请以My Home为题,以感恩为题写一篇作文小短文。

以My Hometown为题,写100词的短文_百度作业帮
以My Hometown为题,写100词的短文
Beijing is my hometown and the place where I was born and have been living for twenty-two years.I love Beijing not only for I am leading a happy life in it but also for I am interested in this great city.People in the world like this city.It has classic architectures,delicious foods,wonderful tourist attractions,the enthusiasm of habitants and so on.It is a historic city.Splendid Chinese cultures make it a famous city around the world.The city owns a great deal of historical attractions,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,the Temple of Heaven and the Ming Tombs.Everyone coming from other cities and countries to Beijing will visit these historical sites and relic places in order to have memorable experiences.一篇关于My deam home的英语小短文70词就行_百度作业帮
一篇关于My deam home的英语小短文70词就行
这年代小孩可真懒...而且还打错字,唉,上一个就是,我写了大约200字,话说你还真是没诚意啊,不给分还有错字,上一个还给分了呢算了反正我看的懂...你不愿意凑字我帮你凑...i'd like a house of 200-300square meters,3 floors(2 above ground,1 basement),i kinda hate square rooms but theyre space effecient so most buildings nowadays are like that,i'd want most rooms to be either cylinder or sphere,maybe the shack in the garden can be square.i'd want my house to hold a supercomputer that can do research as i say or serve as a butler,and of course,can talk to me.i'd like a mag-lev bed,and a gene manupulation device,and weapon systems and a shield,that's all.i'd make a mutant rabbit to live with me using the gene manupulation device too.
您可能关注的推广以My home为题写一篇短文_百度作业帮
以My home为题写一篇短文
1)My homeI have a small room of my own. The room is decorated with a lot of posters of teen idols. In front of the window there is a desk and a chair. I spend a lot of time in there on learning. I have a bookshelf in the corner. It's getting heavier month after month, because I like to buy books, some of them I haven't even read yet. And last but not least there is my comfortable bed in which I have spent more than one third of my lifetime. Anyway, I like my room. I prefer staying in it to going outside. 翻译:我的房间我有一间自己的小房间.这个房间被装饰了许多青春偶像的海报.窗前有一张桌子和一张椅子.我花很多在那儿学习.墙角那儿我有一个书橱.它一个月比一个月重,因为我喜欢买书,其中许多我甚至还没读过.最后要说的但却很重要的是我舒服的床,我在上面已经度过生命中超过三分之一的时间了.不管怎样,我喜欢我的房间.我宁可待在房间里也不愿出去.以my hometown为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍你家乡的情况,内容要包括地理位置,著名景点等。_百度知道
以my hometown为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍你家乡的情况,内容要包括地理位置,著名景点等。
介绍你家乡的情况,写一篇英语短文,著名景点,周围的环境。人们的生活习惯等。70词以my hometown为题,内容要包括地理位置
In a word, just as the delicious sea food . The convention of their masters were observed for ages , the people are all what i love. Everybody is living a well-off life both in psychology and physics. My town has subtropical climate what I like most is spring of it, located in south china!, living in house made by wood and earth !满意请采纳
谢谢. People there are warmth, nor cold!, having a lot of rain and watering all plants and animal. It’s a beautiful place with distinct weather of the four seasonsMy hometown is a village in Guangdong province, the air, the trees,walking through the track of farmland , honest and diligent. Neither it’s hot. Many places of interest can be enjoyed at my land
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请以“My home”为题写一篇英语短文
如题,注意运用 on in under 等方位介词
This is my home. There is a small garden in the center of the yard. And there are many beautiful flowers in the garden. But there aren't any trees.
At the back of the yard, there is a nice house. There are three bedrooms , a large living room and a study in it. I love playing computer games in the study. Near the house, there is an appple tree. Some birds are singing in the tree.
On the left of the yard,there is a kitchen and a dining room. Our bathroom is on the right of the yard. Can you see a small car next to the bathroom? That's my father's.
Now my mother iscookingin the kitchen.My father and I are wathcing TV in the living room.
I love my home very much. 用微信扫描二维码分享至好友和朋友圈分享到:
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