Hai Qing 在踢球的照片。向学生介绍另外三幅图片, 引出新的动词短语, 并板书。)play er go swimmingplay basketball go fishinglisten to music do his homeworkwatch TV go to the parkT: I usually read books after school. What do you usually do after school, S1?S1: I usually play er.T: Look at this picture. What does Hai Qing usually do after school?S1: He usually plays er, but he doesn’t play basketball.(采用同样的方法继续操练,完成 2。)2. (让学生利用 2 中的图片,运用 How often 及频度短语或副词进行问答)如:T: Look at the first picture. How often does Hai Qing play er?Ss: Usually.(用同样的方法操练完成 2,然后操练 3 中的句型,并教学 Work e first, library 和 read。)(板书)Work e first.library, read3. (用链式对话的方式, 进行 3 的内容。)T: Now, let’s use the words and phrases in the box of 3 and do a chain work like this.Example:S2: Do you often …?S3: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.S2: How often do you …?S3: Once/Twice/Three times a week./Very often./Every day./Seldom … Do you often …?8S4: ……(老师在学生熟练地操练完成后总结 how often 的用法,并板书可用于回答它的词或短语。)once/twice/three times a weekevery day/week/month …never/seldom/sometimes/often/usually/alwaysStep 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟)进行采访, 做调查报告, 了解中美学生学校生活差异。1. (让学生做调查报告, 并向全班汇报。)T: Survey your classmates and fill out the form. Then report it to the class.Example:A: How often do you watch TV?B: Once a week.…ActivityNamewatch TVin the eveningwalk putergameshelpyour parentsplaybasketballLi Ming once a weekYou can report like this:Li Ming watches TV in the evening once a week …2. (让学生讨论中美学生学校生活的差异。)(把全班学生分成四组, 讨论中美学生学校生活的差异, 每组由一名学生进行归纳总结。然后每组推荐出一名小记者, 向全班学生汇报, 其他学生做记录。)T: The whole class talk about the differences in the school life between American students and Chinese students. Then write themdown and report to the class.Example:In America, students walk or take a yellow school bus. In China, students…3. (家庭作业。)(1)(收集有关美国学生学校生活的相关信息,并记录下来。)(2)(归纳所学过的频度副词和短语。)Section DSection D needs 1 period. Section D 需用 1 课时。The main activities are 1 and 2. 本课重点活动是 1 和 2。Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn the vowels: /(/, /( /2. Learn some new words and phrases:begin, have classes, while, go to bed3. Sum up the useful expressions in this topic.(1)Happy New year! The same to you!(2)The early bird catches the worm.(3)Nice talking to you.(4)Work e first!(5)She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.4. Review and sum up the grammars.(1) Review words and phrases of frequency.never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always, once/twice/three times a week(2) Sum up the present simple tense.①Do you e to school by bike? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.②I e to school by subway.③I seldom walk to school.④I never go to school by subway.⑤They always take a bus to the zoo.⑥How does Maria go home? She sometimes takes the subway home.⑦How often do they have ball games? Four times a year.⑧He usually plays er, but he doesn’t play basketball.Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具录音机/音标卡片Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:7 分钟)复习节日问候语、谚语,复习 Section C,完成 4b 和 5。1. (用生日歌的旋律唱 Happy New Year 导入本课, 可以活跃课堂气氛, 又为下一步进行 4b 做准备。)9T: Let’s sing the song Happy New Year together.T & Ss: Happy New Year to you!Happy New Year to you!Happy New Year! The same to you!Happy New Year to you!2. (学习 4b, 归纳本话题中有用的表达方式。)(1)(通过上面的歌曲, 巩固下面的表达方式。)(板书)Happy New Year!The same to you!(2)(呈现 The early bird catches the worm.和 Work e first!并翻译成汉语, 勉励学生勤奋学习。)T: In this topic, we have learnt two useful expressions. They tell us we must work hard and can’t waste our time. Do you stillremember them?Ss: Yes. One is “The early bird catches the worm.” and the other is “Work e first!”T: So you must study hard every day.(板书)The early bird catches the worm.捷足先登/早起的鸟儿有虫吃。Work e first!工作第一!3. (让学生听 4b 录音,并大声跟读。)T: Well, let’s listen to 4b. Follow it loudly.4. (检查家庭作业,完成 5。)T: Boys and girls, have you finished your homework?Ss: …T: Good! In the last lesson, we learnt about the school life of American students. Today let’s survey your classmates about theschool life. Fill out the form in 5 with your survey results. pare the school life of American students with yours and write apassage. You may begin like this:The school life of American students is different from ours… OK, let’s begin!Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:5 分钟)呈现 21. (复习一般现在时,引出 2。)(让学生看图片,完成书中的表格。)T: Boys and girls. Look at the pictures in the passage. What does Jane usually do at 6:20 a.m.?Ss: She usually gets up at 6:20 a.m.T: What does she do at half past seven?Ss: She goes to school.…(教师边问边引导学生完成部分表格。)2. (让学生听录音完成剩余表格。)T: Good! Let’s listen to 2 and fill in the rest blanks. Ready?Ss: Yes.T: OK, let’s begin.(播放 2 的录音。)3. (核对答案)T: Now, let’s check the answers. Who wants to share the answers with us?S1: Let me try …T: Very good. Next one?S2: ……4. (让学生仔细阅读 2,找到新单词并猜测其词义。)板书begin, have classes, while, go to bedT: Wonderful! Now let’s read this passage carefully and guess the meaning of the words.…(点评并纠正学生在理解上的错误。)5. (让学生依据 2 中的表格复述短文。)T: Now, let’s look at the table and retell this passage. Any volunteers?S3: Let me try …T: Great! Anyone else?…Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:16 分钟)10巩固 2,完成 4a 和 3。1. (让学生再次阅读 2,快速找出含有交通方式和频率副词的句子。)T: OK. Now read 2 quickly again, and underline the means of transportation and adverbs of frequency.…T: Good. Besides these sentences, can you tell me other expressions about frequency and means of transportation?(教师引导学生回答,边说边在黑板右上方板书“never, seldom …”)(板书)FrequencyMeans of transportation:by car take a carby subway take the subwayby bike ride a bikeby bus take a buson foot walkby plane fly(由此表引导学生朗读 4a,完成 3。)2. (让学生听录音跟读 4a。)3. (学生听录音,完成 3。)T: Well, let’s listen to 3, and fill in the blanks. Ready?Ss: Yes.T: Let’s begin.…4. (核对答案,并将文中的句子转换成另一种交通表达方式。)T: Now, let’s check the answer.Ss: Miss Yang always goes to Wuhan by bus.T: Great! You can also say: Miss Yang always takes a bus to Wuhan.(同样的,引导学生进行 2、3、4、5 句子的替换练习。)Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:7 分钟)用音标卡片学习音标,练习音标,完成 1。1. (让全班学生各持一张卡片,每张卡片上只有教学目标中列出的两个音标中的一个,学习音标。全班动员,人人参与。)T: Everyone has a card. If I read /(/, please raise your card with /(/ and stand up. If I read /(/, please raise your card with /(/ and standup. Do you understand?2. (小组活动。让一名学生读卡片上的音标,其所在小组其他成员均举起相应的音标卡片。)T: Practice in groups. One reads the ic symbols, and others raise cards.3. (让学生听 1 的录音并跟读。)T: Listen to 1, and read after the tape.4. (以小组为单位进行比赛,在限定时间内看哪一组说出含有/(/发音的单词最多。)T: Boys and girls, next we’ll have petition. Let’s work in groups and speak out words which have sound /(/ in given time asmany as possible. At last we’ll decide which group is the winner. Do you understand?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Let’s begin! Be quick!…Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:10 分钟)介绍自己的日常生活, 加强实践活动, 提高英语应用能力。1. (让学生制作表格,介绍自己一天的活动。)T: Make a form about your daily activities.Example:Time Activity6:30 a.m. get up7:00 a.m.7:30 a.m. go to school12:00 a.m.after schoolafter dinner2. (找几名学生介绍他们的活动。)T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes, I am.T: Who wants to share your activities?S1: I want…T: Well done. Anyone else?S2: …播放器加载中,请稍候...
【荐】2015年仁爱版英语七年级下册全册教案(详细) 12014-----2015 学年度第二学期教学备课本学科: ______________年级:_______________校名:________________教师:________________2完成 unit 5,Topic1 的教学任务。用1 课时评讲上学期期末试卷,强调本学期学习的任务,注意事项,作业的要求等.激励学生养成良好的学和课作业习...


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